#this one is just for the mutuals and followers I’m not spreading discourse around lol
tisorridalamor · 1 month
So. I reblogged a few posts on the Shuro VS Laios discourse on the side of “they both have issues they need to work through” and somehow a bunch of people who don’t follow me were seeing, liking, and reblogging those posts from me specifically (??? Why does that happen some times) and some were… adding to the discourse. One of the additions to the post I saw has been haunting me so I’m gonna make it your 🫵 problem
Basically the take was that Shuro was an idiot and if he really cared about Falin like Laios/Marcille he would have stayed with them instead of wasting time getting his retainers and not taking care of himself properly.
In my opinion it’s an extremely poor take, because Shuro weighed the odds and made an effective decision that’s only weighed down by not telling anyone his plan (though it’s possible he thought others might get in the way). Laios’s plan of hunting/foraging in the dungeon literally only works because they encounter Senshi, who Shuro never met. Without Senshi, guiding them, Laios’s monster knowledge doesn’t translate into cooking/nutrition knowledge, and they don’t get Senshi’s resources like the garden golems or his connections with the orcs. Laios and crew would not have made it back to the dragon with no money, no food, and reduced party size, and Namari and Shuro’s decision to leave the party was a completely logical one.
Instead of following Laios’s genuinely bonkers plan, Shuro got 5 strong fighters, had plenty of money to stock up on provisions, and even after taking the time to do that made it back down to where the red dragon was at almost the same time as Laios’s party that left immediately. That’s an impressive feat! I think saying that he didn’t take Falin’s death seriously is a huge disservice to his character, and the comment about him not taking care of himself is an unfair jab the poster just said cause Dungeon Meshi making a point of it several times. The man is sick with worry, cut him some slack!
Anyway, you don’t have to like Shuro but the discourse around him has been so disingenuous. Laios is smart but not a genius and he got lucky by meeting Senshi. Toshiro got a killer party together that absolutely would have been able to defeat the red dragon and for some reason people act like he’s a moron.
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midgelenny · 3 years
Tagged by @saint-aleksander, thank you!!
1. Why did you choose your url?
i basically read six of crows and fell in love lol. then spent a few months indecisive over whether i’d change my url in honor of the show. probably will change back to inakingdombythesilversea in a bit, idk. but for now, i’m supporting my main mans kaz brekker.
2. Any side blogs?
nope. y’all get me in all my unfiltered glory. i’m sorry.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
first joined tumblr 11 or 12 years ago (!!), but that blog is long gone. I’ve really been actually active for the past 3 or 4 years.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no, but i rely pretty heavily on the queue lol
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
originally became genuinely aware of and interested in fandoms because of ouat, so i guess i’d say that
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it’s kaz brekker. no more explanation required
7. Why did you choose your header?
i really love art and museums. tempted to make an aesthetic tumblr sideblog sometimes
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
a jane austen post i made at the beginning of quarantine as i was slowly losing my mind pacing around my house. didn’t expect it to blow up as much as it did, but it has been lovely to see the general response and emotions to different stages of the pandemic reflected in my notifications :)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
oh gosh i can’t count that, but i love you all!!
10. How many followers do you have?
about 1.3 - 1.4k followers, which is frankly insane since i’m not that consistent of a content creator and i don’t even make gifs, so thank you all so much!
11. How many people do you follow?
around 700? there are probably many inactive blogs from some of the more obscure defunct fandoms i have been interested in lol
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
literally all the time adsflkj
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i check it pretty frequently when i need to distract my brain, but often very quickly, so i wouldn’t consider myself “on” tumblr more than once or twice a day if at all
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
no i just don’t have the energy to care about internet drama. i basically just stick to the handful of friends i’ve made who i know are cool :)
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
having gotten more involved in making edits over the past year or so, i really understand the discourse even more than i did before, reblogs are the only way content can get to spread to wide audiences, and it’s really motivating to get reblogs
16. Do you like tag games?
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i don’t really get the whole tumblr famous thing, i think it was something that maybe existed back in the early 2010s when there were certain viral accounts like “pizza,” but with how the site has evolved since then i think we’re all basically just existing in our own little bubbles of the internet that we’ve created. there are definitely certain people i’m mutuals with who i really admire, and i was insanely excited when we became mutuals, but one thing i like about tumblr is that the idea of being “famous” isn’t really a thing - we’re all just coexisting together and reblogging stuff we like and having a good time.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i mean, i have a crush on all my gifmaker mutuals because you guys are CRAZY talented
20. Tags!
anyone who wants!
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