#this marks the point where the channel banner would start getting messed with if this were a real arc
duckapus · 9 months
Monitor's Duty
For the past few weeks, Hal has been investigating the Haltmann Works Company in his downtime due to their involvement in the release of the Goomba Who Sold the World, though he's had to be rather sneaky about it. Partly because, as the whole thing was technically above board, there's no legal precedent to investigate, partly because going up against a company as powerful as Haltmann is a dangerous prospect, but mostly because the Chief's been keeping him on a short leash following his involvement in the Estrella case.
The leads he's following in this episode eventually lead him to a file of video logs labeled "Project HMG," which show Susie preparing to research the God Box fragments she received from TV Adware, and then her slow descent into madness as she realizes what she's been given, starts coming up with "her" plan to usurp the SM64 universe's Meme Cycle (which will prove she's a better mad scientist than E. Gadd...somehow (again, she's not in her right mind at all here)), recruits A.S.Swipe, the tax evasion Yoshis and the Goomba (also she notes that beyond his usefulness as a source of information she's also given him a job as the head of Accounting. Haltmann does not waste resources, no matter how traditional a "you have outlived your usefulness" betrayal is for evil mad scientists), and makes headway on perfecting the cloning tech and figuring out how to generate Meme Energy. She notes that the Noids are an important step in both directions, and that an "Experient DST-19" has shown a surprising amount of promise for the former, given the condition the donor was in.
Unfortunately, Hal never gets the chance to tell anyone about this, because he ends up getting captured by Susie personally. And she could just get rid of him, but again, Haltmann doesn't waste resources, so she decides to reprogram and...upgrade him instead.
I mean, come on, he's a robot named HAL! He's practically asking for it!
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yourkimjaejin · 3 years
NCT AG Channel - AG Daily - Welcome To The Jungle Dance Practice
Hello AGzen’s!!! Here is the AG WTTJ dance practice video. This post also includes little moments from the girls in the other Resonance(album) dance practice videos. 
Hope you enjoy!! ~ Love Author Izzy
The camera catches a shot of the girls practicing in high heel boots. The captions explain that once the girls feel comfortable with a dance they try in the heels just to make sure they feel comfortable in different shoes. 
A shot of the girls stretching before the choreographer gets in. 
Moxy: We all needed to stop for coffee this morning cause we stayed up playing Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance. We’re only on the second game but we’ve been having a ton of fun playing it. So much that we forgot we had practice this morning *laughs*
Their choreographer walks in and all the girls hug him. The choreographer who did WTTJ also did the choreography for Breakout. 
The AG daily cameras shoot they girls beginning to learn the dance for WTTJ. AGzen’s get to see how quickly they pick up dances. 
The original choreo for the rap section had the girls kneeling on the floor. When their verse came up they would stand up. Juno didn’t like and neither did the girls. So their choreographer worked with the girls to come up with dance moves for the rap section
The clips change to another WTTJ dance practice, keen eyed czennies noticed that Moxy walked into practice in one of Haechan’s bucket hats. 
AG Daily cameras got a shot of Moxy teaching her members the dance to make a wish. 
Aurora - Moxy noona has to be tired. She just left a dance practice for NCT U. I just want to make sure she isn’t overworking and she won’t get hurt. 
Juno walking around with Aurora clinging to her back. 
Moxy and Hannah monitoring the practice they just filmed
Hannah: Nono make sure during second hook, when we fan out, take one medium step instead of a big one. 
WTTJ starts to play as the girls practice the dance again. 
A clip of girls taking a break, all of them singing their hearts out to Josslyn by Olivia O’Brien. 
The video cuts to another dance practice. The girls this time were all in sports bras and leggings. 
A: If you were in Disney’s Descendants, What would your parent/parents be?
J: That depends. Are we talking according to our own heritage or just who we want? 
A: Let’s say its a free for all. Disney contacted us and wants in a Descendants movie and we get to pick our characters. What would you choose?
H: Well, personally I would choose Moana
Everyone: BOO!!!!!
H: *throws sweaty shirt in their direction* SHUT UP!!! I wasn’t finished. I would be Maui’s daughter but without the arrogance.
J: You just wanna be related to the Rock.....
H: I- will not deny that. 
Everyone bursts out in laughter
Another shot of the girls practicing the choreography during the rap section. The official audio is matched to the video
Moxy Could I possibly like do different NCT choreo’s during the ‘Do ya dance’ line?
A shot of Moxy practicing that part with the Bad Alive choreo
The video cuts to a shot of the girls putting on different shoes. 
Hannah: *holds up the black high heel boots* It’s Time!!! We always do this. Just to make sure we can do the dance in any shoes they give us and not break an ankle *She sighs* wish us luck
The cameras films them dancing in the heels to WTTJ, the song playing in the background. The banner for NCT 2020′s Beyond Live pops up during this montage. 
The camera cuts to a clip of the girls laughing as Mark walks out of the room to Aurora’s screams
The final shot of the video is of the girls finishing the dance, the clip synced up with the ending of the song. 
And now, Here are some moments of the girls in other dance practices! Enjoy:
Resonance Dance Practice
The girls walking in for there groups practice for the mama performance. Several members attacking them before they even get past the door. 
Sungchan: Noona! *hugs Moxy*
Chenle: *attacks Aurora*
Yangyang: *attached himself to Hannah’s side*
Yuta: *messing with Juno’s hair*
Chenle knowing all the choreo to WTTJ like the NCTzen he is...
The boys simultaneously holding their breath when AG practiced the death drop. Some of them flinching on impact
Aurora mouthing along to Mark’s rap during the 90′s love section
Juno and Hannah reaching out for one another (like lost lovers) from their positions in the Resonance formation
Make A Wish Dance Practice
Moxy showing up to the first MAW dance practice in an oversized black shirt, black biker shorts and black nikes. When she walked in, the boys were hollering over her exposed legs.
Jaemin: SeXy!!!
Moxy: *blushes* Shut UP!!
The MAW choreographer checking with Moxy to make sure she’s ok with the dance moves. 
Moxy resting against Doyoung’s back
The boys ‘oooo’ing when Moxy brings out the high heels to practice. 
Taeyong and Jaehyun keeping an eye on her, making sure she doesn’t fall or injure herself
Work It Dance Practice
This ENTIRE video is Yuta and Johnny coddling Aurora like their shared baby
Yuta: She’s my little sister
Johnny: NO she’s MY little sister
Aurora: How about I don’t belong to anyone??
Johnny/Yuta: *Looking at Aurora like shes crazy*
Aurora: Where is Mark when you need him....
Jaemin helping Aurora nail some of the moves
Ten and Yuta including Aurora in their ad-lib part towards the end of the song
90′s Love Dance Practice
Hannah getting attacked by Ten and Yangyang before she can walk thru the door
Ten/Yangyang: Yēzi!!!!!  (coconut in Chinese)
Hannah: Hi Ten-ge!! Yangie! *ruffles Yangyang’s hair*
Hannah greeting the choreographer with the other members
Hannah’s giggle when she and the other members vote Winwin as the leader of their group against his will
Winwin: Hannahhhh, you’re not supposed to side with them!
Hannah: Sorry not sorry, Ten-ge’s got a point. You have seniority here
The camera didn’t catch it but you can hear Hannah singing along to Ice Cream
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and the ADVENTURE of the X'IBIAN VASE! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 7 of 21
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DARING DO and the
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck) @ask-de-writer​
Carmen Pondiego @askcarmenpondiego​
Cover Art by
Doctor Dimension
52630 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/26/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Captain Getsthere approached the players.  Gruffly, he informed them, “We have company.  Looks like one of Queen Qushi’s fleet.  They have a cannon thing.  No magic at all, so I hear.  It was a shot from one like that took my leg.”
Daring Do nodded solemnly and took up a pair of field glasses.  Studying the the approaching vessel, she observed, “One of Queen Qushi’s for sure.  They are flying her Cash and Crossed Bones banner.  That looks like a twelve pound swivel gun.”
She bounded down the stairs to a companion way and out of sight.  She returned shortly with an awkward looking long rifle.
Loading the weapon’s magazine with longish cartridges, she brought the gun over to the rail and braced it against her shoulder.
Muttering, “I wish that the ship would stop rolling.  Messes up my aim!” she started making continual adjustments of position to keep the gun level.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Soree looking over the rail, fascinated by the other ship. Daring Do called, “Soree!  Get down!  Go below decks!  If they shoot that big gun it could kill you!”
At that moment, the big swivel gun on the pirate fired with a huge flare of flame and billowing cloud of smoke.  The projectile blasted a hole in the mizzen gaff sail, about a meter from Soree.  She stared at it for a second, paralyzed by fear.  Then she ran for the safety of below decks!
Daring Do remained at her post, adjusting her aim to the rocking of ship.  The pirates swabbed out the barrel of their gun and started to lift a bag into the barrel.
Daring Do touched off her rifle, which also released a blast of flame but far less smoke.  The recoil lifted the weapon up and drove Daring Do back a few steps.  She was already working the action as she brought the gun back to the rail.
On the pirate, havoc ruled! Their sack of gunpowder erupted  in flame and smoke!  Daring Do’s shot pierced one of the gun crew!  He dropped the slow match as he flailed and fell!  It hit the powder sack which exploded at once!
Daring Do changed her point of aim.  She could see the junk’s wheel now.  Her next shot fractured the wheel itself, shattering the cable housing!  The ship, out of control, swerved wildly away, her sails losing the wind.
Jeremy got up from where he had plastered himself to the deck and whooped, “You beat them!”
Daring Do kicked his legs from under him and snapped, “No.  They are not beaten.  They are still faster than we are and only need to clear a few cables from the whipstaff to regain control.  They will be steering from below decks by called commands.    
“It is clumsy but it works. I’ve done it myself!”
Looking over the rail, Jeremy saw that it was true.  They were clearing away the dead and wounded from the swivel gun and the ship was turning toward them again.
Daring Do was moving forward along the rail.  Jeremy crawled after her.  “Why are you moving? That was a good spot!”
Daring Do retorted, “And a great target as soon as they get that gun back into action!”  At her new place, she took the time to shove two more cartridges into the magazine of the massive rifle.
Jeremy stared at the stock of the weapon.  Incredulously, he asked, “What kind of pony was that made for?”
Daring Do was taking aim again and muttered, “Not a pony.  Dromedary.”
They were reloading the swivel gun and filling powder bags from a cask to make shooting faster. Daring Do touched off her shot.  The exploding cask and powder bags tore a great hole in the foredeck and ripped the gun loose from its mount.  There were  no visible bodies to clear away, this time.
Her next shot took down the captain who was calling the orders.  His replacement never got to complete his first command.
There was smoke starting to rise from the gaping wound forward.  The junk fell off the wind and her crew, when last seen, were frantically pouring buckets of sea water into the hole.
The rest of the voyage to Singapone was uneventful except for the thunderstorm.  It was not too big or violent, as such storms go.  It let down rain in buckets and barrels, though.  All that could be spared were staying dry below decks.  All except for Soree!
She was gleefully cantering all over the deck, looking at the water cascading from the sails and running down the rigging!
Soree was getting totally soaked and loving every second of it!
Jeremy commented sourly, “She is nuts.  She is like this every time that it rains.”
Daring Do looked up, glaring severely at Jeremy.  “She is not.  She is celebrating rainfall because it is a rare event in Saddle Arabia where she comes from. All of the horses are like this when it rains.”
Jeremy snorted.  “She needs to learn that she’s not in the desert anymore!”
Daring Do smiled at that.  Then pointed out, “And Hong Wa, the ruins of the Imperial City are where?”
“And X'ibia is?”
“A Desert!  OK, I get it!”
Saree bounced happily down the companionway and went into her stateroom to towel off.  Emerging, she was all smiles and delight!
“It was falling everywhere! Only the cooks and quartermaster were out filling barrels!  I helped! It was ever so much fun!”
Daring Do greeted the news with smiles.  “I am glad that your celebration went so well, Soree.”
In two more days they began to see smaller fishing junks and sampans out in increasing numbers. Daring Do, scanning the northern and westerns horizons with her field glasses nodded to herself.
Captain Getsthere saw and came over beside her at at the rail.  He commented quietly, “I missed our shadow this morning too.  I saw them keeping an eye on us at or near the horizon ever since the attack.  Wonder where they are now?”
Daring Do replied with some worry, “Getting clear of us while we come into port.  Queen Qushi’s ships may be old, and many are, but she has the best Magic Net mirrors on every one of them.  She already knows that something happened.
“If she is still the same sort that I remember meeting before, our issues with her will be settled at dockside.”
Not long after, they saw the tall twin stone towers with their traditional signal fires that marked the opening to the great hidden bay of Singapone, one of the Empire’s two busiest harbors.
The harbor pilot came to take the wheel, leaving the small motor sampan to return on its own.  
He guided the Sea Sage, under engines alone, into the harbor proper.  The bay opened out into a huge complex surrounded on all sides by docks in all stages of repair, warehouses, drydocks and even palaces whose walls came right down to the water.
There were more palaces and exclusive residences on two large islands somewhat off center to the port as they followed the shipping channels deeper into the harbor.
Soree was in a transport of delight at the sight of so many boats of all sizes and designs.  The many sea birds were an absolute fascination.  Besides just watching, and expressing her joy at every new thing, she was writing down all of her observations in a voluminous notebook, complete with many detailed sketches.  
Jeremy commented sourly, “That’s not worth much!  No pony can read scratches like that!”
Daring Do overheard him and leaned over Soree’s shoulder to read from the notebook.  “You have a lovely hoof for the Language of the Endless Sky, my dear.  That expression of yours, 'Wheeling in the distance, like a whirlwind of pearls,’ describes the gulls over some food so beautifully.”
Jeremy got the point.  He was skulking away when he noticed something wrong up ahead.  He came galloping back down the deck, calling out, “There is some other ship in our dock space!”
Captain Getsthere intercepted him.  “We already know that.  The pilot told us some time ago. That water-screw motor ship got here first and paid the Harbor Master a big bribe to get OUR reserved dock.
“We have been offered a free complimentary docking by Qushi Trading Company.  We will be there shortly.”
Jeremy skidded to a stop, nearly tripping over a big tub holding  a coiled sail line.  “Qushi, the Priate Queen!  Why would you be stupid enough to take an offer like that?”
Captain Getsthere looked out at the many small boats about them and pointed to six.  He snorted, “Those are equipped with pure tech incendiary rocket launchers.  It is called an invitation that is unwise to refuse.”
Soon, heavy twelve oared pulling boats were easing the Sea Sage to a dock in a walled complex under a flag, blue, with a Golden, square holed Cash as a device.  It was remarkably similar to the pirate flag that was black and had added crossed bones.
Waiting on the dock was a middle aged mare in the finest of silken robes, her coat, tail and mane, a yellow that could only be described as golden.  Her mane and forelock were complexly braided and held by long pins and tall combs of pure pearl shell.
The Pirate Queen Qushi Han Le was accompanied by an elderly gray stallion, equipped with document saddle bags.  He wore the robes of a scribe.  The observant might also see the seven sharpshooters with aimed weapons spaced about the dock and warehouse.
Jeremy was not among the observant.  He was snorting, “That is the fearsome Pirate Queen?  I have some choice words for HER!”
Daring Do and Captain Getsthere exchanged a glance and both nodded.  In mere moments, two burly crew ponies appeared.  “Where are you taking me?  I …”  His words and the sound of his dragging hooves were cut off by a cargo hatch, which they  sealed with a thump.
Captain Getsthere had the gangway run out to the dock and the bosun’s whistle piped Qushi Han Le aboard with the call reserved for higher ranking royalty.
When she put her forehooves together and bowed respect to Daring Do, Daring Do returned the formal bow, grave of face.  Soree saw what Daring Do did and set aside her notebook.  She too bowed, as she had seen it done.
Qushi Han Le gave a return bow of lesser magnitude.  As she straightened, she observed in Equestrian with a lilting accent, “You are keeping a journal, Honorable One. May I see that book?”
Soree promptly handed it over, commenting in broken Chineighese, “Please excuse my failure to grasp your ways of speaking.  I am studying but I find your language to be difficult.”
Qushi Han Le accepted the book with a smile that showed, under the meticulous grooming of her face’s fur, several scars.  She replied, “You share with Daring Do the willingness to admit ignorance and seek to repair it.  Now, let me see …
“Your drawings are meticulous. I can recognize the Khansi by her lines alone.  I see that you recorded the big explosion forward.  Do you know the cause of it?”
Qushe glanced through the lines of complex Saddle Arabian.  Frowning, she asked, “What is this part?  I have never seen this before.”
Soree examined the part that was being pointed to.  “It says that the Janissary was struck and thrown over the side by the shot.  I do not know a proper word for Sea Captain in Saddle Arabian.  We are a landlocked desert kingdom. A Janissary in Saddle Arabia is a leader of a military troop.”
Qushi nodded, “That makes sense of the passage.  This is a very clear account of the attack. The drawings are excellent.  May my scribe duplicate these pages, please?”
Soree put her hooves together and bowed, “If they will serve any good purpose, even to the fulfilling of your curiosity, please copy what you wish.”
The book was handed to Qushi’s scribe who examined it carefully and withdrew a stack of fine, lotus root paper.  He gently opened the book, so that the covers did not interfere and pressed the written pages of the book to the stack of paper.  How he did it, did not show, but every page of Soree’s journal was duplicated perfectly.  With the greatest of respect, he returned Soree’s journal.
With a bow Daring Do invited, “Qushi Han Le, will you honor us by sharing tea with us?”
She bowed and replied, “Please call me Han Le, and the honor is mine.”
Soree, catching on quickly, bowed too and offered, “My name is Soree Bea Shann. I would be honored if you were to call me Soree.”
They all retired to the Great Cabin, reserved for the most important business when the Captain was not using it for his own cabin.
Daring Do brought out a porcelain tea set with a traditional decoration of Clouds and Mountains.  Han Le drew a breath of admiration.  “Doctor Do, is that truly a Mon Dynasty set that is complete?”
“It is.  I have it in my personal Lading List.  Here, see for yourself.”  Daring Do handed Han Le a paper sealed by the harbor master of Milestago.  
Han Le read, “Tea set in the style of Mon, carried as  gift to Qushi.”  Looking up, she said, “A Gift to me?  This is priceless.  Where did you come by it?”
“As part of the Darkling Expedition, I had Imperial permission to excavate the tomb of Nira Ba Han, favorite concubine of Emperor Quan, founder of the Quan Dynasty of about 1200 years past.  I found in the tomb four complete sets.  
“As you do know, that expedition was under the Royal Wing.  At the decree of Princess Luna, one set was gifted to the present Emperor.  One was given to the Non Equine University Museum.  One I was allowed to keep for myself and, as you had told me of your wish to have such a set, the last time that we met, I was allowed to bring this one to you.”
Soree was listening with care and ventured in her broken Chineighese, “A fitting gift.  From the lovliest mare of ancient times to the lovely Han Le.”
While the tea was steeping, Han Le said, “Sadly, I have reports from the Khansi that you used a weapon of magical power against them.  The amount of damage to the ship almost backs that up.  There are some problems with the tale. What can you tell me of the attack?”
Daring Do replied, “I personally used a rifle of a sort that I had designed for the Dromedaries that served me so well during the Darkling Expedition. It is a repeating rifle that shoots a caseless ammunition of .75 caliber.
“After the Khansi fired their swivel gun at us without provocation when we were slowing to pay them the Passage and receive our Document of Passage, I took one weapon from storage and returned fire.
My first shot wounded the Gunner who lost his slow match.  It caught the powder bag that was ready to load.  That was the first explosion.  The second shot hit the cable housing of the wheel and shattered it.  When they cleared wreckage and bodies, they pursued, using whipstaff steering.
I shot the Captain, whose body was knocked overboard.  The first mate, I guess tried to take over and I shot him also.
The replacement gunners brought up a whole cask of powder from the armory and were loading powder bags for quicker firing.  That carelessness gave me the cask for a target.  That was the second explosion.  It was the one that wrecked the gun mount and started the fire.  The last that we saw of them, they were fighting the fire in the forecastle.”
Grimly, Han Le nodded,  “If it is not secret, I should like to see how these rifles and ammunition are made.  I now understand the whole of the Khansi incident.  There was one thing that I withheld from you.”
She held out a hoof.  The scribe put a business card in it.  “Besides this card from an Equestrian law firm, a bag of Equesrian gold was found in the Captain’s cabin. He failed to report the bribe, as required by our rules.  If he had, he would have been allowed to keep the money but forbidden to attack any vessel that properly paid the Passage.”  She shook her head sadly.  “We have those rules about bribes for a purpose.”
Daring Do nodded and poured the tea.  As she hoofed over the cup to Han Le, she said softly, “I know that.  There is little more honest than the fleet of the famous Pirate Queen Qushi Han Le.”
Soree smiled around her tea. “That sounds so backwards until you understand how and why it works.  Then it makes perfect sense.”
Soon they were discussing the expedition and much of what they hoped to find in the lesser parts of the “Weeping Dragon” complex.
They did not finish the tea until nearly dark.  The precious tea set carefully packed, Han Le offered, “So long as you are near to the Dunn See river, I shall offer you full protection.  I have monitor ships near the full length of the river.  If you have trouble, make for the river.   I cannot give you more.
“I have now fully cleared your run to Cantrot.  Captain Getsthere, I would have you wait and return Daring Do to Equestria.  To keep you from loss while sitting idle, I have much cargo to move between Cantrot and Singapone.  You will be paid your full usual rates.  Is that a fair arrangement?”
He practically fell over his hooves saying, “It is indeed!  It would be my honor.”
“Good.  Expect my coal loaders to refill your bunkers at my expense.  I have learned much and received a priceless gift as well.”
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hanzi83 · 6 years
An Adrenaline High of Mediocrity
You know with recent events, even as miniscule it may look like on the surface in plain sight, but you know the narcissist, paranoia, and mental illness I need to ride that adrenaline high and try to milk it for everything I can, and that never ends up being anything special because it makes no money, and when you are limited in that capacity, and live this sad and trivial life, I try to hang on to any sort of confidence boost, even if it is just for a couple of minutes, you can always count on me to feel good and to ensure the rest of the world that I am not an egomaniac that I try to conceal when this mental illness takes a bit of a rough turn, but I knock myself down a few pegs at behest of the world. I can talk all the shit I do, but the reality is I am in my parent’s basement and live in fear because I feel the powers that be have targeted me and purposely kept me out of commission so they ensure I am seen as the craziest person on this planet. I wrote about all the categories you can check off with me and the ones check marked are normally the ones that have the most stigmas to it. I feel like the show has made my life hell, and when someone brings me up to some extent on their platform, it is a little entertaining to me to see how Howard dances around the issue, I mean that is the least I can get out of it, since he could possibly making my life hell with his underhandedness, where it has made me completely resentful and jealous of others and not being able to trust people in my life, so I concoct theories in my head and the vultures out this know this about me, and putting it out there has to be my responsibility but I know these people will use it to their advantage and they will try to goad me into a response, they will be peaceful and then their true side comes out with their dirty tactics.
These people know I will not fight back the way they want me to because they are trying to get me in trouble or push me over the edge, and due to my feelings of them having connections in the elite world, even though it is an video show on the internet that a specific few are tuning into, even Howard didn’t acknowledge this guy and to me it felt a little transparent like it was purposely done, and now because someone on a show who introduced me to Wendy from the Stern Show feels I need to thank him and keeps goading me into a response. I did have a blast for a bit, but then when I did put two in two together I suspected they were my anonymous tormenters and what is truly sick about it, is how nice they are with me because whenever they tried to exchange wits with each other, I would always get the better of that person, maybe in my own delusional head, and after a major blowback happened. I have written about it in past blogs, but after a huge dispute and it getting personal, we made peace and I make these temporary truces because I feel like people I feel are mentally ill have this niche to specialize in drama, and because I have seen how Howard acts and the tactics that I suspect of him doing, I can sense a familiar situation happening. Not just on the surface, the way Howard talks, or how he vents like him, even his head and hand motion, even having a fucking microphone. He has aligned himself with a crew of yes people, and the more I noticed this, I just didn’t want to be part of it.
They will fuck with past contributors and play their meltdowns, or instead of making fun of someone back, they would call grieving parents of someone’s brother who died of AIDS, and part of me hopes that this shit is staged, because as vile and harsh as I have been to piss trolls off, I would never call someone like that, and then there are unconfirmed rumors these same people have called cops on people, or have sent food to people’s places. I don’t know what the other parties did to do that, because I think everyone involved in whatever feud is going on are all kind of scummy. I don’t fucking know. Now that I have given attitude about not wanting to go back, because I feel like much like Howard, when Howard wants to influence you to call in, he will send his trolls to harass people and then it creates content for the show, and this is what this guy is doing. He stirs the pot with it, and that nice guy act he has had where he maybe even sends people to send me screen shots so I react to the shit talk because any interaction and content for this show is what fuels this guy and he seems like he is incorporating old tricks of what Howard did. He is upset I taken him off my lists, and he hates that I didn’t call in to wish him a happy birthday after knowing I don’t like him playing my streams on his show so he can have some type of representation of me on there. Now I have to do these at the time and having to defend myself while he paints it that I am the one who is being a bully because when I have to defend myself I get on the defensive amplified. And now that he is done kissing my ass to get me back on his show, because he figured I would be crawling back, because he notices I wouldn’t care as much of the views like he does, and then his next move is to send people from his group to come in and stir shit up and even ask me questions relating to him so I keep this constant conversation going, and then he can claim I am making fun of him. He doesn’t need me yet he keeps putting my name in the titles of his videos, keeps the digital banner of my picture there, and then claims he doesn’t want me on the show, while his crew mock my stuttering and call me a terrorist. These guys can get away with all that because they have their connections, I presume, and they are allowed to bombard people’s space and fuck with them with organized harassment.
I get seen as a pussy for expressing it. I have to because then I will go insane and I refuse to be what the past have done with people dying from overdoses and suicides because they were in too much pain to express it. I realize I am not always in the most positive light and I have to take that responsibility, but at the same time and in the same breath I can also blame a system that allows this to go on for their organized chaos. I just have to express what is going on with this situation because I don’t know what these people are capable of and now that he has show what he does to other enemies on his show, he is now being obvious about it with me, and I always suspected this is who this person always was. He takes it personal, and these people can fuck with me because they are allowed. It is disturbing. I have contacted media outlets to warn about this person, but it is just a small You Tube show and now he has dialed it back a bit, but I have to keep an eye on it because people keep sending me messages about it, and they know shit talking gets me going and I give in to the drama. By nature I fancy my mediocre ass as a performer, even though I barely leave my fucking house, and rely on hanging on to my former Stern Show fame and just shoot the shit about television shows, wrestling and conspiracies but they won’t even let that happen.
They have been targeting me more on Face Book and allowing the most racist people on the planet function and harass me and then shut me down for fighting back to these paid trolls. I feel like they hate that I get views despite what Howard wants me to have, even if they are just a couple of hundred or thousand, deposing on how many people are contacted to harass me, and because I am not flipping out the way they want, they try to shut me down so I use the Periscope app. It is easier to troll on there than Face Book. I feel this will never end or maybe something will be revealed and people are just getting desperate to bring me back on. It is fucking messed up and these people have channeled every Stern Show emotion and tactic on the planet and exploits people’s weaknesses to throw back in their face if something negative happens. I never trusted these people, and they will keep pointing it out to get me to respond. The tone in this person’s voice when wanting me to thank him for Wendy giving me a shout out, how about no, I will give a shout out to the person that did it. I thank you for introducing us, but I also spent hours for 2 months for no money to try keep things interesting, and if I did my own thing you would flip your lid about it. It is like he has been practicing to be some Howard knock off and thinks going back to what made Howard cool in the 90’s and early 00’s and is bringing it back like he is some edge lord. I didn’t want to be part of that.
He puts people’s phone numbers out there who call his show, and rumors have it he keeps files on people’s personal information to fuck with them. I don’t know for sure but those are the rumors, and you can’t necessarily believe every rumor, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least, because I do expect people to be functioning by instructions at the behest of higher ups. It is a fucking scary game. And don’t worry, anything I have said in here you won’t take seriously because I am not credible. I can own that, but I can also point out other factors as well that happens to a lot of people, and they can’t even express it.
I won’t talk about these other people, but they keep popping up. They get off at any mention. It really is disturbing that they would manipulate the situation this badly just to create content. When your cheerleaders are just hyping you up and playing a long with all this it gives them this adrenaline high and I know this because I have been down this road with my life when I kind of started being on the Stern Show and I thought I had to mimic the funny dialogue or attitudes from the television, movies, or radio and I see it all over again and again. It is not that I am scared, I am scared of someone using their mental illness and then partaking in evil with it.
As much of an asshole I have been, I at least try to bring awareness to the ugliness of mental illness on another level, even if it means it becomes detrimental to my image or my personal relationships. Then I look forward to wanting to ask women out and then while I have some good rapport with them to some extent, I envision how I would end up pissing them off, and not being the success she would want me to be, and her friends would be warning her about me and her parents would hate her. I bought into this narrative that women dig a guy who acts kind of ignorant and doesn’t give in to their mind games and treat them like you would treat a guy. I know it is sad and pathetic, but you have to understand I never thought I would be here this long. I never wanted to because I think I peaked in high school to be quite honest, and when that was over, I felt like it was the series finale of my life.
People can laugh at my misfortune or how pathetic I am, and because I am kind of a public figure I can expect that, but I still have the balls to put it out there and maybe to my own detriment. How many times have I used detriment in this blog? This was the word I needed to beat into the ground, don’t worry I will go back to vernacular again so I can somehow feel like I am smart while having massive cases of cognitive dissonance and being conflicted about being able to remember and retain everything I have experience (d) and everything I will never be able to, because even though 34 is a young still, I feel like I have been here for 50, and judging by the grey in my facial hair I sure look the part. These people don’t like I am able to find a way to convey my message or express my insecurities, even if it is in my own personal journal, that I suspect they keep on and have some idea of my irrational thoughts to get off my fucking chest. They can track anything and everything you can do. If that hasn’t been proven yet, I would like to express that this is just a hunch. I am not Alex Jones and I don’t have the proverbial documents.
I feel like something is coming to an end with some of these people with their careers and it is like they need me to be associated before a certain time is done. I just don’t like being bullied into calling someone’s show to apologize to them when they have been secretly fucking with me, and then display the immature and juvenile behavior against others and not expect me to suspect that this could be done to me, and it has been kind of been confirmed when recently you keep talking shit and mocking me while I am doing my own thing. They want this feud to go on so it gives into their ego. I know I am not supposed to be relevant but I know I have some value in this world, otherwise they would have killed me by now, and people for some reason need me and then when I suspect I am being used, they then play with my mental illness that they claimed they cared about prior yet they use it as a weapon against me. They organize the comments to be made and who says them on their show. It is kind of like when Stern didn’t want to bash something so he would get his people to call in and do it while he acted unbiased about it. I have seen these tactics before man. And because so many people have felt the wrath of Stern, in my opinion, I don’t want to see others go down this dark path with their mental illness. People always present it pretentiously and then the cynical gets fueled with something positive so they can call these people pussies etc, while they are trolling for elite type and sucking up to them, while claiming they are sticking it to the man because they don’t like some celebrities for speaking on social issues.
I feel like I am going to continuously get fucked with and I believe these people are dangerous. I don’t have enough proof nor is this relevant enough for people to cover this, and it feels like these people want something to happen so they can just ask questions after the fact, when people could be investigating this shit but I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit surprised that even they are bought off too. People assume it is all a plan to get me, but I am just the few of many that are putting it out there, even though I am at a huge disadvantage when the system controls the narrative and have their minions earn that check by coming for your in any manner. They can spread horrible rumors about people, then pretend to be peaceful. It is fucked up. So keep saying I am not relevant but if I wasn’t you wouldn’t be putting on a purposeful facade to get my attention. It is really fucked up that you do this to someone for content. It is fucked up. Now I know officially I am wrong and I have no proof so don’t worry you will be protected for doing the shit you do on a daily basis.
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