#this isnt a hate post please dont kill me im just lamenting because i love book and michael
iron-bundle · 27 days
i will never understand the lack of book/michael fics out there like disco has given us so much for them esp because book doesnt even show up in the top 10 of disco characters on ao3 even tho he's helped a ton with michael's character development and is so interesting in his own right
how do book and michael as a ship only have 54 fics but owo/detmer has 200+????
i love ash and pike and i understand why they both have so many fics with michael but pike knew her for all of one season and whatever he heard through spock and ash and michael were so fucking unhealthy. book is so healthy for michael and so good for her and they have so much space where people could write fics for them but they gets jack and shit in comparison to other ships.
also they stay friends after they break up and its so clear they still have unresolved feelings and fanfic writers are so good at exploring that in the ways shows dont!!!
one of the het ships in star trek ever to me
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tillman · 4 years
@animate-mush hi :-) rey told me to do this please blame them hi aslo im not reblogging the post cus it got rlly long and that was scary sorry hi. the post is here..........
anyways uhmm rey told me stuff and i was like oh i know tristan and isolde and i think its an interesting thing to look into cus i genuinely dont know, like every single other thing about tristan and isolde i see online, where the idea that tehy didnt love each other before the potion comes from... its in most texts (the exceptions off the top of my head being the Povest and Sir Tristrem which is a fucking joke so well). 
the texts pretty explicitly dont just Not Condemn the pair but herald them as martyrs in a lot of cases which is really interesting but not waht i was just trying to simply say god i am so sorry every time i talk about tristan and isolde i go mad but i dont think in any sense of the word tristan and isolde could be considered “dubcon”. magic is a catalyst not the reason theyre in love. (also little sidenote but mark isnt a bad person. i think in a lot of lights he is there to be pitied more than hated. this is contestable with him killing tristan in a lot of cases and also his treatment of isolde but its more from the angle of him being betrayed by the man he considered his son and his wife. the two people closest to him. its why hes so received time and time again when they prove their innocence but whatever (could also in this talk about isolde getting out of punishment from god with a sex joke but i shant)) 
another thing is tristan never falls in love with isolde of the white hands. this is lamentable in the text as isolde and kahedin constantly both harrass tristan over this loveless marriage but he simply can not bring himself to care about another besides His Isolde (even in the common branch when the potion wears off, he still would any day choose isolde the blond over white hands... hell every time the potion wears off their devotion to each toher is still as strong.)
anyways that is my argument. here r some quotes i have on hand cus WAA they make me so soft i looove tristan and isolde. they love each other very much...
from le morte before tristan even wins isolde for mark malory says this:
And when she had searched him she found in the bottom of his wound that therein was poison, and so she healed him within a while; and therefore Tramtrist cast great love to La Beale Isoud, for she was at that time the fairest maid and lady of the world. And there Tramtrist learned her to harp, and she began to have a great fantasy unto him.
travola has some really good lines with the pair such as:
lsotta gave Tristano back his sword, and he thanked her very courteously for the service she had done him. They took leave of each other with many sighs, for they loved each other with a loyal love.
When she saw what a handsome, gifted young knight he was, and when she thought how she had treated and cured him and saved his life, she almost thought of him as her own knight.
which r just so cute.... anwyays before i get distracted i shall stop but ya they very much love each other explicitly before the potion in almost every text. the potion exists as a way to get the two together, but it doesnt Force them together against eithers wills. it forces them to disobey loyalty because the argument within tristan and isolde tales as a whole is, I think, how important love truly is (debatable from text to text but i mean look at gottfried). 
its not “dubcon” but since their love is so true, its seen as the right thing for them to do and pursue. Neither of them have it coming because neither are doing anything even slightly wrong. Tristan and Isolde is the ultimate love story because it defys any notion of courtly love and instead shows true love between two lovers who love each other despite magic and other outside influences (see in tristrant when the potion wears off).
anwaysy uhh i hope that was coherent at all. uhmm hope ur having a fun night? hi :-) i do rlly like ur other points that was a really good read i just simply like tristan and isolde. there is i think something to be said about hte argument of love within suffering in tristan and isolde texts tho, specifically gottfried and his use of the grotto as a metaphor. they had their perfect love yet still choose to go back to the court with mark. i.. honestly still am wrapping my head around that one and a reading of it but i just think that was neat. uhmmm yea.... sorry this got really long OIEHRWT$ hi. 
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