#this isn't wank more like... utter bafflement
mittensmorgul · 6 years
I don’t mind folks coming to my inbox to vent. I mean, anonymous or not, if you just need to get something off your chest and for whatever reason yelling it into the void isn’t as satisfying as typing it, by all means, consider my inbox your personal void.
(under a cut for 3 am baffled rambling)
That said, I am frequently baffled by some of the messages I do get. I just... can’t figure out what compels someone to seek out a blog dedicated to a thing they don’t like just to tell that blogger they don’t understand the thing, they have no desire to understand the thing, and they personally hate everything the blogger blogs about in general. I mean... why?
I assume the people who send me these messages aren’t following me. It’s really easy to avoid seeing my posts. I don’t post to the standard fandom tags very much. You really have to be looking for specific content to run across my blog. The fact that someone went to the trouble to seek me out specifically to leave me rambling messages, none of which I am personally upset about or anything, more just... confused by.
What motivates someone to spend time even FINDING me, let alone feel so personally offended by things I enjoy spending my time on, things that make me personally happy, that they feel the need to comment negatively on it?
And again, it’s not like I feel personally attacked, or outraged, or upset, or much of anything really... maybe just a little bit sad. I mean, it’s kinda pitiful, really. Does nothing inspire y’all to joy? Do you not feel happy with yourself? Why are you seeking out things you clearly find upsetting and then focusing your energy and attention  and time on them?
Do you not understand hobbies?
Or is your life so devoid of meaning that your hobby is actually shitting on other people’s hobbies?
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