#this is technically a redraw but I hate the old one SO MUCH so I’m not linking it. just trust me there is improvement.
fowlblue · 2 months
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hail to the king, baby
(i love this terrible man)
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stepswordsen · 1 year
JuAli WIP doodles
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So, I'm just gonna post my old JuAli doodles from November ~ April. Obsessed with them. I've been thinking about them non-stop. Judar is wearing traditional Chinese hanfu in these :) 
Here's my JuAli doodles for now <3 They're pretty messy, so I'll put them under the cut. Also I'm putting my thought rambles under the cut too. They’re snippets of thoughts I had, including ones with friends, feel free to read them if you’re curious!
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Some rambles
I was considering whether I should post my JuAli doodles since I usually prefer to keep my art account for finished arts only, but I wanted to show my love for them. I still have to refine and redraw these tbh, but I'm excited to work on these in the future! 
I also didn’t know whether to post these rambles under my art or make a new post on my side blog. Well. It’s going here now. I’ll post the rest of my sketches and another rambles in another post 
The first two Judar in hanfu doodles are some of my fave drawings ever. I really want to finish this one soon...
I think Judar has red eyeliner in the manga, and the Magi anime has Judar's eyeshadow as purple? In Ohtaka's coloured arts, it looks like a more saturated red colour to me.
I like Judar with red eyeliner/eyeshadow like how Ohtaka colours in the manga. I like how the colours pop and the contrast against his design, and how it matches his red eyes. Also cuz black and red are his image/representative colours to me anyways
I want Judar to wear black, white, red, and gold hanfu... I’ve also been looking into hanfu earrings for him. I'm thinking of red and gold. I want him to have red eyeliner and black painted fingernails.
Also, in the future, I'd also like to draw Desi inspired Alibaba wearing kurta with churidar!
Some thoughts on JuAli
I love how my friends described them as besties and one-sided enemies/worsties dynamic (from Judar’s end lmfao), it’s soooo funny. I feel like they’d have a sort of Love-Hate relationship at first, like when you hate someone so much it’s love...
My friend mentioned that because Alibaba is so different and the complete opposite of him, it makes sense he doesn’t understand it, but it only shows that he’s curious and that deep inside he wants to know.
And Judar would just constantly be like “I really don't get this guy at all” and “I don't understand what he's thinking at all!” Like how he was with Alibaba on the Dark continent. I think it’s interesting how he recognized that Alibaba has qualities that draw people to him, but just couldn't understand why.
I love their Fire and Ice duality. Light/Darkness. Angel/Devil. Hot and Cold. Enemies to Lovers. They’d bicker and kiss and make out. Twink on twink violence is their love language /lh
I feel like in the early stages of them catching feelies they’d both be really awkward around each other and constantly headbutt each other… They'd always be pretty competitive with each other, but they'd warm up to each other over time.
I love their setup, I’m obsessed with them and their vibes. They’re so funny and cute… I love their dynamic, their vibes are impeccable. I could sense the sen-core with them, I love them so much.
I awaken to my final form. Meow meow mf x Empathetic, loving ball of sunshine… It's the sen-core ship formula: meow meow mf x ball of sunshine. Morally questionable/morally bankrupt x morally agreeable <3
Also I love Light/Darkness, Yin/Yang and Sun/Moon/Eclipse themed ships. And Rivals/Enemies to Lovers. Opposites contrast :)
I love Opposites Attract ships that are also combined with any of these tropes: Narrative parallelism (Yin/Yang, Light/Darkness, Sun/Moon/Eclipse tropes), Protagonist x Rival/Antagonist/Opposing Figure, Reconciliation of Opposites, Fated Enemies/Rivals, etc.
Sen-core characters/ships: being a menace to A) the world and/or B) their rival/enemy/lover.
Alibaba is the sun, and Judar’s leitmotif is the black sun (just like Douman). And he’s also technically the moon. One of my friends told me she sees him with Eclipse symbolism, which is really interesting.
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psiioniicarts · 5 years
pls talk more about the high school dance club au im fuckibgn begging
Hhnnnrgh get ready for old art in this post because I’m not redrawing all this shit right now.
The official name for it is High School Dance Club AU, or HSDC. So basically, pretty much all of this takes place in the same high school, where the Nohr and Hoshido families both attended. The Nohrian family make up the foundation for the school’s Classical Dance Club, while the Hoshidans make up the foundation for the Modern Dance Club. They, but mostly the club presidents Xander and Ryoma, disagree on dance styles.
Xander doesn’t recognize modern dance as an art form, and thinks only classic styles like waltzing are worth anything. Ryoma thinks Xander has a big stick up his ass and he needs to lighten up, and that modern dance is a valid art form and in fact is harder because it usually involving singing AND dancing. The club rivalry is pretty intense and neither side will get over themselves about it.
(Undercut cause this is gonna get long):
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(I’ll just talk about Nohr mostly since they’re the only sketches I have right now)
Xander is the president of the Classical Dance club, and a senior. He started the club, and he’s the eldest of the four Nohrian siblings. He’s mostly the one keeping the rivalry with Ryoma going, ever since his father Garon made an offhanded comment about Sumeragi being “uncivilized” (he’s not, he’s just a better father than Garon is), and since Garon keeps pushing the pressure of continuing the family company unto Xander, he’s just mimicking his father’s viewpoints. That’s also he wears a full suit everyday, despite having no real reason for it. He does care a lot about his siblings, but he’s kinda just....awkward. He’s like an early millennial, but he has no social media presence (though he frequently shows up in the background of his sibling’s social media), and therefore doesn’t understand memes.
Camilla is the second eldest and also a senior. She wears leather jackets and rides a motorcycle despite Xander’s protests. Since Garon isn’t a very good dad and is hardly home, she’s taken up role as the defacto mother of her siblings. She’s closer with Leo and Elise because of it, and also because she actually has social media so she actually understands memes. She’s Vice President of the dance club, and maintains the rivalry for appearances but she and the two younger siblings don’t really care too much. She does parcipate in practice though, and she’s probably second best behind Xander in the club. 
Leo is the secretary/treasurer (damn if I remember what positions you need in a high school club) of the dance club, third in the family and is a sophomore. He doesn’t actually dance in the club, but he’s still involved with all the paperwork, the club’s funds, scheduling practices, so on. He’s mostly just in the corner of the club room doing “work” on his iPad. He’s an excellent student and tries to follow in Xander’s footsteps despite the two being kinda awkward around each other. Really he just watches anime on his tablet all practice. He’s like a closet anime fan, only his squad Odin and Niles know, along with Elise, since she likes anime too. Hes kinda that line between millennial and gen-z, and though he doesn’t seem like it he’s fresh with the memes.
Elise is the youngest and a freshman. She also dances in the club but is probably the least serious about the whole club rivalry, since she thinks it’s silly. She understands why Xander is doing it though and won’t argue with him. She gets along the best with Leo, but they also have the most sibling rivalry and will occasionally be found T posing at each other from across the hallways of their house. She’s gen-z and is very into the memes, she likes anime too and argues with Leo for hours about who’s the best ninja in Naruto and why magical girls can transform without getting interrupted. 
So where’s Corrin and Azura fit in?
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So there’s Corrin and Kamui, they’re twins. They transferred over from a serperate high school and are both in junior year. The backstory on them is due to circumstances unknown to them, they were taken from their birth parents. At some point they were adopted, and they grew up together under the care of their legal guardian, Jakob. When they started high school, they made fast friends with Azura who was another kid that was adopted. Both twins like to sing and dance, and they wanted to join both clubs but were barred from one or the other because of, you know. Well they decided that was bullshit and with Azura, came up with a plan: get the clubs to reconnect, so that at the end of the year, they could win the regional high school performance arts competition. 
Every year in the region, the high schools compete in performance arts competition. Technically the Nohrians and Hoshidans can enter as she-erase groups despite being from the same school, but they’ve always lost. Now it’s the last year for both Xander and Ryoma, and Azura has a plan to get them to make up and work together to win. She’s watched they fight for three years and despite being close friends with both families, she’s never been able to get them to see eye to eye. So with the twins working with her, the following plan is enacted:
Corrin, the sister, joins th Classical Dance club, and becomes close friends with the Nohrian family. Kamui, the brother, joins the Modern Dance club and does the same. By working as double agents, they plan to slowly convince the two families to forget their rivalry and work together, as well as plan a joint performance for the end of the year competition so that they could finally win the completion as friends instead of losing as enemies. If this is starting to sound like a cheesy high school musical teen type movie then GOOD because that’s EXACTLY WHAT IS IT.
That’s the gist of the plot but here’s some other characters I had ideas for:
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Odin, Selena and Laslow are transfer students similar to the Corrin twins. They all in the Classical Dance club. They’re all juniors but have been going to that school since sophomore year.
Odin’s name is really Owain, but when he transferred he told everyone his name was Odin. Why?? Because it....sounded cooler. He’s pretty openly in anime, he’s the kid that Naruto runs down the hallway in high school and constantly talks about his “dark power”, you know the one. He became friends with Leo when he caught him watching anime during practice. Together with Niles they’re all close group of friends.
Niles is that kid that just, never showed up to class. He’d only show up for important tests but otherwise ditched the second he had the chance. Despite that he does pretty well in class. Not a second passes when he’s not saying something nasty. Leo stuck up for him once when he was getting picked on by some dickheads, and though he could take the verbal abuse the act stuck with him and he’s been close friends with Leo ever since. He has kinda a rough home life, so he’s usually at Leo or Odin’s house. Luckily Garon is not really home to complain and Odin’s mom is nice and let’s him stay over often. He refuses to wear any shirt that doesn’t show off his cleavage.
Selena also uses a modified name, but it’s more for paranoia that somebody might recognize her if she uses her real name. Her mom is kinda famous and she hates being compared to her, so at the chance to be just “Selena” and not “Cordelia’s daughter” she took it. She’s got a mean streak which tends to ward people off but she’s very close with Odin and Laslow, since they were friends in their old school. She plays water polo and hitches a ride with Laslow and Odin after practice, since Laslow is the only one of their group that has a car and a drivers license. She also hangs out with Camillla and Beruka, who rides a motorcycle like Camilla, a lot.
Laslow’s name is actually Inigo, but for similar reasons to Selena, he goes by Laslow since he doesn’t want to be recognized as his mother’s son. It’s more from embarrassment, because his mom is an exotic dancer. He isn’t ashamed of it, but he’s afraid of what other people might say and just tries to keep it a secret. Because of his mom though, he’s very good at dancing, and joined the Classical Dance club when Xander caught him dancing after school while waiting for Selena to finish water polo practice. He has horrible stage fright but Xander sees potential in him, so he’s working on being able to dance in front of other people. Xander asks that Laslow teach him his unique style, and Laslow reluctantly agrees. It’s how they became close.
I have some other notes that aren’t as detailed about characters. Peri is a scene kid, Keaton is the furry kid you also see in high school that wear a hate with wolf ears on it and a clip on wolf tail. Effie and Arthur are both on the football team, Effie is the star player and Arthur is....usually the distraction. You’ll be pleased to know I didn’t actually finish Fates so I only know so much about some characters, but yeah.
I’ll try to make some comics about the Hoshidans so I can talk about them too, but for now this is what I got.
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hannahhasafact · 2 years
Ranking my WIPs by how likely I am to actually finish them:
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-just started this, pretty simple drawing
-the fact that there are only three characters gives it a pretty significant advantage in terms of finishing it, but the strange foot angles do put it at a disadvantage for getting finished
-the less fan content there is for a fandom, the more my stubbornness makes me want to create content. This fandom is pretty small, so looking positive in terms of finishing
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-Once again, (new) fandom that doesn’t have a lot of content. So looking positive on the stubborn asshole front
-Having some trouble finding a reference for one last look, and I will always struggle drawing a ruff but definitely think I can get past that if I really try
-Unrelated to finishing, but I’m really having trouble getting the skin tone right (she currently looks too orange to me)
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-WWDITS fan comic, so pretty detailed but honestly a lot of it done? Technically five pages though, and page five has like zero percent done
-I honestly really don’t like how I’ve drawn Guillermo throughout the whole thing, so not looking good
-Kind of a bummer because I was excited about it but I’ve thought about it too much and now I’m not a fan
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-Redraw of an old fanart I did that I was never satisfied with
-you’d think “hey, this is almost done… why not finish” listen
-did you know if you make a big canvas on procreate you only get 13 layers? I did not know this and am bad at working with very few layers
-actually think I could finish this, just need to get past my brain getting annoyed with me plus I still like this?
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-these were actually part of a different drawing series I was working on, but I was getting stuck on drawing ACOC characters so I decided I’d throw this together
-Another “so close, and yet so far” piece and another one where apparently I work on big canvases that procreate hates
-this drawing is a year old. I swear I’m going to finish. It’s so close
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-My absolute favorite scene from A Crown of Candy in comic form
-I’ve definitely thought about this way too long and been very critical so I don’t know how positive I feel about it lol
-Still has some drawings I like, part of me has hope I’ll finish
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-One of the fucking funniest scenes in The Unsleeping City in comic form because I could notttttt
-D20 did a scene animation of the part right after this comic which kind of makes me ehh but also kind of helps because I absolutely could not figure out how the bg was supposed to look and that’s where I got stuck on this
-this is actually three pages, I’m just a weirdo who drew all of the pages on top of each other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hope you guys all enjoyed this journey, hopefully you will see one of these completed in the future lolllll
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snow-slayer · 6 years
2017 in Review
I know it’s almost the end of January 2018, but better late than never??? Too bad, here’s some highlights.
First off, for those who were wondering, these hands have typed the word “babe” (in fanfiction) 1,251 times (and “baby” 93 times) in 231 pages of Scaramouche trash. I don’t know what you want to do with this information, nor do I know what I’m going to do with it, but those are the statistics.
I started off the year strong by knocking out my first 1,500 puzzle with @nah-young, which is good practice since my graduation present to myself if a 40,320 Disney puzzle. The box itself is huge ... 
As January came to an end, I managed to somehow get through finals. Plus, one day, I was “2% pancake” (lol, thanks again @arrowhearts for being my transportation as I donated blood for the first time!). I also played Mario and Luigi Superstar (compliments of @arrowhearts).
February was more grinding through classes. I was supposed to be a part time student, but the way I took classes was basically like a full time student? I survived, somehow (barely). Also completed my first redraw! I think I improved a lot since the first version of Yu-Gi-Oh. On a side note, it’s funny because I started working on what I thought was my Halloween costume, but in March ...
I became obsessed with Scaramouche. I don’t have cable, so I was watching the return of Samurai Jack on YouTube. The way the episode was cut, I heard Scaramouche utter two words before the video cut off. I thought I hated his voice, and then he said it again and I feel in love and adopted him as one of my evil sons. Also, there went my Halloween plans as I scrapped them for Scaramouche. I don’t think I’ve ever changed in the middle of the year. Also, we had a warm day and I don’t know if I was at the height of my accounting carreer, or the lowest point, but I watched my lecture videos sitting out on the back porch, dog in lap, margarita in hand. Is this not the life of an accountant?
April brought on the landscaping season. Still busy as usual, plus with new clients. The good news: I found an old chimney cover at one of my job sites that they were going to throw out and it was perfect for my Scaramouche costume.
Wow, was May busy. I went to my first ever comic con (don’t judge me if it was at a high school hosted by my library system. I churned out the Scaramouche costume in two months for it and won most creative costume). Also, I traveled out of the country for the first time in my life! I went to France! It was part of my global residency, but it was so much fun. My unique cheeses eaten to churches visited ratio was 10:9 and I was the “metro master” in my group (I got seven of us to the Eiffel tower with three train switches and back!). Had an extra day in Germany because I missed my layover on the way home and someone decided to smoke in the hotel room at 2 am X) ...
June left me so busy. I worked with my dad a lot (even though he terrified me by making me seal a deck that was on the second story, and the only way to reach it was to climb a ladder and swing your legs over the railing to get on it. FYI, I’m terrified of heights). 
I took an actual vacation in July. Went down to the beach with my parents and drank a few margaritas on the beach while people shot off fire works way to close to us. 
August and September was a frantic rush to work on my costume. I don’t know what my coat was made of, but it took three cans of spray paint and two bottles of dye, and still wasn’t purple enough. Is it sucking it to a different dimension? Also, bratjedi0 got me hooked on Franmouche. I haven’t had a new OTP in years, but I’m obsessed.
October :) Scrambled enough to get my costume together. A remade version of Scaramouche hit campus and the streets on Halloween. 
Tried to write in November and failed. Also, I had to deal with a tax professor who didn’t know how to write a syllabus, answer email, or get due dates right. Oh what fun ...
The tax professor saga continued into December. Somehow, miriacously (and after he switched the grade weights three times) I ... passed? Technically? But not really. I’ll take it, but ... no. I did turn 23. Spent the day in kindergarten, then spent the weekend before Christmas partying with some friends!
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