#this is stuff I’ve had the ideas for since highschool I just haven’t ever explored it beyond a couple doodles
koboldfactory · 7 months
I have been struck with the desire to start designing dragon architecture for my universe. The main dragon city in my world is in a long abandoned mining facility in the crystallized caldera of a dormant volcano. The facility was inhabited by regular humanoids so there’s lots of small scaffolds and paths that dragons can’t really fit in so they use them as like shelves and stuff. Big garage bays and warehouses are used as housing and whatnot. I just like the idea of like the grand royal dragon palace being carved into a giant lump of crystal surrounded by an ancient “human” mining facility that the dragons don’t even know (or care to know) the history of
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just-mango · 4 years
(For the writer ask thingy) 2, 5, 12, 22, 26 👀👀
Oh hello! These were fun and I accidentally wrote a few mini-essays. Hopefully, they are adequate answers 😅.
     2. Where is your favorite place to write?
I do about 90% of all writing on my phone since it means I can write anywhere. Catch me starfished on the floor while drafting out a super emotional scene. Or even throwing down a few lines while waiting for an Apex match to start. Even with that mobility I usually just hang out on my bed. (I often write before going to “Sleep.” You know, like a liar.)
     5. Top five formative books?
I feel kinda bad that I haven't really read much since Highschool since I would tear through books as a kid. I'm trying to get back into it but I struggle to find new ones. But my top ones have to be,
  1. The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. 
My friends and I were blown away by how the book was A) MASSIVE 600 PAGE BEAST, and B) Mostly pictures. We would bring magnifying glasses to look for hidden messages in all the drawings. It was probably one of the first books I owned and it's also great for flattening out bills. (Very handy during my restaurant years.)
  2. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
Not technically a book but my dad had a handful of compilations. Something about reading those with a stuffed animal was extra fun. 
  3. Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ Heros of Olympus by Rick Riordan
I mean.... What's not to like? Swords. Annabeth. More magic swords and knives.
  4. Leven Thumps and the Guardians of Foo by Obert Skye
This is probably one of the series I've re-read the most. Everything about it is just so visual. The world structure from the creatures to magic systems is just  
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  5. Wool by Hugh Howey
This is a fairly recent addition. I haven't finished the series yet but the first book was fantastic. The way you can tell things aren't quite right but the mystery of how the world ended up that way just anchors you down. I really need the library to open back up since I get so distracted trying to read digital copies. I read the whole book in about two days. It would have been one if I wasn't supposed to “hang out with the family” Or something like that.
Honorable mention: The Eragon series by Christopher Paolini.
It gets a lot of flak for being too wordy but I always loved them. Nothing like slapping those books down on my desk and the 5th grade teacher would be like “???? That book is bigger then your head. Are you sure you know how to read it?” Yes bish. I’m re-reading it before the next one comes out.
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
Ohhhh man, asking me to pick favorites??? The answer to that is usually just whatever is the most recent since that's what I consider my best work. So right now I think Misty trees and dusty air is still the best story. There was a lot of stuff I was trying for the first time and really pushing to have longer more complex story arcs. It still has its flaws and things I wished I had explored more, but Im proud of my baby.  There are a few oneshots I love just because their kinda random/ Full goblin mode.
22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” list
I have a list of random ideas but most of them probably won't see the light of day. One example of my high tier story ideas is:  “Blackout. They are in a cellar when lights go out and blind. Smoochin time.” Yes, that is the exact wording and entirety of the draft for that story.
Some faves from my list are one that's completely satire and borderline 4th wall breaking in which Dina becomes self-aware and is really concerned with how weird Ellie is acting. (You know, cause she’s being driven by an idiot like me.) She eventually gives up after Ellie dies for the 50th time and respawns a few seconds later. I'm kinda waiting for the game just to see how many stupid things I can do.
There's an AU I've been drafting out that's going to be massive. It will be a couple of weeks before I seriously start writing it but uhhhh, Swords, Knights, Complex mail system, Castles, Fancy outfits. Somewhere along those lines (¬‿¬) It's an idea that's been in my head for over a year and I've just about figured out the main storyline. It's going to take forever to write tho. I might make a legitimate master draft just so I can start posting chapters before writing everything.
The one I’m almost done with (And will start posting in the next week or so..) It's mostly just domestic fluffy. I wanted one final bookend for the mega Mango series that happened. I'm thinking it will end up a little over 30K? But yee she’s coming soon,,,,, I just need a title.
26. What’s the most research you’ve ever put into a book?
They've all had plenty of scattered research about everything from basic medicine to horse stats to what food grows where. Misty trees I had to do a lot of research for mental health and long term effects. In all honesty, the most research I've done is for the thing I'm posting next. Lots of uhhhhhhhh tiny human development.... Making sure the age and skills match. eheh babies for, reasons.
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victoriousscarf · 5 years
I'm curious: Do you have any stargate ships?
Oh yes, of course I do.
I mean, keeping in mind I'm incredibly flexible as a multi shipper, I may have a state preferences but if someone was like hey I have this fic for this other ship and it's really good I'd be like sweet hand it over. It's in fact really easy to convince me to go in for just about any ship. The only Notps I can think of come out of either really shitty and lazy writing of a canon pairing in the canon itself, or fandom crushing out every spark of joy I had in the ship originally. Plus I'm really interested in Dynamics, or the potential of dynamics so I've shipped some pretty off the wall stuff over the years.
That being said...
I admit I shipped Jack/Daniel since I saw the original movie back in highschool (and then researched it obsessively and made all my friends watch it too and rewatching it last week I don't remember that well either why I loved it so much or why I shipped them /there/) so I feel like it was inevitable once I started the show that was going to continue.
I also really like the potential of Jack/Teal'c with the betrayal of the system lords because Jack is the first person he believes in, the loyalty Teal'c displays in the early seasons and the returned loyalty from Jack... I haven't seen much from here but I'd be interested in it.
I also feel a bit lazy saying oh I ship Jack/Daniel and Sam/Teal'c but honestly I really like Sam/Teal'c cos it felt like they remained soft and kind with each other through the seasons, even when all the other sides of the team dynamic was going up in flames at different points.
Also Cam/Vala. Like, on one hand it's just they're so GOOD together after 4 years on Farscape, but honestly the high school reunion episode just killed my ability to not ship them. like they get married and she gets his mom's pie for life and every time she freaks because he's going to leave her (because who has stayed, ever? Who has treated her kindly, ever?) he just calmly walks her through babe we've been married for fourteen years now.
(the show tried it's hardest to sell me on Jack/Sam and it never quite succeeded but like I'd take fic if it was good. Also I never hated Daniel more than in the final episode of the show when he like failed to realize Vala had feelings until he made her cry. She's known you for years! She's been a valued member of the team for ages! You literally just saw her reacting to her father and you still can't like comphrend she has real feelings??? Anyway that ship sunk then and there as I said she's married to Cam and eating pie).
Also side note I'm super interested in the system lords and like, romance, because it's very rare they seem to be loyal or in love (Hathor fucking hated Ra, Kesmet gladly killed Ba'al) but there were occasions where they seemed to have genuine love matches which like considering their selfish and egotistical natures how the hell do they have actual love connections, across hosts, across eons, across power struggles? Like tell me moooooooore.
Meanwhile I'm still pretty early in season 2 of Atlantis and not to be basic on main but like Shepard/McKay has some god tier content both in show and in fandom so like, sold on that no lie.
But! I'm also really interested in the potential of like John/Ronan or Ronan/anyone at this point. The show is also doing a much better job on selling me low-key John/Elizabeth than sg1 ever pulled on Jack/Sam. Like you can see it there all around the corners of their interactions and I'm like ah yes this is the good canon romance.
I'm currently really intrigued by the idea of Teyla/Elizabeth too though I don't think I've seen much for it. Like as leaders of their respective groups, how they interact is really interesting (as is the fact John basically adopted Teyla and co and Elizabeth, the noted diplomat, fell down really hard in like creating trust between the two groups. That's interesting. That creates some tension that could be fun to explore, if done well).
I also feel like there's a lot of other potential that I haven't quite figured out yet. I feel really bad for Ford and his one season though and the fact I don't have a ship for him... I mean Ford/John post season 1 had potential for that "I failed you/fuck you anyway" dynamic.
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rankdisasster · 5 years
You asked for it. I’m sending you all the zodiac signs. ;)
I did ask for this didn’t i😂 thank you so much !
aries: when have you felt the most confident in your writing? when have you felt the least confident?
hmmm I’d say I feel confident in a story when I feel like I’d enjoy the hell out of it it if I were someone else. I love making a character goofy and dumb to add a lightness to it and if I pulled it off I’d feel really good ! I’ve felt the shittiest when I put hard work into it then tumblr messes it up and won’t let it show up in search. that happens every other time I’ve posted and it makes me feel so hopeless that I’d even think of scrapping it all together. if it doesn’t show up in search then NOBODY reads it and it makes me feel like complete garbage
taurus: how long will you spend on a story or scene before you give up?
man sometimes I’ll spend days writing bits and pieces then going back a few days later and scrapping/changing a lot cause I have a better sense of it when I take a step back. and for others I write a whole story in a day and that can take up to 2hrs
gemini: how often will your plot change throughout the course of writing?
for me it’s kind of a roll of the dice, I’d have a whole bunch of details that I’d want in but don’t actually end up making the final piece. maybe I’ll change a few lines and reactions and little things but 75% of the time I just stick to my script in my head
cancer: how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
I love writing super raw, vulnerable and tender moments. it makes me think back to times when I’ve felt just as bad and beaten down and I incorporate it in there.
leo: what things will show up in every book you write? do you ever feel like a one-trick pony?
lately yes! I get self conscious that all my stories sound the same, but I know it can’t be all true because of course I’m writing the same character, so he’s gonna have the same tendencies and reactions and stuff. what I like to sprinkle in all if not most of my works is tons of swearing, humor, bantering, food. and I super super wish that the Duffers would’ve provided more insight to Steve’s family/home life, because then I would feel more confident in writing his attitude better. with Billy, I know his relationship with his sister and his dad and absent mom, etc, so it’s a lot easier to imagine it because I watched it.
virgo: are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
so so so critical. I feel like I fuck up present tense and past tense all the time, or I’m like “he would literally never say that”. and sometimes I’d like to write crazy au’s but I just have no knowledge whatsoever about anything so I feel like it’s bullshit and no one will wanna follow along and read it. I edit a ton afterwards even after I post it and get so mad if it’s too late to fix a mistake, but then I remember that when I read fics I never focused on those things, I just read the story and enjoyed it for what it was.
libra: how do you balance writing and life? do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing you have to do?
I....hardly even know how to balance lmao it’s so difficult when I have a fat essay to write for college while I do want to write but I’d rather not have it be some stupid argumentative paper that I already wrote in highschool. I do get overwhelmed sometimes, since I just started out posting about a month and a half ago-ish? and getting attention and reblogs and compliments is still so different and shocking to me hahah
scorpio: how much research did you have to do for your current wip? what was the weirdest thing you had to google?
I haven’t written anything on it quite yet, but I just googled ‘funny stories on how people have gotten a scar/injury’ and reddit gave me fucking hilarious ones that I’ll have no choice but to work with later omg.
sagittarius: do you find your writing humorous? do you have any comic relief characters? what do you do if a scene gets too serious?
I love writing cute silly stuff, for me it just adds a lot to a story cause if it’s nothing but crying or sex, those things are entertaining to read ngl, but I much prefer when characters take a sec to joke about whatever situation they’re in:)
capricorn: what does your writing schedule look like? how often does it take you to write a chapter?
since I started getting requests, I’ve been posting ehh probably every 2 days. I’ve taken a slight break from my series and I’m still working on the chapter, but when I was super eager to pump more out for it I’d be writing a new chapter every other day, and it’d take about an hour or two.
aquarius: what is the most unique thing about your current wip?
I have like 6 or 7 works that have yet to be fully developed and all of them are so weird and at an awkward stage that I’m stuck at. one is a modern au which I’m excited to explore, and another is this mythology one that I feel like I’ll have to make shit up for cause my knowledge is so poor on certain things that even extensive googling just does not help me out lololol
pisces: how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
when I first think about it, I usually visualize what I’m writing and try to write kinda what I see if I can find the words for what they’re doing with their face and their body n stuff but sometimes I just vomit up lots of plot if I have ideas that are all over the place.
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mlpdestinyverse · 5 years
Destinyverse Q&A
I asked my watchers on Deviantart to send me questions, related to me or Destinyverse, for me to compile and answer for a Q&A! Below the cut is the full Q&A and I hope it’ll be informative about me, my characters, or the Destinyverse universe! c:
1. Do any of your characters have any disabilities (I haven’t read all the bios so I might have missed something) if so, who and what do they have?
When it comes to physical, no! Though Destinyverse!Daring Do does have a permanent wing injury that gets in the way of taking off and flying normally (her wing can lock up and impair movement in the air). When it comes to mental (which I think mental illnesses count?); There's Eventide Twister with her general and social anxiety, and Skychaser has his bouts of depression. Then there's one other character who has dealt with clinical depression, and may still have its effects, but well...this isn't the right time to out them. ______________________________________________
2. Does the pony world in your universe have more relation with the human world? Like do more humans come over to the pony world and vice versa? With all video game stuff that involve Nova Spark, it made me wonder, do the humans share their technology with the ponies?
(Note that my answer is based off of Destinyverse headcanons!) There have been fun, silly stories passed around Canterlot City about magic and monsters and highschool students transforming into magical girl human-pony hybrids. But nowadays, people have waved off such stories as one huge school-wide prank or just exaggerated rumors to give Canterlot High and the city an interesting reputation. After graduating Canterlot High, and after magic disappeared (for the most part) from the human world, both Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle agreed it'd be best to keep the existence of the magic portal on the down low. Not that normal humans who have never come in contact with equestrian magic or have never been pulled in at least once can cross it, but...better safe than sorry. A lot of back and forth communication and monitoring of the area around the portal is needed for Sunset or Astral to pass through unseen. Only those with Princess Twilight's permission are permitted to use the portal to cross back and forth.
As for technology! With all Sunset Shimmer has seen and gathered from the human world, the mare has used that knowledge over the years as inspiration to help advance Equestrian technology! Twilight puts her at the head of planning such projects, though they naturally need blueprints and research notes to be approved by Princess Celestia herself before they can start a project and have it produced for Equestria! ___________________________________________________
3. What kind of technology is available to the ponies from the human world?
Similar to question 2, all advancements to technology in Equestria are human-inspired, but Equestrian-made! And I think it's safe to say magic has been added to the equation to create a unique magi-technology only Equestria would possess (think of how the helicopter blades on Tank's flight gear are run via an enchantment!)
One of the first things Sunset helped introduce were computers and monitors. Naturally an evolution in the gaming industry followed with the creation of consoles and computer games. We also have the creation of CDs and the development of portable music players, which improved the music industry.
There are some ideas still in the works for the topic of technology. For one, what about a development in animation and even TV shows? For some reason I feel like live TV wouldn't be a thing in present-day Equestria (whether because it's still being worked on or...Sunset wants to settle on live radio news broadcasts). Secondly, it'd be nice for there to be a communication device similar to a telephone, but not the complex cellphones/smartphones that humans have. That's an idea being smoothed out!
But one thing's for certain. The human's expansive "world wide web" does not exist in Equestria. Sure, computers - including desktop computers - exist. They're helpful with creating and storing documents and files, digital art, reading discs for computer games, etc. Buuut...Sunset has a new mantra, thanks to her past regrets. ”Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”
4. I'm sorry if this came up before, but if Dream's parents were both Earth ponies, where did her unicorn traits come from?
It hasn't! I believe one of Dreamaria's grandparents on her father's side is a unicorn! I have a feeling her father grew apart from his own parents for one reason or another, hence why the thought of going to them for unicorn-advice wasn't an option he considered. Dream has no connections to them.
5. Your characters are beautifully made, but I wonder: Are your characters’ personality and background based on your life, people around you, or both? Or is it just to discover topics through fictional characters?
Thank you so much! And ah geez, this is going to be a long one, I apologize ahead of time. <xD There are a good chunk of characters in Destinyverse that I've handed aspects of my own experiences to. These characters would be Eventide Twister, Monochrome, Dreamaria Flow, Skychaser, and Summer Rush.
Dream, Sky, and Summer have the most subtle connections, don't worry! It ties into the aggressive behavior they've faced in their lives, but to keep it from getting too personal, I'll end that thought there. <:3
Monochrome only has one aspect in particular that I gave them because it's something I struggle with and needed to give form. The chapter "Gallery of Infamy" alone embodies it: a desire to share the things that are important to you with others, especially those that matter most. But when you can't, you're often left with a sense of loneliness. Being able to explore that feeling through Monochrome was pretty freeing. ;w;/
Then there's Eventide Twister, who in all honesty embodies the most aspects in her own way. Specifically, her struggle with anxiety and her plotline with Heather. That's something I don't mind sharing: My ex-friend wasn't Heather. In fact, I've shaped Heather in a way that's made her completely different from the friend I knew. But she was my best friend for many years, whose toxic behavior shaped my anxiety into what it still is today. The chapter "Honesty", while the event that forever damaged me and my friendship didn't play out quite like that, holds heavy references to that event and embodies the emotions I was left with that day. Emotions I had to struggle with for years. But I've gotten better with my anxiety and can function better than I could years ago. I continue to handle my anxiety the best that I can! And everything I've ever learned from my experience, I'm handing over to Eventide. Because even when you're left damaged, without a single bit of closure in sight, you can still heal. You can still overcome your hurdles and build yourself up again. That's what Eventide's character arc is about. And I look forward to sharing what I have planned for her. <X3
There's something almost therapeutic about expressing these internalized experiences and feelings through a medium like this. It gives those things form and provides a way of reaching out and communicating them to others! It's incredible how much reception Eventide's arc received, and seeing others be able to connect and relate to her and share their own personal stories is something I find so, so meaningful. I can only ever hope that being able to see these characters have similar experiences or struggles helps people feel heard or a little less alone...! _______________________________________________________
6. What ships in your NG are endgame?  Like, which ones are gonna be official?  Like Skychaser and Evergreen
While I can't give a direct answer to that, this question allows me to provide a bit of insight, since I'm sure others have wondered this too!
The reason EverSky is so openly canon is because 1. Skychaser, before he was fully developed, was originally created specifically to be Evergreen's boyfriend. xDD Not that he wasn't going to have more to him, but! That's what motivated me to make him! Now he's developed a solid story role! And 2. I drew tons of EverSky before I even started working on Destinyverse, sO, it's out there in the open. xD
For the other endgame ships? I want to avoid outright confirming certain ships for reasons, and then there are others who I'm just not 100% certain with yet (like the idea of Summer Rush and Jonagold!). Just know that while certain things may be perceived as either romantic or platonic (platonic physical affection after all!!), I'm also...not the most subtle when it comes to hinting or enjoying my own ships. <xDD That's your clue! But I have at least established that ChromeTwister isn't endgame, and I confirmed that because hellevenIenjoyit but I don't want people getting upset thinking that's being set up when it's actually not and Monochrome's crush is a thing of the past. ;w; Feel free to ship what you want though!! As long as it's harmless and everyone's respectful of one another's ships (as well as the canon ships), it's all good. <xD _______________________________________________________
7. When we will see Evergreen past arc?
AH, surprised someone's asking for Evergreen! He indeed has his own past arc, and well...I want to say he'll most likely be the last character to get his revealed, BUT it also completely depends on which arcs I feel like working on as time passes. <xD I already feel like I'm jumping around and unable to settle on one character. But admittedly some things still need to be sorted out for Ever's, so! We'll see! _______________________________________________________
8. I've got a question/story idea for you. Are enchanted comics that pull you into the story an established form of entertainment in your world or was that one spike got one of a kind?
I had to look back at the episode in question, but it turns out Spike got that comic from a shop called "The House of Enchanted Comics", so apparently there are multiple! I'm sure that it's somepony's unique talent, since I imagine that kind of spell would be a rather complex one for just any unicorn to perform (and it's a rather specific creative approach)! And because it's unique, I don't think it's a form of entertainment everywhere! Since Spike's comic disappeared at the very end of the episode, I almost think these enchanted comics only have a single copy that can be borrowed before they teleport back to its creator! So there's just one very specific shop in Canterlot that provides such magical comics. c: Hope that creator has their form of comic-enchantment trademarked. u m u
9. On a related note, do you think Nova would ever invent a game console that magically sucks it's players in, either intentionally or accidentally? Given that he's Twilight's son I wouldn't be surprised if he could.
HAH, the thought never occurred to me, but hey! He probably could. uwu As a whole new generation of gaming~ Though it'd have to be intentional and consensual. xD And it'd be way down the line! His present goal is to just create immersive story-driven games. _______________________________________________________
10. This may be considered a spoiler but I still gotta ask- Are Pinkie and Sugarsocks gonna have any kids in ur storyline or are they just a little side idea?
For some reason my mind tells me that those two don't feel a need to have any kiddos! >:0 They're just livin the best life with their business and parties~ Caramello from the Cake family is kind of the closest thing they have to a kiddo they can love and spoil. uwu
11. Also are we gonna get more Everchaser/Skygreen (Evergreen and Skychaser) panic gay horse content in the future or no? Cuz lemme tell ya I do love my chaotic gay flirt horses lol
YOU HECKIN BET YOU WILL, THERE'S S O MUCH I STILL GOTTA DRAW xD I haven't even introduced their future daughter yet. I'll end up drawing stuff about her eventually. ;w; And I personally call their ship EverSky! Makes me think of a beautiful endless expanse of sky.
12. Also, what was the first nextgen you came up with an idea for, or what triggered you to start developing a nextgen story on Deviantart? I'm curious owo
I was inspired by Lopoddity's next gen artwork!! I was particularly enamored by her royal next gens and basically went "I...want to design...a kiddo for Luna", AND BOOM, WE GOT PRINCE AMADEUS, my first next gen! Princess Lumina followed after. c: From there I already had Dream Flow and Eventide Twister as characters (Eve was an undeveloped OC at the time), my friend had her character Star Chime, and the existence of my royal next gens started forming a story! A cover (now taken down unfortunately) of the song "Ballad of the Crystal Empire" kick-started ideas for an arc of the present-day story. And as more characters joined the cast, my brain exploded with ideas from there. <xD The realization that I could present this story via illustrated stories and art dumps was the final push I needed to start working on it!
13. I know abt PTX, but are any other characters inspired by celebs or media figures you like?
Nope! In reality I don't actually keep up with a lot of celebs and media figures. <xD Aside from youtubers maybe, but still.
14. What do you, Mia, personally like music-wise? What are a few of your favorite bands?
I always have a hard time naming genres because I kind of just like whatever songs sound good to me. <xDD But I think a common pattern is that I really enjoy emotionally-charged songs. Probably why I tend to enjoy songs from musicals (Dear Evan Hansen is perfection, fight me)! I also like things with a good beat, piano, strings, and a combination of all those things is mMMMMgoodshit.
For some bands! And singers! I enjoy Halsey, Panic! At The Disco, PVRIS, Rachel Platten, Paramore, and Marianas Trench!
15. Were you nervous about sharing you Pony next gen stuff?
Nah! I was already posting art and stories for other fandoms in the past, so posting for a new fandom wasn't bad! But most of all, I had a powerful desire to get out of my own way and get my stories out there. I have a hard time communicating my thoughts and ideas with people - or finding a place where I can do that - and it was wearing me down, internalizing my own ideas and passions. SO, sharing my stories became my way of communicating these thoughts and feelings and connecting with others!
16. Out of all your ships, which is your favorite? Parents of next gen/next gen or otherwise!
For canon characters; TwiTempest is my absolute jam. They're so freaking cute; perfectionistic and panicky princess and her cool-headed and secretly soft guard captain. HM. Runner up would be DaringDash. I never actually shipped them until after I paired them together to create Monochrome. Only then did I realize how cute of a couple they could make. Stubborn, blushy fools.
For my next gens: EverSky was my everything for the longest time, but then came another ship. I won't name the ship, partially because of my whole "no confirming" thing, but also because it's a ship that I don't think anyone will be able to fully appreciate or understand until you see it unfold for yourselves. ;w; It'll become obvious with time~
17. What advice you'd give someone who wants to share their own fun pony stories/ideas themselves?
WELL! SCREW CRINGE CULTURE FOR ONE. As long as you're not copying or using harmful ideas, HAVE FUN AND BE INSPIRED!! Your ideas deserve to be out there! Not receiving much attention at first can admittedly be disheartening, but please don't give up! Keep believing in your passion, keep expressing it and having fun, and people in time will be able to see and appreciate those things! Also remember that it's okay to retcon if you end up finding ideas that work better. c: And one of the best things is that there's no pressure in posting stories 100% in order. You could jump around from character to character, from present day to the past to an event in the future, etc. In the end, just make sure you're having fun. ;w;/
Also, always have something with you to record new ideas! Your phone, a google doc, a notepad, whatever you need to jot ideas down new ideas as they come! From experience, you might think "oh this is an interesting idea, I can remember it for later". NO. DON'T TRUST THAT MY DUDE. YOU WILL LIKELY FORGET AND THEN HAVE REGRETS AS YOU TRY TO CALL FORTH THAT ONE SCENE CONCEPT OR THAT PERFECT LINE OF DIALOGUE but can't. So just be safe and jot down every idea you like, even if you end up tossing it out in the end. ;w;
ANYWAY! It all starts with you, so please, make that move and share your work~ Who knows who you'll end up reaching with your stories!
18. Are you aware of how wonderfully talented and adorable you are?
*SQUINTS* I'm only including this cause you legit submitted it, but how dare Myansweristhanksbuthush _______________________________________________________
19. Regarding Dream, has she ever met any other unicorn with the same kind of magic as her? Would she like to? And if so, would she be happy to meet them? 
She hasn't! Then again, other than the few times Uncle Serein would take her out of town for an outing or for visits to her grandparents, Dream didn't get out of her town much. Not until she moved to Ponyville! Whether she'd like to meet a similar unicorn is a little MMM complicated. I think meeting another pony with her abilities would at least be a good opportunity to see if she understands the full extent and workings of her magic. >:0 _______________________________________________________
ANONS! 20. Since the last ask reminded me of your mystery dungeon kids: if Eventide, Skychaser, and Dream were a mystery dungeon team, which Pokemon would each of them be and what kind of roles would they take? (tank, ranged, etc)
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Dream Flow would be a shiny Ralts (emotion-abilities and psychic-type after all!) She'd be a ranged battler and healer!
Skychaser would be a Dartrix (no reason other than flying type + the hairstyle, and the hood for Decidueye. Besides, grass type boi would work well with grass type - possibly Roserade - Evergreen Glade~) And Sky would be a mixed fighter! Also have...have you guys looked up birds in hoodies. Please do.
Evie would be an Eevee~ Not only cause name play, but! Eventide's a char of possibilities. Darling's gotta find herself. ;w; While a reluctant fighter, if it means aiding her friends, Eve will do her best to fulfil her role as a close-ranged fighter (with Skychaser staying close to help out when needed). She'd also carry a wing-shaped backpack for the team's items! Evolution-wise? Even with no flying type Eeveelution, I think the most perfect evolution for her would have to be Sylveon~ You can piece together why. <X3 _______________________________________________________
21. Which characters were fun to develop and had the toughest backstory to plan?
Fun to develop? Oh Nova Spark all the way. A character who was originally created for fun and to serve the role of Prince Amadeus's best friend has developed into such a major character and I love him. It's probably why he has the longest past arc out of anyone, and also why I'm really excited to work on it BUT WELL I'm worried about leaving everyone else on the backburner. <xD
Hardest backstory to plan? Dream Flow. I've been developing her for over four years now and I'm still trying to sort her out. Heck I was figuring certain things out for her AS I was writing "Impasse". BUT HEY, I think I've settled on a good amount of Dream's story now! I'm sure I'll be editing some things as I go, but I've got a basic idea for what I want! _______________________________________________________
22. You've shown off kids for a lot of the MLP main cast, and they're all great! But one I've never seen mentioned and it has me curious. Does Starlight Glimmer have any kids? Will they be showing up even as a cameo/background pony?
Thanks! So this answer applies to all next gens, but for me to make a next gen, I need either 1. A ship I'm genuinely interested in! or 2. A character concept I want to design, thus I'll figure out parents that could fit the concept best. Examples would be Nova Spark (TwiTempest) and Beat Mania (VinylOctavia) for #1, and Monochrome and Skychaser for #2.
While a Starlight kid sounds nice, I just don't have a Starlight ship that's won me over. <xD Nor do I have any interesting char concepts I could use for a Starlight kid idea; BUT, the thing about that is that I'm not actively trying to create new character concepts. You see, I seem to have a hard time creating background next gen ponies because my mind likes to go off with ideas for almost every character I create. And with the amount of characters I already have, I really don't think I can balance any more characters in the cast without feeling a need to have them play a role in a main plot or another character's plot. And things are complicated as they are. <xDD SO you won't be seeing any new next gen designs unless I find a new MLP ship I REALLY like, or I think up an idea I really want to pursue! ;w;/ _______________________________________________________
23. Do any of the Destinyverse characters have friends that aren't ponies? Some of them did go to the school of friendship after all. Will we ever see them or have them mentioned?
Yep~! But see, those who have attended Friendship Elementary/the School of Friendship (Nova Spark, Eventide Twister, Astral Dusk and Monochrome) ironically are also the characters who have problems with friendship. <xD So none of them have non-pony friends presently.
As for those who do! Evergreen Glade actually has a Kirin friend who is very important to him. You'll meet him in Evergreen's past arc!
Summer Rush is very personable and probably has made friends with both ponies and non-ponies. ;w; None of them have been planned past being minor background characters, though. Maybe they'll have brief mentions! We'll see!
Princess Lumina has made friends with tons of royals/chiefs from other species! Comes with visiting or receiving visits from representatives/leaders/heirs of the other kingdoms within or outside of Equestria!
And finally Terra Rosa....may or may not have a friend who's not 100% human. Without realizing it. _______________________________________________________
24. They all seem to be around the same age, but who's the oldest/youngest of the Destinyverse crew?/How old is everyone supposed to be in Destinyverse?
Keep in mind these are approximate ages, from oldest to youngest! Princess Lumina is the oldest at 27. Then comes (big bro) Skychaser at 26. Summer Rush, Astral Dusk, and Prince Amadeus are around 23. Monochrome (and maybe Evergreen Glade) is 22. Eventide Twister, Nova Spark, and Dream Flow are around 20. And finally, Venture Gale is the youngest at about 14! _______________________________________________________
25. Will we ever be seeing more of Lumina or Amadeus? Will they have a part in this story?
Certainly! The only reason we haven't seen much of them is because we haven't explored the right characters that are connected to them! c: Which would be Prince Nova Spark and Star Chime (again, a friend's character!)! _______________________________________________________
26. Does Venture Gale read his mom's books? How does he react to them if so? Excited, embarrassed, or something else?
Absolutely~! He's a HUGE fan of his own mom's books! He gets so engrossed reading them, getting to re-experience his adventures in such an awesome light. It's exciting seeing himself as a character! Though he does get embarrassed when his mom adds extra narrative commentary, such as writing that Valor Wind is a fast-thinker, intelligent mind, a brave and honest soul, etc. His embarrassment is also fed by people who are die-hard fans of his character (Not that anyone knows he's Valor Wind or that the stories are real. But anyway, he's also incredibly flattered~)). Surprisingly, unlike Rainbow Dash who gets a HUGE ego boost out of their fans, Ven is a rather humble kiddo. But that's to be expected from the boy who becomes a red-faced bean over the slightest compliment. _______________________________________________________
27. Without spoilers, which Destinyverse character would you say has the biggest regrets about their past? Either in a single event or a long time thing?
Astral Dusk. It never occured to me until I read this question, but regret is a leading theme in present-day Astral's character conflict. _______________________________________________________
28. Who is your least to most fav character to draw in Destinyverse? Why?
Favorite character to draw? Nova Spark I think! I love coloring his gradient hair. Much simpler than hair streaks, and it's very pretty <xDD From there, everyone else so far has been on pretty neutral ground.
Now when I say "least favorite", in this case I mean the char that gives me the hardest time. And that'd be Skychaser, only because of his dang hair. <xD Getting the right curls and shape is WEIRDLY hard, but hey that's the price to pay for luscious hair. _______________________________________________________
29. What's Nova and Monochrome's relationship like?
Hehe~ It's a healthy one, built on trust and a sense of understanding they don't really share with anyone else in their lives. They often find themselves on the same wavelength and constantly have one another's back. If I can choose one word that embodies their relationship, I would choose...loyalty.
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bigfanofpuns · 7 years
I wasn’t expecting the tag
Because my friend @theeverlastingrandom tagged me. You get to know more about this weird little bun shaped stack of pancakes. Here we go!
1: Are you named after someone? 
Nope. Mama wanted a nice name for me. Dad had no idea what to call me. They gave me my name because it sounded pretty.
2: When was the last time you cried? After an RP I had with @purplezombietigress. So much angst….but it was beautiful.
3: Do you like your handwriting? Eh….I could improve.
4: What is your favourite lunch meat? Honey ham. It’s good for breakfast, lunch sandwiches, or just by itself.
5: Do you have kids? Unless you count the ones I take care of during summer camp, no. I ain’t no mama!!
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?  If I enjoyed random conversations and the occasional dark/stupid joke, heck yeah. I think it would be fun!
7: Do you use sarcasm? Depends on the situation. If I’m salty or playing around, yeah. I will. But for the most part, nah.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Nope! Had those taken out at age 12. Worst freaking two weeks of recovery ever!! The ice cream was a bittersweet reward…..
9: Would you bungee jump? Heck yeah!! That sounds awesome!! I would love to try it one day!!
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? AppleJacks. It has a lot of sugar and the milk tastes great afterwards. It’s the closest thing I can get to keep me awake (I can’t have coffee sadly….)
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Who does that?!
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? I think so. I can beat up most of my cousins when we play fight. Though, if we’re talking about endurance and stuff, I’m trying to increase it.
13: What is your favourite ice cream flavour? I’m a big fan of vanilla bean. But recently I tried this honey lavender flavored ice cream….ugh…so good…..
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?  Eyes. I’ve been trained to make eye contact when talking with people, especially when meeting someone new. Thank you improv classes!
15: Red or pink? Red. I hate pink….Well…at least on me. Red is a lot more vibrant for me.
16: What is your least favourite physical thing about yourself? I guess my stomach. It doesn’t bug me much but I could stand to lose a few pounds for health’s sake.
17: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Blue jean capris with black and red Vans (perfect for flat feet!)
18: What was the last thing you ate? Eggs with tomato and toast on the side.
19: What are you listening to right now? Mark, Bob, Jack, and Wade complaining/raging on Golf with Friends.
20: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Outerspace. Because I’m out of this world! HAHAHAHA (I tend to space out a lot.)
21: Favourite smell? Grass in the morning. Right after a day of rain is when it smells the best. I don’t know why but it’s very calming.
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My dad. I needed to be picked up at the hospital.
23: Favourite sport to watch? Does dance competitions count? Or gymnastics? I love watching those, they’re so cool and mesmerizing!
24: Hair colour? Dark brown with Electric Blue highlights.
25: Eye colour? Brown
26: Do you wear contacts? I do! I have two sets of contacts: My usual everyday ones that I wear for going out or working in lab. And my costume contacts for…well costumes!
27: Favourite food to eat? Baked Ziti or burgers….I can’t really choose between the two!
28: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy!! I love laughing more than I love being scared.
29: Last movie you watched? Coraline.
30: What colour of shirt are you wearing? Black. It’s the Blooky shirt from Fangamer!
31: Summer or winter? Summer!! I HATE the cold. I’m a lizard, man. I need a constant source of heat.
32: Hugs or kisses? I prefer hugs. Hugs are nice. I’m a little weary of kisses.
33: What book are you currently reading? Beloved by Toni Morrison. I read it in highschool and it’s still one of my favorite books.
34: Who do you miss right now? My freedom. Because I can’t drive and anything fun is about 5 miles away, I can’t really leave my house. I’d love to go explore or just hang with friends.
35: What is on your mouse pad? I don’t really have a mousepad. I’m doing this all on a laptop. I can tell you what’s on my desktop instead! It’s a picture of a pixilated night sky with the words “You are filled with DETERMINATION” in the middle.
36: What is the last TV program you watched? Cupcake Wars. I love seeing all the cute and sweet flavors people come up with.
37: What is the best sound? Thunderstorms or the sound of the ocean. Both are just really comforting for me.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Beatles. I haven’t listened to anything by the Rolling Stones.
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Paris, France. I honestly loved it over there! It was so nice, I just feel bad for all the messed up stuff that happens because of tourism. Like the love locks on the gate thing. All the keys from couples throwing them into the river causes a lot of problems with the water supply.
40: Do you have a special talent? Uh…..I don’t think so? I’m not as artistically talented as my friends and people I follow on here but I’m trying new hobbies. Uh….writing poems is fun, I’m usually really good at those.
41: Where were you born? Southern California, right in a little city called Mission Hills.
Hmm...who am I gunna tag here....why not? Since I mentioned ya, @purplezombietigress you wanna try your hand at this? XD
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