#this is some fucking bullshit
kickmuncher3 · 11 months
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i fucking hate everything.
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finngualart · 1 year
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well, fuck :(
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
I can't reblog the post neo/trances made but, he does not deserve that. Nothing he could do would justify that. He didn't fucking do anything wrong either and I feel like yet another lgbt Black user is going to be run off of this site by racist white lgbt people. He already had to remake because of a different racist user and now he's getting people describing violent crimes in his inbox because he said sexual racism is bad. That's vile. That's infuriating. As one csa victim to another, I hope he has time to be with people who care about him and is able to block these awful people.
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fairuzfan · 4 months
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You will never ever EVER suffer the effects of zionism like Palestinians have. If anyone dares to prop up a zionist at all I hope you all understand that you're pieces of shit. I will never trust you.
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schadenfreudich · 10 months
Trying to get an apartment is a fucking nightmare because there is literally none. At least not if you are one person and just need a small 1-2 room apartment.
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
person not involved in The Discourse: wow both sides on this need to touch grass lol theyre both wackos
side A on The Discourse: i would like to exist in peace
side B on The Discourse: everyone on side A should kill themselves
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atla modern au where suki & zuko are life guards for the summer and sokka just keeps drowning
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political-confetti · 10 months
if yall go into the inboxes of random jewish folks and ask for their opinions on the palestine/israel conflict just because they’re jewish, fuck you. genuinely, fuck you. stop doing that. you aren’t supporting palestinians by harassing random jewish folks on the internet, you’re just being an antisemitic asshole. y’all are doing the exact same thing as assholes who would go up to random muslim folks after 9/11 and ask them their thoughts on the taliban. it’s fucking gross. if you actually care about victims of the war, donate to charities or funds. share posts and information about the situation. don’t fucking harass jewish people.
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harasharaved · 10 months
The fact that Judaism is trending because of both the wave of bomb threats on synagogues and Bradley Cooper's Antisemitism Adventure (his huge fake prosthetic nose, and him basically stealing the story from a Jewish man) is so infuriating and so exhaustingly typical.
The fact that I see Judaism trending on Tumblr and immediately think "oh no. Something Bad is happening to us." We're never trending cause it's fucking good. I never get to be excited, it's just cold dread.
The fact that Antisemitism is getting worse everyday and the only ones who ever talk about it are other Jews. The fact that no one else fucking cares. The only ones who support us are other Jews. Even when gentiles talk about Nazis or white supremacists they don't want to help us. We're just their prop, the canary in the coal mine and the perfect victim.
The fact that everyone's uncomfortable with Jews still being here. Reminding them of things they'd rather forget.
The fact that it'd be easier for them if we were all dead. Then they could tell stories about our people, dressed in offensive caricatures, without us making a fuss.
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renshengs · 3 months
convinced that no one who calls tim drake normal has ever read the original comics leading up to him becoming robin. a 13 yr old runs to titans tower to look for dick and then hears he’s gone to visit haley’s circus and proceeds to LOCATE DICK and when he finds him dick is like. you’re like 12 where are ur parents. and tim’s like that’s not important listen BATMAN NEEDS HELP and dick brings him back to the manor and when alfred asks he’s like Look idk either. later tim wears the robin costume and goes out to help batman and nightwing himself. and Later he has like. straight up stress+guilt-induced hallucinations of robin!dick and robin!jason. this is only the tip of the glacier. no one who thinks he's boring should ever speak to me actually
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radiance1 · 5 months
inspired by this wonderful art made by @puppetmaster13u
So, Danny, cemented king and practically father of the Blob Ghosts and certified little shit.
Has found something new to play with.
For you see, despite his various kidnappings by the GIW Danny was never aware of there being a League of Earth's mightiest heroes at all. He off-handily mentioned them to Henry, who was now genuinely jobless because even though he never got told he knew he was jobless for helping Danny escape and Henry?
Henry did not want any part of this, he's just a civilian he doesn't want to meet the Justice League of all people!
Sadly, Danny did not care at all in the slightest.
Henry was then reminded of why Danny was valued by the GIW and why he also king class ghost entity (the only other known king class was the Ghost King who they barely have any information of). Because he easily, cleared the distance between Amity Park and Metropolis.
Henry, unfortunately, was not used to traveling at such speeds and was left hanging limply in Danny's arm as everything started spinning and thinking he might puke.
Danny, being the child that he is at heart, immediately starts calling out Superman's name. Superman, predictably and unsurprisingly, hears this and comes over questioning who was calling him.
Danny decides to be even more of a little shit by speaking in ghost speak even though just earlier he called out Superman's name in clear English. Henry, the de-facto translator, is out of commission right now so Superman is really just left guessing here.
Unless, you go with the fact that Kyrptonian is a dead language, and since Superman can speak and knows Kyrptonian, Danny's ghost speak is automatically translated to Kyrptonian.
Superman is, understandably, stumped by this occurrence and he may or may not form the idea that Danny might be a Kyrptonian.
Danny then gently places Henry down on the roof, pats him on the head, tells a few blob ghosts to keep an eye on their new littlest sibling while Dad has fun.
Then he turns to Superman, with the most feral, shit eating grin on his face. Cracks his knuckles, and then tells Superman that they're going to have a fight.
He wasn't asking, and before Superman could say anything he's already been punched through the air. Not that it hurt, really, mostly took him by surprise, but now Superman is now in a fight with what may or may not be a Kryptonian.
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ofsmokenandgold · 10 days
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt in Memes 8
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emkini · 1 year
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Rest assured that whatever your league is, they are very much out of it.
(I know Zukka is the big thing rn and I do enjoy it very much but. there is something about Maiko that I will never not love. The acespec solidarity is real with them)
[ID: A lineart drawing of post-canon Fire Lord Zuko and Mai, standing together in elegant robes and looking at the viewer with unimpressed expressions.]
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toytulini · 11 months
listen im ace and im pro kink at pride and whatever, but the way some of yall are wording your posts in response to the backlash against it is uh. really taking me back to the ace shitcourse era.
yall know theres nothing wrong with being a "virgin", right? that its not inherently shameful to have not had sex, to never have sex, even if youre not ace, even if you do want to have sex someday, like, its fine that you haven't had sex?
maybe if your problem is that theyre trying to police your behavior and shame you for expressing your sexuality, you can say that? instead of resorting to "haha stupid virgin gets no bitches" like my god. do you not hear how fucking regressive that attitude is? i know, i know, youre "joking".
get a better joke
#toy txt post#god im going to regret this post im gonna regret it so much i can feel it in my bones#let it flop..........pls#internalize my message let it sink in and understand what i am saying and then let the post flop#i say. knowing the ppl who need to see such a message are the ones who will make me regret this post and regrwt not having#1 million bajillion disclaimers#virgin is in quotes bc its a bullshit made up stupid purity culture concept anyway and quite frankly i hate even seeing the word#disclaimer: the previous sentence is not me saying that it is a slur for asexuals. it is me a single individual saying this specific word#grosses me out to read and see everywhere when its a stupid bullshit binary made up or at least historically largely used#to shame largely women and i dont know why we're still using it in 2023#and ive just been. seeing such an uptick in this whole like. attitude? lately and like#im ace im minorly sex repulsed. mostly about anything sex at me bad. other adults sex at each other consensually? go wild#i like to think im pretty chill about it. i try to be. i think its fine ig to be like 'my meat is huge i fuck so much so good'#like okay not my thing but good for you. love that for you#but then some of yall have started turning it back around back to. 'haha your meat so small and shriveled you get no bitches'#'haha stupid incel virgin' like okay. didnt realize we all went back to fucking. middle school but okay#god im gonna run out of tine to get ready for my thing writing this stupid post UGH evil#but like idk we've kinda circled back to being like haha being a virgin still is stupid and silly and shameful#and if im quite honest. i do think the acecourse played a part in that bc i felt like we were making good progress in like#hey guys is fine to not have sex ever if you dont want to its fine to not want sex its fine#and then aphobes went fucking rabid on us and splintered and destroyed online communities all over but especially on tumblr#and so many aces went back in the closet we stopped talking about it we stopped spreading awareness and now this stupid goddamn like#and now this stupid bullshit attitude is back where its like funny to call someone a virgin as an insult but like no bro trust me its okay#its okay for me to do it bc im a hot queer person with huge meat instead of a cisstraight frat bro with huge meat#? like you know the issue was the behavior right? not the fact that it was straight dudes saying it? its bc the thing being said was shitty?#you know you can dunk on the puritan bitches trying to police your behavior at pride without getting us as collateral damage right#stop making me read that stupid ugly ass word ur not cool or funny#whatever#if you come on to this post to start shit i will not only block you but as many of your mutuals and followers as i can find. i will scroll#i will block this entire fucking website if i need to do not test me. i am exhausted and the acecourse ate up all my tolerance in 2015.
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eleccy · 3 months
c'mere for a second, i need for you to look at this.
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Yes, there he be. But I want you to notice something about this cell.
There's no bed. Y'know? No room for one.
But that table, the one the roses are on? That looks like it could be a night table. It's got flowers and a photo frame on it. That's almost certainly a nightstand. I don't see how it could be anything else.
He has to have a bed in there, right?
We're seeing this image from Phoenix's perspective.
So in case you haven't noticed it yet, let me spell it out for you.
Phoenix is sitting on Kristoph's bed.
Is that not the only possible place it could be in this cell? Do you want to tell me I'm wrong about this? Think it over first.
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