#this is silly bhddbbgdbmff
skyward-floored · 29 days
Maybe a snippet about wars and Sky and baby twilight?
“Come on Twilight! Come on!”
“You can do it!”
“Just once buddy!”
The baby stared between Warriors and Sky, tilting his head as the two smiled at him. He blinked, and Warriors and Sky held their breath as his expression screwed up.
Then he let out a huge sneeze, one that nearly knocked him over.
“Well, I guess he doesn’t want to right now,” Sky said with a frown, and Warriors sighed, leaning back on his knees.
“I’m starting to think Time is lying about the turning into a wolf thing,” Warriors huffed, and Twilight giggled as Sky pulled him into his lap and wiped off his nose. “How could neither of us have ever seen him do it?”
“Maybe he doesn’t feel comfortable enough around us?” Sky said, letting Twilight mess with some of his feathers.
“That’s ridiculous. We were there when he was born, how could he not be comfortable around us?”
Sky shrugged, and Warriors flicked some snowflakes up into the air, Twilight giggling as he waved a hand at them.
“All I’m saying is, he’s had powers for at least a month now, and we still haven’t seen him turn into a wolf. It just seems suspicious to me,” Warriors said, adding to the flakes. “I’m pretty sure Time is putting us on.”
“But Malon said it too,” Sky reminded him. “She was talking just yesterday about how cute he was as a wolf, remember?”
“Well maybe he got her in on it too.”
Sky gave him a flat look, and Twilight made a whining noise, squirming in his arms. They looked down at the baby, and Twilight whined again, moving his lips around.
“Guess its time to feed him again,” Sky said, and Warriors nodded, getting to his feet and walking off towards the kitchen.
“I’ll get the bottle. Malon didn’t move it around again, did she?”
“I don’t think so,” Sky called, rocking Twilight a little when he made a fussy noise. “Aw buddy, it’s okay, we’ll feed you in just a second.”
Twilight let out a louder noise of discontent, and Sky shushed him, looking out at the kitchen.
“Hurry it up Wars, he’s getting really cranky!”
“I’m trying, sheesh!” Warriors called back, voice annoyed. “Malon mixed up everything around in the fridge. Now why did she put the salad there of all places...”
Twilight sniffled, his lip trembling, and Sky patted him on the back, moving him so he had his head resting against Sky’s shoulder. The change in position calmed him down a little, but he was still whiny, and Sky winced as he grabbed a lock of his hair and tugged on it.
“Come on Twilight, it’s alright,” Sky shushed, “we’ll feed you in just a second, and your parents will be back soon! No need to be upset.”
Twilight looked at him as he spoke, and Sky smiled, Twilight’s blue eyes watery with tears.
Then his form was abruptly encased in shadows.
Sky yelped, nearly dropping him, but he managed to hold on to the shadows that Twilight had turned into, and watched in shock as they slowly fluttered away.
Leaving a wolf pup in their place.
Sky blinked, and the pup blinked back, and for a moment the only noise was the distant sound of Warriors rifling through the fridge.
Then Twilight whined, wiggling in Sky’s hold and licking at his chin.
Sky’s shock turned to delight, and he laughed as Twilight’s tiny tongue rasped at his chin. “Ha, well, Time was right,” he grinned, running a hand over Twilight’s head, delighting in how fuzzy he was. “A shifter! Buddy, that’s so cool.”
Twilight seemed to pick up on his excitement, and wiggled in his arms, letting out a yip as he licked Sky’s chin again.
“Alright alright, stop, you already spat up on me earlier, I don’t want to change shirts again,” Sky smiled, giving his ears a little scratch. A clatter rang out in the kitchen, and Sky sat up a little straighter. “Oh right— hey Wars! Get in here!”
“I’m still looking! Give me a break!” Warriors shouted back, and Sky huffed, getting to his feet.
“No, not that, you need to come see— oh, hey wait!” Sky exclaimed, shadows drifting around Twilight again. “Warriors hasn’t seen! Stay a wolf!”
“Stay a what?” Warriors hollered.
Sky ignored him, trying to get Twiligjt to stay a wolf, but despite his pleas, the shadows kept forming. And soon enough they’d dispersed, leaving a baby in Sky’s arms again.
Sky sighed, and Twilight set his head on his shoulder, yawning as Warriors finally came back around the corner.
“Look, I finally found it. Even warmed it up. Now what were you yelling about?” Warriors asked, tossing the bottle from one hand to the other.
Sky looked at Warriors, looked at Twilight, then looked back at Warriors one more time.
“Uh... would you believe me if I said he turned into a wolf while you were gone?” he said with a sheepish grin.
Warriors blinked, then snorted, shaking his head. “Riiight. Thought you’d get in on the joke, huh?”
“Aw Wars, look, I know what it looks like, but seriously, he did.”
“Uh-huh, sure. And when I went into the kitchen, I turned into a chicken,” Warriors said seriously, then laughed. “Nice try, Sky.”
“Let’s just feed him,” Warriors said, and Sky grumpily took the bottle from his hands, shifting Twilight around and popping the tip in his mouth.
Twilight happily suckled onto it, and Sky looked at him, then exclaimed as he pulled a piece of fuzzy wolf hair off his shoulder.
“Here, see? Wolf hair!” Sky proclaimed, and Warriors took it, squinting at the piece of fluff.
“Sky, this is lint.”
“It’s not!”
“It’s lint.”
“It looks nothing like lint!”
Warriors squinted at the fuzz again, and hummed thoughtfully, rubbing it between two fingers.
“I guess you’re right... it looks like a bit like a moth ball too.”
Sky glared, and Warriors grinned. “Warriors if I wasn’t holding a baby I’d tackle you right now.”
“Well, so long as you don’t sic a wolf on me, I’m good.”
Sky hit him with one of his wings, and Twilight giggled at the sight, Warriors shaking his head as he walked away.
“Like he’d do it in the five minutes I was gone... sheesh,” Warriors muttered to himself, chuckling under his breath as he went to go get a snack of his own. “Yeah right, Sky.”
“Fine, be that way,” Sky huffed, and sat down in a chair, guiding the bottle back into Twilight’s mouth. He smiled down at his nephew, and Twilight snuggled up to him, happily suckling. “Doesn’t matter if he believes me or not. Just so long as he doesn’t come crying to me when you start teething and chew up all his shoes.”
“I heard that!”
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