#this is really sketchy so im not bothering to queue
g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
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Talk about trans headcanons the other day got me thinking about Kaito exploring his gender again,, While I do hc Kaito as cis I think there was a period of time where he questioned his identity and messed around with his presentation, realizing that he does really like dressing in feminine clothes regardless,, and the thought of Kaede helping him try things out was too sweet not to draw
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blackaquokat · 6 years
Prompt: I haven't slept in four days... Details, sort of: After WKM and in the van videos universe or timeline? Pairing: Acting Attorney Pleaassseee? You're the best!
Absolutely! Thank you, dearie! I’ve beeneager to write more post-WKM Acting Attorney! Speaking of, I’d like to addresssomething: I write the DA as a self-insert, but I want you all to keep in mind,the DA is not based on me. Like, at all. And this is not the real Markiplier,this is Actor!Mark. As a result, Amyplier will not be addressed in this series,primarily because I love those two and would rather just leave them out of myworks out of respect. I feel awkward enough writing about Mark in general, evenas Actor!Mark. No one has mentioned it to me yet, but I wanted to address itanyway. Okay, on with the prompt!
P.S. This may end up canon to my unnamed Acting Attorney series as of yet, and this prompt I answered earlier thatyou can read here could be considered the prequel to this.
132: “ I haven’t sleptin four days… ”
It takes some time for Mark to get the former DistrictAttorney acclimated to living in an actual home.
As soon as they arrived at his home, his friendasked to use the shower. The hope in their voice was so fragile at the time. Ittook an hour-long shower, a bottle of body wash, three bars of soap, and halfa shampoo bottle before they decided they were presentable.  (“I had trouble figuring out the hot and coldsettings, but I…I’m not sure why…”) Considering how small they were, Mark hadto call a few friends, Amy and Ethan for example, inquiring for oldclothes they didn’t mind lending out.
Once his old friend was bathed and adorned in clean, if notfresh, clothes, they began to resemble an everyday modern citizen, a ratherunsettling sight for Mark. Not just because they’re still emaciated andhaggard, but more because he still expects to see them in 1940s regalia.
Mark offers them the spare room in his home and from there,he’s not entirely sure what he shoulddo. So he posts an update about taking the week off from making videos in orderto offer his friend full attention. This includes making sure they eat, takingthem to shop for non-hand-me-down clothes, and answering most of their questions.
That last one is the most revealing in regard to just howdeep the former DA’s amnesia runs. Not only do they have no recollection oftheir life before the manor, they also carry little to no knowledge aboutmodern technology. The first time the microwave alarmed, they yelped and felloff the kitchen stool.
This opens up even more questions:
What happened to them in the manor?
How long have they been alive? (Are they alive, though?Their skin is cold to the touch, and Mark’s not always sure he feels a pulsewhen he holds their hand to lead them down through the city.)
Why don’t theyremember anything since then?
About half a week in, Mark discovers yet another problem his oldfriend is facing.
Mark has always had trouble sleeping, especially since theManor.  He doesn’t know if it’s just theafter-effect of interacting with the Dark Entity for so long, or if it’s justfurther evidence of how deep his guilt goes, but there it is.
Now that the former DA is back in his life, he’s morerestless than ever at night. On this particular evening, he gives up ratherquickly on sleep and decides to go binge-watch One-Punch Man or something.
Upon arriving in the living room, he sees the DA lying onthe floor in front of the couch, staring up at the ceiling without a focuspoint in their gaze. Couple that withthe strange paleness of their dark skin, and the hands folded on their stomach,and they’re far too resembling of a corpse.
Mark has only a moment to be embarrassed about wearingpajamas with his brand (why should that embarrass him now? It never botheredhim before.) before he announces his presence with a question: “Are you okay?”
They startle out of their position, eyes wide and breathquick. Mark is a little relieved to see them move.
“Oh, hi, Mark. I, um…” They clear their throat and shuffleto their feet. “Sorry, I’ll go back to the room—”
“No, stop that,” Mark stresses. “You’re out here for a reason.What’s the matter?”
“Um…well…” They shrug, a helpless gesture. “I can’t sleep.”Seeing the question in his gaze, they continue, “The bed is really soft, I feel like I’m going tofall through to the ground, then I keep turning the light back on becausesomething about the dark makes me feel trapped, and…” Their hands run throughtheir shorn curls. “And…I saw my reflection in the window, earlier, and had thisawful urge to throw a chair through it, so I decided to come out here instead.Property damage is a pretty awful show of gratitude, you know.”
They avoid his gaze as they confess this.
“How long has it been since you slept?” Mark should havenoticed the exhaustion in their shadowed eyes, but he’s been a little moreconcerned with how visible their ribs have been through the tighter shirts they’veworn.
“I don’t know, one…maybe four days…”
“Wha—four days?” Markpinches the bridge of his nose.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to cause a problem,” they apologize.“I didn’t mean to wake you up—”
“You didn’t,” Mark interrupts. “I have trouble sleeping too.”He looks at the TV, then back at them. “May as well stay up together. What doyou say to some tea and maybe a show or two?”
They sigh, probably relieved he didn’t try to make them goback to bed. Tyler’s tried that once or twice with Mark, to no avail, so heknows better.
“Sounds good.”
It takes time for Mark to decide what to put on for them,after making the tea. His first instinct is maybe an Agatha Christie adaptation,but then he rapidly discards that as too much of a risk.But anything too modern might not work either…
He’s still scrolling through titles on Netflix when hisfriend perks up. “Was that Poirot?”
“I…yes, yes it was.” So much for no Agatha Christie. “Sothis is your vote?”
Their enthusiastic nod is enough for him to queue the firstepisode. He’s never been much for period dramas (considering he lived throughsome himself), but mysteries aren’t so bad. And with their tea in hand, both ofthem sitting on opposite ends of the couch, Mark almost feels…normal again. In a way he hasn’t sincethe last time he and his friend spent time together so long ago.
A few minutes in, Mark risks a glance at the DA. They lookrather…lost in thought. “Are you bored?” he asks. “I can change it, if youwant.”
“No, no don’t! It’s just…” They shake their head. “This…thisfeels awfully familiar.” Their hands tighten on the steaming mug of tea. “But Ican’t place why…”
Mark keeps still, waiting for…he’s not sure. A spark ofrecognition? Hatred?
He won’t lie to himself. As soon as the realization of theliving DA sunk in, Mark feels like he’s been given a second chance to right thewrongs he’s done to his friend, from both before and during the events of theManor. Part of him desperately wants them to see him, know who they had been to each other…
But the smarter, more self-aware part of himself realizesthat, given his past actions and their history as a whole, their reaction tohis identity would definitely be less-than-flattering.
So he waits to see which option he’ll have to deal with.
Luckily (?), their gaze clears a moment later. “Sorry, thatsounds crazy.” They take a deep breath, and let it out. “Thanks for the tea,”they say as they turn their gaze back to the screen.
The tension leaves his shoulders, but the guilt seeps in toreplace it.
One day, he’ll tell them. When he’s brave enough to face the disgust they’ll undoubtedly treat him with.
Half an hour later, Mark and the DA fall utterly asleep ontheir respective sides of the couch, while the show plays on before them.
@intemperantiae , @im-also-dead-inside , @timelords13 , @determinedrevolutionary , @ur-fairy-god-dragon , @conceitedink , @unknown-maned-wolf , @dontworryaboutanything , @cosmic–frappucino , @beereblogsstuff , @falseroar , @musical-jim , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods
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