#this is part of a riddler collage that I was working on
batmanforevernerd9 · 2 months
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Posting older art because I have yet to make anything new...
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riddler-green · 1 year
Could I request a riddler/ reader w/ a reader who likes to draw him pls 🙏🙏 like as a gift or even just keeps and he finds them in their studio and realises his face is littered along their portfolio like a thoughtfully crafted tapestry and testament of their love or something corny like that I love the idea of a reader who’s just awe strikingly in love and him the same it’s so sweet WAAA but u can do whatever w/ the idea of artist/riddler ur so cool Ty <333
Mi musa.
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Summary:  you are an artist with your own habits but you never forget who your true muse is.
A/N: hey hiii! it's me again! thanks so much for the request! I really appreciate it! and I hope you enjoy it, I love that Riddler/ artist concept too!1 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
Warning: possessiveness on the part of both, fluff!
Words: 1500.
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Art can be a means to convey what you want to say when you don't have the words to get them out of your mouth, you have never proclaimed yourself as the best artist in the world, but for as long as you can remember others have recognized your talent, you are grateful for the compliments of others who find charm in your work when you only find things to improve.
Perfectionism is something that tortures you when you look at your own work, you know there are things to improve but somehow when you draw the man of your dreams it's the opposite. Sometimes they tend to be simple doodles on yellow post-its, sometimes you draw portraits worthy of hanging in renowned museums, when it comes to Edward, you always find solace. A calmness in painting is like a therapeutic remedy.
Edward couldn't stand the itch in his nose, he had to sneeze covering his nose with his shoulder, you stopped painting and looked at the palette in your hand "Sorry" Edward apologizes in a low voice but you can hear him, you move away from the canvas to look at him "No need to be completely still my love, it's okay" you inform him mixing different shades of brown to paint his hair.
Edward kept as still as possible even though he is only sitting on a chair with a dark blue background, he couldn't help but think that when he poses for you it reminds him of an ancient king asking his star painter to do a portrait of him to show his greatness and power. But he knows he is not a king, he is still a little incredulous how someone like him managed to date someone like you, someone who looks at him with so much admiration, so much love that lasts for hours, even when you are out of your studio and he is at his most unfavorable moments you still look at him with great esteem.
"I think I will have to add more red to your cheeks, they are too red" you joke behind the canvas, Edward laughs at the comment, maybe in the past he would have refused to even have his picture taken, as he didn't like the way he looked, but now, he poses in front of you naturally as it is not the first time you paint him.
He doesn't mind that your studio is full of paintings, sheets full of drawings of him, he found it beautiful and wonderful, he started to love himself with your paintings, he sees the beauty that you see in him "Some day you should draw yourself too" says Edward calmly looking everywhere in the studio without turning his head.
"I don't know, self-portraits are hard to do" you reply placing a brush in your mouth as you use a palette knife on the canvas "Although it's not impossible either".
Edward remains satisfied with the answer and is silent again, he feels so excited with the result of the painting, you always make it a masterpiece at the end in his opinion. He scribbled sometimes on his accounting sheets and on his crossword puzzle, he drew question marks, and sometimes he drew you, or well, a caricature version of you, when he showed it to you, you cried, without you knowing you already started sobbing, it's different when they draw you.
Edward catches a glimpse of a rather large picture with all the drawings he has given you as a gesture of love, all the drawings placed as a big collage and protected by glass, under the picture, there was a signature "Eddie's Drawings".
His cheeks ache for he adores that you appreciate him too, it never crossed your mind to judge his drawing skills, you always received the little pen doodles with love "I'm almost done" you speak to him and he makes a happy humming sound, for you, you could be posing for days if you wanted to.
Again he thinks again, deep in his heart he loves it when you proclaim that he is your only muse, not Bruce Wayne, not another rich guy who pays for your paintings, Edward Nashton of KMTJ brings out your creativity to make paintings non-stop.
"I hope it comes out well in this painting," he says and you switch brushes "You always come out beautiful Eddie" you assure him as if it's a no-brainer.
Edward stretches his legs a little when he notices you are putting down all the brushes "More than the plain Mona?" you laugh at his question "More than the plain monkey" you reply and call him over to come to see the painting.
"wow" is the first thing he says when he sees it is him with various mixtures of paints that make it look great, he stays a few minutes fascinated with the work while you finish putting away all the paints and utensils.
"Do you want to take it home?" you ask taking off your Machado apron of various paint textures and Edward nods his head buzzing with delight as he takes your hand.
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"Is it a cow?" you ask looking at the paper in front of you, when they came in from your study day Edward wanted to show you a drawing he did on his break from work "It's a dog" Edward clarifies pointing to the somewhat deformed figure of the dog "it's you and me and the dog we saw in the park" he explains his drawing as you look happily at the drawing, so proud of him.
"It's so cute!" you squeal with happiness placing the drawing on one of the walls of the room "I think I'll put it in my next collection" you speak to him lovingly as the two of you embrace, Gotham nights are usually cold, but when you're next to Eddie it seems like the whole apartment becomes warm.
"I would like you to attend my next Exhibition will you go, right?" the two of you look at each other face to face Edward keeps his eyes closed completely in love with the position they are in "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The presenter looked at you with respect, he was sitting next to you with several question cards waiting for the program to start, all the time your facial expression was serious.
When the program started the presenter began with a charismatic talk about your works "So, tell us, who is that man who is always in your paintings?" he let out the question with a curious tone the cameramen pointed to your face looking for a surprised expression from you, instead you answered naturally.
"He is my partner, Edward, we have been together for several years and I always fell in love with his way of being" you start talking with a formal tone "When I see something I love, I want to capture it in my paintings so it can be immortalized" you settle back in your seat placing your elbows on armrests.
"Before I was looking for perfection in my art, but now I achieved it without realizing it" the presenter remains static before your speech "perfection is when I look at the effort I put in each work and that it was worth it" you look at the camera in front of you "sometimes art can hurt us, but I decided to be happy painting the love of my life".
The presenter you forgot his name gave a few admiring claps as you took a sip of water. God, you just hope Edward watches the show.
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The man in clear glasses leapt towards you to hug you both standing outside the program set, the stoic countenance disappeared when you noticed your boyfriend, he squealed with joy for the program "God, how I love you!" he proclaims and before you could respond he kisses you on the lips, you close your eyes to enjoy the moment.
"Me too Eddie" you reply kissing him again, you remember hearing about Edward's past, you wish the people who hurt your muse would suffer the consequences of their actions.
"I think I have inspiration for another painting, but this time I need to buy a darker green" you comment smiling at him, Edward gets excited "what kind of green?".
"Mmmm" you pretended to think making a thoughtful sound "What color is the Riddler mask?".
Edward almost choked on his own saliva, in a few times you have painted him as the Riddler and that makes him get more excited "I um, I think, I can tell which gree-en it is" he stutters nervously.
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There were nights when Edward tried to draw you with canvas, and you happily posed while Edward mixed different tones that you could easily make a rainbow vomit, still, it was a dream for you to see him like that, you swear he looks so cool behind the canvas, you seriously consider buying him a beret to match his beautiful eyes.
When Edward finished he proudly showed you the artwork, someone else would say it was a perfect Picasso with the drawings barely repeatable but for you, it was the masterpiece of the century.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes!
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battyshopkeeper · 2 years
Collage riddler x male reader au
Roommate Cuddles
Edward Nashton x Male Reader
Word Count: 1242
Contains / Warnings: Confessions, Cuddles, Mentions of Anxiety, Mentions of Alcohol, Fluff, Suggestive Stuff, Omg they were roommates. 
(A/N: I’m back, have quick little fluff as a treat. Also yes I used this banner before.) 
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You had a really weird roommate. That wasn't you being overly judgmental, that was just a simple observation. It could've been much worse with the entire plan of becoming roommates with a random stranger. But there was no way in hell you could pay for rent with your cashier job, and you would rather die then befriend someone at this point. So your only option was him.
One Edward Nashton, the relatively shy guy that was going to attend your collage, with the added bonus of having a job to pay the bills. It was practically perfect.
And it was rude but even when meeting him there was a part of you that hoped Edward would spend the majority of his time away. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You couldn't even judge in all honesty since you were in the same boat as him. Your antisocial behavior that was worsened by your anxiety, it all lead to staying in your shared shitty apartment then going out to enjoying the collage life. Edward was probably the only other person you talked to outside of classes or work, and just like you he was the same.
It was awkward at first, both of you hanging around the apartment only being able to start the most stilted of small talk before it died off into uncomfortable silence until one of you called it quits and went back to your room. But there was a slow change, and it started when those god awful conversation starters actually revealed what interests you both had in common. Quickly warming up to him after that, being charmed by his odd personality that you originally thought would've been a point of contention. You two clicked after that and that was all you really needed to get attached to one another.
It became a usual occurrence to hang out in the living room. At first using the excuse of studying together, but that quickly turned to times where you just enjoyed each others company. From playing games together, trying new budget foods to mixed results, or simply rambling about whatever your minds went to. And today was one of those days, with both of you lazily sitting on the couch. The entire vibe changing when you pulled out a bottle of whine, a joke gift for Edward getting a promotion, a whole 5 cents difference. It became a blurry night with both of you taking swigs from the bottle, talking about your day, mainly complaining about classes. But it didn't take long for things to take a turn.
"Yeah, I feel like I'm starved—I would have died if touch starvation was a thing." It was a lame passing comment from your buzz, you didn't even remember what started that conversation. But it lead to an odd moment as Edward stared at you nervously, struggling to speak up as he gulped down the wine. "So you uh, never cuddled anyone?" "Obviously not." There was a small pause, his eyes locked directly to yours as you felt yourself become a little nervous, maybe more from embarrassment then anything. "Wanna test it out then?" Edward suddenly asks.
You were visibly taken aback at his offer, Edward softly cursing under his breath, like he realized just how weird that was. "I mean, I'm not... against it. Guess it's good to try new thing." You reply, scratching the back of your neck with a timid smile. "You don't have to, I mean you don't have to settle with me for that." Edward gestures at himself with a forced laugh and that oddly made you feel a little defensive on his part. "Come on, Ed. Who the hell would I trust to cuddle with? I hate the majority of people." He looked away at that, becoming a flustered mess so much that he had to bite down a smile.
"So then... how do we do this?" Edward stood up as a way to start, placing the almost empty bottle to the side with a groan. You laid down with open arms, a teasing smile spreading around your face. "Come here, dude." Edward stood there for a second, with a face like he thought he was about to do something wrong. It took you calling his name again for him to finally lay on top of you, so carefully, like you were made of glass. "Relax. I can handle you." You try to soothe while gently pulling him closer. Edward furiously apologized while trying to shift into a more comfortable position. You couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Edward hesitantly laid his head against your chest before letting out a sigh when your arms wrapped around him. He was going to make a passing comment but it always died off. He couldn't even lie, this was a dream come true, feeling so close to your warmth and scent, it was enough to make Edward nuzzle his cheek against you for just a little more.
And you both stayed that way for who knows how long, losing track of time as you dozed off in each others arms. Only being woken up when bringing up something to keep your minds distracted from it's sleepiness, always dying into random ramblings.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" You playfully tease as your grip around him tightened, feeling him hug your torso with a small huff. "Pft, no." "That's a shame, I was gonna ask if you wanted to do this more." Edward paused. "... I really like this then." He said while hiding his face into the crook of your neck. "Yeah, me too." You whisper with a hand moving up to his neck, your thumb gently rubbing his cheek as you heard him let out another sigh.
"I can never imagine doing this with anyone but you." Edward confessed, his hands running down your sides. Fluttering your eyes closed, you let out a small noise as Edward kept his hands on you. You wanted to say something, ask him more but you stopped yourself, instead choosing to stay in the moment to focus on his voice and hands. And Edward kept going, whispering to you confession after confession.
"Ed, you're making me feel so many things. And I don't wanna make you regret this." You groan as he gently kissed under your jaw. "I won't regret this, I promise." He mumbled before going back to littering your neck with kisses.
"Fuck, I really really like you." You let out a lighthearted laugh, feeling him slowly stop. "I guess I kinda see you as my boyfriend sometimes."
"Do you mean it?" "Of course—" "No, like you're not joking, right?" Edward looked up at you with furrowed brows, pain lacing his face and voice. You were a little speechless, your mind blanking at how desperate he seemed. It was enough to make you sit up to tilt his head up at you.
"Eddie, who else would I want to be my boyfriend? Who else could it be but you? You're the only person I want to stick besides and I mean that." Edward couldn't stop from smiling, suddenly hiding his face in his hands, letting out a broken laugh. "Holy shit, are you crying?" You quickly go to comfort him, grabbing his wrists as he shook his head frantically. "It's the whine, These are—They're happy tears. I just thought that this could never happen." Edward laughed again before wiping his running tears. You took that as sign, leaning closer to him with a grin. "Wow, We really are walking stereotypes. Close roommates."
"Roommates for life?" He jokingly asks.
"Roommates for life." You reply.
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wingedqueenlynx · 6 months
Hiiii :D. How are you?
Anyways, about Foxy, does she have a traumatizing backstory or is she a lil happy bean all the time? (She is so relatable I cant).
And also, how does she handle the rouges when she has to? Do they have a good relationship or do they straight up hate eachother?
Thank you and have a great day/night! :]
Yes, Foxy got a real tough life before becoming a vigilante. Grew up in a neglectful environment as a child and was forced to take care of herself. Her adulthood didn't get any better as she was kicked out of her collage and workplace which caused her to be left homeless on the streets of Gotham, where she witnessed the bad gang violence against the homeless population before eventually meeting Bruce Wayne- who will train her to become Gothams new protector.
Due to her rough past- she tries not to let it drag her down into the gutter and instead always tries to lighten the mood or distract herself. As a civilian she is a exhausted looking, dorky 25 year old who is extremely awkward and will blush hard if someone complements her a certain way. She loves jamming out to rock and will actively play her guitar whenever she gets a chance (With Muse, Queen and Gorillaz being her favs), if she's not doing that she's engineering her own devices.
Her persona once dawning the mask is completely different, she becomes confident and energetic, and never afraid to make a quip to or at some. She's a quick problem solver and is always fast on her feet when the time counts. Foxy is also extremely stubborn when it comes to her injuries, and will actively ignore the pain- even if one of her bones have been broken, she'll keep going.
How Foxy deals with the rogue's is the interesting part lol. When she first started out crime fighting, she'd do the usual "beat em up, lock em up" method, but once she first fought the Riddler who was the first rogue she encountered- she saw the years of trauma that he had from being beaten senseless and opted not to "pull a batman" on him or anyone (Except when the time calls for it in extreme circumstances). After that she uses violence against the rogue's as a last resort and instead uses a different approach to throw them off. Flirting. Or just being a menace in general. Foxy will use flirtatious banter to mess with the rogue's, some getting overly flustered, others getting absolutely enraged, or in the extremely rare cases- they flirt back and things take a turn.
I am still working on her story and how she interacts with characters. I've already got a good amount of her story scripted out. It's just the matter of figuring out what to do with it lol
I do have somewhat older drawings I've done with her interacting with people, I would show you but their on my tablet back home. Thinking now, I really need to remake Foxys character sheet lol
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Oh good someone found the 'metrosexual' Eddie! I tried finding it but there's so many comics to look through... anyways though the one where Poison Ivy grabs him by the balls and tells him he doesn't have any is from Detective Comics 797-799. Ed also spends the whole time lamenting that he "doesn't understand women" while being led through Ivy's jungle by a hulking handsome man and wondering why that guy's here to lead him around when Ivy hates men. He's really just like that post that goes "a character so misogynistic he circles back around to being gay"
alright well. I auditioned a couple quick jokey responses to this that would let me just get on with my night but. nope. simply wouldn't suffice. since you went to all the trouble of telling me EXACTLY which issues to dig this up in, might as well have a gander.
first off I'd just like to say from the bottom of my heart
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outta my way gay boy I'm boutta get it
anyway this whole plot is apparently kicked off because everyone's pissed off at Eddie because of the Hush thing and trying to kick his ass and for some reason he decides the solution to this is to hide out in a park that Poison Ivy has taken over and turned into an impenetrable super-jungle. I personally love when the Riddler is being hunted for sport, so this is great for me.
already lost and sweaty he encounters the hulking handsome man anon warned us about, who looks like this if anyone's curious
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not really my cup of tea but he looks like he takes great care of that hair and I respect that he's dressed for comfort
should be mentioned that this bullshit takes place as an entirely separate story smack at the end of issues that are actually mostly about Bruce, Barbara, and Cass trying to stop some kind of turbo gang war. may or may not be related to whatever's going on over in Poison Ivy's helljungle; I'd like to thing the editors threw it in as a little treat for the readers. alright gang, we've slogged through an awful lot of violence and Bat-angst - now put on Yakety Sax and watch the Riddler have an absolutely terrible time!
anyway, onwards to #798. the Eddie and Pam segment begins with what I can only describe as an incel collage
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in light of that last one I do feel the need to bring back this bad image I made recently as part of my awful ongoing quest to watch Gotham
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Pam tells Eddie that he's not a real supervillain because, and I am paraphrasing slightly here, he's a little bitch and absolutely no one wants to work for him because there's 0 prestige involved. she announces that she's going to kill him (fair) and he decides to just take his chances jumping off a cliff instead. godspeed, you little freak.
the Pam & Eddie portion of #799 opens with Eddie once again sweaty and hauling ass through the jungle while Pam dicks around with him, getting increasingly aggravated. she steals his tie to be petty and also says this, which
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idk there's some kind of metaphor for queer discourse in there somewhere, right?
anyway Pam gets his ass so good Eddie just begs her to get it over with and kill him, at which point Pam pulls the ol' switcheroo and decides to just let him leave as an even bigger emotional wreck than he was to begin with.
anyway in conclusion he's pathetic and definitely riding the self-pitying incel train hard but there's not actually any instance of Poison Ivy referring to, targeting, or otherwise involving his balls in any way. her MO here seems to lean much more towards vine-based bondage and asphyxiation than CBT.
and that's probably for the best.
anyway for those curious this mini-story, titled "Low," was published in 2004, written by Shane McCarthy with art by Tommy Castillo, Rodney Ramos, Tony Avina, and Nick Napolitano.
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optimisticcritique · 6 years
Gotham 4x04 - Re-watch Review
Preparing for Gotham’s return...
Fun fact: This was the first episode of Gotham I ever watched live. I caught up a few days before the episode aired. I remember the riddle rap promos and speculations.
The way that they state the kid’s name...it almost makes you think he is a significant character. Normally the throw away characters do not get such an introduction.
I feel bad for these two. They never stood a chance. Only serving the purpose of being murdered. 
Should have just taken the knife home instead. 
Love the Oswald collage and fanart wall Ed. Did you make it all yourself? Oswald would be touched. 
So, where did he get all these papers without anyone recognizing him in his overly discrete green suit? Did he steal some of them from Myrtle? Go to the local library? 
I just imagine Ed getting a pile of research and Oswald news from someone. They probably thought he was an obsessive fan. 
Was Ra’s just stalking Bruce this whole time? Does he not have other hobbies? What does Ra’s do in his spare time? 
I hope Harper doesn’t end up being the Pinkney of the season. I like her. 
“What’s so special about the knife?” Asks about five main characters in the last two episodes. 
Oswald stares intently at his beloved hat. I really want to know what he was thinking with such an intense stare. Probably something not fit for family audiences. 
“Knocking Victor!” What exactly were you doing Oswald that required knocking notice? 
I give Oswald credit for at least being suspicious of Sofia first. Too bad his hubris and emotions will get the best of him again. 
Sofia is good. Great at emotional acting and pretending to be innocent. 
If Jim can’t go to Penguin for intel, it must be up to Babs!
“You like this me better?” Calm Babs is going to end up being the mother of Batgirl soon, isn’t she? I see Jim being turned on by this.
Bruce, you are not very subtle. What happened to being discreet?
Jim is actually convincing Bruce to tell the truth...yeah, I believe Ben wrote this episode. 
I wonder how differently this all would have gone if Bruce told Jim about Ra’s sooner.
“how do you spell-” One of the best quotes of the entire episode. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t know how to spell it either if I didn’t see it so often. Just don’t try to ask about pronunciations...that’s a whole different debate. 
Jim and Bruce team up! Always nice.
Riddle raps!!! I am trying to picture Ben writing all this. “Foe...know...lame brain. Genius work, Ben!” *high fives self because it is 3 AM and Morena is asleep*
Just when I think Ed can’t be more extra, he ALWAYS proves me wrong. What’s next? A glittery jacket and hat to match?
I know that there was singing fruit last season...but like...does Oswald know that this Ed is just Ed being Ed? It isn’t his brain damage doing all this stuff. He’s just this extra. 
Oswald looks so done with everything lol
This is Victor’s jam! I love it.  
Reference of the two Victors! I love this. Now when are they going to reference the two Harveys? Or are we pretending Dent doesn’t exist now?
I really want to know what Ed meant, if he didn’t mean the pier.
Poor kid. He really should have just been honest about the knife sooner, given it to Bruce, and went into hiding.
Awe missed opportunity for Bruce to show off more fighting skills. Bummer. 
 I didn’t know Ra’s was a Clark Kent fan. Love his cosplay.
Such a deep moment for Bruce...too bad it doesn’t end up meaning much.
“Weirdly cool”. I wish someone would call me that. All I get is “weird”.
Award for best subtle acting in this episode: Ra’s. I would say he is the most subtle (unsubtle) villain ever in this show but...we all know he’s not. 
Alfred, why?! Just because you think about punching someone, doesn’t mean you should! Wait, I forgot. This is Gotham. Most people act on violent impulses.
Nothing can restrain Alfred when it involves saving Bruce.
The lengths Sofia will go to bettering her game is astounding.
She’s trying to get in your head, Penguin. Don’t psych yourself out.
Well, to be fair, everyone has secrets in Gotham, Jim. You better than anyone know that you don’t always share everything.
Do you think if Alfred was allowed to go, he could have convinced Bruce to give up the knife? I don’t imagine he would but you never know...
I have a petition for more riddle raps. Oddly enough, Ed and the Riddler are the only two signatures on it so far. 
Oswald’s facial expressions are always such moods 
I am still kind of surprised Bruce denied Ra’s the knife. Was he expecting him to be bluffing? 
I feel like they would have shown the kid dying on screen if this was GoT.
Give him something to believe? Umm...do we really need to repeat everything you’ve seen in Gotham so far, Jim?
Angsty Bruce! No, anything but angsty Bruce!
The “here!” makes me laugh every time for some reason.
Actual children. 
“Your riddles suck!” Well, he’s not wrong.  
Wow, Ed looks so broken. Like his favorite toy (his mind) got taken away. 
Remember what Ed said Oswald? Gloating is one of your least attractive qualities...I’m just saying.
6 hours? Is that how long it took Ben to write the riddles?
You know, you could have just stolen the riddle from somewhere, Ed. The fact that he wanted the perfect riddle himself is amazing though.
“Yeah, I will!” “Uh no, you won’t!” A+ villain banter. Take notes kids. 
Oswald is totally done with death threats. He’s been through it all. He knows of his plot armor now. 
Oswald knows how to get under Ed’s skin and find what hurts him, doesn’t he? 
Really Ed? You weren’t expecting that he would try to freeze you again?
“Got it, same pose”. Why isn’t Freeze on here more often? 
It must be pretty bad if Ed is admitting defeat. 
Oswald - a guy who can look almost heartbroken and cocky at the same time. 
Jim and Sofia? Who would have foreseen this? :O 
Man, that was some fine glass, Jim! You better be paying for that. 
Over all: A decent episode. It had some good moments. Ed and Oswald reconnect, only for them to part ways and throw away the revenge plot. Sofia and Oswald meet, Sofia starts her manipulations. Jim finds out more about Ra’s, hooks up with Sofia. Bruce blames himself for the death of a nice kid, starting his angsty/angry path against Ra’s. He continues to keep the knife as Ra’s is arrested. 
Previous review: 4x03 Next: 4x05
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