#this is more test geg
kun-summacumlaude · 8 months
I did not get away with it.
Welcome back readers, in this post I'll be reviewing my results for the previous semester and talking about my expectations for the next. I don't have that much to say to be honest.
Year 2, 2nd Semester
To start with, I did better than I predicted on my academic status note but I should have done better. I'm extra conscious to not sound ungrateful but I'm just being honest with myself. The Academic Status:
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This is 80% correct. Except for CPE 221 & EEG 226. Come and join me sing Hallelujah!!! After my submission error in CPE 221 I was super scared of carrying the course over but they overlooked it and I got an A. Thank you Jesus. Then EEG 226, the bane of my semester, I got a B! I give all glory to God because I don't know what I wrote in both test and exam. It was a 60 on the gbam. The sweetest kind of B. I'm really glad those two came out the way they did.
GEG 222
3 Units. The summary of this course is that I did not do enough. It feels like a low hanging A that I failed to get. Statistics was an easy course but it took a while to understand what was really going on. In the end too much time. It is extra hurt that I can pinpoint 7½ marks that I lost in the test. I got 64/100 at the end of the day. What cost me those marks in the test? "x × x² = x²". I was hopeful for a really good exam to cover up for the test but that didn't happen. I wrote the exam and it was just off. I've accepted it already but that WHAT IF just keeps on coming back from time time.
At the the end of semester, an SGPA of 4.63 is still me achieving my goal of at least 4.50 every semester, which is good. But it could be better. I want those fine margins to go the sweeter way. My CGPA has dropped from 4.88 to 4.81. We go again next session. Thank God for 200 Level.
Day two of putting this post together and I realised that I didn't even talk about the courses where I did really well. All my focus was on the Bs. I don't encourage this lack of balance, I'm going to work on that in myself.
Expectations for 300 Level.
Academically, I want a 5.00 and more. What is more than a 5.00? I do not know but I what I do know, is that I want a 5.00 and more. The goal is to just do really well. Not just As but convincing As. 70 or 100 is the same according to my CGPA calculator and I don't normally care but this semester I want to go for those high ones. Outside Academics, I believe there is a purpose for me being in UNILAG and not OAU, Or CU or BU, or ABUAD, you get the point. So, this semester and session at large, I'm trying to be more conscious of achieving that purpose on campus, I don't know what it is but that is where the Holy Spirit comes in. I shall be praying until I realise it. I don't just want to excel academically; the school life outside exams should also have some nice things going on for itself. I pray I get nice accommodation to start with, that would be really advantageous. So, the expectation is to just excel, duh. But I want to do even more for others, however I can. It's fulfilling.
On the increment of the school fees, the increase is huge, and the student loan might not be so accessible to those who need it because of the requirements. I kind of feel for our VC, first female VC and it had to be her that all of this fell on, but I feel even more for those who have to struggle more than ever before to pay their fees. I'm just going to blame FG; this is on them. So much poor governance over a lot of years has led to this. I believe the school will feel the impact of the extra fees with time, we have to. Really, those fees had to go up, everything in Nigeria is more expensive that it was when the school fees became 20K. It couldn't stay at that forever; the school needs the money. There will always be a division on this issue so I'll just end by saying that if they had increased as need came, then there wouldn't be need to do it astronomically, but I guess no one wants to be the "bad guy". And mehn, we need better leadership in Nigeria, how could our "leaders" watch things get so bad? Bring back shame.
Oh yeah resumption was moved from the 3rd of October to the 30th. Next time I post, I should have done about 3/4 weeks in the semester, by God's grace. Until then, bye-bye. (Every semi-colon in this post was suggested by edge, how do you use those things?)
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wpdariacutnes · 1 year
Me: mech ashly and goodi as subway boss das fine das look cool
Me: but why me finks a yelly be im dont knows sowing here more...das more
Little bit story here comunity sens more:::
Yelly: what is the chemical fornula for water
Me: ??? Rat staws ???
Yelly: corekt
Yelly: how proton make a sund?
Me: (a dys not bed one someone but ploblem) roling metal im finks...
Yelly: corekt mech das canda bit esly
Me: whit de sec are you expleing how train working or das update YOUR train bit more huge?
Yelly: yeah...bit but not yet
Me: meat/animal food what test like? Well im never it a you buy dys reddy like it now you wona in fire
+ water but lemon soda
+ bee pioson
+ im dont knows is japan food DAA
+ toffy (sweet staws or persen like)
And finks dys a toffy but fell not corekt so finish here and go away normal ritche? But say slow now relazing a call her " fredly staber moon nitche nife" like after she singing a wona be BEE ANGEL
Im not bed guy but she back and say "okey das acwort me twaise"
Me: and what is fevret pokemon (normality like ashly say knows reddy is chikorida ritche):::
Goodi das geg Me like expleing you
So yelly like a eevee woder evolution dys fevret one and finks a corors a past oc be dys but nope say a corors eyes be pretty like slap radom like eye tipe
And finks one HOLD ON YOU A REALITYSHIP AND 6 MOTCHE AFTER WEDDING LIKE WHAT NOW?! Say slow up like skip "so yelly" and say so slow like wery slow
Offical note: 16.01.2023.r
0 notes
dailygrumpyking · 5 years
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When aren't you think a hungry Frogarott apart for treasure of Chuffer Bob the Meerca? The a retro black super sofas!
0 notes
elainevc · 3 years
please stay pt. 2
fem!reader x levi
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️: Mentions of blood, vomit, low appetite, weight loss, illness, needles, angst
Please do not read if these themes are triggers. Your mental health is more important than stories on the internet. Please take care of yourself <3
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Weeks had passed since Levi had confessed. Your health wasn't getting better, but it wasn't getting worse. So, he took that as a blessing.
Hange did experiments and tests every day. They discovered you had alba rheumatismus rulmonum; your lungs were slowly collapsing and you weren't healing because your body was too busy trying to get the nutritions you lacked.
She explained that it was common in women who lived inside wall Rose. Only thirty years ago was a cure developed. The disease practically disappeared after that.
But now that you were diagnosed, the cure was difficult to get a hold of. Erwin had to pull some very special strings to get the syringe in their hands. It was nerve-wracking to say the least, but you wanted to get better. The survey corps needed as many soldiers as they could get and you weren't about to roll over and be killed by a little coughing.
The finally came when the procedure would take place. The 104th cadets visited you in the morning to wish you good luck. Sasha made sure to show up with a bowl of soup from breakfast.
Before they left, Levi entered the room and shooed them out.
He walked over to your bedside and carefully grabbed your hand. His cold fingers traced over your skin.
"How are you feeling," he asked like he was almost afraid of the answer.
"Eh, could be worse. At least I'm not titan food." He smiled but it wasn't genuine. The air was tense as he got lost in his rhoughts.
His eyes had a far-away look in them as he stared at your intertwined hands. When you squeezed he met your gaze. You lifted your hand to cup his cheek and like a cat he leaned into your touch. You gently led him down to your face.
"Don't be so dramatic. It's not like I'm gonna die," you joke but he doesn't seem entertained.
He was only focused on your lips as he met your mouth to his. It was soft and tender and you could feel how much emotion he was trying to convey. Levi always struggled to express his feelings and you were aware of this.
Just as you were about to start moving, he pulled away.
"Promise me you'll stay," he nearly pleaded with you. He was desperate. You smiled and nodded. Like hell you were going to leave him all by himself.
It was strange watching the seemingly emotionless captain breakdown in front of you. You knew better than anyone that he did in fact care about his comrades and he just struggled to express that.
"Hey," you spoke softly with your fingers pulling his chin up to face you, "I'm not gonna leave you."
He took in a long breath to settle his nerves and nodded.
Erwin and Hange entered quietly, a small box tucked under the section commander's arm. She began preparing the injection while Erwin walked over to you.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm ready to get this over with so I can get back out in the field."
Erwin hummed in response. His brows were furrowed in thought. Despite your long-standing friendship with him, the commander still found a way to make you nervous. Or maybe it was your body preparing for the next few days of hell. Either way, his gaze was frightening and you found yourself gripping Levi's hand a little.
Hange walked over with gloves on and the needle ready for you.
You forced yourself to put on a brave face and roll up your sleeve. They wiped your skin down and meet your eyes. The needle was inches from your skin but felt like it was already in.
They slowly pierced the skin and flushed the syringe dry of... whatever was inside.
It didn't feel any different. She pulled away and returned to the box to clean the supplies. Erwin placed a patch of thin gauze over the injection.
Levi helped you stand and led you to your room. You all agreed it would be best to go through the side effects in a comfortable environment. The cadets had helped move some buckets and what-not into the room earlier that morning.
You sat on your bed carefully and Levi stayed standing in front of you. He watched you sway a little as you felt fatigue grab a hold of you.
He knelt down so he was eye level with you. His steel blue irises stared intently at you. Neither of you spoke for a long moment before he decided to put his hand on the side of your face.
His fingers tickled your ear and his palm was warm against your cheek. You moved forward slightly to meet him.
Your lips connected with his in a soft, tender kiss. It was passionate as he tried to convey everything he was feeling in one single moment. He tasted like black tea and you found yourself loving that.
The two of you separated but he leaned in again to kiss your forehead sweetly.
You felt like you could melt right then and there.
"Geg some sleep brat. You don't need to feel any worse tomorrow." You grinned up at him. He didn't mean for it to be funny but he enjoyed your smile nonetheless.
You moved to get comfortable and fell asleep quickly under the covers. Levi sat in an armchair tucked in the corner. He never got much sleep anyway so staying up to make sure you would be okay wasn't a problem to him.
The night passed uneasily. The medication was starting to sink in and your body was becoming more uncomfortable every hour. You tossed and turned relentlessly but never once woke from your sleep.
Levi stood and poked your cheek. You stirred a little but didn't wake. He poked you again until you opened your eyes and looked at him.
"Come on, you need to eat something."
The covers were too warm to leave their safe embrace so you simply curled into them more. Levi rolled his eyes at you and left the room to prepare your breakfast.
He knew you appreciated a cup of tea when you didn't feel good.
The kitchen was oddly silent and Levi wondered where the cadets had gone. Sasha must have already had her breakfast if she wasn't in the kitchen at the moment.
Levi carried the tray of food back to your room, but when he entered your bed was empty.
The sound of gagging came from the bathroom. He set the tray down and hurried to your side. You were hunched over a bucket hurling your innards out. Yeah this was Levi, and he was obviously grossed out by the vomit, but a part of him still wanted to kneel by your side and comfort you.
He decided on a happy medium of pulling your hair back (or rolling up your sleeves if you don't have hair or wear a cap) and resting a hand on your back.
You finished shortly after and cleaned your mouth. It was safe to say you weren't hungry any more.
You returned to the bed as a sudden wave of heat hit your body. Sweat formed on your skin and threatened to drip down your face.
"Levi.. can I get a cold cloth," you ask quietly.
He nods and comes back to your side with a brown towel. He adjusts it on your forehead and instantly feel better. You cough a little to clear your throat, but this sends you into a coughing fit.
You sit up and continue into your arm. The familar taste of iron fills your mouth and soon the inside of your sleeve is coated with blood.
Fuck, this was going to be a shitty week.
The next few days were filled with your constant changing temperature and occasional vomitting. Hange assured Levi that this was the normal process and that you would get better soon. He didn't believe it entirely, or maybe that was just his cynical side.
Your thinning frame and pale skin reminded him too much of his mom. You barely ate anything and couldn't get out of bed most of the time. The bucket seemed to always be in use.
Levi hated watching you like this. He hated seeing you fall apart in front of him and that there was nothing he could do about it.
He knew that the best thing to do was to trust Hange and Erwin buf that was harder than he thought. His trust dwindled the worse you got and the two of them knew he was nervous. They saw the way he looked at your sleeping form, the way he hurried to fulfill any sudden need of yours.
It was all too unsure for him to be relaxed.
The day you stood from your bed on your own was the day he felt his heart beat a little faster.
The day you were able to walk without assistance made him want to run to you and pick up. He wanted to twirl you around in one swift motion and hold your body close to his.
The day you ate 3 whole meals was the day Levi made a promise to himself.
He promised himself to never let you go and to keep you safe until the moment he dies. He promised to protect you and never see you hurt ever again.
He wanted you to stay with him and be his forever.
That was all he wanted after that.
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Your predicament with your PCP sounds terrifying, I really hope you have something up your sleeve to counter the threats of the PCP considering the immediacy of the situation... I don't personally know of anything since I obviously never been in such a predicament - but - if it helps, know that while asses tend to crap all over you, you can certainly give them the proverbial kick through persistence and bravery - so keep your strength up, in more ways than one -Anon
I appreciate this, I sent her an email through the my chart portal and voived my concerns and told her I did not appreciate the threats, aive also contacted a malpractice attorney, the medival license board, reported her to her supervisor and director and contacted my care manager through my insurance.
My care manager was able tovget referrals in place for me to see the necessary specialists, now im waiting for the PCP to sign off on some additional imaging and teating of the esophagus and then hopefully I can geg the ball rolling on treatment.
Ive been assured by my therapist and insurance that she can't actually have me committed as I am not a riak to myself or othera and can prove I am trying to get treatmemt for the issues I do have but shes still withholding prescriptions that I need and wont aign off on medical equipment/devices and hasnt signed off on the new tests that have been ordered. ):
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bunkershotgolf · 4 years
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Circling Raven Golf Club Extends Value-Priced Rate through April; More than 40% Off Peak Cost Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel Amenity Maintains Green Fees at $55
Circling Raven Golf Club, the state’s No. 1 ranked public course, will maintain the 18-hole round fee at $55 per player through April, a supreme value considering the peak season rate is $109.
“This is a win-win for players and the golf club,” said David Christenson, PGA, Circling Raven Director Golf. “Golfers can enjoy one of the country’s top courses at a great price, do so amidst the superb beauty that we’re fortunate to be set within, and enable us to provide relaxing recreation for people.”
The $55 greens fee is a savings of nearly 40%. Beginning on May 1, green fees will increase to the Spring Rates ($89 Monday-Thursday, $99 Friday-Sunday and holidays). Peak season rates ($99 and $109) commence on May 21.
To enhance safe practices at Circling Raven, the following protocol is currently in place:
For safety, each player will be the only one touching his/her equipment upon arrival and throughout your visit. Guests have the option to ride or walk the course currently, and they can use a personal push-pull cart if so desired. If riding, we allow one Circling Raven golf cart per person. (Carts are not permitted in the parking lot due to insurance purposes).
No more than ten customers are allowed in the clubhouse at one time.  When approaching the counter, individuals must maintain six feet of social distance, as outlined by tape on the floor. This holds for anywhere on the property.
Food and beverage offerings include to-go orders at the service window on the back deck.  The dining room and bar are closed for inside seating.  To place an order from Twisted Earth Grill on the 9th hole, for pick up at the turn, call 800.523.2464 (ext. 7263).
Tee times are set at 10-minute intervals to promote safe distancing. Golf carts are allowed on the course paths only currently.  Bunker rakes have been removed. Flagsticks are to remain in the cup, and cups have been raised above the putting surface. Our local rule is, when the player’s ball touches the cup and remains within one club length, the putt is considered holed. If the ball deflects against the raised cup and settles outside one club length, another attempt is required.
On course restrooms are open and sanitizing stations are provided inside the clubhouse and at both restroom locations on the golf course.  These can be found at hole nos. 5 and 14.  Extra sanitizing maintenance is being provided in all areas of the business to ensure we are providing the safest environment for your enjoyment.  
For more information, visit www.cdacasino.com/golf or call 800-523-2464.
About Circling Raven/Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel Owned and operated by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Circling Raven is in Northern Idaho, approximately 50 minutes from Spokane International Airport (GEG). Measuring 7,189 yards from the rear tees, the 18-hole layout sprawls magnificently through 620 acres of woodlands, wetlands, and Palouse grasses. Circling Raven’s gleaming white sand bunkers are large and strategically placed, and its variety of holes is tremendous. The Symetra “Road to the LPGA” Tour will compete in the Circling Raven Championship Aug. 24-30 this season, a worthy test for the world’s top aspiring professional women golfers. Many who play Circling Raven equally enjoy the vast, 25-acre driving range, a nationally honored golf shop, and the excellent Twisted Earth restaurant with bar at the clubhouse.
Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort amenities and activities include the full-service Spa Ssakwa’q’n (SOCK-wah-kin); a variety of hotel rooms and suites; bars, restaurants, lounges, and eateries; cultural immersion options, and more. The casino completed a multi-million-dollar renovation in Spring 2019.
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tacticalshit · 6 years
All the firearms and crazy shit the TSA confiscated last year! *Video*
Rated Red recently put out a video showing by the numbers how the TSA did in 2017 and its pretty good but if you go to the TSA website you can see in further detail some of the crazy shit people try to take on airplanes! Check out the videos below!
TSA.GOV Writes
771.5 million (771,556,886) passengers traveled securely through 440 federalized airports in 2017. That’s over 2 million travelers a day!
A record setting 3,957, firearms were discovered in carry-on bags at checkpoints across the country, averaging 76.1 firearms per week. That’s an average of 10.8 firearms per day.
3,324 (84 percent) of the total firearms discovered were loaded.
1,378 (34.8 percent) of the total firearms discovered had a round chambered.
The most firearms discovered in one-month – a whopping 31 – were discovered in August at the Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL).
Firearms were intercepted at a total of 239 airports.
There was a 16.7 percent (556 more) increase in firearm discoveries from 2016’s totalof 3,391.
Top 10 Airports For Firearm Discoveries In 2017:
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL): 245 (222 Loaded)
Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW): 211 (165 Loaded)
George Bush Intercontinental Airport – Houston (IAH): 142 (124 Loaded)
Denver International (DEN): 118 (102 Loaded)
Phoenix Sky Harbor International (PHX): 115 (109 Loaded)
Tampa International (TPA): 97 (90 Loaded)
Orlando International Airport (MCO): 94 (82 Loaded)
Dallas Love Field (DAL): 93 (81 Loaded)
Nashville International (BNA): 89 (71 Loaded)
Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (SEA): 75 (60 Loaded)
In addition to firearms discovered last year, there were many hazardous items passengers attempted to travel with. Pictured above are just a sampling of some of the items discovered in 2017.
Clockwise from the top left of the photo:
A checked bag containing an ammunition box with three live ground burst simulators, two live M83 smoke grenades, and one inert practice grenade was discovered at the Palm Springs International Airport (PSP).
A live flashbang grenade was discovered in a carry-on bag at the San Diego International Airport (SAN).
A live smoke grenade was discovered in a carry-on bag at the Raleigh–Durham International Airport (RDU). Not only do smoke grenades deploy a thick blanket of smoke, they also burn extremely hot and are considered hazmat.
A one-pound bottle of gun powder was discovered in a checked bag at the Ketchikan International Airport (KTN). Gun powder is never permitted on an aircraft..
Five one-pound bottles of gun powder were discovered in a checked bag at the Boise Airport (BOI).
A ten-ounce container of gun powder was discovered in a checked bag at the Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC). While properly packed ammunition is allowed in checked bags, gun powder is strictly prohibited altogether.
Officers also find inert items that appear very realistic. The problem with these types of items is that when they’re being viewed on the X-ray monitor, we don’t know if they’re real, toys, or replicas until TSA explosives experts are called upon. Inert items can lead to closed terminals and checkpoints, which often result in costly canceled or delayed flights.
Clockwise from the top left of the photo:
An inert explosives device was discovered in the carry-on bag of a Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) traveler. The traveler stated it was a training aid.
A realistic replica suicide vest and claymore mine were discovered in a traveler’s checked bag at the El Paso International Airport (ELP). The traveler was an explosives ordnance disposal contractor and the items were used as training aids. Instructors needing to travel with inert explosives training aids should plan ahead and find another way to transport their training aids.
Inert prototype projectile munitions for energetic drilling were discovered in a checked bag at the Spokane International Airport (GEG).
Inert ordnance discovered in a checked bag at the Tampa International Airport (TPA).
An inert M107 Howitzer projectile was discovered in a checked bag at the San Jose International Airport (SJC).
An inert land mine utilized for military training was discovered in a traveler’s checked bag at the La Crosse Municipal Airport (LSE).
Inert blocks of explosives were detected in a traveler’s carry-on bag at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP). This wasn’t a test. It was a military instructor who stated that he forgot they were in his bag.
Travelers continue to pack inert hand grenades in their carry-on and checked bags. As mentioned above, when being viewed on the X-ray monitor, we don’t know if these are real or inert until TSA explosives experts are called upon. Inert grenades can lead to closed terminals and checkpoints, which often result in costly canceled or delayed flights.
A total of 198 prohibited items were deliberately hidden in attempts to sneak them through security in 2017. This is known as “artful concealment” and can lead to fines, arrests, and missed flights.
From left to right:
A comb dagger was discovered in a carry-on bag at the Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ).
A knife was found concealed inside a stick of deodorant in a carry-on bag at the Bradley International Airport (BDL).
A stun gun disguised as a tube of lipstick was discovered in a carry-on bag at the Baltimore–Washington International Airport (BWI).
A sword cane was discovered in a traveler’s accessible property at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH).
A brush dagger was discovered in a carry-on bag at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH).
A stun cane was discovered in a traveler’s accessible property at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX).
A lipstick knife was discovered in a carry-on bag at the Tulsa International Airport (TUL).
Our officers discover thousands upon thousands of sharp items in carry-on bags every year. These are just a few of the sharp items discovered last year in carry-on bags.
  The year also provided the need for travelers to surrender a few odd items. In case you missed it, be sure to check out our video rundown of TSA’s Top 10 Most Unusual Finds of 2017!
As you can see from this post…
Read more!
The post All the firearms and crazy shit the TSA confiscated last year! *Video* appeared first on Tactical Sh*t.
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The Last Moment
As I sit at my desk in my cheap apartment – the smell of mold the landlord never took care of, the stained paper peeling off the wall, the ripped carpet, and a photo of my wife and child – I try to dwell on what happened to lead to this. My wife was my lifeline. My child was my determination to keep going. I never knew I would end up where I am, feeling what I am feeling in this moment.
​Little did I know, I would lose both of them in an instant. We were on our way to a New Year's Eve party six months ago. It was at a colleague of mine's house. His family had spent all day decorating the house, cooking dinner, and preparing the cocktails for the entire police force to join them in celebrating a new year together. I am a homicide detective. My partner, Greg, threw this party. We've seen more than most want to think about in our eight years beside each other. He's always been there for me and had my back, on and off the job. He had become a part of the family. My daughter called him Uncle Geg – she couldn't pronounce 'Greg' yet. She had just turned five a month before this party.
​Greg and I were due for court the day before on a murder case we solved together. The evidence was solid – physical, forensic, and substantial. We thought there was no way we would lose this one. But we did. The defense somehow cornered the jury into believing this shitbag was innocent. It was a single mother who had killed her two children. Her baby daddy and she were fighting for custody, and she was losing. Her drug habit, her career choice in prostitution, and her abuse was coming out in court. Their father was going to take them. She couldn't handle that, so one day before school, she put them in the car and started it to warm the car up, like any normal parent would do during the winter. What she didn't do, however, was open the garage door. She went back into the house and waiting until the children were dead.
​Her children were seven and nine. They didn't know how to start a car. The only fingerprints found on her keys were her own. Why would any sane parent leave the garage door closed, knowing that would kill whoever was in the car? When Greg and I arrived at the crime scene, she was hysterical. We didn't buy it – not after hearing what was said to us on the phone. The garage door still hadn't been opened, the mother remained inside her house, and the car was still running when we arrived. "She was afraid to go out into the garage," the medical examiner explained. The look on his face told us no one was buying it. After questioning the mother, there was no need for an investigation. She told us that she left the kids for five minutes, but when she was ready to leave, she looked into the garage through the glass in the door from the house and saw that they weren't moving. She called the police. When asked why she didn't go into the garage to turn the car off and possibly save her children, her response was a surprise to us all. Her face hardened and her tears stopped, "It never occurred to me that stopping the car would save them. Maybe they should have done that themselves."
​Greg took over the interrogation after that. With two children of his own, he would have never imagined this would be the mindset of any mother. He asked, "What time do you normally leave to take them to school?" She shifted in her seat, "We normally leave around seven thirty, but like I said, I had forgotten something and needed to go back into the house. I was only in there for five minutes." Greg straightened his shoulders, "Why did you wait to call the police until nine o'clock this morning? The car was still running even after we arrived." The only answer he got was a shrug. My gut churned. Slamming my fist on the table to get her attention, I growled, "You killed these kids and I'm going to figure out why." I stalked out of the room to her sobs, "You have no idea what you're talking about!"
Gathering evidence took two weeks due to the testing needing to be performed. Her court date was a week after all the evidence was presented to the judge by our district attorney. She sat on the stand and cried like a loving mother would. I saw through the lying tears. I knew what kind of woman she really was. Her attorney kept pointing out the fact that her personal matters should not be brought into this trial because it didn't directly affect the case at hand, which was bullshit at its finest. Her personal affairs had everything to do with the case at hand. It battered her character and gave us a motive. I guess that didn't register to the jury. It only took three hours for them to come to a not guilty verdict.
She walked out of the court room with a look of victory and self-satisfaction. Her mourning was over since she won. She stopped me outside of the court house and forgave me for the accusations I had made. "They weren't accusations, ma'am. They were the truth," I replied coldly. "It would be a shame if your family were ever lost to you, detective," she stabbed before walking away.
​The next two weeks were a blur of paranoia and anxiety. After I finally calmed my mind by speaking to my wife, Janet, she assured me that there hasn't been any odd behavior from anyone she's seen out in public while with Ivory, our daughter. The night of the New Year's Eve party was different, however. While driving to Greg's, we were singing Ivory's favorite song from Bubble Guppies playing on our Bluetooth car radio. We were happy again.
​Breaking me from this happiness was my wife's scream. It was a scream from a horror movie. I slammed on my breaks and looked at Janet asking what happened. All she could do was point and reach back for Ivory. She had been shot through the car window. Blood was pooling in her jacket hood from her temple when Janet finally got her unbuckled and pulled Ivory into her lap, cradling her. I jumped out of the car searching for anyone I could see in the vicinity. Nothing. The street was abandoned. I opened Janet's door and felt for a pulse on Ivory's neck. It was a lost cause. I spun around screaming, "Who's there?! Show yourself! I am an armed police officer!" A gust of wind passed my ear. Janet's crying stopped. I spun back to the car to see she was also slumped over, still cradling our daughter. I couldn't hold it together. I began running into the woods, the direction of the gunshots.
​After running for what seemed to be a lifetime, my knees buckled and I hit the ground. I called 911, then Greg. When I arrived back to the car, he was there. Greg ran towards me and helped me walk to his car. I was covered in brush, thorns, and my family's blood. When the paramedics arrived, I told them that they were dead as soon as the bullets hit them.
A lengthy investigation took place, but there were no leads. The case is still active today, but I don't see anything coming from it. We considered shitbag first since she made the passing threat at the courthouse, but there was no evidence it was her and she had a solid alibi.
As I sit at my desk in my cheap apartment – the smell of mold the landlord never took care of, the stained paper peeling off the wall, the ripped carpet, and a photo of my wife and child – I try to dwell on what happened to lead to this. Tears were pooling on the desktop, above the opened drawer below me. My police issued firearm was looking up at me. The cold metal against my palm as I lifted it from its resting place was soothing. An end to this suffering. I was never religious, but in this moment, I was hoping there was a god to help me find my family again. In this moment – my last moment – I wanted to know what it was like to feel no pain.
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evnoweb · 6 years
This Week in Ontario Edublogs
It’s always an honour to write this regular Friday post.  There are always so many wonderful things coming from the blogs of Ontario Edubloggers.  This week is no different.
Aren’t I In Teaching To Teach?
After reading this title from Aviva Dunsiger, I thought that perhaps she was going to head off in the direction of the Health and Physical Education controversy in Ontario.  After all, it’s big in the news these days and the title itself is one that I think every educator uses regularly when pushed about their own educational philosophy.
But, that wasn’t the direction of this post.  Aviva turns instead to thinking about self-regulation and, in typical Aviva style, has many questions.
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If you have answers, I’m sure that Aviva would appreciate comments to her post.
Of note, embedded in this post is a link to educator being a “Stress Detective“.  It’s well worth the time to investigate.
The conclusion is worth a ponder if you’ve ever found yourself saying the words in her title.  Are you true to them?  How does your own personal accountability to the school and next year’s teacher affect this?
Blue Gold
As I read this post, I’m reminded of quote attributed to Yogi Berra.
You can observe a lot by just watching
In this post, Peter Cameron weaves a wonderful story that happened while on a bike ride.
As we were riding, we passed a woman dressed in traditional Anishinaabe clothing, carrying a staff in one hand and a copper bucket in the other. 
The post includes a hand-drawn representation.
Read on and you’ll find references to Professionally Speaking, Nibi, Lake Superior and some of its feeder rivers, Google Earth, The Water Walker, Make a Difference, Junior Water Walkers, Great Lakes, and more.  You have to read the post in its entirety to see the thread that brings all this together.
It’s such an inspirational post and I suspect we’re going to hear more about this in future posts.
In the meantime, you might just be wondering what you’ve personally missed by not seeking out answers to things you’ve seen.
Friday Two Cents: Reflections On My Old School And Being Bullied
I always thought that it would have been kind of a life mission to get a job teaching in the school that I learned in.  Sure, I had issues growing up.
But, none compared to what Paul Gauchi describes in this post.
It’s a sad story reflecting back on some of the bullying activities that happened to him personally and the reactions from those around him as a result.  I think we could all see ourselves fitting into his shoes.
But then, Paul ends up with an Occasional Teacher job back at the school where it all happens.  That’s what brings the conversation full circle.
This is a post that you won’t quickly abandon.
What do daughters do without fathers
From Heather Swail comes a post about a life and its challenges with and without a father.
There are highs and lows and questions left unanswered.
Heather was a guest on voicEd Radio’s This Week in Ontario Edublogs this past week and goes into more intimate and personal details in the show (which you can download and listen to on demand).
One of the notes that I made to myself as I read this post was the message of strength that Heather describes in family member which I’m sure you’ll agree serves as character building for a lifetime.
The Opposition grows in Ontario to Health Curriculum Changes – Minus a Catholic Voice
Like many educators in the province, Paul McGuire is following the developments in the future of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.  On the Ministry of Education’s website at the time of this writing, the 2015 Revised curriculum remains as a link.  There is a separate link to “Sex education in Ontario“.
I think I know Paul well enough to know that he’s interested in the big picture, K-12, but as a former principal of a K-6 schools, there has to be a special interest or concern as these are the grades the curriculum generates the most controversy.
I find it interesting just from a literacy perspective as the Minister refers to using the 2014 curriculum whereas others refer to the 1998 curriculum.
Paul uses, as a source document, a Google Doc from Andrew Campbell which is tracking responses by school organizations.  I found it an interesting exercise to read the varying levels of position from the various districts.  Paul is quick to note that there is no official stand from any Catholic District School Board.  He does include a comment from the chair of Huron-Superior Catholic School Board.
We’re now into August with no resolution in sight.  Indeed, there seems to be no consensus among District School Boards.  Paul wants to know where there are no official comments from a Catholic School Board.
The Privilege to Look Away- and the courage to speak up
We live in interesting times.  With cell phones and security cameras everywhere, it’s a common occurrence to turn on the news and see incidents that will leave you shaking your head.
But what happens when it happens in the first person?
That’s the story that Debbie Donsky shares in this post.  She was witness to an incident between a “young racialized” student and a bus driver which she considered inappropriate … and did nothing.
Until later … when she wrote to the TTC and described the situation there.
Such was the launch to a number of musings from her in this post and her personal resolutions…
So here it is…my formal commitment to no longer stand on the sidewalk and speak from the sidelines.
I have upped my game on Twitter. Speaking up more. Taking more risks.
I have committed to more projects tied to equity work including editing a book on Women in Educational Leadership
I have been participating in a Book Club on VoicEd Radio where the book I defended, Seven Fallen Feathers — Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City, by Tanya Talaga, was successful in the Battle of the Books.
My journey to Google Certification
For some people, being certified by a particular company is a big deal.  Many post their badges of honour on their resumes, social media, and anywhere someone is likely to see it.
In this post, Jennifer Casa-Todd shares her path towards Google Certification.  tldr; her badge is at the bottom of the post and expires in 2021.  So, congratulations to her for sticking with it.
Her thoughts?
Google Innovator? Trainer? Maybe. Maybe not. In the end it’s not the status but the learning that I value most, and the knowledge that when I set out to do something, I can! 
As a holder of vendor certifications, I can agree with the learning part.  Absolutely.
Indeed, making the commitment is a personal decision.  My thoughts about certification soured during one session though when something wrong happened and we were told by our instructor that this happens sometimes and, if you’re training others, the official language is “that’s unexpected behaviour”.  I just didn’t want to be an apologist for something that wasn’t perfect.
My current thinking is that there is so much to learn, I really don’t want to learn enough at one point in time to pass a test.  I prefer to lean towards “just in time learning” and learn something that I need when I need it.
If learning is important to you and you’d like to make Ontario connections, Jennifer does make reference to the Ontario Google Educators Group.  Connect via:
Google + Community:
GEG Ontario Website:
As luck would have it, two interviews came to a conclusion this week and got posted to this blog.  I was fortunate enough to interview both Martha Martin and Sue Dunlop.
An Interview with Martha Martin
An Interview with Sun Dunlop
Twitter accounts for those mentioned in this post:
If you are a blogger and not in the Edublogger collection, please consider adding your blog to the group.
This Week in Ontario Edublogs published first on https://medium.com/@DigitalDLCourse
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wpdariacutnes · 2 years
Me: * gif ala test a but tea as age gosht a 20 im ges? Like im not sure* you knows do dys like das say a das cant as emoshing or canda icident like niby off eyes self or das can a lost tong so das say true dont lie and das fun
1. Forget a tea as sowing did or rezan get dys now or hem/her:::
Goodi: like ashly puch a face candy!ashly afters a candy is her nickname?
Swap!yelly: enifing drama a chader and das dont understand and chraing ask dys but wery care you like is not stupid say dys like "what going On and expleing reddy because im late be code class room" because now skriming tacher
Swap!ashly: das rezan a das she not say true but canda filozofi self??? Like sund a woise did so well a canda napuleshion sydacion like 8 yers and more das human past a dys dreamcore tapes das sens a be here gasp im genus now
2. You understand tea or rezan call out:::
Goodi: niby sowing time im pess her so lot rezan but yeah im note back sms a expleing a shiti drama
Swap!yelly: canda jelly but after cant expleing rezan a code cofort me a das after wona be alone because wona me self a room laps im dont be rude but so takes longers a code make me a depresion males pronase Wall time
Swap!ashly: canda trus self a never take sade you because is mini shit like im dont be rude now but ironic shot a her legs because sund more like in slap face and move self out room after a graps legs and skriming mom sit and expleing what you ploblem now but care eniłei so geg
Someone: swap!yelly say a code take hem a depresion male and das afu hem ( why say dys Im chraing help you poor baby)
Swap!ashly say shot her legs a dys nosens a chraing taling back is true a more red flag a understand tea a frowing pipus
Pico: * note now as das skert how swap!ashly understand a dys notes a too ask a class grub*
me: I will say that what I will put will be full mod party soda as normal and if I wanted something make copresion wustarczy anti achore or daycore and it will be the same only more slower seriously but maybe if it is a minus mode, because if she jumped on neo it would be as if it were not atheistic sydłacie just such a slope, that's why I do not miss this reason and prefer to make a minus because there was a lot of stuff to hang
But one ask nimus mod a more old arts a das shot and look a say back dys because im not mind not trus hem but wirts cwaiet a das frowing and never ask back so das wirdes rezan a das expleing " im dont neber ask" like get 4 cart a same ask dys but old arts and expleing a dys muzicdreamcore so code dys rezan and whatever skriming now a das never get but someone get shot and METT you A LOT REZAN dont mind a das RANT YOU A DAS EXPLEING NOW WHAT GOING ONE and makes BETTER A SELF A OUT BONES PINT understand im chraing say or say sugar bone a now get rezan SENRINO im sorry but im mett her huge rezan like self huge im knows ask and normal take shit self a das toking like yeah im das redsinging but never did so skrue hem das do a what how ever why me finks as now Real as one rezan a ask yelly as senrino das make a copleks cry kid/child because how better muzick make and spam taco and look dys das get a true emoching a understand a chraing say so yeah sorry be rude but same takes a live chating a play mod das skrue up so das wona expleing why or das more toking dys or enifing do as svavers say mini kunso
"after heppyn a das senrino skrue me as das muzicdreamcore art not say well but after pipus shit hem and more ask macha but dys and now expleing better hem a das take more saide a did same mode and look dys yeah das apsoluty shot face a true dust"
Taco: enisa meli? Keni desushu meni artys a demishin lust
Me: *das gif art as dys muzicdreamcore and das ask eglish a she can fix or redsinging dys because is das skaching and expleing dys what going here a get dys reddy shot*
Taco: oooo desy menias well menila deshishi meli bun bun a fecting enelinks enifing skole bone a demisa memori desa heeee das heee mulina kasuna
Me: ske ske demino meli *trasylator because never skip a maksinen das it/eat taco dys not working a make Spanish so well a someone finks*
Taco: +_+ manika molino~ ONIK DESHIN DID * take gif back as happy batcher redsinging art a See better and im supraze*
Me: MONIA MOKERSENA deshin deshin moletina malina okera deshina
Taco: du dud
Me: dudu mina
And dys look like end ask dys wona do a me art is understand spik eglish so not ploblem
Someone: ///// minus mod is a hot bunny as bikin black sude a code one but demisch is same a wering too das more meksik true rezan and dys look art wery good a das skeching a gif dar a make dys and same as out muzicdreamcore das crazy
Taco: monia meli
Me: ? *cofuze a call next 4 Day * mona kelina???
Taco: no nisa nisa meli spoko mola?
Me: no im nise minuse as dreamcore as muziko you knosen?
Taco: meni burino bit Gen meshino as makisno like momo me momo is kesa makisno ge a Monika teshin * gif a shot das make minus mod after more faster be broiect because not trus guy a LOT a derry and lapy as mode minus here art expleing a das gif a hem make meksik art stale and someone meksik wery now spam make someone arts one dys rezan relly*
Me: monia koko
Dys total full end because never get time sms back or das more make hem taiert after get sleep monia minsu hmh hehehnono minus
Offical epic note: 03.06.2022.r
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dailygrumpyking · 5 years
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can make a herd of disco Spyder who pays a visit to Sakhmet Palace? When They're her a book of lime Chomby Grarrl cutlasses!
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dailygrumpyking · 5 years
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wpdariacutnes · 2 years
Me: yeah im knows out now because finish woderink art so yeah... oso is not maner a jonger or kid eksedera smole finks
Itsgrai: soooo dys gosht make self wideo a porno
Me: well normal code say dys or das code woise in anfone or enifing dys but after look dys so normal use snapchat like you knows das funny staws so normal instagram recording a das efekt camera and tv and ricording say dys a das total cwaiet like toli no sund and hirding say but more me cofuze code play understand her or hem and knows im "hem" a she " woman 24 yers im am stop teling me back gosh" dys say harder because ask her what say dys and das See her hent on me anfone and puding down a legs so not ask why das ricornig so more say a das sund woman im never is woman and das ask " did im like rose soda 3 weks ego" so im say " yes im neber dys but toli bruken as growing body" and normal finks okey let me See or sofing no im ricornig and make self tea and toli expleing how rose soda test like and enifing staws like dys and skrue a code im code fan wine because enifing sinbolizam self a ripes and richi self like ruge so she knows and skrue 3 sec so geg
Itsgrai: * lising istagram recording gosh wizit* what dys total scery and you reacion a never new so dys coling a me and dyfrent pipus like dys raters
Itsgrai: is fine das look a do now efekt
Me: but look like dys enifing like vanbire dress like dys blue staws dress like look like roality doll code as dress look jonger but say is 24 and das wona code sowing her a dys anfone Wall look and das sowing is not smole and yes is like cm like normal but ploblem one is das flep self a fror so ask she okey
Itsgrai: she fine you reacion more woring a das bliding she not pliding
Me: a one ask a how smoke code a next door a human room eke: sister
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Me: no expleing okey but me finks is vanpire because long dys dress dys back like winks eluzion you knows im say but hem get hils dys long rolaity male as female hils
Someone: :O ooo pj ver vanpire knows dys and somke dys introsting
Offical note: 01.05.2022.r
So enifing gosht gang is das code dys a now is das past as story like egipt/grec/roality ekseder knows time line so canda dys sens a dys a be a body not lie das you life dys yers story and das whatever you age because story line yers rule eksedera so das she say she 24 is like dozynt meder because tooke opesion or be smorke more a be asshole so canda be new demich like toli normal world is finish so canda grap books?
And das me opinion make her name because im ask her a das how you name is say im noname so im ask but sky say no but mom get nickname like dys so knows better so das more ask is das play toys a dys as yers/age story a rolaity because prenter logo in
So das say macarony and sak me im sleppy and im say no im teching pipus and stering back because filing a briwing in me hent a nose and ask are you clicking me and polegase so dys fine is das party one a someone knows dys like look jonger doll's and finks going like someone parents a home party as dys yers so das roling eyes is das baby parents doll
So im hate macarony but past im say you like toffy so after is das name on macarony is roality cookis and dys sens a kid
No no kid dont say a new name like maxelin no dont sund me more men like mister or king and took back say but im wona because say self poppy now sister sake butt
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bunkershotgolf · 2 years
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Circling Raven Golf Club Opens for Play on April 8; Pre-Season Specials Available for Purchase
Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel Amenity Offers Advantage Card, Value-Laden Packages and Rates
Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel today announces that Circling Raven Golf Club will open for play on April 8, starting a season filled with programs for players of all types at the nationally ranked course where the “frequent player” Advantage Card and other offers provide golfers with impressive deals for golfers and groups.
“We pride ourselves on the experience Circling Raven provides golfers – they love that our programs, packages and rewards through our Advantage and Player Development cards enables them to improve their game on a course that some of the best women professional golfers in the world applaud for its excellence,” said David Vonbrethorst, PGA, Circling Raven’s Head Golf Professional.
Vonbrethorst is referring to the Circling Raven Championship, an Epson “#Road2LPGA” Tour event that was played for the first time last year. Several players who competed in the event went on to earn their LPGA Tour membership, testament to their exceptional play, and the field had unanimous praise for the layout and course conditions.
For local players who can’t wait to test the course for themselves, and visitors enjoying stay-and-play packages, early season golf rates beckon. From April 8-14, golfers pay $65 for an 18-hole greens fee, Monday-Sunday. From April 15-May 22 the rate becomes $89 Mon-Thurs and $99 Fri-Sun and holidays. The peak summer 18-hole greens fees are $129 Mon-Thurs and $149 weekends and holidays.
Players who seek extreme bargains can purchase the Circling Raven Advantage Card for $199 and receive hundreds of dollars of savings during the season. Cardholders get their first round free ($149 value), free entry into the year-end Advantage Tournament ($129 value), 15% off non-sale merchandise, 10% off non-sale clubs, free entry into the Circling Raven Championship ($40 value) and other exclusive benefits throughout the year.
The club’s Player Development Card also costs $199 and it provides free use of the 25-acre practice facility, 15% off golf instruction, access to play Circling Raven two hours before dark for $25 (Mon-Thurs), free monthly golf clinics, and other benefits during the season.
An array of programs for women, men, and juniors are designed to provide a variety of experiences – ranging from competitive tournaments and leagues, couples’ events and wine tastings, instruction, and equipment demo days.
Stay-and-play packages are available starting at $209 from April 8-14, starting at $262 from April 15-May 22, and starting at $323 from May 23-October 2. Rates include golf for two and a one-night stay at the resort. To book packages and tee times call 1-800-523-2464.
The Circling Raven Championship, an Epson “Road to the LPGA” Tour event, is scheduled for Aug. 22-28. It will spotlight a field of approximately 132 players, including some of the best female players worldwide. Competitors will vie for $200,000 in prize money.
Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities for the 2022 Circling Raven Championship can be found at:
For more information about the casino resort or golf club, call 1-800-523-2464, or visit www.cdacasino.com
About Circling Raven Golf Club and Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel
Owned and operated by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Circling Raven is in the scenic Idaho panhandle approximately 55 minutes from Spokane International Airport (GEG). Measuring 7,189 yards from the rear tees, the 18-hole layout sprawls magnificently through 620 acres of woodlands, wetlands, and Palouse grasses. Its gleaming white sand bunkers are large and strategically placed and its hole variety ingenious.
Other Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel amenities and activities include the full-service Spa Ssakwa’q’n (pronounced Sock-wock-en); 300 hotel rooms; bars, restaurants, lounges, and eateries; cultural immersion options; and more. The casino completed a $15 million renovation of its gaming floor and Events Center in 2019.  Circling Raven has garnered numerous best-in-kind honors since opening, including being rated a Top 100 Resort Course, Best in State, and a Top U.S. Casino Course. Its golf shop has won national and regional awards for its excellence and its variety of products, displays, and performance.
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