#this is hecka cool
ai-higurashi · 1 year
Hi! I've been wondering if you can do some Hecka fanart? (Hecka doesn't have enough fanart. change my mind)
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Honestly cannot and will not even try to change your mind bc DAMN her tag is so so empty, I feel your pain. Where are my badass lady lovers at.
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commandernachos · 2 months
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Is this real life
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deadsince1973 · 10 months
Writers: We can't do it. We can't make Tantai Jin/Ming Ye any cooler. We have officially maxed out his coolness level.
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Had the absolute TIME of my life doing an art collab with @yearninginblue !!!! He’s one of the coolest people and I love his artstyle >:0 Juno did the lineart and I did the coloring c:
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My own lineart^^^
And a bonus Timelapse c:
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keeps-ache · 2 years
by the way. i'm wearing a really cool shirt. just needed you to know
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autisticbabayaga · 1 year
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Free Gooseberry??? Free Gooseberry!!!!
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sysig · 2 years
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Smol and I had the pleasure of meeting the most delightful stag beetle the other day ❤️💕💖💞❤️💕
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bambeebirdie · 1 year
I don’t fully know how to explain this but I’m gonna try. Why can’t more shows (somewhat) totally change plot between seasons? I genuinely think they’d benefit greatly if they did this. Here are just some examples and my pitches because I genuinely don’t know how to fully explain this without them:
The mandalorian I think would be a lot better if every season he got a new job instead of every season revolving around baby yoda. Season one is baby yoda and season two he’s got to escort some princess or maybe give him a season where he has to find a guy for someone else and he’s traveling with the person who hired him. Or give him a season where he’s gotta murder someone. He is a mercenary just give him all kinds of jobs. I just find baby yoda kind of annoying and he so obviously only exists to sell toys. I only started watching that show for the mandalorian because I love mandalorians but I feel like it’s really just the baby yoda show. Imagine how many more characters you could introduce if you actually gave him different jobs. The show would just be significantly improved imo.
My second example is black butler. I technically never finished this show because I was watching it on Netflix and Netflix removed the other seasons and I just never went back to finish the show. So maybe the rest of the show is fine but I haven’t seen it. Anyways! When I started season two I thought they had just killed Ciel and Claude was Sebastian just with a new master. And can you just take a second to think about how cool that would be?? You spend an entire season thinking this one guy was the main character and then you see his arc come to a close and he dies. So you start season two a bit confused only to see that actual that the guy who you thought was the main character isn’t! It’s actually the demon he has a contract with! So the show just continues with a new master and a slightly different plot. And while I understand not doing that because it’s sad when characters die but I just feel like the vibes of any season after one would be immaculate. Because the show tells you what will happen to his masters but now you actually get to really see it. Maybe even multiple times in a season. I don’t have any major suggestions to this plot wise unlike the mandalorian (I could suggest a lot more for that one) but I just think if the series slowly started to focus more on all the fantasy elements and other characters reactions to all this intense fantasy stuff it would be really cool.
I need more shows who aren’t scared to completely change formulas after a season. Not all shows can do this but the ones that could definitely should because it would be great to see. As long as enough stays the same some major formula shakeup would be cool since so few shows can make a show that does that.
If you want an example of a show that does do this look no further than Infinity Train. The setting remains mostly the same while basically everything else changes. New cast and new problems, but it’s all still infinity train and it all still works.
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trashbatistrash · 8 months
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birdageddon · 2 years
"A momentary distraction from our satanic youth"
fell asleep with a vision - by SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE
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midnighthybrid1 · 1 year
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This was like- SO fun guys. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun doing lineart in so long??? I tried extra hard to make this one look good lol. I did something to differentiate the shading of the puppets and Fionn, which I think I’m a little too proud of 😅
While drawing this, I kept looking between my version and the OG and going ‘WOW I can’t believe our styles are that different, that’s so cool’. I love DTIYS’ sm cause I think it’s just so cool seeing all the different interpretations and art styles people have of the same image.
Anywho, congrats to @chez-cinnamon for all of the followers! Your AU is so hecking cool bro, I love literally all of the content ya make for it sm (your style is so nice bro??? It makes me so happy) I’m hecka excited to see where the storyline for it goes. Keep up the awesome work! And to peeps who see this, y’all should totally go check them out, nudge nudge wink wink.
Have a wonderful day, y’all!
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ARTWORK!
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redrobin-detective · 8 months
the things we lost to the ice
It didn't quite sink in until Gunter put on the crown and became an Ice... something that it was all over. He was back as himself, with his body and brain and awkward personality, permanently. It didn't feel like last time, like each breath was bringing him closer to his last. Simon was also somehow back in his old favorite suit, with its worn elbows and his glasses clean and unbroken. He even couldn't feel the crown whispering in the back of his mind anymore. It was as GOLB had taken him back to just moments before he'd worn the crown for the first time, intending to tease Betty.
Oh Betty.
"Hey so uh, who are you?" Simon looked up from the rock Marcy had set him on to see Flame Princess staring at him curiously. Right she was... literally made of fire. He knew that, Simon blinked. Wait he did actually, his brain retained lots of facts about Ooo and it's people. It was his or, well, Ice King's personal experiences that felt fuzzy. "Because you came out of the GOLB thing together with Finn but I've never seen you before. Marceline seemed to know you though." She tilted her head and frowned, "Finn told me he was the last human, was that another lie?"
"Get away from him!" He heard Marcy screech as she rocketed over from where she'd been talking to Bubblegum and some other candy people. Her arm wrapped protectively around him, her sharp nails digging into his clothes and her batlike face pressed against his own. Her skin was cold like death. He hated how he tensed with instinctual fear at having a predator so close. This was his Marcy, his precious little girl. She was different than he remembered but she loved him, she wouldn't hurt him. He clenched his fists so they didn't shake.
"Hey Marcy! Don't worry, F.P. is cool!" Finn shouted, galloping over with a big grin on his face. "Oh man, so much just happened but Simon are you back-back, like for realsies? That is so math!" Finn hug tackled him and Marcy.
"Still waiting on an explanation," Flame Princess grumbled.
"So she actually got you free, how joyous," Magic Man -no, Normal Man- said with a small smile but his eyes were sharp. "I suppose the power of GOLB is the only thing strong enough to undo elemental wish magic. Congratulations, Ice King, welcome back to reality."
"Wait Ice King?" Flame Princess gaped and Simon realized that -with the major world ending threat neutralized - they were now the center of attention. It's only just occurring to him that his window to divorce himself completely from Ice King and pretend he was someone else was about to close forever. Just like the chance to hold Betty in his arms again.
"Yea!" Finn explained, wrenching around to address Flame Princess and gagging Simon by putting him in a headlock. "It's a long story -seriously long, he's like over a thousand years old or something- but Simon put on the crown only he didn't know it was hecka cursed. It possessed him and piloted his body like a meat puppet, turning him into Ice King and made him act all Banaynay."
"It took him a while for him to become Ice King though," Marcy said, shifting Simon slightly out of Finn's grip so she was hugging him from behind with her chin propped on his head. "He rescued me when I little before I was bit by the Vampire King. Simon took care of me after the world ended, he even showed me the basics of playing guitar." She nuzzled him and gave him a gentle squeeze, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."
"I missed you too, Sweet Girl," he murmured back. He'd been here the whole time but at the same time, been very far away. There's hazy memories of this older Marceline, her songs echoing somewhere in his head. Mostly he remembers her frowning over whatever crazy thing Ice King had been doing at the time.
"Whoa, you taught Marcy! I had no idea you were so musical," Finn shouted before looking thoughtful. "Well I guess IK used to play on his drums or his keyboard a lot now that I think about it." He smiled, a goofy teenage smile despite the missing teeth and scars from numerous adventures. "I guess you weren't totally gone."
"It doesn't justify the constant harassment and kidnapping of innocent Princesses," Bubblegum said primly.
"Bonnibel," Marcy growled.
"But I'm willing to forgive past grievances so long as it doesn't happen again. You are, after all, practically a new man." Bubblegum noted. "I presume it was born out of subconscious desire to find Betty again, the crown fixating on that desperation for love. Of course, Betty is gone now so it's all rather a moot point, isn't it?"
"Bonnie, seriously, now is not the time," Marcy warned. The fresh reminder of Betty's sacrifice, the permanence of it hit him again. Insanity had overwhelmed his depression and loneliness and loss of identity, redirected it. Now nothing could distract him from that sucking chest wound of loss threatening to consume him.
"Uhhh hey Simon!" Finn interrupted with a manic smile. "Can't wait to learn all about human stuff from you! I bet you can even teach the Islanders a thing or two, pretty sure they've forgotten what it's like to be human. But you know all sorts of humany stuff I bet. It's gonna be awesome learning where I come from." Good lord, was someone going to love and support this beautiful child or was it up to him again?
Finn reached out with his remaining hand and grabbed one of Simon's own, lacing them together. Simon jolted and looked at their conjoined hands before spreading their palms and fingers together. His pinky finger only met empty air.
"Oh my god Finn, have you only ever had four fingers?" He balked. Ice King's memories weren't that reliable, he couldn't actually recall.
"Don't you mean glob and uh yeah, that's the normal amount I think," Finn shrugged, squinting at Simon's pinky. "What do you need that extra one for anyhow? Does it have special powers or something?"
"Yeah, I always thought that was weird," Jake said from somewhere behind Finn. "Marcy has an extra one too, figured it was just how things were before the Mushroom War."
"It was actually a nuclear holocaust that wiped out pretty much all life on earth and mutated the rest beyond recognition but sure," Simon said with a hysterical edge in his voice as the weight of his situation pressed down on him.
He was a thousand years removed from the world he knew, a world that now only existed as ruins or twisted, funhouse mirror replicas. Simon was totally alone, the only person who remembered the way things were before. Marcy was here but she'd made the journey through time naturally, she'd adapted and likely forgotten. He no longer had magic and, without it, he wouldn't be allowed into Wizard City. The Ice Kingdom was now Gunter's and the humans of the future have changed in ways he could hardly recognize.
Sometimes the past is a different country, sometimes it's a black hole taking everything down with it.
"Hey dude, you've probably gotta use the bathroom like super bad," Jake said as he broke through the crowd. He gently manhandled Simon away from the well meaning arms of people who were both dear loved ones and strangers all at once. "You haven't whizzed as yourself in like a million years, we better find a place to get your man biz done."
"Wait but-" Marcy said reaching out but Bubblegum grabbed her hand and pulled her away. The rest of the onlookers slowly backed off, going back to the post fight cleanup. As Jake led him away, he made brief eye contact with Normal Man who'd once been a magical god and was now just a man. Simon would probably have out and out collapsed if Jake wasn't steadying him.
"Look, we're just gonna walk away and when we round this corner where no one can see, I'll leave you alone to do whatever you need to do." Jake soothed. "I can hold off Marcy and Finn for maybe 10 minutes, 12 tops. You focus on your breathing and if you gotta hurl, just do it, holding it in jacks you all up." He lowered Simon to the ground once they were out of sight. Simon immediately went into the fetal position.
"You're good at this," Simon noted even as the stress and panic and misery washed over him. He pushed his glasses up into his hair and buried his face in his knees. Jake rubbed his shoulders, it felt good, grounding.
"I've talked Finn through a lot of these episodes before, the kid's been through a lot. You have that in common. You and Finn might have some different physical traits but you're both human. You just had a lot of junk thrown at you so you don't need to figure it all out now. That's what the rest of your life is for. I'll keep the worry squad off your back as long as I can. Take it easy, Simon but, either way, you gotta take it."
Jake went back to the crowd leaving only his wisdom. He was right, no matter how miserable or overjoyed he was over the circumstances, this is the way the dice fell. He had no choice but to take it, to use Betty's sacrifice on his behalf to do whatever he wanted with his remaining time. And he was mortal now, time affected him once more so he had to learn quick.
He had no idea what he would do or even who this new Simon Petrikov, PhD student and aspiring antiquarian was. Just being able to think coherently and regulate his words and actions was a strange miracle he hadn't fully digested yet. Things would be okay, he would be happy once more but, for now, he thought it was okay to sit here in the dirt and cry for everything he'd lost to the ice.
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Coolest and newest fanvenbture.........? [Preliminaries]
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Read CANC2:BF here | Read CANWC Here
CANC2:BF: "canwc retelling of homestuck^2"
had nothing listed as to *why* it was liked.
CANCW: "4 kids habv play a game to make a unaverse and some other things hapen too.' and good god do some other things hapen." "things go very, very wrong"
its not just 'homestuck but shit,' its so much more the central conflict is genuinely really interesting. like, the paradox space canwc takes place in is by default shit. that is its default state. roze lallonk was 'enhanced.' rose lalonde is, from the perspective of jhon and hecka and so on, an eldritch being that they cannot properly comprehend, and she wants to make them like that too. from her perspective, this is an improvement! from the perspective of like everyone else, thats a kind of horrifying prospect! but if they were to be 'enhanced,' they would almost certainly agree that it is an improvement, and godhead aradia proves this - "it feels like ive just woken up fr0m some kind of very l0ng and absurd nightmare". its a really interesting ethical dillema! and its still running on reader commands, unlike SOME web comics of the LAME and OLD sort…
it's silly :)
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
I imagine your boss fight is unbeatable UNLESS you have 1 specific item that you can only get at the very start of the game that cant be rebought that most players would toss out because it just takes up inventory space.
HAHA! That would be hilarious.
I hope I wouldn't be that mean uwu I think something like those old "vs Chara" fangame battles would be hella cool. Like having the fight last hecka long, it having multiple stages, fair difficulty spikes, and multiple endings uwu... I think thats a bit too much but hey, let a girl dream.
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ikimaru · 10 months
not really a question. just wanted to say I’ve been a fan of your artwork for a few years now and I love when I see your stuff pop up on my feed!! It helps me to see cool artists stuff when I’m super low like rn😅 and feeling hecka uninspired.
Thanks for being an amazing artist 💜
Here’s a Q, I guess: how’ve ya been lately?
hell yeah B) thanks a lot, I'm glad it inspires you! 💛
and I'm mostly ok I guess, some days I'm fine some days I'm not, same ol haha and trying to finish some old wips I've had around for months so that I can just focus on new stuff after, but I'm almost done with those now.. I thinkk
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doylldonmagar · 1 year
Ninjago headcanons. A couple years ago I posted a bunch of headcanons on Pinterest, so I decided to copy all the ones I could find over to Tumblr. So these are all mine, you may notice quite a few are about Zane, that's because I was a major Zane fan. I may reblog this with my more recent ones later. Hope you like them!
Lloyd is constantly finding stray cats and dogs and the little kid in him falls in love and he constantly brings them home and begs Wu to let him keep them. Wu always says no, but Lloyd secretly feeds them, and the Ninja find out and help him.
Jay and Zane have a lot of inside jokes. All the ninja have inside jokes with Zane bc Zane sees everything and makes everyone feel good about themselves so when Jay falls in the parking lot and Zane sees, it becomes a joke between the two of them and Zane will never tell anyone that Jay fell in the parking lot bc he is hecka loyal.
Zane is one of those people who are inzanely (did you see what I did there?) good at telling stories and reading books aloud, so he sometimes reads books to the ninja, and Lloyd loves it and it takes him back to when he was a kid and on nights when Lloyd can't sleep he'll go wake up Zane and Zane will tell him stories until he falls asleep. And some of the ninja complain about Zane reading to them bc they can't play video games while he does, but they all secretly love it.
Lloyd and Zane are super close.
Lloyd really doesn't like pictures of himself, so he avoided family pictures whenever he could, but he managed to get that one with just his dad and him, and he didn't really like it until his dad was banished and then he wished he had more pictures of the two of them.
Lloyd talks to himself when he's alone and once Zane was in the next room, and Cole overheard Lloyd talking to himself so Cole asked him about it and Zane covered for him saying that Lloyd was talking to him.
When Lloyd was still a kid, he would wake up in the middle of the night and wake Kai up and they’d go out onto the deck of the bounty and just talk, sometimes read a comic together. Then when Lloyd would fall asleep, Kai would put him back in bed.
Zane has perfected his cooking and can look at a picture of food or read the name of a dish and make it. If one of the other ninja follows the recipe and Zane doesn't, Zane's will still taste better.
Zane is always the butt of the jokes and the straight man bc he always falls for it.
Zane always covers for everyone. Jay breaks a vase while dancing? Zane will fix it/buy a new one/or say he broke it. Kai breaks the TV after losing a game? Zane will fix it or say he broke it. Sometimes people are sure he didn't do it, but he won't say who did.
Zane is the cool parent figure, Cole is the protective but responsible oldest sibling, and Kai, Jay, Nya, and Lloyd are the reckless younger siblings.
Lloyd will skateboard at 2am.
Lloyd loves cooking and Zane loves helping him, so Lloyd's like, one hobby is cooking and is pretty good at it. edit: Lloyd is terrible at it. Loves cooking but can burn anything, might burn down the kitchen while he's at it. But he's really good with spices, and always knows the right combination and amount.
Zane drinks whatever. He'll be busy will something and ask one of the others to bring him a drink and they bring him whatever they want. Once, Kai wanted to see how Zane would react to alcohol so he brought Zane vodka (don't ask me why they had it) and Zane just drank a lot of it and moved on so they always test him with random things: soda with hot sauce in it, bourbon, fruit punch, whatever. They even take turns choosing what to give him.
Zane never gets mad at ANYONE. Not even Wu when they find out he was hiding something again. He is easy to talk to, so when one of the ninja messes up something of his, it's easy for them to apologize and he always talks them through whatever they're going through.
Lloyd watches Zane cook and so Zane offers to help him learn so now they cook together and for Lloyd's birthday Zane gets him a purple apron.
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