#this is basically just sanji being emotional about this ngl
beanghostprincess · 1 month
I believe Sanji is pretty awkward around kids for obvious reasons (having an abusive father and an unconventional relationship with your real dad will do that to you) while Usopp is extremely good with kids because he has spent his whole childhood and teenage years taking care of the Usopp Pirates as an older brother of sorts. So when they're older and married and decide to actually have kids (post-Sanji having a breakdown about him being a good father) it's just so fucking funny to me.
Usopp, holding the baby: Do you want to hold her? Sanji: Yes. Usopp: You're- You're not- Pfft. You have to like, at least move to do this. Sanji: I want to. I won't. Usopp: You're going to spend all of your life without holding our kid, then? Sanji: I'm going to drop her and then I will have to kill myself for committing such atrocity. Usopp: Have I ever told you you're an idiot? Sanji: I am scared to drop her! It is a very rational fear! Usopp: You can carry at least forty plates full of food in both hands and legs somehow without breaking anything and you're afraid you will drop her. Sanji: Forty-five. And yes. Usopp: What if I let her fall like- Will you not catch her? Sanji: Just do not drop her???? Usopp: BUT WHAT IF IT HAPPENED Sanji: STOP TURNING THIS THING AROUND JUST GIVE HER TO ME I HATE YOU Usopp, giving Sanji the baby: Well, how does it feel? Sanji, holding back tears: She weights absolutely nothing 😭
6 y/o kid: Daddy! Do you know any cool games? Sanji: Hi, princess. Um. Don't you usually ask these things to, um, your other dad who also happens to be way better than me at these things? 6 y/o kid: But I want to play with you! Sanji, not having any memory of playing any games at all: .... Do you want to see a really cute rat I've been hiding from the crew? 6 y/o kid: YES YES YES Sanji: I'm so lucky you got that from me-
Usopp: Why are you in... The corner of the kitchen... Crying... Are you- Are you okay? Sanji: She called me dad- Usopp: It's been almost five years and I think it's time for you to stop doing this every day-
Sanji: She's so tiny Usopp: Yes, that's what happens when you're a baby Sanji: And she's clinging onto me and she won't let go Usopp: I am starting to think you often forget you're her father- Sanji, crying: I'm her fath- Usopp: Oh my god-
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syncogon · 4 years
[RS] PV 2
it’s ya boi back with more commentary. and hopefully fewer screencaps bc i don’t actually have as much time as my wordy and useless rambles as well as the quarantine situation might suggest alas
- who’s talking in the opening line? kela?? if so, the voice is totally off, but the theme of “the world belongs to the strong” is consistent with quotes from him and themes from that whole arc
- i guess this is a dream / unconscious sequence... i’m sad to see him like this. also one of the analyses i read was like you can track when in the movie a scene probably takes place by the progression of the markings on his skin, which is very obvious and i should be paying attention to that more -
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^ i really like this visual. and i like how the galaxy eyes designs are all so distinct
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^ Alliance soldiers i think, guessing from the uniforms? bc I thought the Eyes had all black uniforms. but i’m not sure. actually it prob makes more sense it’s the Eyes. rip the one guy facing the wrong (?) direction
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^ actually these shoes are consistent with Eyes designs i think. nvm. also is that the announcer robot guy?? why is his body so small is that his real body or something??? what’s happening to him rip
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^ what the FUCK is with this tattered cloak design?? it was definitely not tattered before? he would definitely look better with just like, a normal cloak, his cloak would never get tattered unless intentional, this is just a really weird and creepy image. then again ig if it’s part of the dream sequence, but this is implying that this is redeye’s actual design, and i don’t like it. tbh s1 redeye outfit with the short cloak was great
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^ kiss kiss ki-
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hope we see more of jupiter, the city design is tbh quite cool. though i wonder what exactly this Eye thing is supposed to be? is it part of the tower and just always here? 
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flashback scene! but what about? the golden cube or the engine maybe? but i was hoping for something more interesting.
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ngl im really disappointed that they decided to bring kela back, i think that defeats the narrative significance of an especially significant arc. we’re already done with this antagonist! let’s move on! it isn’t cool or hip or logical to bring back antagonists when their story arcs have come to such a clean end! throw trash away when you’re done! ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have more to say but i should move on maybe i’ll write another post/rant or something
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yo what the fuck is going on here though. i don’t even know what planet that is jesus
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wait is this. a hypothetical or like. an actual. planet. 
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ok so. WHOMST THE FUCK is this??? another galaxy eyes secretary? or someone higher rank? surely not the head honcho bc if so i will be super disappointed. actually his vibe kind of reminds me of kela. we’ll see i guess, hope he brings something interesting to the table. 
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it’s the guy from the poster! ppl say most likely he’s involved with auroras’ backstory somehow. our four major protag backstories all had like mentor figures, so maybe this is auroras’? but following that logic he shouldn’t be here in present day tho, so. 
wonder what the pink smoke is tho, and also why he’s being shot down, and also everything about him :0
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but what’s with the shattered... glass? rock? tornado thing around maidang? hmm. and they’re all just watching... and it’s in the arena with that ox man statue 
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white eye. in action! 
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AAAAA so i got 2/3 right. so weird seeing ox man just walking tho lmao his proportions look wack he’s way skinnier than i expected. 
hey, hey. kela. look at me. 
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i like this cut. is it significant? who is this galaxy eyes person OH WAIT if the rumor is true that aur was formerly Eyes then he must be story related to this guy somehow... maybe he was sold to medici or something who knows
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this was so cool!!! like sanji from one piece. i dig it.
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this actually almost looks 3D modeled for some reason haha
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wait so is this... the finals of the tournament? 
what. is the context of everything in this set i’m so curious aaaa
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is this a) a cool app of diya’s abilities b) the Eyes guy from earlier attacking but what is that supposed to do, capture magically? c) aur/diya (jidi) moment???
... yeah somehow this whole scene looks 3D modeled. maybe it’s the lighting.
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fun char designs to look at?
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damn those muscles. but yeah i think a lot more markings appeared after this moment in his revival fight
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red eyes... and is the stone purple now?? ahh.
also the cut from this to redeye was really cool! their eyes were like overlapped in positions. so cool. i wonder if this was intentional
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maidang has gotten so much better at fighting, like, the basics. i dig it. 
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emotional but this just reminded me god i miss s1 diya. competent. cool. occasionally sassy. the movie just made her worry about maidang and weak, it’s like her only personality trait. (actually is this shot from the first movie? i don’t remember.)
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god the more i think about it the more the jidi agenda feels like a thing. anyway what’s he blowin up hm.
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i kind of wish we got backstory on why this is a bee haha but i like how it’s so distinctive
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so cool!!!
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beat his ass!!!
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tUrBUleNce also gudong so worried :( 
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cool new power app??? is this her power. i just thought it was but maybe that one shot of her wasn’t her using her power. who knows.
also the cut from this to aur doing basically the same thing..... (adjusts glasses)
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see?? the shading looks fake. hhh
AIGHT ok that’s all. actually there were sound/voice/line comments which i will edit in later. 
ok it is later.
- “i just saw the galaxy eyes fleet surrounding jupiter” sounds like tang wude actually! so im excited, that’s reason for him to get back here in time?
- “i already knew the eyes wanted to destroy solar” sounds like medici...?
- “people need heroes, and to become a hero one must pay a price” ok i really like this line it’s super cool, but i can’t say who is or might be saying it. one of the new antagonistic chars possibly?
- “there is a word called ‘miracle’” sounds like medici, as does “the era of new heroes”, though the latter could be someone else
- rest of the lines are all either maidang or diya or gudong
other thoughts:
ppl kept commenting in chinese on the youtube vid like whens the release like it says right there! on the video! in chinese!
still no medici (visually) or shu, huh. 
sound quality for the trailer was wack tbh. hopefully the movie won’t be like that.
i’m a little worried, actually, that this has lost the core of what made it so good. that it’s become cheap. but only time will tell. i’ll still have hope. 
anyway countdown continues let’s goooooooooooo (pls let me be able to watch...)
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side-lizabeth · 3 years
OP Whole Cake and Reverie review?(at this point idk)
It’s been like almost 2 weeks since I ended both arcs and started Wano (which btw it’s been cool thus far), and I just realized that I didn’t make a post about these two arcs, in the same way I did with the other arcs after the timeskip. More or less when I decided to take watching one piece seriously.
Honestly speaking, I don’t know how to put any word explaining my opinions on Whole Cake without spoilers, but Reverie was basically a slowburn that I wasn’t expecting but wow... Something even bigger is coming after Wano and I can sense it.
And about Whole Cake arc...
Ever since I started this review type thing, I’ve always repeated that I wasn’t ready to get into Whole Cake, mainly because I got almost entirely spoiled over this arc, and specially the themes and issues touched upon here.
I knew thansk to the spoilers I learnt that some of these themes would f*cking “hurt” me, but I wasn’t expecting this level of emotional torture.
Honestly? This arc was a f*cking nightmare, emotionally speaking; but the last episodes where very... emotionally dreaning.
For real, I’ve never cried this hard in years and I don’t know how much of it is because of the actual arc, and how much of it actually comes from actual personal trauma that has to do with the things touched upon this arc. I just can’t pinpoint what other media made me cry this much; and when I do, it’s still less than all the tears I’ve shredded in this arc ONLY.
Also, this is definetly the point of no return when it comes to having an opinion on Sanji, and by that I mean that if after this arc you still consider him an empty vessel with no other emotion than being a f*cking pervert, I’ve got bad new for you. (ALTHOUGH You can still dislike him as a character but you can’t deny he has more development here than in the rest of the serie-OMG HOW AWFUL DID HE APPEAR IN FISH-MAN ISLAND, I HATE IT)...and this is coming from someone who despised him, then thanks to tumblr started to see that “ok, he deserves more credit than the one he receives”, and now after Whole Cake I just want him to be happy. I’d love to elavorate more on that but that’s too personal to go through, I don’t want to over expose myself on the internet to this degree, so let’s just say I just understand him in this arc, and the suffering the poor guy goes through.
...And now the very big pink elephant in the room that needs to be touched upon... I feel like I have to talk about the child bride thing so, to put it simply (because I don’t like this sh*t either):
1) If you reaaaaaaaaaaaaly want to excuse it “in universe”, Big Mom is a sh*tty parent for giving away one of her almost (or maybe does have) hundreds of kids so she can have more power and influence is just awful, and let me not enter the abuse part because JESUS CHRIST... She’s just not a good parent. Period.
2)...Even “in universe” you can see it’s not such a bright idea to marry your underage kid to a fucking 20+ youngster, even if his relationship with his family was on better terms.
3) NGL I would have loved to see the people’s reacting to the moment it was confirmed Pudding’s age because omfg. I knew people were shipping them hard because they looked LIKE A “BOTH PARTIES ARE 18 OR OLDER CUTE COUPLE” but I just feel so bad for them...
Tbh, since this is something I was spoiled on, I was aware of it from the very beggining; and every scene with her and Sanji was painful to watch. All I did while watching it was wonder if he was aware of this too or.... well, let’s be honest, maybe the only thing he was told was “see this cutie? she’s going to be your future wife” without further information... Also, NGL I would have also though she was 18 and not 16 too, so yikes. ...but since I just don’t care about ships, and when I do is based on the s*xual tension between he, the curly eyebrow chef and first mate mosshead mainly...
...Idk, I just feel sooooooo bad for this moron that I wouldn’t even question it if it turned out that he wasn’t aware of her age. I mean look at his family, ffs, do they look like they’d explain the entire situation to him more than him only being considered useful for this and not like... for any other thing in life like breathing?????? (didn’t say that but felt like), It wouldn’t surprise me, honestly. ...because Judge is just as a sh*tty parent as Big Mom and that’s it.
Now the very few bright sides of this arc:
The outfits were cute. Sanji looked really handsome in that pince outfit with that cloak, Nami’s first dress was really cute too, I just love Carrot so... Carrot being a cutie is also a plus, I loved Katakuri a lot, he’s also cute and I enjoyed Sugita Tomokazu’s performance (ofc I would since he’s one of my favourite seiyuus)
...and that’s all I have to say about this arc...
PS:I hope Sanji stopes being such a perv after Whole Cake. He was definetly the best thing from this arc and I just want to give him a warm hug... Just like when I wised the same for Luffy after marineford... and then I also liked the Luffy VS Katakuri fight. Yeah...
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I just read a very funny fic 'Much ado about nothing' by Fire_lily and Violet_20 on AO3 and I was wondering... how do you think Sanji (and by the other guys) would behave when the girls are on their periods?
Okay, yeah, it was really funny. I often think about this, honestly, ngl. And you know how much I tend to write because I'm a menace to society, so I'll try to keep it brief. Btw, assume all the guys here are cis men (which hurts, because I'd rather die than say Usopp, Luffy and Zoro have dicks. But okay. Let's say they do) and that Nami is the only one in her period (because I think Robin is trans and also she has been dealing with pain so much on her own that even if she had her period, the crew wouldn't even notice. Nami, Franky, Jinbe, and Brook would be the only ones knowing).
Chopper is the one explaining what a period is, by the way, because these idiots know the basics but not much and I think they could use some health classes? Like, seriously, it'd be nice.
Luffy: Doesn't understand what the fuck is a period (Makino explained it. His ass didn't listen). If Nami is bleeding, can't Chopper cure her? Oh, he can't? Is she sick? Is she going to die? No? She's fine, then? But she needs them to give her a break because even if she isn't sick, she's still not going through the best time. It's uncomfortable and she feels bad and sensitive. I think Luffy would have a lot of questions and he would ask shamelessly about them. And he would also try to be considerate and share his food with Nami and cause less trouble. I know he's chaotic but he's always really nice when a crewmate is in pain, and if Nami (his navigator. His Nami!!!) is feeling bad, he'll do whatever he can to help her. If she has cramps he'll probably stay beside her and sleep with her and cuddle. He's actually worried sick even if she tells him she's fine.
Zoro: He doesn't really give a fuck. Kuina explained what periods were to him and how unfair it was and he agreed. It is unfair. It is fucked up. They shouldn't go through that. He respects Nami a lot for being able to work and yell and live normally while she's bleeding and cramping (I mean, that's HIS normal state, but Nami isn't like him). So he just supports her from a distance and if she needs anything he'll just try to help and that's it. He's like?? He's normal about it. Just a thing the body does. Everyone thinks it's such a big deal, but it's not.
Usopp: He grew up with Kaya. I don't need to say anything else. He's always complaining about Nami being louder than usual or oversensitive and saying that she doesn't need to blame them for being in pain, but he only says it because they're best friends, lmao. "Girl, I know you're in pain but it's not my fault. Chill. Do you want a chocolate bar?" and he's pretty much the only one allowed to keep her company when she's stressed and too angry to deal with the others. Bestie privileges. He knows how to make her happy. The perks of having a childhood sweetheart and taking care of her when she was on her period (she was just emotional, though, not like Nami who is a ticking time bomb depending on the month). He always has pads, pills, and distractions ready for Nami. He's just there and normal about it and helping her out.
Sanji: Fucking dramatic. I can't stand him. I'm gonna throw bricks at him. I love him, but he's either the most respectful gentleman on earth or the weirdest guy ever about this. He's probably both at the same time. He's SO annoying, oh my god. He keeps wanting to do everything for Nami, and okay, the food, tea, and extra snacks are fine. But it's just too much. He's the one crying all the time like "WHY DID GOD CURSE OUR MELLORINES WITH SUCH PAIN?????????? OH NAMI-SWAN IF I COULD TAKE YOUR SUFFERING I WOULD!!!!!! YOU ARE SO BRAVE FOR THIS!!!!!" and Usopp is the one actually throwing stuff at him and kicking him out of the girl's room when he comes to bring some snacks and won't shut up. He's,, Overly helpful. He has good intentions, really, but Nami is just on her period. She can still move and do her own things, thank you very much. I think he learns to be more normal about it with time, though. And he's just this way with Nami, probably (I say this bc I'm writing a Sanuso fic with Trans Usopp on his period and I swear Sanji is normal about it).
Chopper: I mean. It's the doctor. He keeps an eye on Nami and takes care of her. He's gentle and always tries to bring her painkillers if it's too much. Reminds her to drink a lot of water and eat properly but never too much because she could get sick! He's the cutest, gentlest thing ever.
Franky: Another dramatic man. He's just like Sanji, except that instead of crying because Nami has to go through this, he keeps saying she's SUPEERRRRR COOL AND STRONG FOR DEALING WITH THIS. But it's only for a few seconds and then he's just acting like a dad. Which includes helping if needed but then asking the weirdest questions to see if Nami is alright.
Brook: He would be the sweetest thing ever. But also, we gotta admit that he's still a perv and would ask to see Nami's underwear anyway. But leaving that aside, yeah, he's sweet. He offers tea and gentle music while she works and tries to be a gentleman. He makes a few jokes here and there, Nami hits him, the usual stuff. But he's a sweet grandpa so he's just there being nice. But, y'know, Brook is always nice to be around. He just offers his help more and often asks Nami if she's feeling okay.
Jinbe: He doesn't quite understand what he's supposed to do, but he just doesn't get in Nami's way if she's mad, and if she's sensitive he'll try to make the crew shut up for a while. Gentle older man. He always tries to make peace around the place, but pretty much like Brook and he also tries not to overstep. He asks Zoro if he should be doing something, and Zoro just shrugs and says to let Nami do her own thing.
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