#this is aimed at someone in particular...
zombie-ghost · 19 days
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
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Janeway in 'Nothing Human' vs Tuvok in 'Resolutions' There's something here I know there is I can almost wrap my teeth around it.
#I can't watch Nothing Human bc the puppet really disconcerts me#but I cannot believe Janeway really came into B'Elanna's room after all that and the FIRST thing she says...her OPENER is#'Wow it smells awful in here~!'#DUDE....................TIME AND PLACE#HEHEHHE#C'MON MAN#B'Elanna: Is [putting it behind us] an order? / Janeway [normal!]: Yes.#'And what emotion is that?' C'MON MAN!!!!!!#Janeway & Tuvok#Kathryn Janeway#Tuvok#I can see why she and Tuvok are friends#'I understand you're upset but fall in line'#You can be upset but not if effects your work#<- Something which would be fine on a regular ship but is very difficult on Voyager#I think Janeway's certain coldness or ruthlessness which can be aimed at either friend or foe is an interesting#aspect of her personality#Ex: She and B'Elanna COULD have feasibly had a more touching scene together to close out the episode but they don't#I don't know if I'm explaining myself well right now I'm a bit ill and more than a bit tired#Something about uhh maybe....people under their command vehemently and emotionally disagreeing with them/their decisions??#you can disagree with me but not if you don't follow me anyway#Voyager a ship full of contradictions#they have to all work together and they are all closer emotionally than any other starship due to their situation#but they are also still 'at work' and are expected to follow orders. It's like a 'casual' hierarchy but it's still a hierarchy#and you can't fall too far out of line bc you're someone dear to me#but you're also a valued cog in the machine#and even though you ARE valued you ARE still a cog in the machine#but you're also my dear friend. and all of these things are true at once.#all of that of course but also Janeway & Tuvok are displaying a very particular kind of shared leadership style in these moments#Janeway is obviously on the whole MUUUCH more charismatic and understanding than Tuvok but still - when push comes to shove...
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ninjasmudge · 11 months
tumblr needs a way to block peoples content without blocking them completely. theres so many people i dont hate or even dislike, i just dont wanna see the same shit all the time
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cosmicpines · 2 months
I'm not done listening to the Alex Hirsch interviews but god it just reminds me both of how much I miss this show and how much I appreciate the love and care that went into it. I love listening to him talk about the characters with a frankness and care that shows how much he values them being three dimensional beings.
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Seeing a few posts on my dash going "Yeah it's cool we all love tumblr but funny how staff still haven't done anything about x blogs who still post x" and although I understand that sentiment when it comes to things in the extreme...
my dearest brother in Christ....
there will ALWAYS be "x" that still needs taking care of. Not on the internet but in real life too.
And if you go through life and your response to every positive thing that happens is to say "yes that's good and all but we literally still have X and the [people in charge] haven't done anything about it."
you are, and listen closely now,
going to be happy.
You will NEVER reach a point where there is no more x that needs taking care of. Literally never. There will be xs that need taking care of that don't even EXIST yet. They are making new xs that need taking care of in labs as we SPEAK.
And if you have no ability to see something positive and go "phew well things may not be perfect but hey! At least THIS is going well" and can only quantify positivity with a reminder of what people should be angry/stressed/outraged/sad about instead,
You will never be satisfied, at peace, or know happiness.
Please for the love of fuck learn to acknowledge when the good in life happens to you too.
Sometimes the x is too high in number and needs stamping down. But although you may happily continue to fight against it, to bring it up to deflate positivity when x wasn't even being discussed... I think it's time you try and untangle your thoughts from x because it's clearly gotten to a point where it's all you can think of and you need to take a breather, my guy.
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crucified-bloodhound · 5 months
just 2 be clear i'm not seeking a relationship with my tumblr mutuals... like i appreciate it and it's very flattering but We Do Not Know Each Other so pls dont act like we r in love (u can say ily that's different) because we chatted a bit (pls read tags i could have put it in the post but i didn't soz x)
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ryanthedemiboy · 28 days
I hate people shitting on how other people decorate their own place of residence.
You don't live there, your opinion doesn't matter.
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werebutch · 9 months
I know it’s rich coming from me since I complain a lot on here but some of u people need to stop bathing in your own hopelessness on purpose.. it is not difficult to realize you’re doing it. I know your circumstances can be horrible but you are your last hope. You can’t just wait for things to magically change especially if you aren’t making any effort to at least change some of your mentality towards the world and yourself. There’s coping and then there’s wallowing in suffering. Not doing you any good
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
People who dislike kghn occasionally point to how Hinata's desire to stand separately from Kageyama can/does/does cause a rift in their relationship and it's an interesting point and hella valid point considering that one of kghn's biggest fights is when Hinata wants to do more on his own (need Kageyama a bit less) and also how Hinata literally travels halfway across the world in part to establish himself away from the shadow of Kageyama's immense talent. There is so much potential in exploring both of their feelings on how every compliment aimed in Hinata's way is followed by 'but it's all thanks to Kageyama' ("As long as I'm here, you're invincible", anyone?) especially during the Brazil years where it's implied that they didn't even meet when Kageyama came for the 2016 Olympics (unsurprising, really but I have SO many feelings).
But the people who usually bring this topic up tend to center this around “and that’s why Hinata would ditch Kageyama to be romantically involved with *insert setter here* which I think is a pretty big disservice to Hinata and the worst possible reading of kghn’s dynamic. First of all, anyone who reads Haikyuu!! and thinks Hinata Shoyo is the type of guy that would resent Kageyama for overshadowing him needs to reread his every interaction with Hoshiumi and Asahi (both of whom he envies) along with his training camp convo with Hyakuzawa. Like he freely admits that Kageyama is the reason for his on-court prowess, his very first words in the series are about how he knows he can never overcome the wall in front of him alone. Secondly, if Kageyama really was just the face of his insecurities, Hinata could’ve just...ditched him (for lack of a better word) after the jackadlers match where he established himself as a vb menace, beat Kageyama and fulfilled his promise in one fell swoop instead of nonverbally dedicating himself to another lifetime with the guy (i have a lot of words about the last panel of hq) 
anyways, this is the fifth time i’ve written this post and i don’t remember anymore where i was going with it so imma just say that we need more kageyama pov fics about this topic 
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rosetintedgunman · 4 months
Thinking more about this piece while I get myself set up for a quickfire round of replies before bed and... I feel like I should make a little disclaimer:
Wilf LOVES everyone he's been able to befriend. They all mean the absolute world to him. He's still thrilled to find new people to make friends with! He has vague recollections of only being able to hold maybe three people as friends for most of his 'past life', so having MORE than three is a big deal!!
Essentially, if you think "aw man I wish I could let my muse be friends with that idiot", let them! He doesn't need to be a 'default' anything in your verse. I literally have a verse where he goes to another ego timeline, shrugs, says "guess I'm here too now :3" and calls himself Rose, so his existence shouldn't overlap the existence of whatever you might have established. Don't feel like he has to be the Wilford who was the William in your version of things, or he's the Wilford that's part of your particular band of egos. He doesn't have to be!
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iwasreading · 2 years
hot take, but if something is 'bad, but you still love it' it's not actually bad. the very fact that you like it makes it good. media isn't some monolith that can fit into a good/bad binary, there can be many different reasons that it was made. the same way that some things that are technically good, but aren't enjoyable could be deemed bad.
I have a friend who regularly tries to justify himself, because he likes movies that look good but don't necessarily have a strong story line or acting. he's just a sucker for good directing and photography, which honestly, fair enough! the thing about art is that it is a very personal experience, and i personally don't think that people should feel guilty or ashamed for liking something. that is completely counterintuitive and takes away from the experience. anyways, just my two cents.
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grollow · 2 years
to whoever needs to hear this: 
i really dont know how to tell you, beyond this, that i support you, that i want to see you improve, that i always want to see your creations, the ones you like, the ones you hate, the ones youre working on, the ones youre done with, the things that make you insecure, the things that make you happy, the things you dont think anyone wants to see. i do. i want to see them.
show me. i wont judge you. i wont tease you. i wont cringe. if it brings you joy, if its something youre passionate about, if it matters to you, or even if you think its dumb -- if it mattered enough for you to spend time on it, it matters to me.
your interests are valid. you are valid.
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daz4i · 2 years
idk who needs to hear this but if you want to push against anti intellectualism you have got to stop mocking people for the reasons they seek out information
not everyone has your education or life experience, and the reason they might stumble onto something you consider basic information or basic reading might be something you consider ridiculous - tiktok, anime, video games, a fucking tumblr post. idk - and you putting emphasis on that part and belittling it is just going to push them away from that information
like. i think you should just celebrate the fact they’re seeking this information out at all, and we should be happy that it’s accessible enough that the average person can find out about its existence/become interested in it through things like entertainment or social media
you are punishing people for doing what you want them to do, just because they do it for reasons you decided are not good enough. why do you think this will do anything but drive them away?
if you want people to be educated, you can’t mock them for seeking education for the “wrong” reasons. you’re just dismantling your own goals for a quick sense of superiority
(also before anyone tries to misread this post, i’m not talking about people learning blatant misinfo from social media, i’m talking more like “i saw funny memes about communism so i decided to go read marx’s writing” type of situation)
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the-travelling-witch · 11 months
i can tell you guys aren’t as fond of the entertainment industry which is a shame bc idol! childe, model! kaeya and club owner! diluc are very tasty :(
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iwtv · 11 months
last post is so funny bc it'll be like "lol current trends of online poetry" and girlies will actually be tagging like "i'd give up fruit!" the joke is (whether malicious or just being silly) making fun of the overuse of extremely common and similar themes/imagery to the point of Making Them Worth Nothing, In The Mind. idk where i was going with this i was gonna have a lighthearted post but started dissecting issues with online poetry [communities] i guess
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my love language is actually the secret sixth love language, reblogging all your posts at 2 am because i can’t sleep and am consumed with the urge to make sure you know i love you
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