#this ended up being a lot of zaveo tbh
💘 + Zeo
headcanon meme - dating edition ! zeo / what is you is me verse ~ 
where they first met and how - they’ve known each other their entire lives ; their parents were friends, their grandparents were friends, there was never a chance for them not to meet. as for when they became actual friends, it was probably in grade school when zelda & avery would bully him into hanging out with them ( and zelda would dare avery to kiss him before going “no I’M going to kiss him he’s MY prince!!!” ) 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved - zelda has known she’s been in love with leo since the third grade, when they were ice skating in central park and he helped her up when she fell down. as for when leo discovered it, it probably wasn’t until zelda kissed him for the first time and he went ‘oh damn. yeah, okay.’ because he’s an idiot. 
who fell for who first ( if applicable ) - definitely zelda. she’s a hopeless romantic and she spent their early years both mocking him endlessly and flirting with him shamelessly. she just couldn’t figure out how he didn’t know they were totally MFEO. 
where their first date was and what it was like - their first Real Date was something leo probably panicked over a lot. they’ve hung out their entire life but when does it count as a date now ???? we go to the zoo is that a date ?? we went to tiffany’s is that a date ??? but they both count their first real date as a movie at the angelika and eating at a shitty diner in midtown they’d normally never get caught dead in where they talked for hours  and a demure kiss at the door of her apartment building, it was the cliche date zelda always wanted and never knew how to ask for. 
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) - zelda and avery attempted to tank his date to cotillion by being naked in a hot tub and making out in an attempt to seduce him. except then avery chickened out and went to kiss someone else to act like it was nbd she just made out with her best friend and zelda was like my time has come. after that he was her Boyfriend and no one else was allowed to touch him again. 
who proposes first - oh boy that would have to come waaaaay down the road. like, after college when all three of them are in the city again. avery and zelda have been trying to figure out what the Fuck they’re doing, and leo would have to be like “why can’t i just have both of you” and it would be super confusing. zelda definitely talks about it the most - in the end, they’d probably decide on “ this is my wife zelda, and her girlfriend avery who sometimes we have a threesome with so i don’t feel left out “ 
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away  - if it wasn’t tacky, zelda would have put a billboard up in times square. 
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) - zelda has planned her proposal since she was thirteen. the ring was picked out at harry winston and she knew exactly what she wanted. leo and avery take no part of this because the thing they both know she likes most about both of them is their spontaneity. so on a vacation to visit her dad in france, leo proposes at the vineyard during a small, intimate party - enough attention for her to feel like all eyes are on her, but small enough that she feels its exclusive and not broadcast to everyone until she’s ready to announce it. 
if they adopt any pets together - zelda has a cat, but when they’re in their 20s living together, they definitely have her cat and leo just walks home with a dog one day. “it was following me.” 
who’s more dominant - zelda 100% because she is Bossy and likes things a certain way. but leo can surprise her and she loves when he makes a decision or stands up for her or tries to boss her around. she thinks its cute. 
where their first kiss was and what it was like - instead of their first kiss ( because, duh, already talked abt ) lets talk about their first kiss when they get back together after the avery drama comes out - they spend most of senior year broken up and they’ve both missed each other the entire time despite neither of them acknowledging it but she’s a big sister again ( her mother has a fucking baby i swear this is a real plot in the books ) and she looks so happy and light and he hasn’t seen her like that in forever and so he just goes for it and it’s the first time he’s really initiated things between them and it Feels Perfect but it’s familiar and warm and it’s when zelda finally loses her virginity 
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) - pLEASE matching yale sweatshirts !!!!! even when he ends up going somewhere else ( brown ? HARVARD imagine a harvard!leo and yale!zelda the tension ) she still makes him wear the yale hoodie all the time at the house because the navy looks Very Good On Him 
how into pda they are - Image Is Everything so quick kisses and hand holding and hugging is acceptable but she is Not about to let him grope her in public. that being said she’s also an attention whore and an exhibitionist so there are times in college / etc where she lets him get handsy in clubs or bars because she loves it. 
who holds the umbrella when it rains - lmao leo obviously. as if zelda isn’t busy with her bag and her phone. leo ! my hair ! hold the umbrella straighter !!!
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ) - they go to various restaurants and bars, but they spend most of their time in central park. it’s right there, and zelda loves how romantic it can be ( if you ignore the tourists, pigeons, and hot dog vendors ). 
who’s more protective - zelda would think she is, but leo does a lot to protect her. he knows how to distract her and make her relax and when people talk shit about her or gossip about her he’s usually the first to defend her. 
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ) - they’ve been sharing a bed since they were like eight on random sleepovers, and it never really meant anything until they were dating. but she’s a ball of insecurity, even if she doesn’t show it, and doesn’t sleep with him until right before their high school graduations. 
if they argue about anything - they argue about everything. or, zelda argues and leo just thinks about when he can get stoned again. the crux of most of their problems is really avery - she thinks he’s in love with her ( he is, a little ) but he also thinks zelda puts avery first ( she does, usually ) but instead they fight about things like where to get dinner or why he’s not listening to her 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) - lmao zelda of course. leo is Hers and she will let the world know. this makes him leaving his mark on her ( hickeys and scratches sometimes, usually not until college ) even sexier. 
who steals whose clothes and how often - zelda has an entire drawer of his clothes at her house. she has for years. she wears them to bed because they’re comfy and smell like him. when he stays over he loves to see it. he has definitely accidentally put on her sweatshirts sometimes in a rush, though. she thinks its cute. 
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) - if they’re sleeping, they usually start spooning ( zelda is the little spoon, obviously ) but they’ll spread out throughout the night and sometimes they wake up with him as the little spoon. if they’re just on the couch or the bed watching tv or something she usually rests her head on his chest or shoulder so he plays with her hair, or vice versa. they’re very physical and touchy. 
what their favourite nonsexual activity is - leo loves sailing, so they go out and do that whenever they can during the summer. but despite zelda’s constant demand to be Seen, they really just love quiet nights in with take out and an old movie playing. 
how long they stay mad at each other - zelda will hold a grudge forever. leo has never understood this concept. it confuses him and he buys her a present so she’s not mad anymore. it almost always works. unless he sleeps with her best friend and keeps it from her for a year, y’know. 
what their usual coffee / tea orders are - caffeine makes leo jittery, and while her friends have all these complex ‘girly’ orders, she just likes coffee, one sugar, splash of milk. sometimes at night she’ll drink some herbal tea to help her sleep. 
if they ever have any children together - zelda has had the Dream of children since they were kids, and in the end the three of them end up with twins - it’s a strange parenting system they have with all three of them, but they make it work. besides, leo is never more grateful for avery’s partnership in their throuple than a pregnant zelda. can you even imagine. 
if they have any special pet names for each other - typical cliche things - babe, sweetie, baby. zelda and avery call each other ‘z’ and ‘a’ and leo likes to think of himself as the bookmark in the middle of the bookcase ( get it. a - l - z ? its cute. ) but they don’t usually have anything too unique. 
if they ever split up and / or get back together - once a week ? jk. they’re pretty stable until avery comes back from boarding school, and then they break up for most of the year. they get back together before graduation just to break up a few weeks alter, and college is a mess of ‘i love you / i hate you’ and trying to figure out avery’s place within the three of them before they all collectively figure out their shit in their 20s. 
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ) - very clean, but not like, super organized crazy. zelda likes things picked up and clean ( and they have maids, obviously ) but she doesn’t like, color code her wardrobe. they’d hire an interior designer when they got their own place, but it would be a little chaotic like they all are - a crazy colorful bedroom but a muted living room, a bright vibrant kitchen and a dark bathroom. a mixture of all three of them all over the place. 
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like - they always went to see the nutcracker as kids, and once they’re dating, they start going Together as a date. they split cigarettes during intermission and walk home through the snow together. they pick out a gift to exchange on christmas eve if they’re in the city, or before they’re forced to separate if they have to go with their family. in college, she spends a winter break with him in maine, and once they’re old enough to do their own holidays, they throw huge parties a couple days before to celebrate with everyone they care about before the three of them have their own, quiet holiday. 
what their names are in each other’s phones - if leo has it as anything other than ‘zelda’ he’d never find her, but she does force a heart emoji on there. she likes her phone organized correctly, so he’s also labeled ‘leo’ but it does have a matching heart emoji. their groupchat name, however, changes based on zeldas mood and if she’s angry or enamored with them. sometimes she deletes it entirely and that’s when it’s time to go to tiffanys. 
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) - after he discovers the heart in his sweater, there’s small exchanges of little trinkets like that. they’re definitely into present giving - it’s the way they were both raised to show love - and they have annual traditions ( the nutcracker, sailing, etc. ) but most of their habits are just engrained in them from their own environments. 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first - leo falls asleep if you let him sit still too long and zelda has never heard of sleeping. 
who’s the big spoon / little spoon - both of them at any point in time - it’s really just a matter of who’s more emotionally unstable at the moment. 
who hogs the bathroom - zelda has a thousand beauty and hair supplies and leo’s just like ‘guess ill go use the guest bathroom then’ 
who kills the spiders / takes them outside - the maid, obviously. 
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