#theyre so lovely thank you <33 ooohghhbdfmgh
appallinnballin · 3 months
okay so its time to share my special things to someone i like
i have a ruv who he's a brick shithouse built one and he's an ice hawk, he got the wings and the ice related magic, his name is Duske
hims wife has spring/summer related powers and she can't handle the cold too well so he keeps her warm and her name is Rosaline she is still a little devil
and recently, on the 7th of february, they had twins! Edith and Zephyre, and i had this cool idea where they have markings like their parents but its like... mixed together!! like you get what i'm seeing here right
birds grow pretty fast, Edith has already figured out how to fly and get onto the ceiling, though Zephyre gets fussy whenever his sister isn't nearby and she knows this so she tries to stay in his line of sight
Zephyre can also get on the ceiling, little bro can walk on walls
Duske is a great pillow for all of his fambly and he promises to be the best father he possibly can (his parents left him behind on a mountain during a snowstorm to fend for himself) (he is going to teach them how to hunt rats and other small creatures like a good hawk)
AWGHH they sound so cool… I love that theyre season-based, their little ones are adorable 🩷🩷🩷
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