#theyre all very different personalites
agrise · 1 year
tbh, a little additional thought about dante, kind of spurred off from earliers post.
i just think dante being told they were a bigwig in the past would've definitely had made them feel mixed emotions.
" why of all things do you tell me this with no further clarification? i don't want to think about the potential things ive done in the past that do not reflect my present or future", but also, "this feels like a subtle jab in the side that you know stuff i don't yet refuse to come out with it"
and yet dante is just 🤐
lovingly, i want to shake them until it clicks in their head yknow
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ms-paint-idol-hell · 5 years
What are your main Love Live Ships? Also, I didn't even know about askeliayase before, but I definitely know that the first post and the rest of the posts until now are drawings from different people, may I ask who are the respective artists?
my favorite LL ships r like everyone with eli... nozoeli ofc bc its established, kotoeli bc theyre so cute, eliumi bc wow the cool mature girls makieli bc i feel like tsun tsun maki with a nervous eli who cant properly display love to her, (despite it being exactly what maki likes she just wont admit it) nicoeli bc the two compliment each other with their completely different personalites and the way they can handle their insecurities together, honoeli as the enemies to lovers, panaeli as the pure ship, rineli as the ship with the girl whos outgoing thay eventually eases the other to be more open with everyone, thats it. i just rlly like the dynamics she can have with the other girls!
n also about askeliayase.... actually both of those drawings are by me! i have a very inconsistent artsyle thats why heh.... but theyre about two years about so ofc my style has evolved... everything from the previous askeliayase url is all by me, it seems im the only one who runs an eli ask blog around here....
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strawberryspeachy · 4 years
Man. I really am a cat person I guess
My last cat died almost a year ago... but i didnt even get to be with her. She was young and i left her with my best friend when I moved to Japan. She had seizures...
I really miss her
I miss all my babies
But im feeling serious pet withdrawl. I have NEVER been without pets for this long in my LIFE. I grew up on a farm. I only went to college for like 3 months or less at a time and got to go home and see my babies
I want a kitten SO BAD - ive always thought that when I get my own clean place that I wont get animals because I always wanted to be able to keep a place clean and not having cat hair alllllll overrrrr alllllll my clothes was nice in college
I feel starved for real
So many of my cats have passed and I know any future cats will before me as well
But i still want them
Dogs though
I fucking ADORED my dog
I begged my mom for my own puppy for YEARS before Kiki was sent to me from the universe basically. Her moms owners husband threatened to kill her and her siblings if they werent gotten rid of. So my family took them at about a month old - just old enough that they could survive without their mother
There were 6-7 of them. And they were all normal puppies except for my Kiki! She was always staring at them like they were annoying and preferred to sit in the back of their pen away from their jumping. When they came out to eat and play, shed find a quiet spot to eat and then go hide under the couch (it was funny cause they all moved too much and my mom and i couldnt count them when we put them away because they kept moving. So wed just assume we got them all - then a couple hours later Kiki would emerge from under the couch yawning and wed be like oh! There was another puppy!)
I remember debating between a couple of the puppies when my mom hinted that I could keep one. But ultimately I chose my Kiki. I didnt even have a particular reason why - I was about 7 and I remember imagining how if I chose one of her siblings I’d finally have one of those movie dogs. I did of course like that she was the runt - but there was something else about her
As I grew up and became more isolated and miserable myself (not to say Kiki was miserable by any standard. But she was a very picky dog with an animated face) we just matched
Kiki honestly got happier after all her siblings were adopted out. We played all the time when she was a puppy. And as I got older, I didnt want to go roll around in the snow or go for long as hikes. And while that would upset most dogs - honestly Kiki seemed content to be let be. Like she seemed to have age the same as me and we were both like - dude. Im glad you dont wanna play all day long - i need my me time. (And by me time i mean we were both happy to just exist in the same room together)
Wed both get random spurts of energy and play for an hour or so instigated by the other
There was this mac and cheese I ate and never finished and I would give the leftovers to her - there came a time that when she smelled it she KNEW and the second i looked like I was done her head would shoot up - she was ready
Sometimes my mom would eat half and Kiki would look at her like - the fuck?!
And my mom would tell her sorry i know this is yours
She was the best fucking dog. My best friend. We understood each other. We loved each other.
It still makes me cry having to remember her finaly days. She got cancer. I had to put her down. She was almost 13 - which is young :(
And I still cant bear the idea of getting anther dog.
My cat was 18 when she passed. She lived in my room for reasons. And I had the same relationship with Star. I miss her so dearly and no cat could replicate or minimize those feelings
But i still want cats
But.... not a dog.... and I think it’s because. And I always knew it
Kiki was so different from other dogs. We matched personalities - but because Kikis personality was closer to that of a cats than a dogs.
I never look for an animal that reminds me of one from the past. It sounds too cruel first off. And meeting new personalities is wonderful. Im still kinda sad that I couldnt adopt a cat from a store who wanted to play fetch in her cage and who i fell in love with right there and then. I hope she found a good home 😭
But most dog personalites dont mesh with me. I like them. I wanna play with and visit them. But i dont wanna own them.
My best friend who basically lives in a zoo felt the same way about her first dog. I kinda think maybe its because we just connected with our dogs as children and while they were puppies. Connected intially because we were similar and then as we grew together - our dogs - understanding that we too were children - took care of us. Like a reciprical parent child relationship and so we grew up with dogs who took on our ways of interacting. They understood that regardless of what was going on - we had unconditional love for them which stopped that dog urge of - constantly trying to prove to you that theyre worthy of your love. And they know you - for example. Kiki still did bad things sometimes - but she’d avoid things that she knew really bothered me. Maybe shed decide to chew something up, eat something she shouldnt, or poop where she shouldnt —— well in her case - shed purposely target things that didnt belong to me. Or poop in a spot where i didnt usually walk
My family would get mad at me about it - why whenever your dog misbehaves, its never YOUR STUFF ?! Cause she knows its my stuff
Yeah. Just. I miss my pets. My dog was perfect. And i want a cuddily kitty purring next to me right now
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