#theyre all furious about the state of things with the commission
cosmicseaslugs · 2 years
I know a while back you made a post with how you thought villain!13 would go down and one was she got like disillusioned and turned. How do you think the other teachers would react to their friend/coworker becoming a villain
There's a general sense of shock when they see the news: Space Hero, the rescue hero, Thirteen has killed someone. The teachers sit at the conference table, eyes glued to either the TV screen at the front of the room or at Thirteen's empty chair. Unease permeates every centimeter of the room, and no one knows what to say.
To an extent, they think they can understand. The villain she felled had done nothing but kill and abuse their power for the past two years, not even sparing the lives of children who crossed their path. Or maybe, maybe it was just an accident. Her quirk was dangerous and hard to control at the best of times; how easy it would be for her to make a mistake, for the villain to have gotten to close, for her quirk to misfire, for her to cause irreparable harm.
But then, why hadn't she come in that day? Or called? Or spoken to the authorities?
Thirteen had run, and in a few more days, she'd kill again, this time with unmistakable purpose.
She'd protect civilian lives no matter what the cost.
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