#they're not as... dramatic as the typical murder baby
aiyexayen · 2 years
Ship ask: Xie-wang/Wen Kexing
1. What made you ship it?
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this moment. just this. i don't typically give an excess amount of thought to shipping on my first watchthrough of something, especially something i'm so captivated by. but this moment popped on my screen and i was like "HELLO?!"
i'm still entirely lukewarm about the necessity of the scene but i am all here for over the top unnecessary dramatic tension between these two murder babies villains.
2. What are your favourite things about the ship?
the contrast between the things they don't have in common and the things they do.
they're both orphans, they were both raised to be killers, they're both very good at what they do, they both desperately need to be genuinely loved and both have the capacity for intense and terrifying and consuming devotion. they're both leaders in their own right.
but for one, their lives were so different. wen kexing grew up in hell, with no one to take care of him--he had no one to really rely on, even luo-yi. we know about the beatings and we can guess about more. xie'er ostensibly grew up in luxury, with servants and his yifu. with the way he reacts to yifu slapping him, it feels likely that's never happened before. but it's also like--whew, is that a fucked up relationship. manipulative and horrifying. two entirely different types of fucked up, one because of isolation and one because of, well, zhao jing. which puts all their hard and sharp and soft edges in different places, all their hurts in a different order, all their expectations for relationships and concepts of self and their needs.
they both have style, education, an appreciation for refinement and fashion and such. xie'er's grew out of having been raised around luxury and his deep and abiding desire to simply be furen, i swear, and to be seen and accepted and enough and Pleasing. and kexing's grew from obsessively learning about the outside world, about other kinds of people and life and plunging himself into these constructs of importance that had no bearing on any of his lived experience but creating a self that fit into them regardless because he needed something.
and in spite of xie'er growing up more pampered and with access to more people, i think wen kexing has the advantage of him when it comes to caring for someone else. he had a-xiang, after all, and part of the point was that they kept each other human even in a place of ghosts. i think xie'er still has a bit of a journey ahead of him where that's concerned. wen kexing did, too, when he came out of gui gu, but i think he had the advantage.
their motives/purpose also differ considerably in a lot of ways. wen kexing has been consumed with revenge his whole life, with his own plans--and xie'er with his yifu's plans. xie'er has always deferred to yifu, while kexing made a point of becoming gui gu guzhu so he would not be accountable to anyone. they have kind of opposite journeys they need to take where that's concerned. xie'er needed to figure out how to value himself outside of zhao jing, how to see himself as a complete person, how to figure out what he wanted out of his life and where his own ambitions would take him and what kind of leader he was without a leash. kexing needed to figure out how to rely on someone, how to see himself as a human at all, how to accept what he actually wanted out of life and allow himself to have it, even to the point of learning a different kind of leadership as a partner and a subordinate.
these things could lead to such an interesting ship dynamic. it could be chaos and fire and explosions or it could be soft. thinking about where in their stories do they meet, what struggles are they currently having and how do they clash or overlap? in what ways can they help each other or hurt each other? xie'er could be expecting yifu and instead he gets someone who is so straightforward when he's mean and genuine when he's soft and who doesn't hide his sarcasm behind sweet lies or turn any moment of concern or care into a subtle transaction. kexing could, to his complete bafflement, experience the full weight of someone's obsessive jealous devotion. they could make each other so much worse. we just don't know.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i don't know any opinions about this ship at all. that seems to be a general thing with me. my opinion is that they should kiss.
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kyuponstories · 3 months
Goodbye 'melbox', hello 'Sukidakara/Because I Like You!'
(this is word spaghetti lol)
Ok. So 'melbox' (purposefully lowercased) is my oldest WIP. I think the idea came to me in 2016? It's been my baby for a while, but it's been impossible to write. The six characters are a part of a "mystery magazine club" that takes place in an abandoned teacher's lounge room a murder took place in years prior that they vowed to the school body to solve. But they all also gained superpowers from that room related to their creative hobby (ex. Mel is a writer, so she could write words in the air, and fling them to people to have them either say or do something as if she was their author). On top of that, they all have their own personal struggles & character growths to be had (Mel struggles with social anxiety, Dre's bubbly personality at school contrasts w/ his non-existent relationship w/ his parents who he felt miserable at home with, Ayanna masks her depression despite her mom being a literal therapist, etc). I wanted their to be typical comedic anime moments too, so it was hard to find the tone for this.
So, to write this series, I'd have to balance:
Six characters personal struggles/individual goals & development
the fact that they are a part of this Mystery Magazine club, and have duties to fulfill regarding creating a magazine.
The club working to solve this murder mystery
The murder actually unraveling
the characters all being seniors in HS who would be graduating by the end of the series
balancing comedy, action, and angst through it all
When planning S1 of this series (bc mind you, this was gonna be 2-4 seasons). I realized that..... this story actually bores me. 🥲 I feel like if you remove the murder mystery from the story, this could easily be a series for middle schoolers. 😭 And that's the core of it. Like maybe it could all work out if I was passionate about mixing all of this into one, because it isn't impossible! I just don't care enough to do all of this lol. And I know I'm not being dramatic about it, because Eyes of the Beholder is FULL of angst and requires a lot of planning to get things right but it EXCITES me so much!
The thing is, I LOVE the characters of melbox!! They're my babies. 🥺 So I decided to put them in another WIP idea that I've had for a minute, and they fit in it perfectly! 🌺It's 100% a rom-com series of an extroverted jock x socially anxious introvert that were also childhood friends. My 2nd childhood friends to lovers series, uh oh. 😂
TLDR, the complicated 'melbox' is now the simpler yet wonderful rom-com Sukidakara! (Because I Like You!).
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sassafrassrex · 6 years
Something to ponder
Fandom talks about the likelihood of there being living Galra soldiers on every single cruiser that Voltron destroys. But we don’t often get hard evidence of that.
So, just a tiny reminder:
This guy. This very flesh-and-blood guy
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Was in the hanger, seconds before 
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Shiro blew a hole in the wall, large enough to fit a fighter through.
If a fighter can fit, then a person (with the handy assistance of 14.7 psi) can also fit. That’s what ‘explosive decompression’ means (it’s not your eyeballs bursting or your blood boiling out your ears, neither of which will happen). It’s all about your squishy body riding the wave and nyooming out into the void.
(Of course, disclaimer: this is the same show wherein both Keith and Lance just... held on tightly in the brisk-ish breeze, when their doors were opened so, maybe the rules are just dumb different.)
Okay well, blah blah force fields turn on blah blah safety measures
Maybe. I don’t remember the Galra ever having a much of a rep for health and safety, but okay, maybe. 
But if not, then there is an approx. zero percent chance Shiro didn’t just vent the room and dump that poor guy into space. 
And furthermore-
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It’s probably safe to say Shiro knew he was there
(Some of y’all are likely going to noT MY SHIRO!! even louder after this (which, okay that’s fine. More Shiro for me), but bear in mind that as of, I believe, S1E13, all of the Pals have at some point set foot on Galra ships (except Lance? Don’t quote me on that, but I think so). So, they all know full well that there are people on-board. They all know Sendak’s ship was the norm, not the anomaly. 
And they all keep right on blowing shit up, without missing a beat
So. Just in case anyone was (somehow) still happily drifting in cognitive dissonance because it wasn’t adequately endorsed that yes, our young heroes murder folk on the regular...
Then uh. You’re welcome.)
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