#they're like we can excuse you dating a girl but we draw the line at the girl being irish american 😭😭
belfryprepz · 1 year
My gf is Italian and Lebanese so I was trying to make her a bracelet with the flag colors but it just looks like xmas 😭 it's okay tho cuz that's her fav holiday
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pearcinglyours · 2 years
on artem’s 2nd personal story SSR “belle nuit d’amour”

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A/N: this is just more of a rambling post than anything. card spoilers below!
image source: @yooneunji33 | story recording: æ—„ć’ŒéŁŽç‰©èŻ— | translations are mine!

like all other PS cards, the story revolves around a memory that touches on an "issue" in their relationship- in this one it's about not having to have clear boundaries between work and family life because it's natural for a partner to want to know everything that goes on in their s/o's life, good and bad etc.
to quote rosa, "even if the road's a little rocky, it's alright. we've (refers to artem's mom and fiancee) made the choice to love you, and we'll do whatever we have to do to deal with everything." which like. GIRL how do you always know what to say... i'm in shambles actually because artem wasn't even the one who told her about some issues he's been facing at work. he made up an excuse until she pestered him to know more info about it and SHE'S SO CUTE WHILE DOING IT just look at this.
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it also references a movie that people on bili have been speculating to be "the legend of 1900", but it's not explicitly stated in the card itself. most importantly it references a scene where the protagonist was able to use patterns of flashing light to find a way to land- which draws a parallel to artem's relationship with
 basically everyone around him.
he's so worried that asking for help or talking about his problems to his loved ones is just merely burdening them. but implicitly i could understand that artem not outright telling rosa what was wrong and him seeming very out of place was even more of a "burden"??
context: they're walking home from a dinner with their client and suddenly artem receives a message from his mother saying that she's at his house, and because they both don't want to let their mother wait they start running (it's mentioned that his house is very close by the place they're at)
here's the scene the PV lines were selected from:
Artem: "Initially, I thought I wanted to leave everything behind, but deep down in my heart I realised... that I was hoping for someone to find me. (...) it feels very liberating- like a part of my heart that has always been a deep slumber had just been gently touched by someone. (...) It's because of admiration we choose to not say anything. But because there's too much admiration for that person... I want to tell them everything no matter what. (...) Maybe it's a long process, but I hope that you'll always be my side and be that "listener" of mine.
eventually they had to stop at a traffic light (while still holding each other's hands and being in very close physical proximity with each other) until they saw someone waving at them from the other side of the street and this guy freezes. because of course he hasn't been displaying pda in front of his mother 😭 THE NARRATIVE IS SO FUNNY TOO it reads "the moments in which he's the most relaxed and "un-artem" of him was just completely exposed in front of his mother, and he was still tightly holding my hand"
and of course rosa teases him with "you're not someone who just started dating, so why's your face still so red?" "to a certain extent, letting your elders seeing you interact with your significant other casually is still a form of exposing "things you've once hidden"." CAN YOU SEE HOW HARD I CAN CRY
!! ? artem: "... you're right. i'll change this habit of mine" like HELLO? SIR.
and rosa asks if he's ever tried something... he asks what's that "something", but rosa told him outright that she's just asking the obvious. because in all the moments she's intimate with him, it's always in private places like their home theatre. so she tells him, "of course you've never kissed at a place like this..."
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*director's cut*
(literally. that's the end of the card 😭)
i think one thing worth mentioning is the way his mother was actually featured a considerable amount here, mainly because she wants to help her son and correct any past wrongs and misunderstandings she's had with him, and show him with her actions that she's willing to and is capable of helping him, i just really enjoy seeing their relationship because it really feels like a family reunion TT
the call at the end of the call was also very cute! just two almost married and almost 30 adults talking about how you can create rainbows when you spray water in a certain direction. i get SO sappy seeing that they can really be the truest version of themselves around each other.
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that’s all for now! i originally intended for this to be a twitter thread but honestly i think this is a bit too long to be digestible in thread format LOL if anyone else has also read this card i’d love to hear your opinions on it! i just couldn’t resist the wait because the illustration is so
 so pretty.
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
read the wedding and honeymoon issues ;_;
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I knew the dress was designed by a real life fashion designer but I didn't know he was going to show up as an in-universe character! That's cool!
I love how Aunt May is written in this issue it's been so long since she's been around and the "save a little love for me" line stabbed me. Somehow my favorite line of the issue.
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If you can tell Exactly what 60s drawing of the Coffee Bean was used as reference, raise your hand. (This one.) Harry's even got a BOWTIE on so it's throwback time, baby. I like how he gets to work out his feelings with his two college pals and their experiences with marriage. If he'd really gotten into it with Harry, he'd even find they share anxieties about being able to keep a wife Physically Safe.
Meanwhile, I feel really bad for MJ. There's a lot of focus on how broken up Peter is about losing Gwen, but it's MJ who must really be missing her. She's stuck with a bunch of famous people we don't know, doing the party girl thing one last time. Perhaps the writer just forgot she likes hanging out with Liz and Gloria and... well, I guess Betty is a little indisposed. I dunno.
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This also annoys me. No, Peter, it wasn't her choice to be dating Spider-Man because you NEVER TOLD HER. It is, however, MJ's choice to be marrying Spider-Man, knowing the risks involved, despite everything. Not a 1:1 comparison, emo boy.
I love that both Peter AND MJ are late to their own wedding because they both were fighting second thoughts. Drama queen/drama king relationship.
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LOVE how living with someone who Knows unlocks shenanigans. You just know there are dozens of jokes he's been saving up because they only make sense if he's doing spider things in civvies. And of course MJ loves a good show.
This silver age convo seems relevant to their honeymoon:
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HarryMJ sidenote: I feel like some of the "MJ is mean to Harry for no reason" stuff in college makes more sense in context of how she works with Peter's insecurities here. She winds him up more or does something outrageous to distract him and get him moving, knowing that once he's out of his head he'll feel better. She's trying to get him to put on a show. Unfortunately Harry just kind of crumples with the punches where Peter starts flipping tables.
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This artist really enjoys the one-eye closeup shot on Peter I guess.
As an engineer I enjoy when little technical difficulties happen like messing up the acidity of the webbing. Stomping out bugs is 100x more relatable than any genius-works-first-try nonsense they use to try to sell fictional tech.
Love that I was immediately able to peg the priest as a fraud because Spider-Man vs Wolverine had genuine bilingual bonuses so the phrasebook French had to be intentional. "Can I buy my tickets here?" "Excuse me, where are the toilets?"
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also, I love MJ and did I mention that I love MJ. Both MJ and Felicia are girls who Enjoy Problems but I think the difference is that Fel likes causing problems for and with Peter wheras MJ is perfectly happy to sit back and watch Peter cause problems for others by his own damn self. Dinner and a show. I love her, and I'm glad they're married, and (checks reading list) J.M. DeMatteis? Already??? Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh!
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
May I please ask for Ahkmenrah x male reader where again, they are university students and Ahk is mortal - they're dating and living together. Can reader be possessive of Ahk when he notices a girl hitting on him and making him uncomfortable in a party they attend after their finals? Standing by him and arguing with the girl to leave him be, with his hand holding Ahkmenrah's as he leads him away, and she doesn't bother him again so they enjoy the party and cuddle in bed when they're home? :)
You got it, love! And there’s just a wee, wee tiny bit of smut. I just couldn’t help it 💕
* * * * *
Mid-year finals were over. You survived. Ahk survived. And it was time to blow off some steam—however, you and Ahkmenrah had two different ideas about how to release tension.
“Sure you don’t wanna stay in?” you asked as you leaned in the doorway of your tiny bathroom, watching Ahk brush his teeth, his dark blue towel wrapped around his hips and drawing your eyes to the tight ass hidden beneath.
Ahkmenrah spit and rinsed, tapping his toothbrush dry before placing it into the holder next to yours.
“We can do that anytime—and we probably will do that and a few other things when we get home,” Ahk said as he opened the cabinet and pulled out his styling pomade. After he shut the cabinet, he looked at you in the mirror and shot you a lascivious glance that went straight to your groin.  
“That’s not fair,” you said as you adjusted yourself through your jeans.
Ahk grinned, flicking his eyes to you before returning to styling his hair.
“Patience can be a wonderful form of foreplay,” he said through his grin.
You groaned with frustration, and Ahk chuckled.
About 30 minutes later, you and Ahk walked off campus and down the few blocks to your friend’s house. The place was already packed, but you spotted your friend and his bright blonde hair easily. As you headed over to chat, Ahkmenrah went to find drinks, and you couldn’t help but to glance back and smile as you watched his perfectly styled curls disappear into the crowd.
“Hey, Y/N! Glad you could make it. Is Ahk here, too?”
“Yup—off to find a drink, which I’m assuming won’t be too hard.”
“Hell no—the bar is stocked,” your friend said through a grin.
After chatting for a while, you glanced at your watch and realized over 20 minutes has passed. You excused yourself from the conversation and started looking for Ahk.  
You checked the kitchen, the bar on the back porch, and the den, but he was nowhere to be found. As you retraced your steps back to the living room where you had met your friend, you see Ahkmenrah looking incredibly uncomfortable, his back to the wall, as a pretty girl you recognized from Ahk’s study-group had her hands on his stomach. She was leaning into him, grinning, but Ahk had his hands on her wrists clearly wanting her to keep her distance without actually having to push her away. He spoke in a low voice, but she ignored what he said and laughed while shaking her head.
An image of snatching a handful of that long hair and yanking her off your boyfriend flitted through your mind, but you were above that. It frustrated you that Ahkmenrah was always so damn polite to everyone, always so willing to see the best in them. You loved his kind heart, but his inherent goodness sometimes prevented him from standing up for himself when he was uncomfortable for fear of hurting someone’s feelings.
As a king, he was always in control and everyone around him knew their place. As a mortal, as just a man, he struggled to find the balance between assertion and aggression and was so afraid to step across the line that he often just ended up frozen, not doing anything at all.  
But that’s why he had you—you would never let anything bad happen to the love of your life, so when you saw Ahk’s look of distress, you didn’t think twice about approaching the girl and telling her to back off.
“Hey—Georgianna, right? Look, you need to back up. Give Ahk some space.”
Georgianna huffed and stepped back but only to shoot you an ugly, mean look. She crossed her arms and said, “Why? Ahk and I were just having a conversation. Right, Ahk?”
Ahkmenrah hesitated, looking to you with pleading eyes.
“No. I think you were hitting on him, and he was too nice to outright reject you.”
“Nobody rejects me,” she said with a laugh.
“I—I did,” Ahk said.
“And now you’re making him uncomfortable,” you finished, reaching to rest your hand on his lower back. “You know he’s here with me—he’s been with me for the past year and a half, Georgianna. So maybe you need to finally just fuck off.”
“Whatever,” Georgianna said with a roll of her eyes. “He’s clearly not worth my time.”
You both watched as Georgianna pushed her way through the partygoers. Ahkmenrah turned to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Thanks for that.”
“Anytime, Ahk. As if you’d waste your time on someone with an attitude like that.”
“As if I would ever want to be with anyone other than you, my love.”
You smiled sweetly and said, “Come on. Let’s go have some fun.”
For the rest of the night, you and Ahk stayed close, either hand in hand or with you lightly resting your hand on his back, or with Ahk reaching up to give your shoulder a squeeze when you said something particularly funny. It was a good night, and when it was time to go home, you and Ahkmenrah walked back to your place on campus while stealing kisses and laughing again about the expression on Georgianna’s face when you, mostly politely, told her to fuck off.
By the time you shut your apartment door, Ahk had grabbed you by the collar of your coat and was kissing you, hard. You kissed him back with an equal force, one that didn’t bother to hide your desire to possess him.
As your teeth nipped at his neck, he groaned and leaned back against the door. You tested the front of his jeans and found him hard.
You didn’t waste time, quickly unsnapping his jeans and pulling down his zipper so you could wrap your hand around his length.
Ahk groaned louder, a delicious, deep noise that made your own confinement in your tight jeans more than uncomfortable.
“Bed,” you growled, releasing him and taking his hand to pull him down the hallway.
Ahkmenrah happily followed, glad he made you wait, and glad you weren’t afraid to make sure the world knew who he belonged to.
And when you fell asleep that night, Ahkmenrah’s head on your chest and your arm wrapped around him, holding him tight, you knew with certainty that there was nothing you wouldn’t do for him, and that there was nothing that would ever come between the two of you.
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
Braving the Elements
Chapter 8: Tonys Party
Tw: Alcohol consumption, swearing , bad writing???
Authors note: we about to get a lil soft and a lil angsty babyyyy
(The balcony)
(The next morning in the kitchen)
Honestly both songs r like how I envision they’re relationship ANYWAYS HERE WE GOOO
“So, just how fancy are these parties?” you ask Nat and Wanda who are currently lying on your bed.
“Think Jay Gatsby meets James Bond.” Nat responds
“Shit, don’t think I have anything that nice.” you say skimming through your clothes which had finally found their way onto hangers. You had a lot of nice pieces, but nothing suitable enough for a black tie event. You had left most of your more exquisite garments back at your old apartment.
“No worries we have plenty, you can borrow something from us.” Wanda says closing her phone, before declaring that you should all get ready so you won’t be late. Nat and Wanda leave, then re-enter, your room carrying various dresses.
The dress you end up choosing is a midnight blue satin number. The top has a deep v on either side, exposing your back and a good portion of your cleavage. The top is tight to your body and gathers at your natural waistline before flaring out into a structured A-line skirt. You twist your hair up and pin it, pulling a few curls down to frame your face. Nat’s settled on an off the shoulder black, skin tight dress with a slit going all the way up her thigh. Her red hair clipped to one side giving it a wind-swept look. Wanda emerges in a long sleeve, scoop necked, mermaid style, maroon dress, opting to keep her hair loose for the evening. Pulling on your heels, Wanda shuffles you both out the door in the name of getting to the venue on time.
You wind up talking to Clint for a while and after ensuring he knows that you were not joking when you had asked him to teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow, you decide to go talk to Nat who's just been left by Wanda whose now at the bar talking to Vision and the rest of the boys.
“Well they all clean up nice” you say to Nat and she turns her head to face you.
“You know,” Nat says “ I think Wanda may like Vision.”
“Right!” you exclaim a touch too loud, realizing that you were slightly tipsy already. “We should set that up.” You stress to Nat who whole heartedly agrees. As the two of you make your way to the bar you can’t help but notice the small group of beautiful women who had gathered around Bucky. You couldn’t blame them, he’d slicked his hair back exposing his perfect jawline and the navy blue suit he was wearing brought out those eyes you liked so much.
You reach the bar and say “Someone’s popular tonight” nodding your head in Bucky’s direction
“Oh he always is, it’s the eyes,” says Steve
“and the hair” Sam chimes in
“20$ says it’s the arm, I know a few girls with a metal kink” you joke, causing Sam and Nat to burst out laughing and Steve to turn a lovely shade of red. The four of you talk for a while politely making conversation with anyone who came up for a chat.
“Jesus how stuffy can this party get.” you say while fanning yourself. Half falling off your chair you slur out an “ I gotta pee.” to the rest of the group before heading off to the bathroom. Exiting the restroom you manage to catch the tail end of a conversation between two smug, older, looking business men.
“I can’t believe Tony Stark is slumming it with mutants nowadays, what would his father think? I thought the commie soldier was bad, but this? Bringing in freaks of nature it’s too much who knows what they're capable of.” one of them says “Very well put, wouldn’t mind fucking her though she’s got a great ass.” the other one says looking right at you, almost as if he wanted to make sure you had heard him.
You bunch up the skirt of your dress in your hands and swiftly make a beeline to the nearest balcony. You can feel your chest tighten and your eyes start to well up. Stop it, you will yourself. Stop it right now. Don’t let them see you cry. You swing open the balcony's doors and finding no one there you exhale, resting your elbows down onto the banister, and dabbing away the few tears that had gathered in your eyes. Staring out into the lights of the city you focus on your breathing tuning out to the clatter of the party behind you.
You weren’t the only one to hear the man’s cruel words. Bucky had been standing nearby and overheard it as well. After seeing you practically run outside, he pulls himself away from the girl he’s been with all night promising to be right back, suddenly finding that the only thing he could think about was you.
A familiar voice breaks your silence and the noise from the party seeps back into your auditory field. “Hey, I said are you okay” the voice asks again.
Wiping away a tear and composing yourself before turning to face Bucky you smile brightly
“Never better, besides I’ve heard worse. I mean they said they’d fuck me, god what a compliment!” you scoff leaning back onto the railing. He rests his forearms on the banister and looks at you. “Well they did get one thing right”
“Ya, you're right, my ass is pretty great.” you say absentmindedly, causing him to laugh.
“No well , I mean yes, but bringing me in was definitely a bad move.”
“Oh, well that was a given” you quip back pushing yourself off the banister and straightening your dress.
Between the dress you had on and the way the loose strands of your hair were blowing gently in the fall breeze Bucky couldn’t help himself. Moving off of the banister he places his non-metal thumb under your chin drawing your gaze to him. He wants to kiss you right there, but not wanting to look like a fool, he waits for you to make the next move.
You meet his gaze and for a second you think you can see his eyes dart down to your lips. Figuring that the multiple glasses of champagne had got you imagining things, you turn your head away.
“You should get back in there I bet the girls are missing you.” you say, giving his bicep a gentle squeeze before walking back into the party. God if there was ever gonna be a moment it was then and you just blew it. You compartmentalize your mistake by ensuring yourself that your mind was simply playing tricks on you. He had tons of lovely women wanting to leave with him, why would he want to waste his time with you.
“Stupid” Bucky mutters to himself watching you leave. He was stupid to think you’d want to be with him. He just thought after that night in the kitchen that you felt something for him. He knew he felt something for you. Feeling upset by the rejection he decides to keep his promise and return to the girl from the party.
You walk back to Nat and Wanda making up some kind of excuse for taking so long.
After a while It was just the three of you. Sam and Bucky had left earlier with a couple of the girls and Steve and Vision had offered to help Tony clean up a bit. You convince Wanda and Nat to stay a bit longer, not wanting to run into, or hear, Bucky and his date in the room next door.
“God we have to have an actual night out” says Nat “not enough booze here and not enough dancing!”
“You know I think I know the perfect place,” you slur , “next time we go out your gonna see the underground of New York”
“Alright drunky,” Wanda says” let’s get you home.”
10 A.M., the next morning
You wake up with a dry mouth, feeling like shit, and regretting drinking so much last night. You cover your face with your hands and drag them down realizing that you had passed up on an opportunity to have a night of fun with Bucky. Before you can get too caught up in your thoughts you feel spit gathering in your mouth and you know you have to get to the toilet ASAP rocky. You make it to the toilet just in time before spilling your guts into the porcelain toilet. You have just enough time to fashion the belt of your dressing gown into a makeshift hair tie before vomiting again.
“Death!” you shout dramatically causing a distraught Sam to run into your room
“Whose death? Where?” he shouts jumping from side to side
“MINE!” you yell “I think I just threw up the equivalent of a human being.” You groan while crawling out of the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt, open nightgown and recently repurposed belt wrapped in your hair. The ridiculousness of your outfit causes Sam to erupt in laughter.
“Don’t move! I GOTTA get a picture of this” he exclaims with glee before running out of your room
“Samuel, don’t you dare!” You shriek chasing out after him passing by Bucky and the gorgeous brunette from the night before, and running into the kitchen.
“ Oh my god.” says Wanda stifling a laugh.
“Hey I think I look pretty good for a dead bitch!” you exclaim before striking a pose causing them both to laugh as Sam snaps a pic
After politely escorting the woman to the door, Bucky turns around just in time to see you running after Sam.
Following you into the kitchen he laughs at the line. He was amazed how different you were from the girl who had jumped through a moving cars window a few days earlier. You seemed lighter, happier. He knew he wanted to spend more time with you but didn’t want to ask you outright, especially after you had rejected him last night.
“Send me a copy of that will ya bird boy?” he says pouring out a cup of coffee
“So lover boy how was she?” Sam asks
“I don’t kiss and tell” he responds
“So that what the kids are calling sex nowadays” Wanda says with a smirk “huh who knew!”
You laugh along with the others, but you can’t stop yourself from feeling upset at the thought of him with someone else, still not fully understanding why
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