#they're all up in my big sleeves rn lmao
tadpoleponders · 11 months
I'm Letting My Rats Write a Message
NOVA: fsrts 53qw
JUNO: (she only pressed the spacebar lmao)
Take this as you will. Nova peed a little on me after so idk.
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hwiyoungies · 6 months
(hi!! I was pretty busy but I’m finally on vacation and came to my home country to visit my family last week!! hope you’re doing well<3)
Fr, I feel awkward when that happens bc I never know if I should be the one switching languages or waiting for the other person to do so, but I might change between both bc atp I’m just as bad talking in both JAJAJAJA pero no me sale el video:’) I’ve tried to click it but I think the link is missing lol
Okay idk if these are the flashbacks you were referring to, but now when I was finishing skypeia arc (my favorite so far!!) I did skip the whole Nolan backstory 😂😭 I’m sorry but I really needed to see Luffy go kick that electric ass ://
There’s more we can learn about the crew’s past?? That I don’t mind JAJAJA (es que si es lindo<3 him and Iñaki are so precious) so far I only know Sanji said he’s from the North Blue👀
NO WAY??? I mean I can see it if these episodes aired during 2001 but that’s not the reason I was expecting for Pell’s miraculous survival JAJAJ
SHUT UP IM DOWN BAD FOR HIM!!!!! Skypeia Zoro is everything to me I swear, he didn’t give a sh*t for that god act and he cared so much for everyone in the crew :c oh and I’m watching it in japanese!! I don’t really like watching anime dubbed lol Y SI BIEN LINDO JAJAJAJA I need more Luffy singing moments<3
OKAY I might reach it then bc I’m on the Enies Lobby arc rn (which is so freaking cool abilities-wise bc damn todos han tenido un upgrade increíble + el plot está tenso y emocionante JAJAJ) AND HELLO?? SANJI’S LEG JUST CAUGHT FIRE?? ZORO SUMMONED A FREAKING DEMON SPIRIT?? LUFFY HAS TWO NEW ABILITIES ON HIS SLEEVES??? (metaphorically at least lol) but yeah idk how much I’ll be able to watch while I’m home BUT I really want to know how this ends JAJAJAJ (y gracias por no dar spoilers<3 veremos como nos va con el timeskip JAJAJ)
Oh no you’re totally right, if it was zombie that would be a cry for help LOL when I heard the song for the first time, although I did like it, it felt too heavy for me if I were to listen to it on my bad days:’)
have fun on vacation!! love that you were able to visit your home country too <333
(me dí cuenta q el video no estaba cuando se lo quería mostrar a una amiga y dije ay jesú la tecnología me ganó AAJJAJA) but it honestly was just dumb it was a video fo ace singing propuesta indecente to sanji and zoro being like i Will kick your ass it just had me giggling so much LMAO
those are exactly the flashbacks i'm refering to LMAO if you thought nolan's was bad...... i am so sorry they're gonna get worse LDSGKHL much love to those characters tho nolan's story was very fun i just did not care. and yeah there's more you're gonna learn about the crew, sanji being from the north blue is a huge huge hint tbh i honestly can't wait for you to get there
skypiea zoro truly is top tier 10/10 can you believe there's people that say you can skip thsi arc like are you stupid. and nice i can't watch things dubbed either unless they're things i watched dubbed as a kid LMAO otherwise i'm like what the Hell is going on man
ennies lobby is SO GOOOOOOOD they all go insane like we can see how much they've grown and just everything about that arc is so good, i'm usually not a big fan of the fights because they uuuuh pq las prolongan mucho AJJAAJ (se me olvidó el inglés) but the fights in ennies lobby? amazing 10/10 kaku i don't care that you're a bad guy i love you please be good man
AJAJAJAJ AMOOOOOO next time i'm about and about with my friends i will most likely get it as well because who am i kidding i don't have any self control LMAO
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startaee · 2 years
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really rough work- like fr just me brainstorming rn.
reblogs are appreciated !
NOTE : this was written in JAN 31st on my wattpad acc !!
zombies, suicide, murder, betrayal, mentions of blood - its really not as dark as the warnings seem- like these are just plots but im putting trigger warnings cuz like they are all a summarised version of the oneshots . trust me this is just crack fluff and a lil angst all cool👌
okay so like i just watched all of us are dead and oh my fucking god. the plot, the acting, the characters, the directing- so good. it was so good oml and while watching it, i had this thing going in the back of my head ;
how would suna be with his crush during a zombie apocalypse?
suna tbh would definitely be in the volleyball practice room and wouldve called u to watch him n stuff. so you, suna, atsumu, osamu are literally the only ones there cuz idk- u n rin just flirting and like atsumu and osamu are like so done w yall like kiss already 🙁🙁 and then yall hear this loud ass scream oml so like yall are all confused like what happened ???? and then osamu goes out to check and comes back running and locks the door so fast lmao- atsumu is literally so fucking scared u guys like shaking rn 😱😱 and suna instinctively throws himself infront of u.
so like osamu is like "guys??? remember how we were talking about what would happen if zombies were real?"
"well they are, so we gotta do smthg-" and atsumu is like bro no omg i cant die n stuff and he's legit on the verge of tears- suna whips his phone out guys 😔✋ and literally starts a fucking insta live gbye- he's like, y/n stay here its not safe. and then he's peaking out of the window and raising his phone 🤳 like "guys look there's zombies at our school omg 😱" LMAO- but no fr like the volleyball gym is the best place to be at a time like this cause it has a bathroom and food and its got this big ass steel door lmaooo so yalls are safe and suna is documenting everything w ur phone cuz his battery ran out 😋🤘
how would katsuki (school! au) be with his crush during a zombie apocalypse?
this man will make sure nobody touches him or you. he wont mind sacrificing his classmates if he has to. but you? nah he's gonna make sure he protects you till his last breath. he wants to save himself too, but you're his first priority. so if he gets bitten, he's gonna tell you that he likes you and then kword himself 😔😔😔 but like he wont make a slip up like that so he'll live w u then take u for a date after this is all done lol
how would eren (school! au) be with his crush during a zombie apocalypse?
like he was practicing in the field w two of his teammates; jean, connie and his coach; levi. so they see some ppl running and screaming- and connie, while passing the ball to him, goes "lol bro what if its a zombie apocalypse" and jean is like "then he'll definitely confess to y/n" and they laugh 😂🤨😐😶☹️
then levi is like, "oi why are you kids running? what's the problem?" and then they're all still screaming. a few seconds in, and they see a janitor with a really red lips run towards the crowd. now these 4 ppl are actually smart, so they don't wait around and run out of the school right. levi is like get in my car guys hurry up. and eren is about to- then he's like oh fuck no. so he realises you may be in the school and stuff. so he's like guys, ily gtg. and connie is like fuck man, *abt to get out cause he aint gonna let his homie die alone like that* and jean is holding him back like nah bro he finna die, you finna die, we all finna die 😔✋ so levi has given eren some hockey kit he found in his trunk? idk like kneepads and just heavy full sleeves and facegear and thick pants so that he wont get bitten and eren wears his jacket over the tee, with the thing '10' written at the back, 10 is eren's jersey number and uk that cause you always have your eyes set on him when he's playing.
so he's on his way into the school and you're like frantically searching for him at the football field and look at the school door, and see his jersey and yell so loud "EREN DONT GO !!!" and he looks back like huh??? 🤨🤨🤨 and then the way he runs to u- 😭😭😭 literally picks u up and bolts so fast 😭😭😭 cause when you screamed, you attracted a ton of zombies. and levi is waiting there, the getaway driver. connie is praying that eren comes back, w or w/o u lol. and jean is giving him the side eye cause he's an atheist lmaoo- so yeah eren comes back, holding u in bridal style and gets in the car. levi is like wait check for bites, and jean is like, yeah bro we'll give you privacy😏😏😏
and then connie is like no fr check like what if she was bitten- and u didnt even have a small blood drop- turns out that you forgot u had school and came after the third period and when you came everything was chaotic. nevertheless, you still let eren check u for bites cause like that's so important in this situation and hes like "nah she doesn't have no bites." "yet. 😏🥴😉" LMAO
and how would baji be with his crush during a zombie apocalypse?
so we all know baji is a crazy man. now he's the type of guy who will beat everyone up and protect u at the same time. but like at the end, when yall are just abt to be saved, there's just one zombie left, you're trynna get onto the helicopter and he's obviously putting u before him, and then a zombie bites him and he goes, "i really like you. since I can't take you out on a date, can you consider this the best date of your life?"
and youre like screaming like omg naurrr n stuff lmao
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ghoulishhusband · 3 years
I just realized I can actually talk here. Like this is my account fuck u
Fucking uhhhhhh, hi ig lemme ramble abt my God ocs yea?
Ignore this part if you don't wanna hear (likely) unedited rambles lol it doesn't matter
CW: neglect/abuse, assholery/narcissism, manipulation, tread lightly!
read the under cut owo
Also don't steal my art I'll fucking?? Fight you????
I have three main gods that I wanna talk abt especially bc they've been on my mind lately.. Less get it, side notes are in (parentheses) and are bolded cause I have perception issues whoo I don't want it to jumble together is my point lol
First up is my asshole,
they/them (preferred)
god/godself (i like pronouns that fit my characters, so I'm giving a bunch away for one night only at--)
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ID : Giodine is colored with gold-ish yellow skin and ginger hair. Their eyes are a muted purple and they have tiny eyebrows. Their lips are a muted brown and are full looking, their nose is sharp and points down. They have wings for ears and is wearing a blazer with a long-sleeved, collared shirt underneath it. The background is beige with a yellow square and a dark purple square partially encompassing it. It is signed GH (for ghoulish husband), Spork, 21.
(lemme know if that helps at all! I'm sure I can do better so lemme know!)
If they look weird here it's bc I accidentally made their face too long but believe it or not this is in fact just a doodle Ik I'm so fuckin talented babes.
Anyways, they're basically the first God to ever exist on my version of earth (though even that is fickle rn, world-building is hard unless I hyper-focus on it, and haha Guess What I Haven't Been Thinking About) and they're very egotistical and selfish. As I'll probably yap about later is how they're manipulative as well, especially to another God I'll mention, and very neglectful to the other... other one.
Their partner(professionally), or fiend as they call him, is sam who for the first few eons was, unsurprisingly, absolutely terrible to him. A few tender moments are few and far in between in what could only be described as a completely rancid relationship. I'll describe giodine's side and in sam's lil ramble, I'll describe his :]
I have to explain this because it's a big part of the lore and how they can't work together, even when one of them is very much near The Void (technical death for gods) BUT basically, with Sam, giodine created purgatory. The issue here is that they basically seduced sam into doing it. Well, even if they hadn't, sam was in lesbians(happy pride month lmao) with giodine and would've done it anyway. But the ISSUE is that with the creation of purgatory came complications. See, my gods have to take time to develop into their power, and considering giodine was first and sam was around 666th.. you see the issue. Sam wasn't into his complete power yet and thus lost a giant part of it that went into purg.
See, giodine saw no problem with this (until much later, they do get a VERY SLOW BURN redemption arc cause this ain't even the worst of it), they got what they were aching for out of them and thusly had no need for..sam. They laid him in the spot where she was made (fwi it isn't inherently sexual, it can be, but literally, they just merged together-- taking bits and pieces of each other (which sam did not have enough of) and earth and light yadda, yadda I'll post the story I wrote for that later if I'm up to it) and left him there in the grass.
Again, they saw no problem with that, the deed was done, they didn't care anymore. A common issue in their qualms, sam and Giodine. They did find an issue in Sam finding an issue in the lack of aftercare, which resorted to any message going to or coming from sam going straight to his assistant and going back through them for a couple of thousand years. They found that infuriating-- how could he not face them over something so small! and for years?! it was ridiculous. After forcing a face-to-face meeting, a heated proclaim of hurt from sam, and a bitter agreement to meet up every now and again, they got what they wanted from him. Again. It was a business after all, there was no point in making it harder than it needed to be. 
Giodine doesn't necessarily like boundaries and tends to overstep sam's frequently. They also don't like his reaction to his boundaries being long jumped over, which thusly ends up in disgruntled messages being sent back and forth between them and his assistant for a month or three. It slowly gets through to them, but they tend to say some stupid shit and if they want sam to stay, they have to try and avoid mentioning how "overly sensitive" he is to something that happened eons ago.
(quick mention, there isn't like. time. here. so in all honesty, giodine probably counted earth days instead of Heaven 'days' to get that) Soon into their arrangements to meet, they seem to get on at least tolerable terms, obviously, a few meetings where neither of them feels like going apeshit and taking proper shapeless (or in sams case, he's got a newfound form for ANGER OO just for giodine 🤗) forms isn't going to fix a grudge that has yet to be apologized for by the way. But it's a start to a very long process down the road. Tolerance.
Giodine as an entity is very fickle and rude and demanding. They tend to have a short temper that no one else is allowed to have or comment on-- They were the first therefore they were the most important!
This is very obviously an issue. But it's mostly directed to purgatory. Almost all of their seething rage is pointed towards the poor entity, she's barely been alive yet and they already seem to hate her for things she doesn't know how to do. Honestly, I don't think Purg will ever fully forgive them for the unnecessary abuse of her character, but just as Sam and Giodine get on better terms, they had barely just begun fixing the hole in their relationship. As of now, Sam/Giodine don't have any minor plot points with purgatory other than the major one so I don't have a lot to say about their relationship right now. Maybe one day.
I'd go into details, seriously, but I just wanna ramble about their relationships with each other and their impact on each other's existence. Hope you don't mind a few secrets 😉
But, now, it's time for a new God, one I think most people take a liking to...
Sam (Samuel)
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ID: Sam is surrounded by clouds in the light blue, fading to a darker blue sky and the yellow sun. His horns are a darker beige, which is being highlighted by the sun shining down on him, he also has pointed ears. His skin is red which is very prominent in the sun. His eyes are completely yellow, his hair, beard and mustache are also black. He has an orange scar crawling up to his Adams apple. His wings are a darker grey which is also being highlighted by the sun. His nails are painted black and his hand is holding up the black fabric barely covering his shoulders. Around the painting is a gold and red shaded frame with swirls complimenting each side and a crystal at the bottom of it. It is lightly signed GH, for ghoulish husband.
Sam, Sam, Samuel.
If you don't realize right away, Sam is basically Satan, he's the ruler of hell
Like how giodine was the first to appear on earth, as mentioned before sam was 666th for funnie reasons. Sam was made from bugs, dried blood, and sunlight which sounds pretty gross, but he's far from it. He's a silly, yet neat, guy. He wears Hawaiian shirts and khakis (not around giodine lmao) for cryin' out loud! how bad of a person can he be? Apparently to giodine (for a while obviously) he was the most retched entity to exist. This very much hurt him considering the amount of fake care they showed him before. With a mixture of confusing feelings (which wasn't supposed to be a thing but Univerce went "lmao you'll be fine" and left... short explanation, Univerce is the Universe and is the entity who simply builds these planets and gods that'll appear there and leave them to their own devices, xyr not extremely important in this story. Nor would they care.) and feeling used, he decided that no he wasn't going to take that.
If there is one thing Sam knows how to do is to self preserve himself, even if that means getting passive-aggressive notes sent to him every once in a while. While this period, Sam was surprisingly the least productive (unfortunately giodine knew this and eventually mentioned it in one of their meetings which made him hide away cause like hell giodine was going to be critical of /him/) but he managed. It wasn't terrible, but unfortunately, Sam being able to talk it out with someone who does practically the same work as he does and gets newer, more helpful ideas was better in the long run.
Unsurprisingly, Sam was the first to initiate the healing of his and giodine's relationship but it wasn't reciprocated. Who would've figured, aye? Giodine kept pushing it back onto him and ignoring any progress that could've been made before. Which was frustrating.
The painting above was 'painted' by giodine, which is sorta where their relationship gets somewhat on an understanding of each other. Giodine gets to take a deep long look into who Sam is and tries to express it but it never fit him, it makes them realize that they never really-- truly got to know him. And all it does for Sam is make him even more confused about his place in giodine’s mind. He figured it's another fluke to get him to do something, so he ends up distancing himself when they start actually reciprocating his friendship advancements.
Suddenly, like a flash, Sam was forced to stay with giodine which is where the majority. I'll explain.
Sam...isn't actually the ruler of hell. Anymore, anyways depending on the timeline. His and purgatory's relationship has always been complicated, she always avoided him, and when they talked she always seemed scared of him. So in the end, they've never been close. Distant. Sam always wanted to talk to her, he made her, but if she didn't want to talk to him he wouldn't force it. But imagine his surprise as Purg singlehandedly took over hell in a hazed frenzy.
And not only that, had a personal vendetta against him!
Well, that would be the only explanation to Sam considering how he ended up broken and barely 'alive' at the hands of her. Horns broken and in tatters, pain and almost obliterated it felt like a hate crime. He didn't know what to do when he made it to the office, Purgatory was creating chaos outside his door and barely being able to breathe he felt like it was the end. So he called giodine. 
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ID: Purgatory is surrounded by flowers that are dark grey and white. The light fades down into a dark green. The light shines down on top of her straight, white hair that has yellow flowers tucked into it.  Her skin is a dark brown and has a orange-ish yellow scar on her shoulder trailing up to her neck. Her skin is also highlighted by the sun. In one of her eyes, her sclera is black with an orangey, glowing iris. As for the other eye it it has a white sclera and the same, glowing orange iris. She has wings for ears, one dark grey and one white along with beige horns. She has a white fabric covering her chest. The frame is gold with white accents, but also has vines and moss crawling up the side. 
(may have goofed a bit and forgot to color the sclera of her other eye white but ignore that pls)
Purgatory was made by Sam and Giodine, but to her it felt like a mistake. Why make someone that you’re going to be terrible to, she believed. Giodine seemed to hate her and eventually made her section almost obsolete because she simply wasn’t able to keep up with the backlog that she wasn’t taught to deal with. Not only that, she didn’t have any help with any of it, it was almost like she was expected to just do it on her own. Until Death came along to help, but that’s not what we’re going to be talking about right now. 
And also, Purgatory is Purgatory yadda, yadda, I wont insult your intelligence.
Giodine’s thought process (other than wanting to be Real Close to Sam and once that thought filtered out, promptly ignored it) was that all the extras that don’t fit in either category of their thought of good and evil they’d go to her. (doesn’t matter cause in Sam's system it filters through ‘levels of assholery’ and depending on how bad you are you either just vibe in the upper city under rule of capitalism and possibly many under paying jobs or being actually tortured for his amusement if you’re just evil. Morally grey. Anyway, it could work p well in heaven if giodine wasn’t such a damn stickler.) But in the end, every day, less and less people ended up in purgatory, leaving her with barely any people and more verbal abuse from giodine who ‘HAS to take them or they would be more dead than they already are’. You see the pain she has to go through, right? 
~Idea section, this is probably not canon anyways so dont take it serious~ 
My thought is that another oc (BA, you may have heard of him idk) takes over simply because Purg took multiple hims from alternative timelines (which isn’t allowed but what’re they gonna do, undead a dead clown? multiple times from multiple timelines???)) because she adored him and they figured ‘well we gotta redo purgatory may as well do it like this’ and make him a demi-dead-god. i think thats a cool idea right? anyhoo
~Idea section over uwu~
Purgatory overall is a fairly timid character, she doesn’t like conflict, is easily overwhelmed, and generally keeps to herself. She doesn’t see the point in being in any drama if she’s just going to be yelled at and scolded even if it’s not about her. The only way i could describe her taking over hell is this: 
She was tired. She was angry and after feeling like nothing was in control or in her hands, she snapped. Why doesn’t she get anything or get to be ‘all powerful’ but they do? She knew if she took on Giodine she’d likely get thrown to the void, but sam? He felt fair game. Considering her fear of both of these gods, she planned and got her courage up to take him over. She had considered negotiations but in the end, she ended up going into a haze and ruining everything in sight. She was more powerful than she thought and once she started, she didn't stop until Death restrained her and Sam was already in pieces at God’s doorstep. 
The aftermath was fuzzy for her and for everyone really. Godine was planning a take back hell while actually worrying for sam, sam was planning for a retirement, and she was being consoled while trying to get in contact with sam to apologize. Giodine wouldn’t dare let her talk to him, until she just showed up in their office. She didn’t have a problem with Sam, honest, she just was going to take shit over, but it got out of control. 
Spoiler, Sam took her apology and they actually became.. somewhat closer after reaching an understanding. 
I wanna say that giodine took them being okay and sam retiring as good as sam did about purg running hell, but they didn’t. Giodine and purgatory actually barely got along in the first place, and only begun ‘working’ on their bitterness toward each other because they both had sam to encourage it. I can’t say for certain if they’ll get better, as theyre both undying and have time, but I’ll just say for now its uncertain. 
Also, Death is Purgatory’s girlfriend after all of that lmao.
And.. yeah, i hope this makes sense and that you like my drawings and ramblings about my lil story in my head, i guess this is my way to develop it without just keeping it to myself cause god forbid i keep things to myself hshsh. If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read and attempting to process everything, and even if you didnt read and just looked to look at my art thank you to!!
I may post some art over on @ghoulishhusbandart cause.. it was my art account before i completely forgot about it but i might reboot it! But if you wan art NEOWWW follow me on insta (ik cringe lmaoo) by the same name as this account @ghoulishhusband​ or just click that insta link! also ignore the fact that giodine is the only one without a portrait, maybe I’ll replace it the next time i draw but im graduating on monday and my dad’s coming TOMORROW?? so i won’t have too much time to do it... but i hope you like my art anyways :]
ok!! ty!! ily!!
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diary-iguess · 6 years
J: nothing bad it was just really hot and i changed clothes twice
wake up 7 o clock for my interview, eat one piece a bread and some orange juice
ace di interview
dem tell me fi fill out the application twice
some yout try sell me a jelly candy
it cant open, but eventually does
Monique forwards
i meet her friend in the painting studio and we go get a box lunch
i sit down and eat the food
im sweating my life away
R: pepper?
J: before meeting the hustling yout, i left my portfolio in the hr office so mi did have to go back for it
no it's just hot af inna kingston
and i was wearing a long sleeve shirt
Paige seh him nah fwd fi di shoot
Thevrtistisjvmvicvn is sitting next to me, but i'm talking more than he
me a wonda how he can go school in full business attire and not become a puddle of sweat
Yanah appears and asks if she can have something nutritious
on campus
like a shake
Juice immediately says no dawg
Juice is working on a mythological drawing, but the paper he's using is trash and i tell him so
he says something about how it will still sharpen his skills and i said he needs watercolor paper if he's going to mix it with watercolor
is my story interesting?
i'm interested in telling a good story
R: I'm more interested in your friend's names
J: thevrtistisjvmvicvn said he wants to be a curator, but hasn't curated any shows yet
i tell him do that shit
R: Thevrtistisjvmvicvn, Yanah, Monique and Juice
I actually fucking love Juice
Now i know there are places I can't say that out loud
J: i ask my father if he can pick me up because Paige nah forward
he replies hmm
lmao have you seen the film?
my phone is dying and i have no credit because the tuck shop only selling $500 credit today
*back to the story*
i'm telling you this from my laptop
R: What parent says "hmmm"? was this a text?
J: yes
i knowwww
can't even K me
my shoes too big for me, so i stand on them instead of wearing them for a bit
Juice is playing music on his phone and one of the songs is from frank ocean's second project that he released the same time as blonde
my mind is blown
R: That must be some song
J: Yanah returns from the tuck shop with water still disappointed that there is no health food available
more mindblowing that he released two projects at once
i tell theartistisja that i like doing projects with many layers of meaning and process
i talk about my ananse storybook thesis and how i want everyone to know ananse is a deity and amina blackwood meeks taught me that
i say something like "yea, she's rad"
i talk about how the first time i met easton lee, i believed someone when they joked that he was 100 years old
and hoped that he didnt remember when i asked him if it was true
im dying laughing rn
my cousin invites me to sit and do work together at starbucks later
my father sends me a message "M is here, please call her through K-dollasign"
R: googled Easton Lee
J: lmao what did you find? he and my grandmother are friends
they're both legendary chinese-jamaicans
R: I can see he's definitely chinese-jamaican
J: yes and so is my grandma lol
R: author, poet
not bad
J: but no doubt their swagger is enwrapped in their proximity to afro-jamaicanness
wow he's 87 this year
or 86?
M is my grandmother
i message K-dollasign
"i heard grandma M is here"
he replies "makes sense"
but intonates that he was not previously informed
i try to decode my father's message and K-dollasigns response
"makes sense"
he must be referring to Shutterbug's wedding
the same one i wasn't sure i was invited to
are you going?
J: wait nuh man
R: lol
J: okay so i reach home, turn on my laptop
charge my phone
i frantically whatsapp my relatives
fb message uncle Macbook to get in touch w grandma
i try to search the internet for clues as to when this wedding will be
my sister says i should just ask Shutterbug if i can come
so i do that
uncle Macbook replies me with a different number to call, i call, get grandma
she says "no, no, no, you can't come to the wedding, the guests have already been counted and there's too many"
my heart sinks
i say, okay, well i can still see you today?
my cousin Carlton who wants to go to starbucks has arrived at my house
R: woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
J: i try to devise a plan with Carlton and grandma and my dad all talking at once to pick grandma up and she says something about not wanting to be stranded and i say we would never let that happen to her
the phone isn't working very well and at some point my father has the phone
i return to my whatsapp messages on the laptop and Shutterbug has replied!
"hey, we were overcapacity a few months ago, but there's some space now. if you can make it on sunday, please come"
i tell grandma what she said
"okay, but how are you getting there? and where are you going to stay?"
i had not thought of this second part
the wedding is in mobay
on a beach
just sleep on the beach and get dressed in someones room in the morrow
J: i quickly say "aunty Rose's"
and she has already said she's very busy today and the plan to see me nah work out
"see you in mobay then!"
okay bye grandma, i love you!
"i love you too sweetheart"
now i have to whatsapp aunty Rose and see if she will shelter me
and K-dollasign to see if i can drive with him
R: funny at points but not a bad day
J: Carlton still deh yah a try reach liguanea fi get some food
the story did not get resolved yet
it wasnt a bad day just long af
R: wait what
J: let me try summarize
R: Well I mean, between Yanah's Healthy snack Crisis and the Wedding Snafu, I thought the day was sealed with you tryna get aunty Rose
J: I was also supposed to meet Pearl at starbucks for 3pm
when Carlton and i pull up to starbucks, Rose a walk up deh too
R: 'the hell? Starbucks is a spot now?
J: that's the culture of the company
im like baffled as to both my grandmother and father asking me if starbucks is an appropriate place to link and do work together
that's how they've been selling the place for at least the last ten years
i order a tall strawberry and cream frappe w coconut milk and Carlton is very excited to get a pumpkin spice frappe, no latte because he doesn't want to burn his tongue
yesterday Pearl showed me a video she edited featuring this black guy with ginger hair, Souffrant
Souffrant appears before us in starbucks and sits at our table
i'm supposed to edit my own video with Pearl's color correction advice, but i'm still trying to figure out my travel situation
before we went to starbucks, we walked to tastees and my mom replied to my frantic messages about grandma and the wedding with "ur not paying attention to what i tell u"
there's like a whole thing where i'm trying to get my cousin Jazz's number to ask if i can go from kingston to mobay with him because K-dollasign is unavailable.
aunty Rose says of course i can stay with her and of course she has Jazz's number
resolve dat, so mi have a place to stay and a drive
there are several unrelated phone calls that need to be made but mi still nah no credit, so i borrow Souffrant's phone
then the next chapter is me, Carlton, and Pearl trying to walk to sov after i finally finish editing my video.
i take some really dope shots of the sunset
pause for incoming illustration
R: i mean
make hay
all of the birds with 1 stone
J: -picture of sov-
R: this is sov
but its sov
J: it's the golden sunset reflecting off the walls
then we all go to kfc and then i try look for some shoes to wear to the wedding, but then mi nuh even know if it's really a beach ting, but never fear, my likkle sister is here to whatsapp me the link to the wedding info website the couple set up!
it's a garden brunch affair ting
so we think to go to lee's instead of payless and when we reach back in fronta payless di people dem close
so now i will go to the thrift store tmrw to cop a whole new fit from the dress to the shoes.
when i reach home my father is going to the airport and grandma (dad's mom, not the one i was tryna see earlier) asks me to come with them which i would have done anyway.
driving back from the airport, grandma's bajan soca music continues to play in the car, but it seems louder now without dad's voice. i try to talk to grandma about herself. i ask about high school. she says, "do you expect me to remember 50 years ago"
i'm like yes of course
she said
i was head girl"
of course! i say
and she was also in charge of sports such as running
the drive back home is very slow because grandma cant really see in the dark
when we finally reach home and i lay inna mi bed, mi wonda why mi so tiyad
and now i know why
thanks for tuning in, this has been an appreciation for the life we live, by Jeana like jeans pants
totes forgot the best part where K-dollasign pulled up on Carlton and me in traffic when we walked back to the plaza to get to the car
then another man pulled up on us and Carlton cuss me jokingly bout how i know everyone and we probably see someone else weh mi know
R: like bloodcleet jeans pants
yea, cause clearly you're a superstar
beer people, links and visits
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