#they're Actually relatable as a nonbinary &/or autistic person. not the idea that being that makes you inhuman / like a machine or w/e
Ooh, what a fun idea of for an au!! Starting simple, what’s the cast’s gender/ pronouns and sexualities?
(ooc) Here's all of them, plus a little fun fact about each person :D
Ace: He/Him, transmasc & gay
He still has the secret he has canonically, however because it's a much more positive environment in this AU, people close to him are helping to recover.
Arturo: He/They, transmasc & bisexual
Unlike canon, he has quite long hair. He's not the type to style it usually.. but Veronika is, so whenever they're together, he ends up with a random new hairstyle.
Arei: She/They, feminine presenting genderfluid & lesbian
Despite the lack of killing game, the scene in the infirmary between her and Eden still happened, just for a different reason. Because she doesn't die, she's able to improve herself into a much better person.. and yes, she's best friends with Eden.
Can't say their name, but the ultimate chemist: Tells people he/him, but secretly finds she/her or they/them more comfortable. Questioning their identity, she's actually transfem but they've not figured that out yet. (Whit thinks he knows.)
They see Nico as a sibling, and they see her the same way. Because she doesn't have her older brother (who they remember in this au), and Nico's family hated them, they kind of became unofficial siblings to support each other. Hu is a bit like the mom.
David: Any pronouns, transfem & nonbinary
Even though there's no trials, she still had the scene from the chapter 2 trial, just not in that environment. He wasn't manipulating people as there was no reason for him to there, but it turns out she has very bad mental health. Hu and Xander help her a lot, and even Arei sometimes, as he never manipulated her.
Eden: She/Her, transfem & lesbian
Eden always likes to hold events between everyone, especially the female cast, as she's a little scared of the men after Arturo still got mad and threatened her (in a different situation). In this au, they even managed to successfully make the cake, and after a talk with Whit about the subject, she's secretly excited to start inviting the ultimate chemist to her events.
Hu: She/Her, female & bisexual
Now that she's not under as much stress, Hu still likes to act as a parent to others. She's always there when people need help (but finds it very difficult to trust others sometimes). Also, multiple people from the cast deal with age regression*, so she loves to be there for them too.
* Xander, David, Teruko, the ultimate chemist, J, and Nico.
J: They/He, transmasc nonbinary & bisexual
After their identity was accidentally revealed (outside of the secret motive) and they realised how much they hate their birth name and being a girl, they came out as nonbinary & transmasc. Arei and Eden love trying to help in every way possible, even deliberately not inviting them to Eden's events.
Levi: Any pronouns, bigender, genderfluid & bisexual
Levi was always familiar with showing other people clothes, but during this au, they took up the hobby of making their own clothes. They looked a little silly at first, but overtime she became really good at it. She made something for everyone in the cast.
Min: She/Her, female & lesbian
Min is currently dating Teruko after she realised she experienced more than just friendship with her. Because they're in the academy they can't go out on dates, however they will watch movies, bake things, and often sleep in the same room.
Nico: They/Them, nonbinary, bi & asexual. Not particularly interested in a relationship but can experience romantic attraction. (They haven't canonically discovered neopronouns but they would love any themed around animals especially cats if they found out they existed.)
They carry a plush toy cat everywhere with them, even to simple events like lunch. They're canonically autistic in this au and it's comforting to them. Because of this they also experience other things related to it such as stimming and meltdowns, but with a bit of education to those unaware, it was happily accepted.
Rose: She/Her, transfem & lesbian
When Rose signed up to spend her life at Hope's Peak Academy as it was better than the outside world for her (that applies to everyone here !!), it meant she could break the contract that meant she couldn't have any of her own art. Now that she can call it all her own, she loves painting with Nico, and they're very close friends.
Teruko: She/Her, female & unlabelled sexuality
Despite the fact that she still has her bad luck, a lot of things have been put in place to try and assist her, and she's living a much happier life within the academy than she ever could've outside. Also, because there's no killing, she's best friends with Xander.
Veronika: She/They, transfem & pansexual
Just like Nico, Veronika is also canonically autistic (though she has low support needs, Nico has medium). She's very different to Nico, though, and both of them hate when they're seen as similar just because of their disabilities. Despite this, because they both end up spending so much time with Hu, she also sees them as a bit like family (though nowhere near as much as the ultimate chemist).
Whit: He/They, transmasc & bisexual
He's canonically dating the ultimate chemist, and after realising they aren't comfortable with their identity, he's the one helping them.
Xander: Any pronouns, genderfluid & bisexual
Because there's no killing game, he remembers his past in detail. She finds the difficult to deal with, but David is there to help them.
This took forever to type, so I hope these facts are interesting !!
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writing-plurals · 1 year
Amazing that I found your account! I've been wondering about this thing.
For the past four years I've been working on and off on this book
In the book everyone has some sort of thing that kind of hampers them in the human world, but helps them in their world- kind of like how in Percy Jackson, a lot of demigods have dyslexia and adhd
These hampering things are different for almost everyone and they're often related to a power or ability that you have. A person who has telekinesis may "hear voices" and person who can prophesize things may have an ungodly horrible sleep schedule
One character in particular just blacks out
The idea with her was basically that she has this "side" thar whenever it senses she's in danger, shows up and whoops ass.
This version of her is clearly not her doing the things and then immediately forgetting she'd done them. Her friends make comments about this version of her acting very different, when she isn't in control of her body, she makes comments as to what it feels like. She counts how long she's there for, then, as if nothings happened, she's whipped back into reality
Now with this character, in the beginning, I really didn't want her to be a system. I'm not sure how I convinced myself she wasn't, but now that I've began to understand my own system, understand what's happening, it's pretty obvious she's a system. The only problem is, no matter how much she really hates her mom, she isn't traumatized. Not by her mom or anything else, it's literally a point in the story that all of her childhood was her parents keeping her safe from bad things. There's not really any room for truama
Especially nothing serious enough and that would occur at a young enough age for her to develop did or osdd
Now don't get me wrong, I support systems formed outside of truama, but the last thing I want is for the first book that I've ever written that wasn't a picture book to be a catalyst of a bunch of discourse, I also feel there aren't many clear representatives of did or osdd in the media, and even less that are actually good or accurate
Personally, as someone who identifies with endo system (despite beginning to wonder if undiagnosed osdd is a possibility) I genuinely just think it's only fair that the disordered people are tended to first, then, once I feel they've been represented, I can then chose to represent the non disordered
So my question to you is what you think I should do?
Should I continue with this character not being a system and just this being the magic of that world that causes the weird split
Or should I go back into her backstory and find somewhere to fit the truama needed to make this character representative
(And I just realized this but she's the only character I have really that isn't that representative of anything else the rest of the main cast
Mixed (black and white) + Bisexual + Adhd
Mixed (Asian and white) + FtM + MLM/demisexual + depression
A literal robot + nonbinary + panromantic + has traits similar to autism but I wouldn't call it autistic cause it's a robot
Mixed (black and asian) + agender + schizophrenia
They're all mixed bc they're all mixed with the things I'm mixed with shhh 😔
But like this character
White + heterosexual + Cisgender + literally nothing else interesting about her other than that blackout-different-person thingy
So yeah, theres also that
Hmmm, think of representation like a kinda pie being made for a holiday meal. Just cuz you made a pumpkin pie (endogenic system rep), doesn't mean other ppl can't go out and get what they need for apple or banana cream pie. There's plenty of space for both kinds of stories to exist. The same way just cuz tv has few long running lesbian shows doesn't stop gay ones being made.
Endogenic systems' stories deserve to be told too, and it's okay to wanna tell it with what you have set up. It's not being insensitive to represent one marginalized group over another.
As for other headmates you mentioned, I'm a little too white to help with that, so maybe our followers and other mods can help with that bit!
-Mod Tick Tock
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thechangeling · 1 year
Mind reader & nonverbal autistic BFFs
Opinions on the concept?
I'm not nonverbal/nonspeaking so I can't speak for that community. But I don't want to tag strangers on some random conversation because that seems kind of invasive lol.
But there are accounts on here that you can look at. You need to look for people who are actually nonverbal not occassionally losing speech and co-opting the term nonverbal.
I'm assuming that the mind reader isn't reading the thoughts of the nonverbal person without their consent, or vocalizing their thoughts without their consent because obviously that would be bad.
But I would also ask you to interrogate why exactly do you want this particular character set up? Is it because you feel like alternative methods of communication are inferior or not as affective compared to verbal speech? Do you feel like a nonverbal character needs someone who speaks to be their "voice?" Because the idea of someone speaking for someone else isn't always neccesarily a breach of autonomy, if they have the person's consent. But it can be depending on the circumstances, and the verbal/speaking person doesn't really get to decide what is and isn't a breach of autonomy.
It isn't the same thing, but I often have my mom speak for me in certain situations that cause me intense anxiety or if I know I'll be too distracted to get all the proper information like at the doctors office, or the bank.
But I could see issues with the whole idea that a nonverbal character, instead of using alternative methods of communication is having all of the things they want to say filtered through another person reading their mind and then saying it for them.
It also means that there's no privacy. How is the nonverbal character supposed to communicate with other people privately without the mind reader there? Unless they're just reverting back to alternative methods of communication for these situations. Which brings me to, why exactly does the nonverbal character need the mind reader to verbalize their thoughts in the first place?
I realize now that I've kind of assumed that the dynamic would be the mind reader character speaking for the nonverbal character when you didn't actually say that. I just kind of assumed, which is on me. But I would ask you, if that is not the case then why have this particular character dynamic?
Not that you really need a "reason" for a nonverbal character and a mind reader character to exist and be bffs. But the way you presented it made it seem like the two things would be directly connected, or maybe I'm just reading that wrong. Sorry if I am.
And then there is the fact that there are some nonverbal autistics who can't communicate using alternative methods, and maybe a mind reader who can vocalize their thoughts would be helpful. But I don't really feel comfortable making that assertion as a speaking person.
Finally, (this isn't directed at you specifically and it's not meant to be accusatory) but I want to say that I only can speak on my own autistic experiences. And those experiences are white, able bodied, afab, femmine presenting nonbinary, low support needs, high masking and speaking autistic. My experience does not reflect the entirety of the spectrum. Not even close. I can report thing I've seen or heard other people say, but I can't speak to their lived experiences.
And (also not necessarily directed at you because I can't remember if you're autistic or not), while I understand the urge to ask your one friend or mutual of a certain minority for advice on a specific topic relating to their marginalization, at the end of the day it's not gonna be a complete answer. Or the only answer. You are going to get answers that directly contradict each other. So my advice would be to gather as much data as possible, and try and speak to/listen to the people directly affected. For example, listen to masking autistics about masking. Listen to nonverbal autistics about being nonverbal. Listen to ABA survivors about ABA etc.
And even then perspectives may very.
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