#they'll have a good 8+ months to do post production
mostremote · 5 months
reflecting on 2023, thoughts for 2024, long personal post
How would I sum up 2023? Well, it's certainly been productive. Securing a permanent position at a university I adore is unreal, and I still subconsciously assume there's been a mistake and they'll fire me any day now. After what was essentially 7 years of precarity, having professional stability is absolutely wild. I love my job, I love my students, I love my colleagues, and it's insane to me that I seem to have actually "made it" professionally.
My second book is coming out with a Big Publisher and that's very nice too. I don't have much emotional attachment to that project, but it took a lot of work and I'm satisfied that it is reaching its appropriate conclusion. I will make, I am sure, zero money out of it, but that's academic publishing for you lol
I gave my first keynote paper at a (cute, small) conference, so that was also a milestone. I also organised a very successful conference in which like 1/4 of the speakers cited my work, which was absolutely surreal and made me want to disappear into the ground.
I made a huge amount of progress on my novel, it's pretty much finished, and my one real resolution for 2024 is to make a proper effort to get it published. I'll wait until my academic book is out to start that process, but that's the one resolution I'm setting for myself. I don't know if I'll have any luck (it's not exactly a book with mass appeal) but I want to at least give it a shot.
Healthwise, well. It's been a ride. A good ride, but a ride nonetheless. I switched medications for my chronic illness, coming off a really major one and getting onto a much milder one, as I've been basically asymptomatic. This is good news all round: I've adapted well to the new meds, and I don't have to deal with all the nasty side effects of the old meds (they fuck you up long term). The main problem I have now is that I can't drink much alcohol, but that's a small price to pay for good health.
But one side effect of the medication was weight gain. I gained around a stone after I'd been on it for a year but I figured that was just "not being in your early 20s anymore" weight gain. Turns out nope! I haven't weighed myself lately but I have visibly lost a lot of weight and it's a little disconcerting to be suddenly, well, very skinny again. I look much younger and smaller. It's not bad, it's just a stark difference to adjust to and not something I was expecting to happen in my 30s.
I've also adjusted my hormone regimen. I don't have any long term plans (i never do lol) but I've been enjoying playing more with feminine presentations. I'm just, comfortable with my body and happy with who I am. How about that!
Mental healthwise, hoo boy. Let's address my being cursed by an ancient amulet and becoming crushingly obsessed with the fictional villain of The Hunger Games. I haven't spoken about this on here but The Shivering Season is significantly informed by my own experiences with different forms of abuse and mental health problems, and I have been processing a lot while writing it. Sometimes I've had anxiety attacks while writing, which never happens to me! There was a point before Christmas I was having anxiety attacks at random everyday, just hanging out watching TV, because it seems I was bringing so much stuff to the surface. And I seem to have worked through some things, because the intrusive sexual abuse thoughts/fantasies I have experienced compulsively for, idk, 15+ years have gone. Completely gone. Really, really weird! I need to go back to therapy about this but I just don't know how to explain "I became obsessed with The Hunger Games and now I have 70% less trauma" in a normal way.
And I have been extremely manic these past 2 months. That is probably obvious from how I've been posting, but jesus christ. I wake up at 5am, I fall asleep at 11pm (and as someone who historically needs 8-9 hours every night, this is significant). I write thousands of words almost every day. I am generally inclined to periods of mania, but this is extremely intense and it has lasted since the start of November. I'm scared of crashing, both because this hyperproductivity is giving me a lot of positive brain chemicals and because I don't know what kind of person I'll be if it goes. Will the intrusive thoughts come back? I don't want them to! I've been very happy without them!!
And that's the conclusion, really: I've had a very happy year. I'm mistrustful of happiness, but I am still happy. I don't know what to expect of 2024, but I am optimistic, and content, and marvelling at in what a good place I'm in now compared to how I was.
Happy new year!
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fuck you tumblr
with that out of the way, hi. here's a medkit i threw together out of the stuff i have in my household supplies. these are australian products and i took this like, two months ago to post on private and forgot to share here.
honorable mentions missing here are bottled water (important for rinsing wounds clean of debris and substances of skin), package of bandaids (for small wounds that can be easily covered), and a tourniquet.
a friend of mine was great enough to give me feedback on the kit (it's good, just needs identifying on where to store it while protesting and what else needs to put in), and suggested:
compressed gauze
powderless nitrile gloves
masks because you're going to be in crowds of people and god fucking dammit nobody takes covid seriously
and, the tourniquet.
and one that i suggest with high caution:
any essential medication the twelve can not try and pin you for. if you get pulled to the side and have a restrictive practice object on you, they'll try anything.
A quick note about the makeup pads I will go over in the item description after the image: alcohol swabs are for cleaning, not drying. the makeup pads are what you use to dry the wound. i've suggested makeup pads here because they're all around applicators, generally inexpensive, and compact.
Storing your medkit: have a designated medkit carrier. if you have to carry semi or fully restrictive medications, or have a lot of people therefore a lot of supplies, or feel as if that might slow you down, store it in your vehicle so you both have a medical station AND a safe place to keep it. most people have a first aid box in their cars nowadays- it's not unusual, and they cannot fucking arrest you for having one in there.
Regular medkit checks: Before the protest, make sure your consumables are still within their expiries. Swap out old medication, put in new stuff. Disinfectant also spoils over time. Make sure single use things like bandaids, swabs, blister packs for pain management aren't broken or opened to expose the contents to outside elements.
Allergies and intolerances: Before you meet up for the protest, ideally, is when you make sure you have your medical bracelets on your person. That way if something happens to cause you to be unable to speak or communicate effectively and a person you do not know tries to give you treatment, they can determine whether you can or not receive particular forms. Common bracelets have penicillin, and diabetes, but can be engraved to have any ailment on them. Look out for a medical bracelet, necklace, or any other form of ID when giving treatment to an unresponsive person.
feel free to add whatever you want to this post, but be constructive about it. this is for palestine, sudan, bali, the congo. this is for rioting against oppression and genocide- not rioting for.
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[Image ID:] General use household items laid out against a beige tablecloth. There are edited in numbers to identify each object. Please ignore the quantity text- .
1: Bandage clasps/bobby pins. Carry as many as you want, important for fixing wound covers.
2. Alcohol swabs. Good for quick cleaning of wounds.
3. Makeup pads/ tissues/ anything good for cleansing and packing wounds. These will take up room in your kit, but are worth having.
4. Antiseptic ointment. Needed for things that look infected. Good for awkward placed wounds that need to be disinfected.
5. Liquid disinfectant. Much stronger than the ointment, can be used to disinfect wounds. Also much better for disinfecting equipment.
6. Bandages. Used in conjunction to your clasps and bobby pins. Watch a few videos on different limb wrapping techniques, practice on yourself or a friend. Get them to do the same to you. Medium crepe is recommended for general purpose woundwrapping.
7. Paper tape. Used for packing down wound dressings from under the bandage.
8. Bars of soap. Useful for unsticking zippers, and can be used to clean equipment and clothes. Incredibly useful.
9. Aspirin and other pain managements. Ensure you have an alternative to penicillin products- very common allergy. Would not carry more than one sheet per person for obvious reasons. Avoid taking very strong pain managers that can be both confiscated as dangerous drugs and pin you for assumed trafficking.
Not included: bottled water (for rinsing, drinking, cleaning) and a tourniquet (i hope you never have to use this in a protest, but you can never be too careful), as well as a box of disposable masks. A plastic bag or two would not be harmful, either.
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kineticpenguin · 1 year
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I posted 10,552 times in 2022
That's 1,134 more posts than 2021!
1,527 posts created (14%)
9,025 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,251 of my posts in 2022
#youtube - 83 posts
#the jared chronicles - 76 posts
#war thunder - 68 posts
#disco elysium - 20 posts
#long post - 12 posts
#days gone - 11 posts
#smn - 9 posts
#beau of the fifth column - 9 posts
#pfffft - 8 posts
#hmm - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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21,332 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
US lawmakers are eyeing votes before November’s midterm elections on legislation that marks the first major effort by Congress to regulate big tech since the inception of the internet.
The American Innovation and Choice Act, which has bipartisan support in the House and Senate, would lay down key ground rules for dominant firms including Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc., Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc. and Microsoft Corp.
The measure is the product of years of effort, including a 16-month House probe featuring public testimony from the chief executive officers of Apple, Amazon, Google and Meta. The investigation by the panel, which published its final report last week, found the four companies use their platforms to dominate vast swaths of the internet—from social networking to mobile apps to e-commerce—often at the expense of smaller rivals.
The bill seeks to break the stranglehold the largest tech platforms have over their markets by prohibiting them from giving advantages to their own products and making it easier for rivals to communicate with customers and collect information about their users.
31,739 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
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32,066 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
I think that people who balk at the phrase "all cops are bastards" might be helped out with "good cops don't last."
Sooner or later, every cop will encounter a situation where they can be complicit or try to do something about it. A good cop will try to do something about it. They will encounter immediate resistance, and will be pressured to shut up and be complicit (whereupon they cease to be a good cop). If they persist, they can expect to be fired, harassed, thrown in a mental hospital, or even directly physically attacked and murdered.
Hell, if they're in the NYPD, after they're done with you they'll probably make a commemorative challenge coin about it.
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All cops are bastards because good cops don't last. You are absolutely not allowed to be a good cop.
35,389 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“They’ll never find the body” is a boring threat. Threaten that they’ll never stop finding the body
54,939 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
so what're your biggest problems with tv
You asked for it. This is very messy, LOL. Basically the gist of it is; CAPITALISM.
Disclaimer; there is a lot of good shows out there, however unfortunately they're not being pushed out as much as the bigger ones and most of them fall into the comedy/dramedy line rather than the fantasy/action/adventure that most people are looking for. If anyone has any recs, send me an ask and I'll post them! But if you're looking to diversify the stories you're consuming, your best bet is independent film, books, graphic novels, and podcasts.
TV has always sucked on some level or another because of its business model. It's a thoroughly profit driven industry; it was created because people suddenly had TVs in their homes. It's almost impossible to have a TV series that's 100% passion driven because there's so much money needed to make it; it's, or the most part, just not sustainable. A Friends writer once said; with 8 seasons of Friends, I get a house with one bathroom. With 10 seasons, I get a house with two (or something like that, but that was the gist). How many times have you heard that the last season of a show sucked??? It's a 100% money driven industry, it always has been, and when a show becomes a hit, they'll drive it into the ground. Doesn't matter if the show reaches a natural conclusion or if the show has gotten bad, or even if the leads/showrunners want to leave the show; if a studio can swing getting one more season of a hit show that's still making money, they'll do it. Shows that don't make money or don't look like they're going to make money get cancelled. Capitalism has its teeth into almost every single creative industry now, but TV has always been about money. It's gotten slightly better about this in the last few years as content has become less expensive to produce, but not by much, because now there's a competition over just pushing out as much attention grabbing content as possible, not good content. If a producer is brought two shows, one of which is from a nobody in the industry that's entirely original and the other from a veteran that's based on a wildly popular IP, which one do you think will be chosen?
TV (or filmmaking) has never been a space that encourages quality because of how it's made. Being in fandom, I get into a lot of discussions about TV, and straight up, most people don't understand how insane TV production is. They do not know the first thing about it. If a showrunner has to deliver the traditional 24 episodes in a year and they're all 30 minutes - 1 hour, that's literally one or two movies every single month. By contrast, the average Hollywood feature film takes almost 2 1/2 years to make from conception to completion. Quite simply, when you're making an episode a week, there isn't time to stop and think about whether or not something is good/makes sense. It can be done, but sometimes it's legit just about having a deadline and meeting it. The studio needs something to be done on Friday, you'll get it to them by Friday. Does not matter if it makes sense. They do not care. As long as there's something for the audience to watch between ads.
You'd think with the new system of getting 8-12 episodes per year and streaming, the system would've gotten better but it's actually getting bad in other ways. Production times have been shortened, and writers are now making less money. Writers usually get paid per episode, and with a 24 episode show, they'd write 2. Now they're writing one, and they're working less, which creates more stress. They're also working on stuff they don't care about. Yes, there are plenty of writers who would love to just write Star Wars for the rest of time. But how many out there have brilliant, wonderful, beautiful, original, diverse ideas that just don't have the clout to get a show off the ground?
Studios are driven by brands, algorithms, and nostalgia now. That's it. Why would producers put in effort to make a good show when they can just put a famous character or person in the middle of something and go from there? Why would they try? Capitalism as a business model demands that the line just goes up, up, up, up and it'll continue to do that with shows that are guaranteed hits. This often results in writers working on shit they quite simply do not care about. I don't want to make more Star Wars. I want to make new stuff, my stuff, but I probably won't ever be able to because of how much algorithms drive the industry. All the channels have something now. HBO has GOT and SATC. The CW has Supernatural. Disney has Marvel and Star Wars. Nickelodeon has ATLA. Netflix has Stranger Things. All of these IPs have new projects coming out now or in the next few years, and that's just a dent in how many marketable IPs are out there. Why would any of these studios try when they've got these money makers in their pockets and it's been proven that fans just continually want more? They've figured it out that as long as you have a certain character or it takes place in a certain world, y'all will watch it, even if it's shit. I was having a conversation with some idiot about the new Jon Snow show, and I shit you not she said "I don't care about writers that don't get to express original ideas; I just want more Westeros" which imo is some of the most pathetic shit I've ever heard. I've mostly made my peace with this aspect of fandom, this constant need for more, more, more, even as it tarnishes the final product, but knowing how many wonderful ideas are out there, it's fucking depressing. It goes even farther than that; most of the new shows that are being made exist from another IP. Umbrella Academy, Heartstopper, Outlander, Jane The Virgin, Fleabag, Kim's Convenience, all of these shows are/were insanely popular and all are adaptations of other works. There aren't a lot of really successful shows out there that are currently airing and doing something really cool and unique that aren't based on something else. Especially something like fantasy. I find it so ironic that GRRM complained about how in his TV writing career, people didn't want his fantasy ideas, and now he's contributing to the problem by pushing out all of his prequel Westeros series, rather than uplifting other TV fantasy writers.
Eventually, inevitably, you will run out of story to tell. The purpose of a continuation is to draw out the ending as long as possible. Eventually, inevitably, filmmakers will run out of stuff to say, they'll get bored and leave the project in the hands of whoever owns it. The average TV writer have very little control over how long their shows will go; they're at the whim of the industry and investors. It can go away tomorrow, it can go on for another decade. It didn't matter that the creator of Supernatural intended for there to be 5 seasons. CW wanted 15.
Fandom has kind of ruined it. This isn't a crack on fandom, I'm in fandom, but I wonder what the TV and film landscape would look like if either fandom didn't exist or if there was a way for writers, directors, and producers to be completely cut off from it. Sometimes, it almost feels like there's some sort of bizarre competition between creators and fandom where they're struggling back and forth for control of the material (like JK Rowling; everything she's done the last 15 years points to that she keeps trying to yank back control). So many shows have been completely taken over by the fandom, whether by the fandom's own demands or the writers' ego, usually a combination of both. Fandom is a beautiful, beautiful thing, but it's almost always going to be disappointed by anything past the original canon material (if that's good). Because fan content is fueled by passion (and you should NOT be making any money off of fandom content, absolutely not, you're going to bring the entire system down that way, if you have a Patreon for your fanfic and fanart, quit it) while anything from official sources is about their bottom line first and foremost. Fan content can take risks that canon material quite simply cannot do thanks to advertisers and marketing. I think fan content is great, but the model around tv shows getting greenlit by how much fans are talking about it is very flawed. Because producers quite simply do not understand how fandom works (just like how fans don't understand tv production; seriously, do not listen to anyone who is bitching about something that was done unless you know they know what they're talking about). They just don't. Then there's just how vicious and nasty fans can get towards the people who work on these shows, which is extremely tiring, and I've seen it multiple times myself.
This isn't even getting into the toxicity, the low pay, the nepotism, the long hours, marketing, and everything else in this industry.
There is good, original, shows out there, imo, but they're mostly in the comedy-dramedy vein, not fantasy, which is usually the ones that draw attention. And to boil it down to "didn't you go to school for this" is weird because it's way more complicated than that because of how stressful and stupid this industry is and how it's primarily profit driven. But yeah. That's my 'TV is bad' rant.
0 notes
Here's where my boys live!!!! The big one is a modified IKEA bookshelf (hinges, chicken wire, and wood - that's it! That's all you need to diy a cage, besides some basic power tools like a drill and a saw - we clean it daily sometimes twice, and I took this right before cleaning time, if you put the water bottle upstairs like we do, put a shallow pan and some bedding underneath because they absolutely will get water everywhere)
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The small one is just a regular pet store rat cage. It comfortably houses two boys, the big one holds three.
We make sure they have pans of bedding to burrow/go to the bathroom in, fleece to prevent bumblefoot, and LOTS of places to hide. The rolled carpet looking things are actually cat scratch mats from Ikea and they LOVE them for burrowing/scratching. We buy them a lot of bird toys too, you can find a lot of rat-friendly toys in the bird and ferret supply aisles.
See that plastic bin poking out underneath the cage? We use that when we clean the cages. It's another IKEA product, the biggest bin they have, on wheels, and I actually cut holes in it and duct taped air conditioner registers with the shutters ripped out for ventilation and it works pretty well (I wouldn't suggest using it for longer than an hour though, it doesn't seem ideal but it works for short periods of time). You can also make a habitat that would comfortably house one or two rats out of a bin like that and chicken wire (hardware cloth, it's literally just smaller chicken wire lmao). Hardware cloth is very cheap too, and this book shelf was $40!!!!! It is HUGE
I'll post some links to help a friend:
Cage ($75 right now at Petco, if you show them the online price they'll match it in-store)
Bookshelf ($50)
Bin ($15) (lid sold separately...$5 I believe?)
Scratch mat ($8 - also a good idea for cat owners! They have Velcro and wrap around table legs)
I am also designing a line of snuggle sacks, hammocks, and carrying purses (that I'm lovingly calling Rat Packs...see you on shark tank lmao jk) that will be on my Etsy soon! I'm going to draw the design for the patterns tonight, but I've already made a few snuggle sacks for my boys. The sizing is just a bit tricky
Also my phone isn't working properly but when it is I'm going to take some nice pictures of each boy and add a page where you can meet them. They are about 4 months old and we have Appa, Sokka, Zuko, Aang, and Iroh 🥰
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
OK, March 29
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Panic at the Palace -- Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Prince William, Duchess Kate Middleton
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Kevin Bacon and Juliette Lewis were among the many artists who put on a performance for Linda Perry's Rock 'N' Relief Live Stream Concert Series, benefitting Sean Penn's CORE Response organization
Page 2: Contents
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Page 4: Sparks are flying between Sandra Bullock and Brad Pitt on the set of their new action movie Bullet Train and not just when the cameras are rolling -- their chemistry is through the roof and Sandra lights up whenever she's around Brad and some of the cast and crew could swear they've seen him blushing in her presence -- Brad and Sandra have been hanging out more than your typical costars and they have a lot in common and seem to really enjoy each other's company and they'll frequently spend their breaks socializing and they can often be heard laughing over each other's stories and topics of conversations range from mutual friends and house repairs to more personal stuff, like kids
Page 6: Bruce Willis turned 66 on March 19 and as he celebrates the occasion, he has been reflecting on his life and it's been quite the journey but Bruce looks back at it all with that classic smirk
Page 7: Producers of the Gossip Girl reboot have been begging Blake Lively to join the cast of the new show but she's turned up her nose at the idea -- she's not ungrateful, because the original show made her star, but she closed the book on that part of her life a long time ago -- she's blissfully content in her role as a mom to daughters James, Inez and Betty whom she shares with her husband Ryan Reynolds and being a stay-at-home parent and filming an occasional movie sounds way more appealing to her than returning to that hothouse Gossip Girl universe -- she says she had her show and wants the new team to have theirs, but to die-hard fans, it still feels like a major snub
* After calling it quits on her romance with Ben Affleck in January, Ana de Armas is ready to play the field and Hollywood's heartthrob du jour, Rege-Jean Page has caught her eye and she was over the moon when the Bridgerton hunk recently signed on to her new thriller The Gray, which also stars Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans -- of course, Rege is gorgeous, but Ana also likes that he isn't your typical Tinseltown success story and comes from a rich cultural background, just like she does and she's hoping to get to know him better once they start shooting in L.A. -- while Ana has been warned that won't sit well with Rege's live-in girlfriend, Emily Brown, that doesn't seem to bother Ana
* Janet Jackson's life story is set to get the full documentary treatment next year, and no stone will be left unturned when it comes to her famously dysfunctional family -- the family is freaking out, as well they should be -- Janet will be brutally honest about her late father Joe Jackson, who bullied her and made her feel like she was nothing with out him but her siblings say they had it much worse especially when it came to Michael Jackson, who suffered verbal and physical abuse from Joe throughout his childhood -- Janet, who became a mom at 50 with her businessman ex, Wissam Al Mana, is also ready to tell all about their divorce and custody battle -- doing this documentary has been incredibly cathartic for her and she can't wait to shed light on her family's deep, dark secrets
Page 8: Angelina Jolie has been legally single for two years, and now she's finally ready to mingle -- she's been laying low since her 2016 split from Brad Pitt and she's feels it's time to get out there and she's eager to meet some new and interesting men and the mom of six is open to being hooked up by Hollywood pals like Ellen Pompeo, whom she was seen dining with in Beverly Hills and Angie likes the idea of dating a fellow A-lister who can relate to her about living in the spotlight and Ellen's been helping out with suggestions -- Angie is even open to joining an elite dating service and now the hunt is on to find a suitable bunch of candidates -- she wants fun and adventure again and after months of just being Mom, dressing up, putting on some perfume and engaging in stimulating conversation sounds good to Angie
* It's only been six months since Drew Barrymore launched her chirpy daytime talk show, but behind the scenes, she's on the verge of a major meltdown -- the multitasking mom who shares daughters Olive and Frankie with ex-hubby Will Kopelman, has no idea that juggling work and family would be this hard and she's feeling pressure from every side -- she desperately wants to be there for the kids, but she's trying to make her show a hit, and with her production company, she has a million others things on her plate as well -- the stressed-out star has also been chowing down on junk food and drinking too much caffeine so she can't get more than a few hours of sleep a night -- Drew doesn't want to let anyone down, but if she doesn't dial it back, she's going to collapse from exhaustion
* Matthew Perry announced his engagement to his on-off girlfriend Molly Hurwitz in November, but he seems to be having second thoughts -- he's crazy in love, but he's scared of messing up a good thing by making things official and he also worries what kind of husband he'll make given his health woes and battles with addiction -- Molly has faith in Matthew, but she can see wedding planning is stressing him out, even more so now that the Friends reunion is set to start shooting and he's pushing himself to go through with it, but his doubts are gnawing away at him
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars show some skin in dramatic decolletage-baring frocks -- Nicole Richie, Aja Naomi King
Page 11: Kate Hudson, Becky G, Mindy Kaling
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Kat Graham vs. Nicole Kidman in Erdem, Oliva Wilde vs. Bella Hadid in Ralph Lauren
Page 13: Danielle Bradbery vs. Paula Abdul in Hamel
Page 14: News in Photos -- Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox stepped out for dinner in West Hollywood
Page 16: Ariel Winter brightened up her monochromatic look with a pink face mask during a trip to the hair salon in West Hollywood, Justin Theroux went for a walk with his beloved dog Kuma in NYC, Arnold Schwarzenegger was spotted on his daily bike ride in L.A.
Page 17: Susan Sarandon stopped to get her caffeine fix while shopping solo in Soho
Page 18: Lea Michele proved to be quite the doting mother while walking with her son in a stroller in Brooklyn, Lucy Hale and her dog Elvis were inseparable during an outing in L.A., Krysten Ritter took her RadRover electric bicycle out for a spin in L.A.
Page 19: John Stamos and his wife Caitlin McHugh stopped by an antique shop where they purchased a bunch of old goodies in Santa Monica
Page 20: This year, instead of a traditional runway show, Moschino released a 12-minute film featuring Karen Elson, Shalom Harlow and Amber Vallera wearing new styles from the Fall/Winter 2021 line
Page 21: Alessandra Ambrosio caught up with a pal while walking dogs in L.A., David Harbour eating a treat while out and about in NYC, Daisy Ridley stopped by The Graham Norton Show in London
Page 22: Amelia Gray Hamlin and boyfriend Scott Disick caught some rays while vacationing in Miami, Katie Holmes and boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. color-coordinated their gray-and-black outfits for a lunch date in NYC, Rebel Wilson taking a walk around the neighborhood in L.A.
Page 24: While on the set of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Rachel Brosnahan shielded herself with a see-through umbrella, a newly brunette Lady Gaga in a white suit as she left her hotel in Rome to film the upcoming Gucci biopic, The Masked Singer panelist Jenny McCarthy gave herself a last-minute touch-up before posing for some promo shots
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Chelsea Handler's sleek setup -- she is checking out of her longtime L.A. home
Page 28: In 2009, LeAnn Rimes made headlines when she was caught hooking up with her costar Eddie Cibrian while they were both married to other people and now, more than a decade later, she is opening up about that time in her life and spilling secrets that she's never shared before -- looking back, LeAnn thinks it's unfair that she got raked over the coals like that and the public shaming caused her to suffer panic attacks and all LeAnn did was fall in love -- of course, there are likely big regrets about the way everything happened, but she and Eddie never meant to hurt anyone and they just had this connection they couldn't walk away from and a few months after their romance was revealed LeAnn parted ways with then-husband Dean Sheremet and Eddie filed for divorce from Brandi Glanville and they wed in 2011 -- while LeAnn has been a great stepmom to Eddie's sons Mason and Jack, she'd love to have a child of her own someday and she and Eddie have tried and tried with no success and now that she's pushing 40, they know time is ticking and they could always go the surrogate route, and they just might do it if it doesn't happen naturally in the next few months
Page 29: Liam Hemsworth has been dating Gabriella Brooks for 15 months, and he's so smitten that he could put a ring on it any day now -- Liam's made it clear that he's ready to walk down the aisle again after calling it quits in longtime love Miley Cyrus in 2019 -- everyone is thrilled because Gabriella is so sweet and easygoing, which is just what Liam needs -- Gabriella has already gotten the stamp of approval from the Hemsworth clan, who had long been skeptical of Miley and when Liam brought Gabriella home, his parents thought, that's more like it -- now that Liam's settled in at his new $5 million spread on Byron Bay, all signs point to him popping the question because he's never been happier
* Shedding post-pregnancy weight is never easy but luckily Katy Perry has a secret weapon to help her get back in shape which is Orlando Bloom -- Katy had already dropped 35 pounds since giving birth to the couple's first child, Daisy Dove, thanks to her fitness-obsessed fiance and Orlando has her eating five small vegan meals a day and he follows the same diet to make it easier for her, and Orlando makes sure she hikes or swims at least five days a week and those are the type for fun activities where he can join her -- Orlando's also her biggest cheerleader: during their recent Hawaiian getaway, Katy was nervous because she felt she hadn't lost enough weight but Orlando told her she was one sexy momma and he really is her biggest supporter
* Despite the pandemic, Nicole Kidman's remained one of the busiest women in Hollywood, which is getting under her stuck-at-home husband's skin -- while Keith Urban was forced to cancel his concert tour last year, Nicole had a whirlwind 2020, shooting her miniseries Nine Perfect Strangers in Australia and her historical thriller The Northman in Northern Ireland back-to-back and it's been incredibly hard on Keith because it drives him crazy not being able to get out there on stage -- Nicole hates seeing him the dumps, but she's told him he's lucky to be able to spend so much time with their daughters Sunday and Faith -- with Nicole set to play comedy legend Lucille Ball in Being the Ricardos, which starts filming this spring, that can only put more stress on the marriage but Nicole has no plans to slow down, and she's not making any apologies
Page 30: Patrick Duffy and Linda Purl went from zero to 60 practically overnight, but their turbo-charged romance appears to be slowing down -- ever since Patrick and Linda reconnected last summer, the late-in-life lovebirds have been joined at the hip at Linda's Colorado home, where things have gotten too close for comfort because Patrick's a laid-back guy, but he hasn't had a moment to himself because Linda is always pushing him to get outdoors and do stuff with her and Patrick feels the need for more space and some along time -- spending every moment together and hanging on each other's every word was fun for a while, but they don't want to lose their independence and they realize they need to bring their relationship back down to earth if they actually want to go the distance
* After nearly five blissful years together, Britney Spears and Sam Asghari are still going strong, and it looks like a baby could be in their near future -- Sam recently sent tongues wagging when he revealed that he wants to take their relationship to the next step and be a young dad and Britney is totally on board because she has always wanted another child and now with Sam raring to go, she figures it's the perfect time -- growing her family would be a welcome distraction from Britney's bitter battle with her father Jamie Spears over her controversial conservatorship
* Love Bites -- Jenni "JWoww" Farley and Zack Carpinello engaged, Morena Baccarin and husband Ben McKenzie welcomed a son named Arthur, Nicolas Cage and Riko Shibata married
Page 32: Cover Story -- Palace in Crisis -- the Royal Family is in disarray following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell tell-all -- what really offended them was how much Harry and Meghan said they love Queen Elizabeth in one sentence and attacked the institution, everything she stands for and works for, in the next -- it's going to take a miracle for Harry to reconcile with his family after what he and Meghan revealed
Page 36: Celebrity Hall Passes -- stars reveal the Hollywood crushes their partners have granted as freebies -- Eric Decker gets Jessica Alba and his wife Jessie James Decker gets Post Malone
Page 37: Lisa Vanderpump gets George Clooney, Seth Rogen gets Charlize Theron while his wife Lauren Miller gets Brad Pitt, Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa both get Cynthia Bailey
Page 38: Taron Egerton gets Rachel Weisz while his girlfriend Emily Thomas gets Daniel Craig, Kyle Richards wouldn't let her husband Mauricio Umansky near Eva Longoria or Demi Moore but he gets a hall pass for Betty White, Beau Clark gets Bethenny Frankel while wife Stassi Schroeder gets Joaquin Phoenix
Page 40: Interview -- Queen Latifah -- the entertainment icon is having a blast kicking butt in her new TV crime drama The Equalizer
Page 42: The Great Outdoors -- these stars know fresh air and fitness make a killer combo
Page 46: Style Week -- Hailey Bieber has been named global ambassador for Superga's Spring/Summer 2021 season
Page 48: What's Hot Right Now -- lifestyle brand Sporty & Rich just launched chic athleisure pieces to help you look effortlessly cool this season -- Amber Valletta
Page 49: Stylish Shades -- shop Ashley Graham's flattering frames the model's new collection with Quay
Page 50: Chic House Dresses -- trade knits for airy frocks that will make you feel beautiful all through spring -- Whitney Port
Page 52: Girls' Getaway -- planning a safe spring break with a few BFFs? Pack these stylish essentials to easily look fab on the fly -- Rita Ora
Page 54: Entertainment
Page 55: Q&A with Wayne Brady
Page 58: Buzz -- Lady Gaga sent the internet into a frenzy after sharing a behind-the-scenes photo of herself with Adam Driver from the set of their Ridley Scott movie, House of Gucci
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Cardi B on staying away from celebs, Mary Steenburgen on husband Ted Danson, Kate Hudson on her iconic yellow dress from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Page 61: Paul Bettany on his stunt with Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code, Jada Pinkett Smith on not focusing on exterior beauty at age 49, Nikki Bella on being intimate with fiance Artem Chigvintsev, Charlize Theron on homeschooling, Julia Garner on her roles of choice
Page 62: Horoscope -- Aries Jessica Chastain turned 44 on March 24
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Paris Hilton
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onlinetrustworld · 4 years
Professional for Upwork Freelancers
If I were a additional suspicious person, I’d marvel why a number of the foremost known school corporations within the America and their equally known leaders, area unit accidentally however actively encouraging their best talent to shift from regular employment to freelancer.
Four factors area unit at play:The plunge in extremely competent foreign employees is driving additional freelance work. Axios rumored on the results of movement the door on extremely competent foreign employees. in keeping with their reportage, “temporary visas for those with "extraordinary" ability (O visas), specialty job skills (H-1B, H-4, L visas) or UN agency area unit trade professionals or investors (E, TN, TD visas) fell considerably.” In Jan, 61,000 foreign consultants were granted visas, which range born to but five hundred in Apr because the pandemic set in and consulates closed. Axios primarily based its analysis on a study by the Migration Policy Institute. whereas the amount rose to over two,000 in Gregorian calendar month, and also the State Department recently supplementary exemptions in August, that’s still so much but five-hitter of the Jan numbers. 
Moreover, underneath different Trump policies, denial rates for the favored high-skilled H-1B visas tripled compared to the tip of the Obama administration at twenty ninth, the National Foundation for yankee Policy found. Remember, the work doesn’t stop as a result of visas aren’t granted. What’s the consequence? Well, unless there area unit America voters able to wrestle the work needed of our school corporations, the businesses area unit additional typically than not turning to freelancers within and outdoors the America. And in some high demand areas, like AI, the demand is considerably larger than current offer. Ironically, the school professionals compact most area unit those from India, UN agency were the most important beneficiaries of temporary knowledgeable visas. Guess what country provides the America with the best range of remote school freelancers? in keeping with one analysis, 2 thirds of active Indian school freelancers support corporations within the America or UK.Penalizing remote employees UN agency remote outside the Bay space. simply Bastille Day of staff trust CEOs or senior managers to steer the come back to figure, in keeping with Associate in Nursing Edelman survey. solely 0.5 believe their offices area unit safe, and lots of area unit seriously considering a move outside geographic area. In line with this trend, VMware became the most recent leader UN agency has, on the one hand, offered staff the chance to figure remotely and move to a less costly a part of the country than geographic area and, on the opposite hand, conceive to put in force a cut. VMware’s head of human resources, created the purpose that the corporate adjusts pay supported the “cost of labor” in numerous regional zones and benchmarks pay variations among companies competitive for its employees. He adds that, whereas some staff can see pay cuts, Lang same others might get a raise if they selected to maneuver to a bigger or dearer town. As Associate in Nursing example, staff deed Palo Alto and moving to capital of Colorado, should settle for Associate in Nursing eighteen pay reduction, and la or urban center means that relinquishing 8 May 1945 of their annual pay.
VMware isn’t the sole company aiming to penalise school and different employees members UN agency attempt to work remotely outside the bay space. Facebook and Twitter area unit considering similar pay policies. Facebook told staff in could that the corporate would presently transition additional for good to remote work, even when Covid-19 subsides. staff UN agency leave high-ticket areas like urban center or ny can ought to take a cut, however, betting on wherever they live as of Gregorian calendar month. 1, 2021. Chief military officer Mark Zuckerberg same he expects the maximum amount five hundredth of Facebook’s international personnel to be remote within the next 5 to ten years.
What’s the matter with this: the work isn’t completely different and that’s what the corporate ought to be paying for. What’s seemingly to happen? Well, in keeping with Upwork’s most up-to-date report: Freelancing in America, sixty fourth or nearly 2 thirds of respondents believe “professionals UN agency area unit the highest in their trade area unit more and more selecting to figure severally.” And, in keeping with Edelman’s Trust measuring device, worker trust in their company leadership typically is each low and steady therefore. Gallup finds the same lack of trust in leadership. the mix of actions – an absence of confidence in leaders, a distant work relocation policy that takes the maximum amount or over it offers, and also the confidence high staff have in their ability to succeed as freelancers - is probably going to push several of a company’s best school staff to contemplate the freelance various. you'll bet that where high school freelancers like better to live, their rate is unchanged. Employees area unit annoyed with however their company shows up around social values and priorities. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg face a continuing backlash from staff unwilling to just 
accept poet Friedman’s picture defense of capitalism: “There is one and only 1 social responsibility of business – to use its resources and interact in activities designed to extend its profits see you later because it stays at intervals the foundations of the sport.” staff within the school sector area unit more and more in public criticizing their corporations for refusing to require action over contentious and incontrovertibly false and incendiary statements by President Trump, the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and different black and brown America voters, and permitting the publication of biased, intolerant and dangerous posts. Zuckerberg has defended Facebook’s position as — in his words — “an establishment committed to free expression.” But, people like mythical being nob, UN agency joined Facebook as a director of product management a year agone, pointed to a broader upsurge of worker policy within the corporate. “I work Facebook and that i am not happy with however we’re exposure,” he announce on Twitter. “The majority of associates I’ve spoken to feel an equivalent manner. we have a tendency to area unit creating our voice detected.” Saint Andrew Crow, head of style for Facebook’s Portal videoconferencing device, announce on Twitter: “Censoring info which may facilitate individuals see the entire image is wrong. however giving a platform to incite violence and unfold misinformation is unacceptable.”
Facebook isn’t alone. school staffers have protested at Google, Microsoft and Amazon over problems as well as work conditions, temperature change and military contracts. What’s the affiliation to freelancing? Here’s what Gallup says:“In our recent work with organizations across numerous industries, we have a tendency to discovered one thing very fascinating and somewhat unsettling: extremely proficient staff UN agency don't seem to be engaged were among people who had the very best turnover in every organization — on par with low talent, disengaged staff. In different words, once your best staff don't seem to be engaged, {they area unit|they're} as seemingly to depart your organization as your staff UN agency tend to own performance problems and are sad. “Why do they leave therefore quickly? we have a tendency to speculate that your most proficient staff area unit additional seemingly to own high expectations of their workplaces. they're additionally additional seemingly to own different opportunities out there to them. They hunt down higher opportunities wherever they'll grow and develop their skills. Or they'll simply wish to travel wherever their gifts area unit appreciated and rewarded additional typically.”Remember, several of your high school consultants area unit already half answer the door. we all know that staff area unit more and more resembling freelancers in their demand for larger flexibility and autonomy. As a recent article of mine in Forbes pointed out:“Millennial and Gen-Z employees area unit increasing treating jobs as gigs, not career destinations, and ever-changing jobs additional oftentimes than the other recent generation. These days, ninety one of Millennials arrange on staying in their current job for no over 2 years.
“The reason staff offer for job ever-changing is additional and additional “freelance-ish.” Freelancers generally purpose to four vital attractions of a freelancing career: be one’s own boss, additional selection and suppleness, and larger selection. the explanations staff offer for moving on area unit strikingly similar: a troublesome boss, work that doesn’t interest them or aid them in growing professionally and learning new skills, or Associate in Nursing structure culture that doesn’t offer flexibility.”
With high school professionals recognizing the expansion of chance in freelancing, this is often no time for company leaders to require the loyalty and engagement of their high technical talent without any consideration, or assume that they're simply replaced. neither is it a time to relinquish with one hand however take with the opposite. Retention of your best individuals is all regarding trust. So, it’s not in the slightest degree stunning that if trust is destroyed, the simplest school consultants in your organization could move to regular freelancing or to a different company whose values they respect. Upwork could be a trustworthy leader remodeling ancient staffing, and their new report could be a crucial trendsetter. The Freelance Forward Report providing insights from over half-dozen,000 U.S. workers, found that some fifty nine million Americans freelanced within the past twelve months, representing one year of the U.S. workforce.Nancy Van Brunt: produce an in depth and thorough profile. Be terribly specific regarding your space of experience to face out and create it easier for purchasers to seek out you. My second tip is to point out, don't tell. Build out a portfolio of your style work; keep it up so far, and ensure it emphasizes the kind of labor you are presently seeking. purchasers wish to examine what you've got accomplished — and what you'll do for them. Last however not least, assume long-run. In my expertise, the foremost undefeated freelancers read every job as a stepping stone towards repeat work. once Associate in Nursing enterprise consumer offers alittle job, ensure they are excited with the ultimate outcome to urge your foot within the door — ideally, it'll result in in progress comes. married woman Montañez: If somebody is stressed or on the verge of burnout, what is one issue to be aware of with freelancing? Nancy Van Brunt: whereas freelance work definitely has its advantages, as well as selecting your comes, dominant your rate and maintaining your own schedule, it isn't while not its challenges. it is simple to require on an excessive amount of work or get overpowered by work considering the terribly nature of freelancing is that the additional you're employed, the additional you earn. it is important to figure on a schedule and do not retreat from speech no to things that do not align along with your interests.If you follow my work, you recognize i am all regarding approaching our careers through a holistic lens. we have a tendency to can’t have effective career conversations while not concerning eudaemonia. Stress impacts however we have a tendency to weigh risks and rewards, and what you're feeling on the within comes get into however you approach your career. begin steering the ship and do not sleep on market trends – freelancing could be a massively positive one.
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noficciondelacreole · 2 years
Social media has changed the world. The rapid and vast adoption of these technologies is changing how we find partners, how we access information from the news, and how we organize to demand political change. It has benefits but also has bad effects on other people.
When I was in junior high school, one of my classmates was doing online selling, so as she posted, people kept in touch with her because the product was so good, people talked a lot about her, and then as days turned to months, her online selling got a lot of orders day by day.
Then something happened. She, through a fight, posted on Facebook about her enemy, posting horrible things about that person. As days passed, her clients were decreasing day by day because of the post. So keep in mind that your posts are part of a brand-building strategy. Your post is part of a brand-building strategy. If you do something or post something that the people don't like, they'll disappear like you never existed.
Techniques on how to be safe in social media: 
1.Block anyone who bothers you -All social media sites allow you to block people who you don't want accessing your account.
2.Never shared your password -Your password your responsibility, Don't share it to anyone.
3.Set your profiles to private -Think carefully about what you post online and who you want to see it.
4.Protect your identity -Your phone number, address, bank details and any information that may hint to your personal passwords should never be shared online.
5.Keep Passwords Strong - Security is as important for one's social network account as it is for their computer or any other account.
6.Recognise the fakes -Not everyone on social media will be who they say they are.
7. Check Out Your Own Account -In order to ensure the security of one's account, it is wise to search for their profile from the prospective of someone who is conducting a search.
8.What Goes Online Stays Online -When sharing information online it is important for people to realize the permanence of what they type or download.
9.Be Cautious of Sharing Too Much -When utilizing a social networking website, people have the option of sharing personal details with friends and followers.
10. Be Careful of Over-Friending -As a member of a social networking group, it can be exciting to gain new "friends" or followers.
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