#they’re differently approaches and dark/violent flourishes of the same sense of humor
rassilon-imprimatur · 2 years
I’m rewatching Resurrection of the Daleks on a whim, and every time I revisit it I’m always surprised how much of the Hartnell and Troughton Dalek stories are frothing in it. The duplicates are both The Chase and the Robomen, the time corridor and the Daleks setting traps and snares in past/present/future is from The Evil of the Daleks. The Doctor putting aside his usual self and care for his companions in the crusade against them, again, Troughton’s duo. It’s a fun contrast with Davros’ presence, he bringing a nastier Re-Animator bite to Genesis canon vs the Daleks gradually realizing that, no, he and they genuinely cannot occupy the same space without destroying each other.
It’s also funny to me how relentlessly bullied so much of this plot and the mistakes the Daleks keep making have been over the years and according to fandom wisdom, as if.. it’s not… the point? As if the script isn’t completely aware? They’re absurd, hateful, monstrously violent little idiots, so blinded by their ego and paranoia that, yeah, they keep making major mistakes. Their plot has too many steps bound to collapse, the Supreme watches everything and everyone wandering around the prison station as if he controls everything, too cowardly to leave his control room, and then panics and blames everyone else the moment things being to spiral to the gory finale. I dunno. This is a nasty little serial, but it’s my nasty little serial. Warriors of the Deep is much the same way for me.
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