#they’re always adorable af I just struggle tm
strawberri-draws · 11 months
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Recent art fight attacks!!
My user is StrawberriDraws on af, feel free to engage in combat 🤺
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kpopstarsreact · 7 years
anon ship for ☕ anon
ship below the cut
anon asked: Hiya! Your blog is so well written and a really positive space, and your hard work is always appreciated! May I please have an MX ship?I love make-up and it's a dream to become a make-up artist, second only to tattoo artist and general freelancing. I love to dance and sing, but am trained in neither so it's all just hobbies, and I can't claim to be good at either in any way! What I am receiving training in is pole dancing, and that's all of my airbending dreams and exercise requirements in one!☕ Resident tea-maker-get-home-safe-Mum-Friend TM but I love being fussed over an equal amount, which makes me nervous often that I’ll give more than I receive. It’s my personal goal to compliment friends so often they gain the confidence they deserve, and I’m trying to overcome some shyness to continue doing the same with strangers. I hate needless conflict or aggression and I’ll sort out arguments between friends directly, that being said, I’m a mess of procrastination and wear odd socks 24/7 ☕ And it's a personal aim to own altogether too many cockatiels! Sorry if this was too long! While I'm here, though, your writing is really gorgeous and really detailed and your reactions are so individual and easy to envision in the member's voices! Thank you so much, and I hope you have a beautiful day full of your biases and restful naps. ☕
Hello dear! I hope you have the same sort of beautiful day~ Thank you so much for your kind words <3 they seriously made my day!! Also, I want you to know that you sound like a certified badass and your friends are lucky to have someone who cares so much for them and who could also do their makeup (or maybe tattoos if you go for that!!) super prettily :D Also, pole dancing sounds fun AF and I would love to express my inner Aang that way too xD
I hope you like your ship!!
I ship you with:
Jooheon! I see him adoring your makeup and tattoo artistry (because it freaking IS ART OKAY?) and often asking you how you accomplished certain looks and with which techniques, etc. He’s the kind of boyfriend that’s going to need the attention that you give him because he can be a little insecure at times, so this is a definite plus for him. Don’t you think for a second though that he won’t be giving you any less affection than you give him though! He will give you equal or more compliments and love and will always call you cute nicknames.
You two are for sure the cutsey nauseating couple that we all secretly wish that we were a part of because there’s just so much love, respect, support, and admiration there.
He can’t stand being mad at people or when they’re mad at him so he’ll be forever grateful that you feel the need to fix any conflict before it blows out of proportion. He might nag you a little from time to time about your procrastination (and your old socks lol) but you know he does it out of love. He doesn’t mind that you have a shy side and believe me, he’ll do everything he can to slowly help you become more confident and fun around strangers. He had a hard time doing that too at first, so he understands the struggle.
Also, lets be real here... He thinks that your pole dancing is the sexiest thing that has ever existed so have fun teasing him with that!
He's just honestly going to be so much in love with everything that you do that he talks about you all the time and brags that you’re pretty much the coolest person ever.
I hope you liked your ship lovely anon~! ^.^
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