#they don't transform that much either
thekittyokat · 1 month
you ever just have a lot, a LOT of feelings all at once about a character and not even remotely enough words or brainpower to FORM the words to describe everything you're feeling. so it feels like you may explode. yeah
#sorry i got really into my feelings about mark hoffman again#the very specific version of him in my brain that i really really wish i had the time and energy to properly share with you guys#saw#well until i muster the energy to explode all of my feelings out into a fic. if you want to TRY and understand#know that my three biggest hoffman fic insps right now are as follows#your best kept secret hoffman. a series of mistakes hoffman. and rushed like a dreadful wind hoffman.#there is a very clear throughline just know i am extremely emotionally compromised rn#thinking about theee fics vs the canon path hoffman spirals down#something something the absolute tragedy of watching a man's descent into madness#the transformation of a man into a monster#and what could have saved him from himself and kramer's corruption#sorry i'm rambling so much oh my god i was just having such a crying fit out of nowhere about this#do you think he could feel it happening. do you think he was aware he was losing his mind.#the script version of him fucks with me so bad. the crazed rankings and the longer hair and him not being well kept anymore#it's impossible to think he didn't know he was deteriorating#fuuuck okay i need to either chill or write a whole longfic rn#i project on that guy so much i truly don't know if i could properly write my vision of him#until i do something more substantial the full extent of my hoffman exists for me and my boyfriend only. they get me like no one else#well ginny and jenna also get me. please read best kept secret and a series of mistakes Oh My God#where am i going with this. i like tag rambling actually this is a nice way to do it without forcing EVERYONE to read my delirium#anyways if you've read all of this i think i love you? feel free to dm me about hoffman and my very specific headcanons and aus#maybe soon i'll try and start writing my fics about this tragic man#i could never say any of this on twitter btw they'd string me up for my opinions on him as a sad wet beast who could have been fixed#if only he hadn't been weaponized first#god i'm too tired to even be as embarrassed about this as i should be. thought i unlearned cringe already#but i've been spending way too much time on twitter and they HAAATE hoffman there#rip. i know it's not that serious but i'm sensitive rn and hate feeling lonely in my thoughts#ok bye for real otherwise i'll never shut up. i might tag ramble more often bc this was therapeutic in a way i needed badly#cat chat
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arson-jellyfish69 · 5 months
"we need more evil female characters" y'all couldn't even handle her
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numericalbridge · 6 months
🔥 every time darius is shown to use his abomination form he is using it in a very deliberate and calculating way, and not because he is supposedly so angry/furious
meanwhile every time he shows real strong emotions, whether positive or negative, he is not in the transformed form (though his abomination powers are clearly important to him with how he uses them for affectionate gestures, etc).
and, imo, both times he is seemingly very outwardly furious - with Raine in ER and the kids in the ASiAS - he is playing the role, possibly playing up the real annoyances (because he is more often shown to be annoyed than angry in actual canon). and compare to how he reacts to other coven heads who are his real enemies: focused fighting with Vitimir, concern over Eber AND over failing to stop the spell in KT, and disdainful and stern expression in the finale. It's concern, hurt, or pettiness, annoyance rather than explosive anger.
[added more ramblings in the tags]
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whatudottu · 11 months
Concept: Ben 10 Alien Force AU where everything is the same except Kevin is just insanely passive-aggressive towards Ben for the entire duration of the series
“No worries Tennyson, I buried the hatchet ages ago! That bad blood between us? Water under the bridge! I mean, it’s not like you got me stranded in a prison dimension for five years and never bothered to try and rescue me or even check up on me or anything like that! Of course I’ll help you save your grandpa! After all, what kind of hero just leaves someone for dead in the hands of vicious aliens that proceed to inflict them with severe psychological damage that will take decades to fully heal?”
I feel as though that would be a whole lot more realistic of a thing to happen, especially as the Tennysons realistically react to Kevin's passive-aggression with their own Tennyson brand passive-aggressiveness, though it might not be the most enjoyable trio to watch, which would be basically the complete opposite of the previous trio of Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max-
Ben and Kevin would have more personal beef (something about stealing a way too high security unreleased but already boxed game vs making two trains crash into each other for free money), but Gwen never particularly liked Kevin in the first place way back when, so even if Ben and Kevin settle their differences with admitting what they had actually done wrong (probably fighting over the more petty shit or arguing about the worse shit they did), Gwen doesn't have much basis to forgive Kevin because ultimately she did not get involved. Which I mean I don't think would be that great to watch nor that great to create a team around, especially in the earlier more mystery focused side of AF-
And this is the obligatory mention of @kariachi for introducing the idea of the Ben, Gwen, and Argit trio- you can have passive-aggressive Kevin (and the Tennyson's appropriate responses to him) all you like if Kevin takes Argit's role and Argit fills in that missing main trio slot in his stead. Depending on where and how he's introduced you could totally have a fake-out trio of the Tennysons and Magister Labrid, you know, with the assumption that someone's filling out Max's 'experienced plumber' slot. Not sure how convincing that might be but oops, I did a little ramble lmao-
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rowenabean · 8 months
Talented artist cousin asked me if I want to do an art swap (a mug for a print) this feels very validating
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ereborne · 1 month
Song of the Day: May 1
"Wicked Old Witch" by John Fogerty
#song of the day#it's May now! why does time!#did not finish the work trainings today. did finish setting up the tank for Duncan's frog#hopefully we'll be getting the frog next Saturday so we wanted time for the tank to cycle a while first#today's song comes up in Inheritance by Nora Roberts which I mentioned in those book asks last week (that was last week right)#it's got a ghost in (got lots of ghosts actually. pretty cool ghost setup) who communicates by playing different songs on the MC's tablet#I really love characters like that. very very fun#Bumblebee from Transformers my precious baby <3#also there was a 'dancehall demon' in this witchy cozy mystery I read the other day#not a great book would not recommend but the demon guy was pretty fun. reminded me of Lorne from Angel kinda#if he spoke in his own voice everybody around would swoon so he had magic background music he used to communicate#it's always a neat mechanic#though if it's not a specific line being played as a specific response Bumblebee-style#but (as in Inheritance and the dancehall demon book both) rather the title of the song that's meant to be the message#then it does require the other character(s) in the scene to have a really quick and accurate ability to recognize and name songs#I kinda like the idea of a song playing and the speaking character going 'oh uh actually I don't know this one. what is it?'#and then either they have to pull out their phone and shazam it or some bullshit#or it plays through and they have to wait however long and then if/when the title line plays the ghost boosts the volume for a split second#like fingerspelling the one sign you don't know but much much slower and with more fast-forwarding through guitar solos
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brudiza-spudnik · 3 months
has anyone here read ode to kirihito. what the fuck
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honestlyvan · 2 years
Rolling around an idea for a post-finale MegOP fic where Megatron is getting treated for his injuries and Optimus is hovering around Dot and pestering her for status updates, until she gets fed up (she’s got her wholeass family she needs to be looking after right now) and tells Optimus that if he’s so worried, he should call Megatron himself and as and Optimus just goes
“oh he doesn’t really. tell me these things :)”
“:) right, of course. I need to go coordinate with GHOST, I’ll talk to you later.”
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girlscience · 6 months
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#tf#I HATE IT HERE WHY DO THEY HAVE SUCH WILDLY DIFFERING HEIGHTS#i can't even find canon heights for most of them anyway 😭#i just want to be able to figure out a ratio for auto form to robot form so i can figure out how tall my oc would be#and then how tall they would be compared to various characters#but noooooo bumblebee can be roughly in the same height range every time#and that correlates fairly one to one to his auto form (from what i can find)#starscream seems to vary a lot within the twenties or so.. but if he's one of the F number jets.#that's like a ratio of ~.4 ISH for robot height to irl jet length (again for the heights i can find)#which is no where NEAR the one to one ratio of Bee#and don't even get me STARTED on optimus 😭#and NONE of the motorcycle transformers make any kind of fucking sense AT ALL#i can't even start on them because I will pull all my hair out#listen. I just want a reasonable height for either a motorcycle tf or a car tf and starscream.#it's all I need to figure out a decent height for my oc based on their vehicle mode (THATS THE WORD IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR not auto form lol)#i need the motorcycle or car tf to figure out their height. and i need screamers so i know what it looks like when they fuck him lmaoo#THATS ALL I WANT. I DONT FEEL LIKE THATS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR BUT FUCK ME I GUESS#it's 1:30 am and I have been laying in bed thinking about this for the past ehhhh 2 and a half hours#and this is definitely not the first time i've gone down this particular rabbit hole#I JUST WANT ANSWERS
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
Megatron: I want to do something to try and make up for my wrongs! Put me on the Lost Light and, once I've succeeded where Rodimus failed, I'll confess to all my crimes!
Also Megatron: *never returns so he can sail on a forever journey and never stands to confess his crimes*
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Concept: a Magnus Archives animated series. I'm talking like a stylized 2D jam here, a touch of retro energy. All the statements are like their own little films, narrated over by Jon who only shows up at the very start and end. Sometimes you can catch a glimpse of an eye or two in the background of statement. In live ones you can see the Archivist himself in the background, barely noticeable at the start but by the end barely trying to hide. Sometimes Jon and Elias will stare right at the 4th wall. The opening scenes playing over the intro change with each season. This will never exist but it will haunt me forever
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jestiamy · 1 year
??? how in the world does anyone come out of jekyll and hyde with this
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#“good doctor attempts to rid humanity of evil and ACCIDENTALLY makes an entirely separate person who's evil and kills people!!!”#animated features HATE morally questionably protagonists crushed under their own hubris#jekyll wasn't even the protagonist actually. where's that boring guy I forgot the name of that jekyll gave all his money too ??#I know that adaptions are not 1-1 with the source material and may make creative choices to better suit the medium#but this feels. kind of like it's drastically missing the point??? maybe even going against it almost??#jekyll made hyde because he wanted to act on bad impulses without social punishment occuring#the whole point of the book was that the more you indulge in bad actions the worse it gets. cautionary tale style.#jekyll stops transforming into hyde for MONTHS and the moment he goes back he beats an old man to death#because jekyll repressed his general 'bad desires' so much over the next few months the moment 'hyde' was out again-#-he did something super bad. like super super bad.#and hyde was freaked out because people saw him do it and now hyde was unable to blend into crowds and do morally questionable acts#not because he felt bad about killing a senior citizen.#hyde is not some secret evil demon jekyll summoned. hyde is just jekyll if he was less accommodating of other people.#there isn't even a reason to believe the potion caused this mindset. for all we know this is a purely psychological phenomenon.#either way hyde is ALL jekyll. he is not some monster. he is jekyll if jekyll was not afraid of his status being affected by his actions#at the end he didn't talk about using the potion to transform INTO hyde#he wanted to use it to transform into JEKYLL.#“that's because he kept turning into hyde without the-” yeah that's the point!!!!! that's. literally the point.#saying stuff#I like jekyll and hyde. they're pretty cool. I just don't like the way people act like what happened wasn't mostly jekyll's fault#like ??? it's not like hyde ruined jekyll's life. jekyll is in control of his actions as hyde. this is their faults equally.#actually maybe I'm kind of a hyde apologist. ignore that a little bit (I am aware he's literally just jekyll but. I feel bad for him.)#the frakenstein's monster issue of. yeah frakenstein's monster (hyde) sucked but frakenstein (jekyll) was worse right#tired tumblr posts#do I have a nerd tag.#I don't think so actually#I think thoughts#I think.#yeah that works#I apologize for the very skewed tags to post ratio except I don't really feel that bad about it. twitter is an awful place.
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dnangelic · 9 months
idc about allonormativity but sugisaki's handling of things is vague enough around the edges that i can still put forward the thematic thesis of 'anybody who doesn't want to be alone shouldn't be alone' and 'lives and people's souls/hearts, like art, can be freely shared with each other and witnessed in order to be good and beautiful' and that sort of thing is like almost the entire driving force of daisuke's character. to me.
#its only a tiny tweak from canon but the way i write daisuke its love Periodt that transforms him#any sort not just romantic. and hes a guy with pure agape baby hes got Loads of Passion#dark is his proof daisuke is dark's proof but it's only daisuke who's too shy to ever readily admit to anything#his self esteem is bad so he's always concerned that others might dislike him if he admits anything#the other niwas also struggled w dark but i don't think they ever struggled as much as daisuke#and yet daisuke's also the only tamer to meet dark's feelings at an equal place and actually willingly merge#dark won't ever say it but his own driving force too being a sense of surprisingly protective and righteous love#beginning with manisumea ending with the niwas. he steals the art because the hikari don't love and tend to destroy it#he wants to coexist with the niwa so he doesn't go on a rampage like krad does. love intermingles sorrow/hatred takes away#anyways its like yeah love transforms but will other people still accept you for that. are u someone who's willing to accept others for it#an insecurity can become a secret and that applies to just about anybody#daisuke's heart is one that bleeds for everything and everyone and that's actually always part of why he doesn't say anything#not just bc he doesn't want to get in trouble but he doesn't want to hurt people like riku either#alas to be wholly loved u have to be wholly witnessed.#ykno....#im rambling. aldkjlskjgkj#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#reference.
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rubys-domain · 10 months
is it just me or... are the reputation rewards for fontaine underwhelming as hell?
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#like i guess the crystalfy trap might be useful...?#i don't usually have below 300 crystalflies in my inventory so i don't need it#i just don't condense my resin that much cuz i'm either doing bosses or leylines most of the time#people who are constantly out of crystalflies might find some use out of it tho#but it might end up like the sumeru ingredient speeder-upper thing and be completely impractical to use over just catching them manually#unless you're too lazy to collect them. which is fair enough#i doubt it's actually gonna be that convenient unless it works like the parametric transformer tho#the wind generator looks interesting. but not enough of a draw for me to divert my bounties to fontaine to rush to get it#i hope it essentially works like a mid-air dash forward. or like a wind ring. that might give me incentive to use it over the feather fan#even the wind glider is kinda...#this is just my personal opinion and mine alone,but the asymmetrical color scheme is not doing it for me#my main hope was to get a different blue glider that isn't the wings of companionship so qiu doesn't have to keep wearing the latter#but i don't like how it looks on him at all. the light blue side just clashes too much#and the only characters i have that kinda look good with it are barbara and layla#except for the fact that the wings of companionship match layla's aesthetic and color scheme perfectly#and the dragonspine wings just match barbara way better#it'll basically only look good on focalors#and even then it doesn't look like it'll match her perfectly since the asymmetry on her outfit doesn't look as pronounced#but i guess theme-wise it fits her perfectly so that's probably enough#i'm gonna put it on chongyun for a while whenever i get it just for the hell of it#but yeah. i'm not a big fan of this glider#i'll be not-so-patiently waiting for natlan's glider instead#i hope to god it's true fiery bright red and there's no asymmetrical or stripey bullshit a la kfc glider#i will forever hope for a pink event glider tho#(event glider cuz i doubt they could possibly justify being able to get a pink glider in-story)#(although if they do i hope they do as soon as possible)#(yk what. i wish the reward for maxing out the sacred sakura was a pink windglider and not the teapot realm)#(and they just made the teapot realm purchaseable after the archon quest like the sumeru one)#(cuz that's the literal only place that would've made sense to have it permanently in-game)
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robotsprinkles · 1 year
I need to find people to discuss ideas for how cybertronian anatomy/biology and weaponry work (also things like language, culture, history, space travel tech, medicine, etc)
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jaeharu26 · 1 year
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