#they changed up georgina's personality and made her less shy but the stuff we got from that change was so worth it
Finished the Pride and Prejudice book and 2005 movie and I gotta say I liked the movie way better
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 4/? (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
Summary: Gigi and Crystal discuss things in person. Elites Only also gains a new member.
As soon as Crystal realized what was happening, she exited the Twitter app. The girl she had been talking to for months, the girl she had shared so many things with was Georgina Goode, who happened to be best friends with the girl who hated Crystal for no reason, because of course this would happen to Crystal.  
Crystal’s mind was racing, her brain instantly jumping to the worse case scenarios. Did Gigi know she was talking to Crystal this entire time? Was this entire thing just a ploy orchestrated by Dahlia to get dirt on her? Georgina was not gay, but Gigi was. Did Gigi even like her, or was Crystal just an experiment that no one would ever find out about because it was over the internet? She knew none of these theories made sense, she didn’t think Gigi had any idea who she was until now.
Gigi was freaking out. She had messaged Crystal, attempting to explain herself, but she had gotten no reply. Crystal hadn’t even read them. Panicking, she messaged Jan, hoping she would be online.
gigi: jan oh my fuckigng
gigi: …no
jan!: and why is that?
gigi: she literally goes to my school she sent me a selfie and i sent one back without saying that we’re irls and she just said what the fuck and now she wont message me back
gigi: i know u don’t like how rude dahlia is so im sorry i have to mention her but she’s literally the girl dahlia picks on for no reason i didn’t even know her name was crystal
jan!: W H A T 
gigi: what do i do
jan!: girl like i know?? this doesn’t usually happen to people.
jan!: when do you usually see crystal
gigi: i see her in the halls sometimes. she told me before that she stays mostly in the art wing tho
jan!: ok. tomorrow  go to the art wing and find her. talk to her. she’s probably not responding bc im sure it’s not a good feeling to find out the girl she’s been flirting with for months is best friends with the girl bullying her
gigi: god i feel so bad about that. i only stopped it once and i feel so bad
jan!: i love you but you’re a fucking idiot, gigi. you really are. go talk to her tomorrow and do better.
The next morning arrived faster than Crystal wanted it to. She was dreading going to school, knowing she couldn’t avoid Gigi forever. Thankfully, they did not have any classes together, but crossing paths was inevitable. The thought of seeing Gigi, even from across a crowded hallway, made her want to sob.
Her stomach started hurting because of her anxiety, but convincing her mother to let her stay home didn’t go over well. Crystal had convinced her mother at first, but as soon as she felt Crystal’s forehead to see if Crystal was running a temperature, which she wasn’t, she had insisted that Crystal stop pretending and get ready for school. She even drove Crystal to school instead of having her walk to make sure Crystal didn’t skip.
Crystal walked straight to the bathroom in the art wing. It was smaller, with only two stalls and the cell service was terrible; but it was vacant for the most part. She often stayed there when she wanted to skip class, and the only person she had ever encountered was Aiden, a shy girl from her art class. If Gigi was looking for her, this bathroom would be the last place she would look.
She had spent the morning sketching and listening to One Direction. She was in the zone, barely noticing when the door opened. Crystal didn’t bother looking up when she felt someone’s presence there, assuming that it was Aiden. “Hey, Aiden.”
“Uh,” Gigi started, “Crystal?”
Crystal’s head shot up, her eyes wide as she looked at a very relieved looking Gigi. “Oh, shit. Hey.” 
Gigi walks over to her, kneeling down to be at the same height as Crystal. “I know you’re probably upset with me, but can we talk? Please? I’ve been looking for you all period.”
Crystal nodded, moving her backpack to make a spot for Gigi to sit down. “Sorry I said what the fuck and dipped, I really didn’t know what else to do.”
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I’m going to sound like such a bitch but I didn’t even know your name until last night.” Gigi had never been good with names, only being able to remember her online friends’ names in the beginning because their name was attached to everything they did. Crystal had been known to Gigi as ‘Art Girl’ until last night.
Crystal had to laugh at that. “It’s fine. I don’t think Dahlia knows what my name is either, and I’ve lived in her mind rent free for years!”
“Speaking of her, I’m so sorry I only stopped her once. I didn’t want to get into it but I realize now that ignoring it is just as bad as joining in. Especially seeing the effects it has on you first hand, and now that I know I could’ve helped.”
Last night, Crystal gave Gigi a run down on every single color she had ever dyed her hair, and she had mentioned that she stopped dying her hair once she got into high school because she didn’t want to stick out even more, in fear of getting treated worse. It had made Gigi sad then, and knowing she could’ve changed that made her feel even worse. 
“Yeah, I don’t know how this is going to impact your real life, but no matter what I just hope you will step in next time.” 
Gigi reached over to grab Crystal’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I will never let her hurt you ever again. I care about you so much.”
They sat in silence for a few moments.
“Can I tell you something?” Crystal asked quietly, avoiding Gigi’s glance. 
“Of course. You can tell me anything.”
“I really like you. I know it’s probably weird now, since you’re not out and I’m not positive you feel the same, but I feel like I should tell you.”
Gigi smiled, placing her fingers under Crystal’s chin, lifting them up to make Crystal make eye contact with her. “I’ve been hoping you would say that.”
Crystal blushed at the contact. “Really?”
“Of course! You’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met. I would be such a fool not to like you back.”
The bell rang, interrupting their moment. Gigi pulled away, pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket to check the time. “Fuck. I have a test this period.”
“It’s okay. We can talk about this later,” Crystal reassured her, standing up even though she had no intention to go to her next class, “I can send you my address and we could meet after school?”
Gigi nodded, pulling Crystal into a tight hug. “This is the most emotion I’ve ever shown at once. I thought it was going to be scary but I feel so much better. Thank you for talking to me. If I was you I don’t think I would’ve.”
“I could never not talk to you.”
Crystal decided she would stay in the bathroom until lunch. It was mostly out of laziness, as her Gigi related anxiety was long gone. Doing academics was the last thing she felt like doing now. 
She had plenty of entertainment, she had missed a lot on Twitter, and had two thousand new messages from the group chat, even though she was gone for less than a day.
crystal: im skipping class what’s up ladies
jan!: hi crystal!!!
jaida: girl where have you been?? my world has been so empty
nicky: wtf jaida stop acting like i don’t exist
crystal: ehh personal things happened so i was ia. i dyed my hair green last night tho!! look!!
jan!: omg you’re so pretty
jaida: HOT HOT HOT
nicky: crystal. marriage now
heidi: omg girl you look so good!! i love your leprosy print shirt
heidi: leprosy
heidi: girl how do you spell lepord
heidi: leopard
heidi: there we go
nicky: you did it!
jaida: so proud of you
She was relieved they didn’t question her further, but she couldn’t help but be curious about what their reactions would be if they knew what was going on. Talking to the girls again made time go by extremely fast, before Crystal knew it the bell rang, declaring it lunch time.
She hadn’t eaten breakfast due to her anxiety from this morning, and just realized how hungry she was. Collecting her stuff, she exited the bathroom and headed down to the cafeteria. 
When she was in line to pay for a slice of pizza and a bag of pretzels, she had caught the attention of Dahlia, who didn’t hesitate to express how she felt about her new hair. 
“Ew, who in their right mind would dye their hair green?” Dahlia loudly asked Gigi, making sure Crystal was in ear shot. 
Before Crystal could defend herself, Gigi spoke up. “Dahlia, can you please shut the fuck up? No one cares what you think about Crystal’s hair, it looks fine. I can hardly tolerate you being rude anymore.”
“Georgina, what the fuck? I’m not rude!” Dahlia whined, making Crystal smile. She had been slightly surprised that it happened so soon, but she was happy Gigi stepped in.
Crystal paid and made sure to wave at the girls on her way out. Gigi waved back, and Dahlia looked the other way, her arms crossed.
crystal: it’s not that i didn’t believe you but i’m shocked that actually happened..
gigi: she’s lowkey mad at me but idc
gigi: i believe you owe me ur address? 
crystal: oh that’s right!
gigi: i have cheer after school but i can come over right after
crystal: yay!!! 
The rest of the day was painfully long. Every minute felt like an hour, Crystal was even bored during her art class. She couldn’t wait to go home and talk to Gigi.
She zoned out while she was walking home, wondering what could happen tonight. Crystal would like to think that Gigi was about to kiss her before they got interrupted, or maybe she was going to ask Crystal to be her girlfriend. Anything could happen, and Crystal couldn’t really tell how she felt about it.
When she got home, she tidied up her room. Her bed was unmade, her dirty clothes were on the floor, and a couple dirty cups littered the top of her night stand. It wasn’t too bad, Crystal would usually consider this clean for her, but it made her feel slightly embarrassed now. She had the urge to fix it, even though Gigi probably wouldn’t have cared too much if Crystal left it the way it was.
After her room was clean, she still had some time to spare before Gigi would be on her way. She headed to the group chat, curious to see what chaos they were up to currently. 
nicky: ADD HER
jaida: jan please come back i hate it here
crystal: who are we adding?
nicky: JACKIE
nicky: why :(
jan!: i can’t trust you guys to not embarrass me in front of her and she is not a stan!!! she will not understand any of you!
jaida: we don’t have to embarrass you, you’ll do it yourself. we can teach jackie stan language, she’s smart and she’ll catch on
crystal: omg add her
jan!: i hate you all so much
nicky: PLS
jan!: fine.
jan! added Jackie
jan!: jackie, these are my friends. don’t believe anything they say about me.
Jackie: Oh, hello everyone!
nicky: c’mon auto caps!
crystal: hi!  
jaida: hi jackie!
heidi: i leave to play animal crossing for 15 minutes and we get a new member… smh
nicky: not just any new member! it’s jackie!!!!
jaida: the way nicky likes jackie more than jan does
heidi: that’s impossible. jan is SUCH a simp for jackie
Jackie: What? 
crystal: OMFG
Jackie: Does that mean she likes me? I’m confused.
nicky: yes!
Jackie: That’s good. I would assume that Jan likes me, especially after what we did in my car earlier.
crystal: holy fucking shit
jan!: JACKIE SHUT UP!!!!!!
Jackie: Why?
jaida: god i love it here
gigi: janet you better tell me everything later!!!
Crystal was so invested in the train wreck going on, only focusing on the messages sent by Jan and Jackie that she didn’t notice Gigi had come online until she got a notification that Gigi sent her a private message. 
gigi: im on ur street :)
Crystal ran to the door, opening it the second she saw Gigi step onto the porch. Gigi jumped, not expecting it. “Someone’s eager to see me, huh?”
Crystal blushed, letting Gigi in. “Shut up.”
Gigi kicked off her shoes and sat her backpack down next to them before letting Crystal lead her to her room. It was colorful, lots of posters and canvases covering the hot pink walls. “This is very you. I like it!”
“Thank you!” Crystal exclaimed, taking a seat on her bed and patting the space next to her. Gigi gladly sat next to her. 
“This is just really weird. 24 hours ago, I didn’t know who you were and now you’re in my bed. It’s kind of overwhelming,” Crystal blurted out, making Gigi frown. “But not in a bad way!” She clarified, “It’s just a lot to process.”
“Oh, yeah. It is a big change. Last night, I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend, but that obviously did not happen.” Gigi blushed, grabbing a throw pillow from Crystal’s bed to hide her face in. 
Crystal took the pillow away from her, sitting it next to them, “Do you still want me to be your girlfriend?”
Gigi nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t know if we should become official yet. We know each other so well, but I feel like we need to see if we vibe in person.”
“I don’t think we will have an issue with that, but I agree. Let’s take it slow. But can I try something first?”
Gigi grinned, “Yeah, what?”
“This.” Crystal whispered, leaning forward until her lips pressed against Gigi’s. Gigi kissed her back, wrapping her arms around Crystal’s neck and pulling Crystal even closer.
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