#these pictures almost made me want to quit film photography a year ago lol
cuntylestat · 6 months
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palais garnier in paris on film
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purplesurveys · 4 years
where would you love to go to college? what kind of college is it? I’m technically already done with college, but it was the college/university I had wanted to go to so that kinda answers your question. I studied (past tense is SO WEIRD) in UP and my college was centered on mass communication. My school as whole is a public research university.
is there anywhere you’d love to go, but you wouldn’t go due to things there (people, natural disasters, etc.)? I obviously can’t go anywhere right now but under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t go to some cities in Mindanao due to issues of violence and terrorism. I also personally wouldn’t go back to China due to their already-strained relationship with my country, and also because Chinese people have always bullied us and acted as if they’re superior to Filipinos when they’re not.
do you know anyone who has/had swine? who? No. They did suspend school for a week when the flu was at its peak.
do you like polaroid photography? Yes, I’ve been wanting to get into it many times but the film is so damn expensive. < That’s pretty much it for me too. The cameras are also already quite pricey to begin with, and I’ve always had other priorities when it comes to my money.
did you ever watch that old nick show, ginger? As Told By Ginger? I’d catch it on TV all the time, but the storylines and the animation didn’t appeal to me so I would change the channel if it was on.
is there a friend of yours who curses nonstop? who would that be? She graduated a year before me and I don’t really count her as a friend, but Patrice swore worse than a sailor that it disturbed even me, and I can usually stomach potty mouths.
don’t you hate when you put lyrics as a status and everyone comments it asking what it means / why it’s your status? That’s never happened to me before but I imagine I would hate it if people act nosy towards my posts. When I post lyrics a couple of people usually relate to it and like the post, which I like much more.
what internet browser do you use? Chrome. I used Internet Explorer for the first two or three months of having internet, but I shifted and it’s been Chrome ever since.
what do you usually do to let your feelings out? Surveys or listening to music that portray my present emotions.
what was the last thing you uploaded / plugged into the computer? The last thing I uploaded were goodbye/thank-you videos to my orgmates Arlan and Andrew, who are graduating alongside me. The last thing I plugged onto my laptop was a pair of earphones.
what is your last class of the day? Depends on the day of the week. In my final sem, my last classes went like this:
Tuesday: A mandatory course on Jose Rizal
Wednesday: Community Press
Thursday: Online Journalism
Friday: Business Reporting
who do you think has your back more: your girl friends or your guys friends? Girl friends.  
do you think boys notice things more than girls? or vice versa? No, I don’t think it’s about gender. < Almost same. I know this is supposed to have nothing to do with gender, though *to be fair* in my personal experience, girls are usually super observant. My girl friends can remember little details, something someone said five years ago, someone’s habits or tendencies, etc. My guy friends are for the most part more chill than that and don’t really fixate on stuff. Not that it’s a bad thing, but they really just notice details less.
are you participating in project 365 (you take a picture of you/something everyday of the year and post it)? I TRIED THAT THIS YEAR BUT COVID RUINED IT. I was gonna make up for my embarrassing attempt in 2019 (in which I stopped by February) and had been doing well this year, but quarantine life has just been so uneventful and boring that I ran out of stuff to take photos of. I stopped on the first week of April.
do you have a flickr? if so, post the link. No. I did like looking through the website because the photos were so beautiful. Since I wasn’t a photographer anyway I never felt like I had to join the site.
am i the only one who would go to the ends of the earth to see their favorite band perform? Not really but I’ve seen others do it. Case in point: Coldplay. Philippine concert organizers jack up ticket prices so unfairly much and when Coldplay held a show here their VIP tickets cost ₱20,000 ($400) each, which not a lot of people could afford. Everyone cried foul and when people did their research, they saw that for ₱20,000, you can already book a flight to nearby Singapore (which Coldplay was also doing a show in) AND still get VIP tickets, which cost a lot less there. I didn’t do it because I wasn’t obsessed with Coldplay, but a lot of my friends and other people did lol.
do you think it’s dumb when a band smashes their instruments, or do you find it totally radical? I haven’t seen any of the bands that I like do it but uhhhh if it were any of the punk rock bands I listen to, I’d honestly find it cool.
have you ever made a gif? if not, do you think it’d be interesting to make one? No but back in my fangirl days I had wanted to learn a lot because a lot of my mutuals made such pretty GIFs and I wanted to be a part of that. People made them on Photoshop though, and I just couldn’t be less interested in any Adobe stuff.
are you excited for the beginning of american idol? I was excited for it from seasons 7 to 11, but after the wrong people kept winning I had to stop watching.
do you feel like you need some inspiration, or are you totally inspired right now? I’m neither. I don’t have to feel inspiration to wanna do things. Right now I really just can’t do anything, even if I wanted to.
when you feel uninspired, do you feel like you need to go somewhere to become inspired? Nope.
do you have trouble coming up with good survey questions? Yes, that’s why I don’t make them lol.
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tenebris-melodiam · 6 years
Stefano Valentini x Reader: Facade - Chapter 4
Pairing: Stefano Valentini x Reader/Female Protagonist (18+)
Warnings: Light swearing
Current Time: December 19th, 2015
Tired eyes creaked open, the blur of the dark room surrounding you filling your vision. You parted your lips, a gurgling mumble leaving your throat as you lifted your head slightly from your pillow to give a quick look around the darkened room. You blinked slowly, trying to rid the blur from your eyes as you fumbled around for the phone that rested upon your bedside table. Once you had the device within your fingers, you slowly brought the illuminated screen to your face, just barely able to make out the time: 4:33 A.M. It was only now that your mind began to register what exactly had woken you—the loud, rhythmic thumping coming from the floor beneath you, and the feeling of your bed vibrating along to the beat of the incessant music. You rolled your eyes, tossing your phone into the wrinkles of your bedsheets as you brought yourself to sit upright; this was the third night in a row that your downstairs neighbors had been partying throughout the hours of the night, and you were beginning to grow weary of it.
Knowing that you weren’t going to be able to fall back to sleep, you slung your legs over the side of the bed and rose to your feet, the sound of cracking toes and popping bones reaching your ears as your body hastily grew accustomed to its new position and relaxed itself. You gave a quiet groan as you shuffled yourself into your bathroom, your fingertips running through the messy muff of hair atop your head as you made your way over to your bathtub—you didn’t care how early it was, any time was a good time for a hot, relaxing bath. Hell, perhaps you might be a rebel and put some bubbles in there this time. You made sure that the drain was properly plugged so water couldn’t make a desperate escape, and then unleashed the torrent of warm water into the porcelain tub to allow it to fill.
You gave a quiet grunt as you tugged your pajama shirt off over the top of your head, lazily allowing it to drop from your grip and onto the floor next to your sink, and then proceeded to do the same thing with your pants and undergarments. Before you knew it, you were clad in nothing more than your birthday suit, and it struck you that you might want to do a bit of light reading whilst relaxing in your bath—after all, maybe it would help drown out the damn music that was still vibrating your apartment. You made a quick trip out into your bedroom to locate your phone, and then grabbed your favorite book from the drawer of your bedside table and hastily made your way back into the bathroom. By this time, the tub was about a third of the way full, and you hummed to yourself as you rummaged around underneath your sink for that bottle of liquid you kept for emergencies like this. Once you found it, you popped the top off and threw several long ropes of it into the water—almost immediately, the water began to form a thin layer of bubbly film upon the top, which eventually evolved into large, mountainous hills of foam.
Growing rather tired of wandering around naked, you cautiously slipped one foot under the pile of foam and into the warm water. It sent a shudder along the entirety of your figure, goosebumps forming on your flesh as your body began to make itself used to the change in temperature. You reached over and turned off the faucet before slipping your other foot underneath the foam, and gradually eased the rest of your lower body beneath the surface of the water. Once you were comfortable, you gave a sigh of pleasure and leaned your head back against the head of the tub, but not before making sure that your book and phone were safely placed on the windowsill that was to your left.
After allowing yourself to soak for a good five minutes, you heard something that you hadn’t experienced all night: silence. The seemingly never-ending thumping of music had ceased, and now the only sound that filled your ears was beautiful silence; well, aside from the occasional drop of water that fell from the metal mouth of the faucet. However, that was most certainly something that you could put up with. You reached up onto the windowsill, grabbing your book within your hand before bringing it down in front of you and opening up to where your bookmark was to continue reading.
After losing yourself within the contents of your book, you were drawn back to reality by the sound of your phone going off upon the windowsill. You glanced over to your right to take a look at the analog clock sitting upon the corner of your sink, and you now saw that you had spent nearly thirty minutes in the bath already: 5:01 A.M. You grabbed your bookmark, sliding it neatly between the pages of your book before shutting it and placing it back upon the windowsill, and then replaced it with your phone. You flicked your thumb across the screen to unlock it, not even bothering to look at who the message was from, and then opened your messaging app to read it properly. To your surprise, you had not one, but two messages—one from Vincent, which had been received at 4:56 (you must have been too deep into your book to hear your phone) and the most recent one, which was from Stefano. God, they were both such early birds; you decided to read Vincent’s message, since it was the one that had been received first.
[Vinny]: Boss called me this morning. I don’t think he knew it was me lol… he sounded pretty drunk. Not to mention he called me “Rebecca” which is the name of his wife. I’ve never been sweet-talked by my boss before, but damn. He and his wife must have some crazy bedroom life by what he was saying lmao
[Me]: Thank you for the lovely bit of info at the end there, Vincent. I guess you and I both had an early morning. The idiots beneath me were partying from like 9 to 4… didn’t get any sleep. They’ve been doing this for 3 days now. So now I’m just sitting in the bathtub to try and get some form of peace.
After thumbing the send button and watching the little speech bubble pop up on your end of the conversation, you returned to your inbox and pressed down upon Stefano’s name in order to see exactly what he had sent you. It was an image that had to be downloaded, and the name was simply “Preview”; you cocked your eyebrow curiously, and then allowed it to download—when the image finally revealed itself to you, you felt a small smile creep upon your lips. It was one of the photographs that he had taken of you at the third photography session you had done with him two days ago; it was a bust shot, but it was certainly one of the most beautiful photographs you had ever seen of yourself. You always hated how you looked whenever your picture was taken, but Stefano seemed to be the only photographer that was able to remedy such a negative outlook on your pictures.
There was no doubt about it—this photograph was going to be your new photograph for any columns that you made. You made sure to save the image to your phone, and then began to thumb down a response for the man to read.
[Me]: This is absolutely beautiful, Stefano. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to use it as my new image to go alongside my columns in the paper! However, why did you name it “preview?” What is it a preview of?”
[Stefano]: You’ll come to find out in due time, I assure you. I’m also quite flattered you wish to use it as your column image—please do so, by all means.
Once you had read Stefano’s response, you sighed deeply and placed your phone back upon the windowsill. The water within the tub was beginning to get a bit cold now, so you dug around beneath the water to unplug the drain before rising to your feet. You figured it would be a good time to take a shower now, especially since you were covered in bubbles and hadn’t done any real washing, so you stepped out of the tub and onto your rug, which grew dark as it soaked in water that dripped from your body. You stepped over to the glass door that led into your shower, opening it to turn it on and allow the water to heat up a bit. Thank God this apartment building had the water bill included as a paid amenity.
By the time that you were fully ready for the day, it was about eight thirty in the morning. You had taken your time, seeing as how you didn’t really have to be anywhere in a hurry, and you had spent a majority of your time laying upon your bed thumbing down responses to both Stefano and Vincent. You knew that Vincent could be rather talkative via text messages, but you had no idea that Stefano would almost be an equal match for him. You had partaken in several small conversations with him before, but this was the first time he had continuously spoken to you in a non-formal style. You supposed it might have something to do with the fact he had begun to rant about the other columns that he had read that had been released over the course of the past few weeks—they, like yours, were centered around the solo show that he had hosted, and as always, they weren’t singing his praises.
[Stefano]: It simply amazes me how ignorant the masses are, (Name). They appear to willingly ramble on for years about how a photograph of nothing more than a field of grass holds beauty and wonder, yet they refuse to acknowledge the exquisite beauty in the artwork I pour my heart and soul into.
[Me]: I know, Stefano. I don’t understand them, either. I’ll tell you what… how about I come over to your place? We can talk in person there, and maybe do a photo session if that would make you feel better?
[Stefano]: You’re too kind, (Name). I suppose I wouldn’t mind the company. What time do you think you’ll arrive?
[Me]: Hmm… I could be there in about ten minutes if I took the bus. Well… granted the bus isn’t off schedule. We all know the Krimson City bus line isn’t very reliable.
[Stefano]: Ah yes… damnable thing. Well, I will expect you over sometime soon.
You took a glance up at the top right corner of the screen to see that the time was now eight fifty-three, and you quickly got up out of bed. Thankfully the bus typically arrived at around nine, and there was a stop just outside your apartment, so all you had to do was make your way down the stairs. You made sure all the lights and such were turned off as you made your way through the apartment, and then grabbed your heavy coat from inside your coat closet near the entry door. After hastily slipping it on, you grabbed your bag and your keycard, and then made your way out into the wintery city.
The bus, which pulled up to the stop right as you got to the bottom of the stairs, welcomingly allowed you inside with the help of your bus pass. Once you had taken a seat, you noticed at it was nearly empty, save an elderly woman in the very back of the vehicle and a young man who was staring down at his phone. Wait, why did that young man look so familiar?
The man looked up from his phone, only to have a huge smile spread across his lips. He rose to his feet and made his way over to you, plopping down upon the empty seat to your left and giving you a nudge on your shoulder.
“Hey! What are the odds we’d see each other on the bus, huh?”
“I dunno, but it’s pretty nice! Where are you heading, Vincent?”
“Well, I’m just heading down to the library. Thought I’d do a bit of reading there, since I haven’t had any time, y’know? But what about you? Where are you going so early in the morning?”
“I’m just going over to Stefano’s place. He’s all worked up about the other critics and their columns, so I thought I’d give him some company.”
As soon as you answered your best friend, you realized the dire mistake you had made. His eyebrow cocked as a sly grin came upon his lips, and he stared at you as he brought his cheek to rest upon your shoulder—this was something he had done throughout all the years you had known him, so it wasn’t something that particularly bothered you. You knew you were in for some teasing, however, since that was the only time he ever acted like this.
“Giving him some company, hmm? What kind of company are we talking about here?”
“Vincent, it’s nothing like that…”
You shoved him gently, which he greatly over-exaggerated and acted as though you had rammed him full force with your shoulder. This elicited a laugh from the both of you, and you continued to talk about things going on in your daily lives as the bus made various stops around the city. Eventually, the elderly woman ended up getting off of the bus, leaving only you, Vincent, and the bus driver as residents within it. You heard Vincent say something about the next stop being where he had to get off, and you saw his eyes light up as he gave a smile.
“Oh yeah, I entirely forgot! I know you don’t like big parties with tons of people, but on Christmas Eve, we’re heading over to the club on 51st Avenue. Do you want to come along?”
“Mmm… probably not. I just get worn out too quickly when I’m around tons of people like that. Even going to your bar is sometimes a bit much, y’know?”
“Yeah, yeah! I just wanted to ask was all. It’s not a big deal, (Name). But, you better be home at midnight, cause I’m coming to your apartment afterwards and I have a surprise for you!”
You felt the bus come to a stop, and Vincent rose to his feet as he turned his attention to the now-open door that led out onto the snow-covered sidewalk. He then looked at you one last time and placed a hand on your shoulder to say goodbye, and you noticed him wink before hurrying to the front of the bus and hopping out onto the sidewalk. You rolled your eyes—Vincent always was pretty silly around you, but you loved him all the same. You saw him wave through the window as the bus began to drive off, and you waved back at him to give one final goodbye. Now you were the only one, aside from the driver, left upon the lonely bus.
Thankfully the feeling of loneliness wasn’t prolonged for much longer—your stop was directly after Vincent’s, and it felt good to step off of the bus and into the cold air of the city. You wandered a bit down the sidewalk, passing a few people who were on their way to who knows where, and then stopped once you got to the doors that led into Stefano’s building. You looked up, unable to see the top of the building from where you stood, and then pushed the door open to head inside. As you entered, you were greeted by the young woman sitting behind the main desk, and you gave a wave of your hand in response to this before making your way through the lobby and in front of the elevator. Your forefinger pressed gently upon the button with an upright arrow upon it, and you had to wait several minutes whilst the elevator made its way to the bottom floor.
When the doors opened, several residents within the building made their way out, one of which accidentally (or so you’d like to think) nudged you with their shoulder as they walked past you. You shot them a glance over your shoulder as you made your way into the now empty elevator, and pressed the button that would take you to the penthouse suite that Stefano was housed in. The doors pressed shut, and your journey upwards began—thankfully it wasn’t too terribly long, and before you knew it you were walking down the hallway that led up to the artist’s entry door. Once you stopped outside his door, you curled your fingers into your palm and rapped upon the door a few times to alert the resident within. It only took a few moments before the door was opened to reveal Stefano, who was clad in a black suit and red undershirt, and giving you a welcoming smile; as you walked past him, you couldn’t help but think of how dashing his current attire made him look.
“You look very nice today, Stefano.”
“Oh, only today? What about all the previous times we’ve met, hmm?”
“N-no, no! I didn’t mean-“
“I jest, mia cara. Come, allow me to prepare you a drink—is there anything that might suit your fancy at the moment?”
You responded that you would just like some water for the time being, and then watched as Stefano walked into the confines of his kitchen. You decided to head into the living room, where you took a seat upon the couch; it wasn’t long before Stefano exited his kitchen and made his way beside you, gracefully setting your glass of water upon a coaster before taking a seat upon the opposite side of the couch. You leaned over, gripping your glass within your fingers before bringing the rim to your lips and taking a small sip of the chilly liquid within. Once you had set your glass back upon the coaster, you looked over in Stefano’s direction.
“So… are you still upset about the other columns? I know you were pretty worked up about them before I left.”
Stefano gave a quiet hum, and you saw his gaze turn to the framed photographs that rested around the living room. He was silent for a while, but then gave a small smile and gestured in their direction.
“Look at them, (Name). Look at them and tell me you cannot see beauty in them. Glistening crimson contrasting with gentle, pale skin… to me, such a photograph brings wonderful jubilation. And yet those goddamn philistines continue to make a mockery of me and my work.”
You saw the smile that had previously been upon his lips morph into a scowl, and you noticed the whiteness upon his knuckles as he curled his fingers harder into the palm of his hand. It was upsetting to see the artist in such a state of distress, but you kept quiet for the time being—you were going to do nothing more than listen to him, since that seemed to be what he needed right now.
“It has been this way since the day I began my career. With each wonderous picture I take, fifty more fools flock to them and degrade them—degrade me. I have read every article, every column… I have taken every word to heart, though I do not show it. The time I take to make sure every detail is perfect I cannot even begin to fathom, and yet a photograph that has been taken a million times before accumulates more praise. What beauty is there in repetition, (Name)?”
He turned his gaze to you, his brows furrowed and a look upon his face that told you he was pleading for an answer. As a follower of his art for years, you knew he had to have suffered from the ungodly amount of criticism thrown at him, and you had already had a small taste of what he had endured for years. It wasn’t pleasant, to say the very least. You gave a quiet sigh, then laced your fingers together before setting your hands upon your lap.
“I’m honestly not sure, Stefano. People don’t like change… they like things to stick to the norm, and grow anxious when things begin to alter. I suppose that’s why a picture of the same sky we see every day is so pleasing to the masses—they’re used to it. It’s something that’s ‘normal’, and thus makes them feel normal. People aren’t used to seeing blood and death, and so they shame it.”
You heard Stefano give a deep sigh, and he turned his gaze to the floor beneath his feet. You bit your lip as you tried to think of what else to do; you didn’t enjoy seeing him this distraught, you were certain about that. Unsure of what else to do, you scooted yourself across the couch to the cushion beside him, and hesitantly placed a hand upon his shoulder—you felt him tense up slightly at this, but he soon relaxed against your touch.
“If it means anything… I’ll continue fighting for you. I know I’m just one person going against what feels like the world, but dammit I’ll keep doing it. You’re a wonderful artist, Stefano… and people need to recognize that.”
The room was silent for quite some time, and you eventually heard Stefano release a soft breath through his lips. He sat upright, cleared his throat, and then looked in your direction—once more, he had his normal, content expression upon his face. You had to wonder just how much pain he was hiding behind that outward façade, but you knew that you shouldn’t press the issue any further. You grabbed your glass from the coaster upon the table once more, then brought it to your lips to take another sip of the water that it held.
“You know, I must admit that your columns ease the constant criticism that society has thrown upon me, mia cara. Reading them puts my mind at ease, just as your words of praise do. I cannot express my gratitude enough.”
You felt a very faint heat begin to arise within your cheeks, and you knew that it was coming from the fact that Stefano enjoyed reading your columns. After all, you worked hard on them, and if he approved of them, then that was all that mattered. You took yet another drink from your glass, leaving nothing but crystalline cubes of ice left within it now, and then placed it back down upon the table before beginning to speak.
“I’m glad they can bring you happiness, Stefano. Now… how about we try to take you mind off of all those imbeciles, hmm? Care to do a photoshoot with me?”
You would have sworn you saw a spark ignite within Stefano’s eye, and you noticed the smile upon his lips only broadened as he hastily rose to his feet. Seeing how quickly he paced across the room to turn on his photography lights was certainly something to behold—he certainly was enthusiastic whenever it came to doing the thing he loved most. He gestured for you to make your way over to where he currently was, and you willingly did just that. After all, you wished to see him content at the very least, and if allowing him to take photographs of you did that, then you would never refuse.
Before you knew it, nightfall had already taken hold of the city. You had been so preoccupied with Stefano and his photography that time had seemingly slipped away from the two of you, but you didn’t mind this whatsoever. Of course, you hadn’t spent the entire day doing nothing but taking pictures—after a few hours, the two of you had returned to the living room of his studio and spoke about various things, which included interests that the two of you had (you were quite surprised to learn that Stefano had an affinity for older musicians, such as Doris Day and Frank Sinatra, and that he possessed the ability to play the piano).
Now, however, you were unfortunately about to leave the artist’s abode and begin the journey back to your own apartment. You slipped your coat on over your shoulders, making sure to zip the front of it up before slipping the strap of your bag over your shoulder. Stefano had been kind enough to accompany you to the doorway of his studio, and he stooped over to open the door for you to make your way through it. You thanked him, wished him a good night, and then began to take your leave down the hallway. However, you were stopped by a call of your name, and you turned to see that Stefano had stepped outside his studio and made the short walk to stop in front of you.
“I almost entirely forgot to ask you about this, but do you have any plans for Natale, (Name)?”
You cocked your head slightly, unsure about how to answer his question. After a few moments, Stefano gave a chuckle upon realizing that you weren’t aware of what Natale meant.
“Ah, forgive me. Do you have any plans for Christmas?”
“Oh! Well… Vincent, erm, my best friend, asked me if I wanted to go clubbing that night, but I’m not one for loud places with tons of people. So, I said no. But uh… to directly answer your question, no. I don’t currently have any plans. Why?”
“Well… perhaps you might partake in an evening here at my studio? I could prepare dinner for us, and we could enjoy each other’s company.”
You swallowed hard, your heart suddenly giving several hard thumps within your chest that made it rather difficult to breathe for a moment. You weren’t quite sure why, but you didn’t really care about it at the moment—you were more concerned with the offer that Stefano had made you. Once your body managed to allow you to breathe properly once more, you gave a smile and a quick nod of your head.
“Of course! I’d greatly enjoy an evening like that, Stefano. What time would you like me to come over?”
“Hmm… I believe six should be fine.”
“Alright! I’ll uh… I’ll see you then, Stefano. Have a good night, okay?”
“I shall do my best, (Name). Buona notte, mia cara.”
You gave him a soft smile, then turned around and began to make your way down the hallway towards the elevator. For some reason, you felt extremely giddy, and you couldn’t shake the feeling of happiness the entire way back to your apartment. Whenever you finally did arrive home, you sighed happily and threw your bag down near the entrance, then hung up your coat and flopped down onto the couch with a smile still plastered across your face. You felt silly—you were acting like a teenager that had just met their favorite celebrity, but you were too overjoyed to care. You were going to spend a nice, quiet evening with the artist you admired the most, and that was all that mattered to you.
You grabbed your remote from the table in the center of the room, turning on the television to one of your favorite channels and relaxing against the plush couch beneath you. It wasn’t long before sleep claimed you as its own, the background noise of the television providing you with some vivid, interesting dreams whilst you slept peacefully throughout the night.
Author’s Note (1): Apologies for the excessive summation throughout the chapter. I promise I’ll make it up in upcoming chapters.
Author’s Note (2): Yes, Stefano’s interests and ability to play the piano are head canons of my own.
Author’s Note (3): Thanks to all of you who have kept up with this story so far. The comments and reviews I have received really warm my heart, and they help me keep going forward with my writing. I love every single one of you, and I’m so glad I have the opportunity to make you guys happy.
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