#these comments actually exists... one even was written... by someone... who supported TRANS GENOCIDE!
woomycritiques543 · 11 months
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Um... I was on Youtube and I just saw this cursed af image of Moxxie in an upcoming ep. ..WTF is going on??
Ok, already answered this, but:
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The stans harassed me real hard for this one. One even called drag queens "F&&GOTS!" and said that the laws I literally said were genocide were "GOOD LAWS!" because some of them, are just that desperate for Helluva Boss softcore porn that they'd let stereotypes of androgynous people being stereotyped as "A DANGER TO CHILDREN!" be released to the public, in the middle of a harsh political climate from people using the exact stereotype Vivziepop put into this episode to justify a potiential minority genocide.
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Multiple fans either supported the ant-trans laws, are homophobic, or called me saying that trans lives don't deserve to die for being trans "MAKING ME LOSE BRAINCELLS! SO STUPID!"
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So even something as universal as:
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"Hey Spindlehorse, this is an episode that contains stereotypes that are currently being used against the lgbt+ community to encourage a genocide happening in Florida right now towards androygnous people, transgender people, and drag queens and transphobes have been trying to make lgbt+, as a whole, look like "a danger to/around kids!" to try to justify getting us harassed, abused, along with killed and to use the public's fear of what they dont understand to vote more transphobes into office. transphobes! So maybe, actually care about your representation of minorities instead of shoving in stereotypes for 4chan views? Especially at a time where we need all the good representation we can get and releasing this episode so soon could cause literal deaths within the lgbt+ community to have an even further chance of happening if there's more public media representing us as "A danger around children." You know... a stereotype being used, right now, to justify a literal genocide against minorities, and conservatives are using these stereotypes to make people paranoid of us and our existence, so Vivienne, maybe consider your timing for the sake of the lgbtqia community, as a whole -and dont release this episode in such a politically hostile climate towards LGBTQ+ known as 2023 and post pone it until things cool down so people don't potientially get killed because more people voted for Desantis because of your content for the love of God, stereotypes are not "just hyperbole!" this is getting serious now at this point what are you doing?!"
Still ended up causing the stans to say shit like this, because they're that hellbent on getting more material of Moxxie being fetishized and mocked for being feminine as rushed out as possible, even to the level of sexualizing him while he's meant to be disguised as a preteen girl, that they'd ignore real life genocide towards minorities and how Vivziepop's episode will 100% effect the votes towards Desantis next year, so these are the exact stereotypes Viv should not be using in this episode, at all, especially this year, as conservatives have been trying to make us look like a "DANGER AROUND CHILDREN!" for decades and to release this episode in a political climiate currently using this exact stereotype to try to justify genocide towards the trans community, if it means that they get to further fetishize feminine men by calling them "FEMBOYS!" and jacking off to more Helluva Boss hentai on 4CHAN and Rule 34, and instead of... I dont know... caring about real people that are suffering right now?!
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.... this is the "progressive good faith!" standom Vivziepop told you about... they're definitely not "good faith" that's for sure.
So it's no wonder why there are multiple Vivziepop stans that would ignore or defend something like Vivziepop's transphobic dms or ignore the fact that she supports Blaire White:
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PS: Femme Moxxie is not "cursed. Femme Moxxie is still just as valid and cool as macullaine Moxxie. Double PS: The fact that I even heard the words "trans genocide are good laws!" come out of a Helluva Boss stan's mouth, right after Pride Month, RIGHT after Pride Month, shows just how down the shitter this fandom has become.... holy shit...
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desbianherstory · 4 years
are you a terf?
1. I’m tired of this but here is a post with some links answering related questions. Anyway, I’ve decided to do something unfortunately long-winded in this answer.
2. The term ‘terf’ was created in 2008 by Viv Smythe, a self-described “cis-het” woman who ran a feminist blog. She would post feminist news and events to this blog. In February 2008, she made one such post about a party to celebrate the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. A few comments were left on the post decrying Michfest due to the controversy over the festival’s policy on trans inclusion. Smythe replied: “I don’t intend to censor any mention of a feminist group or event simply because their feminisms may not be my feminisms.” A trans woman commented on the post saying that Smythe should have included a disclaimer: “An editors note saying that this festival was problematic. Very simple, and beyond fair, methinks. As in Note: This festival excludes a highly marginalized group of women, and is considered by some as problematic. As much as I loathe the actions of this crowd, they too have a right to be part of the plurality of feminisms… even at the cost of trans women’s lives (as in dead from lack of services) that have been lost to the atmosphere of exclusion promoted by their transphobic ideas.” Smythe updated the post with such a disclaimer.
An organizer for the party also commented on the post saying, “To report, we spoke with MichFest – They do not have a written policy, or any policy for that matter on Trans. Trans womyn are welcome to the party.” Smythe did not find this sufficiently convincing, saying that Lisa Vogel, organizer of the festival, needed to make a clear statement on the issue.
3. In her guardian piece on creating the term ‘terf’, Smythe explains that the February post about the Michfest party led to the creation of the term as “commenters sent me on a rapid learning curve regarding trans-exclusion issues both specific to Michfest and in general.” If you look to the actual post, it generated a very limited response: 7 replies from 4 users and they were all specifically about Michfest.
In any case, on August 17, 2008, half a year after the Michfest post, Smythe wrote a blog post denouncing ‘terfs’ (the first use of the term) in regards to the internet discussions on gender identity going on amongst other feminist bloggers. These discussions had nothing to do with Michfest and were in no way a continuation of the discussion going on in the comment section of the Michfest post six months prior. However, though the denouncing terfs post is linked in the guardian piece, the specifics of these feminist blogging debates are not mentioned at all. Instead, Smythe depicts Michfest as the start and center of the ‘terf’ term creation story. Indeed, she highlights the fact that a few days after the denouncing terfs post, she made another post about ‘terfs’, this time apologizing for having posted about Michfest at all and committing to never promoting a trans-exclusionary event again. She quotes herself as having written on Michfest: “I am aware that this decision is likely to affront some trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), but it must be said: marginalising trans women at actual risk from regularly documented abuse /violence in favour of protecting hypothetical cis women from purely hypothetical abuse/violence from trans women in women-only safe-spaces strikes me as horribly unethical as well as repellently callous.” In so doing, Smythe emphasizes that ‘terf’ was created to describe and denounce Michfest.
4. In the guardian piece, Smythe compares ‘terfs’ to racists: “Much of the factional divide here comes down to yet another gatekeeping argument about purity in feminism, perennial since the women’s suffrage movement, and this one has uncomfortable echoes of Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s arguments against extending voting rights to black men.”
It is unclear to me how a music festival organized by lesbians can be seen as equivalent to saying black men should not be allowed to vote, or how a music festival somehow results in anyone’s death from lack of services, or how wanting a female-centric music festival can be described as horribly unethical and repellantly callous. Disagreeing with Michfest’s policies does not make any of these statements make any kind of sense. They are more than hyperbolic; they are distortions. However, this has been the narrative consistently chosen and advanced about Michfest. Similarly, Jill Soloway’s Transparent directly compares Michfest to Nazi Germany. Somehow lesbians organizing a female-centric music festival in the woods is equivalent to white supremacy and genocide. Indeed, in an editorial for the The Bilerico Project, Barbra Siperstein somehow managed to compare Michfest to the Westboro Baptist Church (in addition to accusing Michfest organizers of penis envy). 
5. The exact details of what happened at Michfest are not hugely important to this post. There are a number of resources that one can look into: Emi Koyama, TransSisters, Bonnie Morris’ The Disappearing L: The Erasure of Lesbian Spaces, Riki Anne Wilchins’ TRANS/gressive: How Transgender Activists Took on Gay Rights, Feminism, the Media & Congress ... and Won! etc. I’ve drawn my own conclusions but what matters here is how did a lesbian music festival become made into such a flashpoint?  And the one and only answer is lesbophobia.
As Lisa Vogel reflected in 2018: “Michigan became a tool that trans activists and gay activists could wield against a larger homophobic mainstream culture. They could say, ‘This is an example of intolerance even in our own community.’ Gay men don’t come from a radical lesbian analysis so they don’t understand why we believe what we believe. [...] The press covered Camp Trans wildly, and I would try to respond. [The portrayal] was in a way that is straight up misogyny — by the gay press and the straight press. We cannot forget how defensive everybody is about having womyn’s space. It was kind of perfect for the straight press and the gay press to have someone hammering us about having exclusive space that was supposedly [from] within the community. All kinds of things happen within the gay male community that is exclusive of trans people, that is exclusive of womyn, that is exclusive of, for example anyone except bears. They have complete autonomy of whoever they want to include. It’s frustrating that this [exclusivity] is only held against womyn, I think it was used as a tool by the all-of-a-sudden exploding trans community to be pitted against these “nasty lesbian separatists.” [...] The reality is that Michigan already did not have the support of the gay community and we were an embarrassment to the gay organizations, who were all trying to be mainstream. And we were not trying to be mainstream, we are trying to live a different ethic and a different politic. No we won’t fly an HRC flag. No, we won’t do that.”
This also accords with the specific way that lesbian separatism is demonized. Lesbian separatism was literally modelled after the separatist movements created by people of colour. And indeed, many lesbians separatists were women of colour. In lesbian film-maker Pratibha Parmar's A Place of Rage, Angela Davis (also a lesbian!) specifically talks about the importance of separatism to women of colour. Yet lesbian separatism is viewed as some unique evil produced by uniquely evil dyke minds instead of a rational response to lesbophobia within feminist organizing and to misogyny within gay rights activism.
6. I think the history of the term ‘terf’ is important to understanding how it is used today. The woman who created the term has put forward a narrative where it was created in direct response to a lesbian musical festival in the woods; she does not say it was created to address transphobia amongst radical feminists, she does not say it was created to protest housing or employment or healthcare discrimination. She specifically tells us that discussing Michfest’s policies was where it began. Thus, while never naming lesbians, she advances a mean lesbians narrative. She, along with many others, advances a narrative where lesbians having a female-centric music festival is equivalent to denying people of colour their basic civil rights. And that is how it continues to be used today. We see lesbians being attacked as ‘terfs’ for literally being ourselves (being exclusively attracted to other female people) and for things of absolutely zero consequence (for saying that we would like to live with our partner in a house with a garden and a cat, for using the venus symbol, for joking that we don’t need birth control etc) and all of this is absolutely in keeping with how and why the term was created. Lesbian existence, lesbian culture, lesbian history becomes ‘terf’ violence. The mean lesbians are at it again. I have no interest in granting legitimacy to this term when its very origin is tied to demonizing lesbians and believe other lesbians shouldn’t either.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Old post I know but-
Point still needs to be made.
You bigoted geek-ass homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist MOTHERFUCKERS still don’t understand what the problem is, do you?
Looks like you’re finally getting some self awareness.
Oh wait, you’re not talking about yourself? Huh.
This is not the “rwde community” looking to tear RWBY to shreds ever since Monty died or whatever bullshit excuses you keep coming up with everytime ppl critique this cartoon
My past two years say the exact opposite and what should I trust: my instincts or a liar?
This is the fact that REAL LGBT people watch this show; real NON-WHITE people watch this show; real WOMEN watch this show, and WOMEN are the literal lead characters of this show. But those parts of the audience wind up disappointed with the lack of care, consideration, or prioritization in this weak-ass writing, where only the art and animation salvage it.
Then why are some of the most prominent fans of the community LGBT, Non-white and/or women? I mean, surely if this was handled so poorly they wouldn’t be so prominent. Unless of course, the issue isn’t with the show but a certain group of people with a similar thought process (that being “If it doesn’t pander to me, it’s bigotry!.’)
Diversity isn’t a fucking myth like you think just because you have less social aptitude than a fucking rock, or because you refuse to interact with anyone that isn’t the same as you.
Says the woman who rejects other LGBT/non white people for not thinking exactly like her.
Monty was GENTLY asked in a post-show interview if there’d be LGBT+ rep in RWBY, and he confirmed yes. That was 2014.
And he also fucked over his own show numerous times. He wasn’t exactly a good writer so him saying that would have probably resulted in a ham fisted, out of place moment of gay angst that would never be mentioned ever again.
What Miles Luna, Kerry Shawcross, and Gray Haddock have done, instead of giving us a named PROTAGONIST character to be the first instance of that rep, they made the first openly gay character a VILLAIN. (no, Matte Sky does not count bc the VOICE ACTOR named them, not the creators)
You mean the single sympathetic villain who would later get a redemption arc among the other straight villians who are portrayed as irredeemable and monstrous *cough* ADAM *cough*.
Oh no, how terrible. You get a complex and well written character instead of the edgelord. 
Nothing is groundbreaking about that trash. LGBT+ historians and fandoms have noted that in the media, villains were portrayed as gay, trans, or implied as such for YEARS. (it’s called “queercoding”)
And that’s called ‘bullshit’ because coding is only ever brought up in subjective ways.
Not only that: You were never promised something GROUND BREAKING. Show me where it was said that. 
Monty was GENTLY asked by fans at a convention when more brown characters would be in RWBY. He confirmed that Sun and Velvet have “cool” dark-skinned teammates. That was 2013. (after an animation panel at Supanova)
So no, this isn’t just “rabid tumblrinas” hounding the creators for the sake of being special snowflakes like you fucking think. These are real fucking people who love the soul of this show but don’t actually SEE THEMSELVES IN IT. And Monty, rest his soul, was so excited and earnest in wanting to be inclusive so this show could be shared and loved by more people.
Yeah and Miles and Kerry get death threats over this. That was proven in 2018. I could not care less.
And here’s the deal: If you cannot relate to a character because they do not share the same skin color as you, you do not DESERVE a character to relate to. Because creators are suppose to make compelling characters and skin color is NOT COMPELLING. Expecting me to find a character compelling because they are white is honestly INSULTING to me.
But the fact is that it’s not as inclusive as it could be. Even when he was alive, he made missteps too. And it’s not even like it’d be a big deal to fix. But hateful people go out of their way EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. to make it seem like it’d be such a lorebreaking addition to make a character brown, gay, or trans.
The fact that ‘it’s not as inclusive as it could have be’ is a flaw shows you do not actually care about the show. Because you care SO LITTLE about the show actually being good you try to prioritize something COMPLETELY DIVORCED from quality above all else.
And no one wanted them to just do it because it was not the right fucking time or place. Imagine a character in Berserk went off on a tangent about how gay they are. That’d be pretty cringy right? Now think of that same thing in MHA. Not even bad now is it? Because one is not built to support this and the other CAN support it.
Honestly, the way they handled Illa, from a purely writing standpoint, is the best way they could have gone about it. It’s used to emphasize her pain with Blake and quickly takes a backburner for Illa’s more personal and universal issues. They showed it was athing before moving onto more pressing matters.
It makes absolutely ZERO SENSE how a FANTASY REALM can be lacking so much variety in terms of its inhabitants. And Diversity is an AFTERTHOUGHT. Or a “lorebreaker” (remember the homophobic “how would you show gay characters? just have them make out during the chaos? That’d make no sense!” argument? Fun times!!!)
Damn near every single piece of fanart about Illa emphasizes her being gay, apparently that was an informed guess on their part. And honestly ticks me off since Illa is so much more than that.
How many times do we have to sift through the garbage comments on fanart (FAN ART!!!) of Blake being portrayed as black, as if that’s some huge leap from what she could have represented in the first place?
Representation doesn't matter here, it's the fact that these designs usually look like shit because the people making don’t care about good character design and use dark skin on a design that is built around light skin. It’s like if someone made a light skinned Emerald-it would look fucking awful.
How many times do ppl turn a blind eye to femslash fanart of team RWBY but suddenly complain when someone mentions the notion of one of the characters in team RWBY actually being canonically gay? Or bi? Or pan? Anything outside or in-between?
Never. I have literally never seen that happened. I’ve seen people be called homophobic for shipping straight ships before I say this.
Hateful people are like “u should be thankful” when they’re having a buffet of representation and we only get, not just breadcrumbs, but moldy ones that the ants are crawling on. Then, when we make our own stuff to satisfy us (again: FAN ART! FANFIC! HEADCANONS!!!) they’re suddenly so defensive and wanna police our shit???
A. Nobody has ever just eaten certain foods because of their color,
B. You actively REFUSE to accept any character that isn’t EXACTLY like you and proceed to try to hurt REAL PEOPLE over this. Mold crumbs with ants on them is more than you deserve, honestly STRAVATION is more than you deserve.
C. Making fanart and fanfics that are fundamentally WORSE than canon and calling it ‘fixed’ or ‘improved’ like these people always do is insulting. You are actively pissing people off.
Oh and D. I have seen people ATTACK OTHERS over them not following their headcanons.
RWBY’s first dark-skinned character was a villain. That’s not representation, that reinforces racist beliefs that black people are thugs and thieves that can’t be trusted and need to be put down.
Yes, a dark skinned character with understandable motives, symapethic beliefs and conflcits about her actions.
Meanwhile, the white guy Adam is portrayed as an edgelord monster who seeks genocide and talks like a Nazi.
RWBY’s first openly GAY character is a villain. That’s NOT representation. That reinforces homophobic beliefs that lesbians are predatory temptresses that seduce your daughters and sisters to lead them down a path of hellfire and brimstone.
Yes, the sympathetic lesbian who has shown more love and care and respect for Blake than her straight abusive boyfriend.
Adam pretty much exists to DISPROVE your shit on this front. All the bullshit you complain about in Illa ACTUALLY EXISTS in Adam except WORSE.
RWBY has been making transphobic jokes since volume 1 (Penny’s “*gasp* Is she a man?” reference to Blake) Those jokes reinforce the transphobic belief that trans people wear disguises to bait unassuming people so that they can harm them eventually.
A. Name me a single trans person who said that, let alone enough people for me to even consider that.
And B. Adam is cisgendered and a genocidial Nazi. Good luck beating that.
It’s not rocket science. Rooster Teeth’s animated show, “RWBY” has a problem not just with it’s writing, but with diversity. Pure and simple. And this show has had since 2014 to improve. But you’re still surprised that some of us are fucking mad.
And yet every single example you gave not only doesn’t work but would set a standard for STRAIGHT WHITE PEOPLE to complain about their representation. 
You and everyone in RWDE are mad because you WANT to be mad. It justifies the immoral bullshit you pull on a daily basis...
Huh, exactly like Adam.
Guess you guys ARE represented after all. And quite accurately.
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