#theres been a case where a woman didnt even need surgery and was able to naturally recover after a few weeks
You know, I am perhaps morbidly curious about what a fall like that would've done to Mine. Because I've seen a ballistics dummy (whose joints were admittedly not reinforced in true-to-life fashion) fall from twenty feet and its entire arm and lower legs just... came off... and the impact exerted "38,000 pounds of pressure" on its head. But I'm also aware of cases where the body was almost pristine, at least to the naked eye. But also... Nay, I shan't say.
In the case of his survival though, I do completely agree with anon--discounting injuries to the head and chest, the most common less-lethal injuries are to the spine, pelvis, and limbs. So there must be lasting damage aside from the bullet wounds. As such, Mine with a Sick-Ass Wheelchair has been a favorite of mine for years. RGG's universe is a bit more advanced than ours medically and technologically, too, so I'm also partial to cyborg Mine.
I honestly don't care (just kidding I do) as long as he survived lol, whatever explanation they come up with I'll accept blindly. But I do think it would be funny for Mine to end up in a coma for years while he Went And Did All That because Daigo was in a coma for a week.
i've been morbidly curious myself about the survivability of falls from X heights and it definitely is possible to survive even things like skydiving gone wrong, so it's not out of the realm of possibility of mine to walk away (or. not walk away depending on the injury) relatively fine
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