#there are people with unpopular opinions on how to use this site
olderthannetfic · 2 months
i keep seeing people talk about making ao3 'more accessible' and what they seem to mean by that is dumbing down use of the site so that people won't have to, heaven forfend, learn to click around like the rest of us did to figure out how to use it and... maybe an unpopular opinion, but i don't think ao3 needs to be more accessible to internet noobs. i don't think any amount of slapping pictures and video tutorials on the front page will make the people who actually need to view them do so, for one thing, and for another... ao3 does not need to be the one stop shop for every fandom everywhere and user-friendly for brand new users who never learned the magic of Just Fucking Clicking Buttons.
it was never meant to be the be all end all of fandom, and people who can't be bothered to meet ao3 where it is should not be catered to just in the name of accessibility. i think maybe it's a good idea to still have some bastions of Old Internet around to force people to learn a little self-reliance, given how poor the state of computer and internet education is these days (because schools assume that since everyone grows up with tablets and smartphones glued to their cute little fists that means they can navigate desktop computers and the internet with skill, even though the opposite is true).
the best way to learn is by doing. and there are already tutorials for how to do all of these things all over the internet. if kids these days aren't even aware of how to google when they can't figure out how to do things, i don't want them on ao3! they will bring that willful ignorance with them and we already have enough wattpad babies trying to replicate their fic finder lists as it is
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Unpopular Opinion:
Shango's Thoughts:
We Gotta Do Better At Getting Our Act Together
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Yesterday we held a job fair at my company, where we held open interviews to walk-in candidates.
The only requirements were:
Register an account online at our website
Apply for at least one job on the site
RSVP to the invite with your contact info
Come to the event with your resume & dressed for interviews.
I was one of the hiring managers (& one of the FEW Black ones), who was conducting interviews.
The girl in the pic (that I took) with her back to the door, wearing Chewbacca the Wookie boots was upset because she wasn't getting interviews.
None of the managers (myself included) refused to interview her.
One of the HR reps tried to explain to her, that she wasn't appropriately dressed for the event.
She had the nerve to ask what was wrong with the way she was dressed, & the HR rep pointed to her shoes.
She said "my shoes look damn good"....
The rep said "I'm sure they do (🙄, that shit looked goofy as fuck), but they are not appropriate attire for this hiring event".
She got mad, talking about some "we're discriminating against her" (which wasn't true; the lady across from her was appropriately dressed, & she got 2 interviews--one from me, & one from another manager).
We finally had to ask her to leave the building. Granted, she wasn't the only one there that was no appropriately dressed, but she was the most disrespectful one.
This stuff happens all the time. If you can't follow basic instructions (especially in my prifession), then you will not get past the first steps.
Most of this comes from Negropeans that come dressed like they just rolled out of bed (alot of the other races don't do this) but most of those are younger people.
And it's not just women, it's the guys too. Wearing bright red Jordan's to an interview. These folks spend meticulous time trying to look like Ronald McDonald, & then wonder why that's the only place that will hire them.
If you can spend whatever amount of money to buy shoes that look like you are auditioning for a Rap video, then you can spend a fraction of that amount & go to TJ Maxx & buy a decent pair of interview shoes 👞 to be prepared to enter various venues & be successful in them.
It's not even rocket science. Putting together a basic wardrobe should not be difficult.
But folks have let ✌🏿urban culture✌🏿 dictate their entire existence, so they don't know how to function in other venues. They come in wearing gold teeth, bright colors, tats on their face, & shirts with obnoxious messages on them.
And its not just the aesthetics; their demeanor is terrible. The language they use, zero mannerisms, etc.
What needs to be learned, is nobody is going to accept you, because theres no rule that says nobody has to.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 8 months
Okay I know this is referring to a very specific phenomenon but takes like this still PISS ME THE FUCK OFF. Screenshot below.
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[Image ID: two screenshots of a tumblr post which reads: ive been on tumblr a long time and i remember when everyone said "oh don't romanticize mental illness" and it was agreed that doing that was gross and a good way to kill people indirectly
but somehow we've come full circle and there are people who legit defend their right to be anti-recovery there are people who don't want to get better and spread the idea that you can't get better as if it's gospel and it's fucking frightening to me bc nobody seems to want to say "hey? this is toxic and untrue and is your disease speaking, and it's not something you should accept."
and i feel like every recovery post gets about 500 of these people saying "this isn't something that will work" "cool karen i'm depressed" "maybe it worked for you but it won't work for other people" and that's... just... im so sorry if you're 15. i'm sorry if you're in high school and watching grown adults tell you it doesn't get better. that nobody says that with time and help and patience the world stops being so heavy, that accepting your illness as a fact is one thing but accepting it as the only way to be is just wrong, that you can learn to live with it and still find some degree of "happy".... if i had seen this shit back when i was ... oh god starting at 12 when i was already self-harming .... i think i'd have actually honest-to-god killed myself. not a joke, not a funny tumblr punchline, i would have actually just killed myself.
i'm saying this right here and right now to the adults on this site. if you for any reason shoot down positivity that's causing no harm - you might have indirectly worsened someone else's condition, and you should try and do better in the future. if you find it necessary to tell people "recovery is a lie", you need to do better. i know everyone has different circumstances, but i also know that mental illness behaves in such a way that everyone thinks they can't recover. if you feel like you should be spreading the Word Of Relapse, you are causing toxic language to be normalized and you need to do better.
im team "cool karen ive got depression and that means i'm going to try this because i've got to try something" i'm team "romanticize recovery" i'm team "it isn't working now but it might in the future and it's worth staying to find out” im team “hey this didn't work for me but it might help somebody else out"
fuck guys it shouldn't be an unpopular opinion to say "i don't want any of you to die". /end ID]
Stop denying the autonomy of mentally ill and mad people and saying "this is just your mental illness speaking and if you think this you need to be forced to recover for your own good"!!! You're a huge fucking ableist if you do this! It's something I've fucking accepted because constantly fighting against it was causing me MORE HARM than learning to live as a person with mental illness, fuck off!
Some people genuinely can't recover! Get this, some people have MORE SEVERE mental or physical illness than you. How is this fucking different than saying "[medication] or [treatment regimen] made my MCAS/POTS go into complete remission, so why are you still experiencing anaphylactic episodes despite trying every possible intensive treatment/med?"
(I try to only use examples I have personal experience with whenever possible to avoid unintentional ableism. This one is especially apt though as depression and most mental illnesses are not an acute injury, but rather a chronic illness. Remission is possible for some people. At least currently, a "cure" isn't, and recovery is usually closer to management than complete healing. Ofc not all injuries can heal either, but I think it's more apt to compare apples to apples here.)
Also, depression isn't the only mental illness, double fuck off!
Get this, I know my own needs and my own brain and my own illness better than you, triple fuck off!
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Like yes, don't shit on positivity posts. In the same way anti-recovery posts aren't for everyone, if a recovery positivity post isn't for you, just move on. Filter or block if you need to.
That being said, there's a difference between positivity posts and posts that say "recovery/this aspect of recovery is mandatory". That kind of "positivity" IS causing harm. Stating "hey this isn't mandatory for recovery and recovery itself is optional, do what helps you most even if that means remaining mentally ill" isn't fucking "spreading the Word of Relapse".
Also "maybe it worked for you but it won't work for everyone" is quite literally not an attack and CERTAINLY not anti-recovery. There isn't a single recovery tool on the PLANET that will work for everyone. That's just a fucking fact.
All I can think of when I see this is that OP probably reblogged that post that basically said "you need to brush your teeth, if you don't you're harming yourself and are therefore a Bad Person, and if you can't, you can actually and are basically just refusing to recover out of laziness I mean because you're not trying hard enough I mean because you don't want to and your poor mental health is basically therefore your fault." Because yes, that was the implication of that post.
Refusing to acknowledge that people can be disabled enough BY ANY ILLNESS to not be able to recover isn't actually helping mentally ill people.
Like, even setting aside that I literally romanticize my mental illnesses as a healthy coping mechanism (signed off on by my therapist, in case you only believe people certified by the oppressive institution known as psychiatry), even setting aside that I have mental illnesses that can't be cured and that I don't want treated in part or in whole (I don't want meds or therapy for my schizophrenia, I only want to achieve functional multiplicity with my DID, as examples)...
It's not "spreading the idea that you can't get better" to acknowledge that SOME people can't get better. First of all, fucking curate your own online experience. Second of all, me saying I will never live without severe anxiety, as one example, is exactly the same as me saying I'll never be able to navigate the world without a mobility aid. It's fucking acknowledging my material reality. It's better for ME to stop wasting all my energy on the stuff that I either fully can't do or that hurts me to try to do and focus on what PERSONALLY makes my quality of life better, even if it makes me MORE ILL.
Finally, even if someone CAN recover, they don't fucking owe you that! There is no moral imperative for them to recover! If them choosing to continue to be mentally ill (by which this post only means depression, but even then), is triggering to you, that's a fucking you problem.
Give people the tools to recover, but forced recovery is inherently a form of violence because it violates a person's autonomy! Why don't you focus on building a society where the social conditions responsible for a good portion of depression are simply gone instead of yelling at mentally ill disabled people on the internet who make choices about their own illness that you don't like?
And stop fucking saying "if you make a decision I disagree with, it's your mental illness speaking and you're not actually capable of recognizing that or of making your own decisions (and therefore need "rescuing")"!!!
That's the justification used for institutionalization and psychiatric abuse.
That's the reason so many psychotic people who are not harming anyone have their psychosis forcibly suppressed via nonconsensual medication. (And quite honestly, even for those few that are causing harm, there are other options besides "lose all autonomy" and "be harmfully medicated into an approximation of a sanist concept of normalcy that is actually just drugging someone into docile compliance". Make no mistake, antipsychotics themselves are not inherently harmless and DO require informed consent. Though I am all for their usage by people who DO grant noncoerced informed consent; I'm not anti-med, I'm pro-consent.
It's not "normalizing toxic language" to literally argue for mad liberation and respecting the autonomy of mentally ill people. To say "I actually know my own self and experiences best and can therefore say this is not coming from the mental illness" or EVEN "it is coming from the mental illness, but I am still capable of making the decision to choose this anyway, because mental illness does not make me inherently incapable of consent" (yes, even if it causes the brain to be in an altered state, stop with that paternalistic bullshit), isn't something you need to "do better" about.
Fuck off.
Another thing: why do these posts ALWAYS go hand in hand with childism. It's a bunch of "15 years olds being hurt by the meanie adults who say they can't get better" and "toxic evil adults harming kids by teaching them that it's okay to make peace with being unhealthy because what's best for people isn't universal and our idea of recovery is very rigid anyway as proven by the idea that accepting your mental illness as it is isn't recovery".
I see you, 15 year olds who ARE mentally ill and are writing about mad liberation and anti-recovery and are wildly more capable and coming up with ideas in those veins that are blowing us all out of the water. For what it's worth, I'm proud of you, and my only wish for you is that you find the peace, whatever that means, that is best for you.
"if I had read this at 12 I would have actually killed myself" I'm glad you didn't, then, but that doesn't mean the sentiment shouldn't exist.
If anti-recovery isn't for you, that's fine. What's not fine is acting like it's inherently harmful and is a form of violence against every mentally ill person ever. Because many of us have been harmed by a culture that is "pro-recovery" and its logical extreme, forced recovery.
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I saw something really interesting today. I saw a post from a TERF mockingly asking "why can't trans women just build their own shelters and leave us real women alone?"
And I got transported the fuck back like 9 years ago, still on this site, where I would frequently see the exact same type of posts being made about cis men. "Why can't men just build their own shelters and leave us women alone?" (Which would inevitably lead to never showing any support or the even the barest of friendliness for the ones who did build shelters for male victims, and saying nothing about the "women's rights groups" who would show up to government meetings to advocate against giving any support to those shelters because "leaving us women alone" wasn't enough for them.)
9 years later things are a bit better in the fighting back against radfems on tumblr front but this is still a bit of the elephant in the room. TERFs hate trans women because they think they're men and they hate men. And you can march around all you want proclaiming how trans-friendly you are, but if you're perpetuating that mockery and hatred of men (yes, even cis men), you're literally still being part of the problem. Hatred of cis men is what TERFs use to justify hating and demonizing trans women and trans men.
The thing is, if you hate men, if you advocate for hating men, you're gonna have to define what you think the definition of "man" is. Either you don't believe trans people are the gender they say they are, or you advocate the hatred of trans people. You can't separate misandry from transphobia any more than you can separate the misogyny from it.
When you mock the idea of misandry, when you advocate for it, even as "a joke", you are giving power to radfems and TERFs.
(And also, apparently unpopular opinion, but you should consider men as human people anyway, even if they're cis and straight. You should not have to be told about the logical extension of harm to trans and other queer people to "justify" caring about men as people and caring about men who are victims of abuse and rape. Spit out the radfem koolaid right the fuck now.)
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the-asexuality-blog · 2 years
Hello, everyone!
ETA: if you hate the changes to Tumblr as much as I do, please go here, select “Feedback” from the dropdown menu, and tell @support how you feel and why. Be as detailed as you can. Staff have rolled back unpopular features before when we complained enough. In the meantime, you can get the old dash back by following the instructions on this post.
Now, back to business:
You can call me Moira (She/He/They, whatever). I used to follow @theasexualityblog back in the day, but the Disk Horse drove so many of us away. I want to revive the community. I’m old and tough; the exclusionists can’t do anything that I can’t handle. I don’t have much experience managing a community blog, so anyone’s input is welcome.
For those who want more information on asexuality as an orientation, particularly in the capacity of an educator, visit What Is Asexuality?
For those who are over eighteen years old, please consider also joining Acebook, which is ostensibly a dating site, but I don’t think any of us actually uses it that way.
For those under eighteen, or anyone seeking further categorized information on asexuality, visit the Asexual Visibility and Awareness Network, or their Tumblr page @avenpt
I’ll answer questions to the best of my ability, of course, but those three resources predate me, so make sure to check them out.
This part is probably going to lose me some followers, but I want to make my position clear.
I recently saw an infographic that had an addendum that “acehet” and “arohet” people don’t count as part of the community.
Now, listen: if a trans woman were exclusively attracted to men, would we say she wasn’t part of the community because she’s “basically straight”? Of course not. Not unless she chose to identify that way. Her shared experience of being trans would be, by itself, enough to make her part of the trans community if she wanted to be.
Why should we make different rules for other identities? We are not defined by who our partners are—if we were, every person in the world who is not currently in a relationship would be “basically aroace.”
So-called “acehet” and “arohet” people share our experiences of being aspec, and that by itself is intersection enough to include them in our community if they want to be part of it.
I’m not going to tolerate any form of exclusionism on this blog. We need all the solidarity we can get, especially at times like these, when queer rights are under attack. Labels are for us to adopt for ourselves, not to force upon others. If you disagree with me, well, you’re entitled to have your own opinion, but if you actively try to exclude anyone on claims of their being “basically het,” I don’t care if we’ve known each other for years; I will block you without hesitation.
I block and report all bots, so if you’re new and want to follow this blog, please make a post that says something like “Hi, I’m not a bot, just a lurker” or something to that effect so I’ll know you’re a real person. I assume all empty blogs with no user pic and no posts to be bots.
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sergeifyodorov · 10 months
matty tkachuk 4 character ask >:]
i learned of our dear mr daddyissuesrat from DRAICHUK PRIMERS of all things there were flamesposters determined to get us into it. crazey
he is a far more complex character than some of u may think… actually im not gonna go that far there are too many machuk scholars on this goddamned web site. for the sake of gamegrowing i won’t lament too much more on that but anyway i think he’s really a testament to the power of charisma; if u are a dnd type of guy and u make a dnd character of machuk that is his number 1 stat. yes above strength. he understands more than i would say. Any hockey player out there. the power in knowing that the nhl is a show for people’s entertainment… the glory and gore of it all. he can dance the dance more than the rest of them can. it’s in his nature to play to the audience, love or hate. Very edmund kinglear. 
also watching him skate badly is entertaining as hell
i think theres something really to be said about his failed smythe run… how his dad called the cats soft and then allegedly started the brady’s better chant (brady is better and it’s crucial mattylore that u know that) but he refused to listen and then the cats snuck in. and how after sniping that ot gamewinner he looked at his teammates and told them we will be back here for game seven, and he was right, and they won that too. and also his devastating amount of up-fucking during the carolina series and then the dramatic fall from grace when he broke his sternum in the cup final. war god…
with his current status as the nhl’s protagonist what couldn’t u write w matthew in it… personally i think he’s too genre aware for something weird and bendy and full au-type so you’d have to go abt as mundane with it as u could. keep him in the real world let the people confuse him as opposed to the universe. i think a healthy dose of family drama would do him well. not that he’s not already experiencing that but we know so little about the REAL internal machinations of the tkachuk’s web you could make it go however you like
he literally does not care about leon draisaitl at all (nor vice versa). it was kayfabe he was pushing a narrative…
that being said. He DOES care about a certain soft-spoken finnish captain of his… he and sasha . sasha and matthew. tkacharkov. Marriage 4 the ages get ready because they have 7 more years together to get neASTY in the state of florida… 
now i dont know if u scrape the gossip blogs like i do when i need a little entertainment… i dont believe any of what they say naturally but when a pattern comes up that suits my needs i become intrigued. the gossip blogeurs are saying that matty’s girlfriend is a setup fake relationship for pr purposes and that brady and taryn (or at least brady) hateeee her. because it is not only funny but furthers my queer agenda i am compelled to believe it
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Don Moynihan at Can We Still Govern?:
A group of students assembled on the University of Texas at Austin campus to call for an end to the war in Gaza. They did not engage in violence. They did not disrupt classes or occupy administrative buildings. They set up tents on a lawn. They were met with a militarized response, ordered by Governor Abbott, and supported by University administrators. Students and journalists were arrested. Greg Abbott is one of many on the right that has bemoaned the death of free speech on campus. He signed a law to protect such speech in 2019. And then he calls for peaceful protestors to be arrested. So how can Abbott justify such a reversal to his call for free speech? The protestors are anti-semitic, he says. Really? How does Abbott and the police wading through the crowd know the students are anti-semitic? Because, as Dave Weigel points out, Abbott has broadened the definition of anti-semitism to incorporate support for a Palestinian state. Any protest for this cause is, therefore, anti-semitic, and therefore worth contravening his commitment to free speech, which, lets face it, was never meant to be especially binding.1
The absurdities that follow are almost funny. The University of Austin, the pretend university launched by IDW types like Bari Weiss, is preparing its “Forbidden Courses” for the summer. It stands silently by as the actual University of Texas at Austin is censored, safe in the knowledge that they are regime-approved. You don’t have to be blind to the real cases of anti-semitism in America to be troubled by accusations of anti-semitism to shut down the most visible protests to a military response that has become increasingly unpopular.
[...] There are the protests, and what the people off campus want to turn the protests into: sites of disorder and violence, a basis by which to discredit and control campuses, a reason to fear leftists radicals, and a campaign issue in the presidential election. For them, the George Floyd protests of 2020 were events of failure, of an insufficient will to crack down on dissent. (Though police did indeed crack down). They want the police to intervene aggressively, and with a sense of righteousness that comes from claiming to be on the right side of history. It does not matter if students are not engaged in meaningful violence or property damage. It does not matter if the worst forms of anti-semitism are occurring off campus, by non-students.
[...] These critiques serve two purposes. First, they erase the subject of the protest. The fundamental question of whether the protestors have a point is elided. Next time you read an opinion piece about protests on campus, ask yourself, did the author engage in the basic question of whether the war should continue, and whether the US government should continue to provide arms for it. It says something truly profound about the blinkered view of the American pundit class that they only way they can understand a real war is through their own worn culture war framings. They squint just enough to be outraged by the fact that students are protesting but refuse to engage in a discussion of what the students are protesting about.
Second, they serve to delegitimize the university itself. I’ve written about the tactics of delegitimzaiton, deconstruction and control before in the context of the administrative state, but it applies just as well to universities. As the work of political scientist Dan Carpenter points out, public organizations win autonomy based on building positive reputations; they lose that autonomy when they become viewed as incompetent or immoral. Creating reputational damage is a necessary precondition to justify removing autonomy from institutions. The narrative of a woke or disorderly campus justifies removing faculty or student input on who leads the institution, of legislators or donors establishing the contents of the curriculum. Those pushing that narrative will use any campus event to further it. Far too many people who should know better have gone along with it. This is one of the ways that what is happening on campuses now links to the campus speech wars, the censorship of speech related to race and gender, and removal of DEI offices, and the erosion of faculty and student governance. Universities, as a community, are permitted less and less to manage themselves based on their values. They will not be trusted to find the right balance. Ask yourself, is society better off with Elise Stefanik’s vision of higher education?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and the people who are habitually up in arms about campus free speech and antisemitism are themselves eroding campus free speech and enabling antisemitism by their actions supporting the removal of pro-Palestinian protesters from college campuses.
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connorshalstead · 1 year
A few opinions about Chicago Med below unpopular, popular, I dunno, y’all decide!
Ava’s character had so much potential, but the way the producers wrote her relationship with Connor screwed her over.
As much as I love Rhodestead, I really, REALLY wish Manstead would’ve worked out. Albeit, give Will some therapy and teach him how to treat a woman !!
If we couldn’t have Manstead, we should’ve at the very least had Jeff Clarke with Natalie, he genuinely cares about her, but at the time, she was in love with Will. I wish they had more time together.
Elsa sucks. Period. I get, that it’s fiction and she’s meant to be quirky and not an average doctor? But she’s such an asshole to patients that I can’t respect her as a doctor.
Natalie should’ve had an arc where she was transferred to the peds department permanently. She would’ve thrived there.
I don’t like Nina. I understand people that do, but she’s personally not for me, I think her and Will’s relationship was… pointless? It was only to make Will realize he was truly in love with Natalie. Which, didn’t matter in the end cause of how badly their relationship ended.
The way Sarah left was absolutely insulting to her character and her relationship with Dr. Charles. Biggest punch to the gut ever as someone who relates strongly to Sarah.
Connor’s best arc was becoming a heart surgeon under Downey’s guidance. Their friendship was too short and underrated.
Lanik deserved so much more screen time. He was the best E.D. Chief and should’ve gotten more appreciation.
Maggie carries the show, I take not disagreeing on this one actually. /hj
April honestly deserves to be happy. She’s been through so much shit, and she and Ethan DESERVED that happy ending.
The “safe” drug use site was maybe Will’s worst decision. Next to Jennifer Baker and taking care of Burke.
And leaving Natalie in the dark ^
As bad as I feel for both Natalie and Will, she had no right to treat Will the way she did, having lost her memory or not.
There was a point where I DID NOT like Natalie. She was flat-out emotionally abusive to Will when he genuinely did care about her and tried to help.
That being said, Will still has faults. He should’ve absolutely given her space after the breakup and the Burke situation.
And I know he’s a highly secondary character but, I can’t help but feel bad for Owen? He saw Will as his dad, he was probably the first male figure he saw after he was born for… quite a while? It was shitty of Natalie to completely separate them. Especially after how much Will cared about him.
Second, to all of that, Philip was fucking pointless.
Ben was the best thing to happen to Maggie as well.
Jesus Christ, I feel like these people go through fiancés like cigarettes. (April with Tate, and in S5, Ethan)
And Natalie with Jeff, then Will?
Like, let people get married?? What is Dick Wolf so scared of? (Gay ppl probably)
Will deserves a STABLE RELATIONSHIP with a good person, not an ex-drug addict (who he fought with constantly and THEN SHE ASKED HIM TO GO TO LA WITH HER?), not Natalie, and Connor is gone so… :/ Idk, give him and Nina another chance even???
I really wish we got more “casual” crossover content. Like, I wanna see scenes of Casey, Severide, the Halstead brothers, Upton and maybe even Ruzek? Just hanging out at Molly’s :(
I really think Sarah and Connor were a missed opportunity. Especially with all the weird shit that happened in the first two seasons? It wouldn’t have been too far-fetched.
Better than Sarah and Joey 😭
Sarah deserved a love interest and someone to help carry her burdens. That girl had been through enough
Along with wanting Will to have a stable relationship, we should’ve gotten more Reesestead scenes…
Crockett is kind of a dick…? Especially to Ethan in his earlier episodes. But, he’s redeemable.
I really like Noah! But, I think he’s better suited as an E.D. doctor, not a surgeon.
Also, as much as I LOVE April and want to say she does no wrong, the way she treated Noah was extremely childish and unfair. He truly could handle himself and him becoming a surgeon goes to show that.
Finally, Chicago Med is absolutely shit at trans and gay representation. To the point of sometimes blatant transphobia in some episodes… (Looking at Claire…)
Thank you for reading, and remember that these are my opinions ! Feel free to disagree but remember, sending death threats is a crime !! Respect people’s opinions.
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months
aradia megido
(Ask meme here)
You guys love dragging me kicking and screaming back into my past every once in a while, huh.
First impression
Listen it has been 12 years. Probably 'weird dead girl'.
Impression now
Only Time player with her head screwed on right. She gets it. IDK what she's doing in postcanon, don't tell me.
Favorite moment
When she's come out the other side of her death-induced depression and is really enthusiastic about everything to the extent that other people find it kind of offputting. I would have a corpse party with you, Aradia.
Idea for a story
Idk I accidentally wrote an entire Aradia/Roxy fanfiction for some reason. Don't ask me for anything else; I'm retired.
Unpopular opinion
She was underrated.
Favorite relationship
I enjoyed writing her in TLC/TLC-adjacent content interacting with Vriska while cheerfully refusing to put up with her bullshit and prodding her to be less awful.
Favorite headcanon
She should become an archaeologist and use Time powers to go back to interview the original inhabitants of a site. Ideally this would make her better at mapping stuff or whatever but she mostly brings back a bunch of details about how so and so's day was which adds color but can't be put in the final report. See this ancient post
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I completely agree with what you said about the podcast. Naomi wasn't terrible, but it didn't sit well with me how she was with Sam during his episode when he attempted to explain where Lestat was coming from. She was kind of shaming him and even became a little aggressive toward him for being sympathetic and trying to explain Lestat's motivations. That annoyed me because she also doesn't seem to understand the background and nuances to TVC. You can tell Sam kind of just swallowed his thoughts and backed off which he shouldn't have had to considering he has one of the most thorough understandings of the stories and his character. We are also there to hear his perspective (along with Eric, Bailey, Assad's, and Jacob's) and she wouldn't give Sam that opportunity with some topics. She did not approach Jacob or any of the others like that. I also did not like the "professional" guest they had that said Armand was healthier for Louis because that guest was also speaking without giving reasons that were validating or justified on why she came to that conclusion. I liked Naomi in terms of asking some good questions, good chemistry with the guests, and her wittiness, but I think she and future guests should be a bit more cautious with the comments that are feeding the unhealthy dissension in the fandom stemming from the topics surrounding race. I fear some people are already going to be outraged when it is revealed Louis is definitely unreliable and the podcast may unintentionally be contributing to that if they aren't a bit more careful or do not have a better understanding of the source material.
OK, so, I didn't find her aggressive.
What I do agree on is that it was a bit unfortunate that she kind of glossed over Lestat's backstory there, and that is one of my main worry points with the whole thing, too, as said previously. However, in retrospect, that was probably/maybe? deliberate.
Probably unpopular opinion incoming.
So I... think that AMC actually likes the uproar, any uproar, because it is free advertising. In retrospect the podcast was very deliberate in the catering to show-only viewers, as said before. And in directing the expectations.
And... we... kinda jumped where they wanted us to jump, didn't we. :)))
The uproar was immense.
Trends on Twitter, trends on Tumblr.
And yes... exactly that will happen again when Armand will be... Armand. And we will get the truth of it all at some point (no, I don't think all of it has been a lie, been over that). Of that I'm quite sure.
And... what better thing than to know what will happen can a studio have? What better thing for an upcoming season than knowing people will haunt their site, refresh the bloody browser to watch as soon as it drops?^^
Just look at the writer's Twitter... the posts of them.
They so know.
They're playing us, like a fiddle :)))
And I love them for it, to be honest.
I get what you mean, I do, and it has been a wild ride. I've been blocked for opinions, had to block for actual hate.
Because... people are engaged. Emotionally connected. Passionate about those characters. I've theorized we're watching the show of the decade unfold, and I stand by that. Color-conscious, with awareness and more layers than a tree cake :) And yes, they touch on very difficult subjects. But as difficult as it all may be, fandom-wise, discussion-wise.... isn't that engagement of it a good thing?^^
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
forgive me if you've been asked this before but do you have any unpopular opinions or lesser known favorites? Why?
(Also, where are you watching? Ive never actually watched MLP:FiM before and ur posts are inspiring me to give it a shot !!)
You know, I'm not actually sure! I haven't actually been that deeply entrenched in the MLP fandom, I've always kind of passively orbited it. So, I got a lot of knowledge but not a lot of time in the trenches if that makes sense. If I had an unpopular opinion, it might be....hmm...I guess DJ Pon3 is a dumb name tbh. How do you pronounce it it's like if someone called themselves DJ Hum4n or something. WAIT I ACTUALLY DO HAVE AN UNPOPULAR OPINION I think the word everypony is dumb!! I love it as a kill sat word but it's so silly because everybody is right there as a perfectly suitable word AND!!! AND!!!! It would be especially important to have something without pony in it in a world where there are DOZENS of sentient species that aren't ponies!!! Makes no sense smh
Also I'm using Netflix until season 5! After that there's apparently sites dedicated directly to the show, if you search "Netflix" on my blog you should find the ask where people recommend different methods
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
So there's this tweet on twitter that blew up stating ao3 isn't a social media, referencing people who put proship dni in tags - which the whole dni in tags thing is just fucking stupid. As on cue, the critical/anti ao3 crowd show up with their "your concern shouldn't be with dni in tags, but the cp that is rampant on the site!!" type tweets. We all know when we see someone cry "ao3 host cp", they're talking about cartoon/anime characters; but recently they more lean on underage rpf cus it's about real children they're talking about.
I have seen a good chuck of proshippers on twitter are heavily anti rpf, especially when it's underage. Both fantis and proshippers are hard anti underage rpf and believe it's CSAM. This is going to be a very unpopular opinion, I don't think underage rpf count as CSAM and don't think it's another form of CSAM. The reason why I think so, is that there isn't much info (from my knowledge) about the legal stand on it and lack of people who write it getting into legal trouble with it. I remember on fiction-is-not-reality previous terminate blogs they talked about underage rpf, something, something, they said the law can't charge or jail a person for explicit writing about a minor cus it's just text of words. FINR mention how the police can't use writing as evidence of CSAM like what they do with photos and videos, basically you can't arrest people over thoughts, only by actions.
The whole legal thing with underage rpf is really messing water trying to deal, think, understand it. But the other can of worms people argue about is drawn porn of live action characters played by underage actors is CSAM. Both fantis and especially some proshippers believe this. Just the other day on twitter, some proship users called out a proship artist for it and stated it isn't proship. From what people bring up, by US law, if the art isn't indistinguishable from an actual minor, it counts as illegal material. I don't live in america, so I don't fully understand the legal stand with drawn porn of live action characters played by underage actors.
The only legal thing that happen I heard from this subject is what happen with shadman with it. He drew porn of a movie character played by an underage actress at the time. He got connected by the girl's agent to take down those artworks on his website due to the closeness of the actress resemblance. When that happen, shadman didn't get charge or jail for it.
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henrysglock · 6 months
unpopular opinion: the people who say Billy is an irredeemably evil character are the same people who fail to see that there's no actual explicit scene where Billy keeps Max away from Lucas for racially motivated reasons (he's mostly just trying to cover his ass to avoid getting beaten up by Neil, who's likely the bigger racist influence; Billy isn't racist by default so much as it would likely be learned behaviours from Neil. Don't even get me started on how Billy's effeminate Glam Rock aesthetic is likely seen as a huge Disappointment to Masculinity in Neil's mind as well, but I digress) and in the same breath as saying "Billy fans are evil for supporting a character who doesn't have a shred of good in him", will turn around and write multiple paragraphs about how Henry isn't evil by choice because he's a victim of Brenner's abuse, the Upside Down is what made Henry so evil, etc etc. While completely ignoring the fact that most of Billy's notably problematic behaviour was a result of the Mindflayer and likely wasn't a conscious decision. Or if they were conscious decisions, Billy made those decisions because he was raised in an environment that didn't allow him alternative ways of thinking. Just. Like. Henry. My point being... the people who idolize Henry but demonize Billy at the same time are straight up hypocrites.
You see, Anon, that's the inherent tragedy in characters like Billy and (in my own pet addition) Jason. They were both around the same age: teenagers. Did they do horrible shit? Absolutely. Was any of it excusable? Absolutely not.
Did they still have a whole life ahead of them to turn it around? Yes, and that's the tragedy.
Billy was a racist, though. There's that scene in ST2 where he tells Max to stay away from "certain types of people", and that type of person is Lucas, the black boy. So yeah, he's a racist. Undeniably so. He was also abusive to Max in major ways in ST2. And yes, he's got some major masculinity issues. That's no excuse for his behavior. This is all pre-Mindflayer. This was just Billy. However. He was 18. He was 3 months into adulthood, and while his actions are his own and there would have been necessary reparations/people who wouldn't and shouldn't forgive him...Billy's response to those old memories of being loved showed us that he had a chance, however slim, to turn his shit around if he got a proper bonk on the head (several, perhaps). His chance at changing was taken away from him. That's the tragedy of his character.
Jason is much the same. He was grief-maddened by the death of a girlfriend he refused to admit he didn't actually know. He watched his friend die under incomprehensible conditions. He was not 'evil' from the get-go. He wasn't even a proper antagonist until Chrissy died. He was looking for someone to blame and maniacally set his sites on the police's scapegoat club leader. Hellfire club wasn't even on his radar re: Chrissy until the cops leaked it. He's more complex than most people like to admit. Was any of his shit excusable? Absolutely not. Is it explicable? Yes. There's a logical progression to the things he does, despite his behavior being properly unhinged...and that wasn't the type of behavior we really see him engage in before Chrissy's death. Therein lies the tragedy: He wasn't always that way, and any chance (however slim) at walking it back was taken from him.
One is much the same in a multitude of ways: He wasn't always like this, his circumstances pushed him, and his actions remain inexcusable.
So I completely agree that it's confusing to see people treat the three of them so differently from each other. They're the same guy in different flavors.
Send me unpopular opinions!
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lunanoc · 10 months
Is there a dmbj fandom space of sort that's... Not focused on Liu Chang characters? Or to put a positive angle on it, I'd love to talk about dmbj canon and its characters and their on page/screen interactions or how the books and sites compare but I'm not really sure where to do that? Do you have a discord or tumblr tag or blog suggestions? (Or if that doesn't exist, this is a marker of interest if you make one. I think there's actually if nothing else a lot of people in this fandom who are interested in pingxie who don't know where to go to talk to each other because it seems like most of the fandom spaces apart from the yucun discord are pretty dead)
hi anon! i’m both glad and sad you asked because i get that feeling and i’m sorry to say there’s… not really much of a good answer i can give you 🫠 though i can offer the start of one at least
a lot of the problem is the people you’re talking about, for reasons i don’t fully understand myself, have come to take up most of the visibility in the public fandom spaces to almost the exclusion of anyone and everything else. this is definitely a hot and likely unpopular take, but it’s gotten to the point where ironically (as far as the english speaking fandom goes at least, the chinese fandom is very different) in some respects, pingxie has become something of a “rarer” pair these days by comparison to ships involving more minor characters, particularly ones involving the characters you mentioned, and i find wu xie and xiaoge themselves are less talked about outside of the context of those ships than the characters you mentioned as a whole. and this isn’t a post meant to dunk on those particular interests, just my opinion on what the dmbj fandom is like at this point in time. the issue is, like you said, it leaves the people who aren't interested in that lost and with no one to talk to despite i'm sure there being a lot of us that would love a place to actively engage with each other
as far as places to talk about pingxie and the dmbj canon in general outside of that, in my experience tumblr doesn’t have all that much to offer apart from a few isolated people unfortunately. just checking the main tags tells you as much, but there are a few people. but i also know tumblr isn’t necessarily the best space for genuine conversations as i get the feeling that’s more what you’re looking for (correct me if i’m wrong). there’s a bit more going on on twitter, but it’s also fairly marginal and it also depends on what it is you want to talk about (and also, it’s twitter).
for discord servers, i can suggest 3 options, two of which i’m sure you’ve probably heard of:
the “dmbj (盗墓笔记)” server (https://discord.gg/xjTSVdUP), which was the original server created before the yucun one was and is technically the largest one (the yucun discord server actually broke off from it in part to be a space more dedicated to liu sang and liu chang characters and eventually became the fandom’s most active hub). fair warning, it’s pretty dead in the sense most of the minimal talk that goes on there isn’t really about dmbj at all, and is more generally drama-oriented. it’s also not strictly dedicated to pingxie
the “dmbj book-centric fun times” server (https://discord.com/invite/z7ZNNEbv3P), which as its name suggests, is book-oriented rather than drama-oriented. it’s also pretty dead apart from one or two sporadic posts from time to time, which i see as partly the consequence of a good chunk of the dmbj fandom either not having read the books or not particularly caring about them by comparison to other things. that being said, if enough people went there, i’m sure it could be more active. this one is also not strictly dedicated to pingxie
the “盗墓笔记 - changbai mountain” server, which is going to be my biased suggestion as it’s a tiny server started somewhat recently by myself and a couple of other friends who felt the same and wanted to try and create a safe space to talk about pingxie (and other ships if relevant, though by this i mostly mean heihua for now) and the dmbj canon and its characters as a whole. it’s very small atm and as active as it can be given that, and while it’s open to anyone interested, because of previous experiences with some people in the fandom, i would need you to get off anon and dm me if you (or anyone else reading this) is interested (as long as you’re comfortable with that ofc) as i don’t necessarily feel comfortable posting a public invite. for the record, anyone interested is very welcome to dm, we really do need more alternative fandom spaces
i’m sorry i can’t help more anon, but i hope this is something of an ok answer even if it’s not the best one
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keshetchai · 11 months
I feel like ‘hey it’s fine for this to be how you feel, but acting as if it’s a hard and fast rule when educating doesn’t really work if you’re also acknowledging that it’s just your opinion’ should be easier to understand and yet,
Yeah. I think the original op and I kinda reached our mutual understanding on this but then other people are still going as if I was invalidating the discomfort, or making things up?
The discomfort is understandable and allowed and I respect that. The request that gentiles use specific language is great and fine. But the facts that I presented about actual Jewish mourning practice & liturgy are not obscure, unpopular, or even new, and they're also not my opinion.
My opinion is that you shouldn't mislead people (intentionally or unintentionally) or state things that simply aren't true when asking for someone to respect your discomfort or to acknowledge a preferred practice. My opinion is that educating gentiles, or resisting Christian hegemony — shouldn't mean rewriting current Jewish practice, or past longstanding Jewish history. My opinion is that we ought to genuinely take the intent of the speaker into account, and to ask ourselves if the other person is truly trying to convey kindness and compassion in a time of grief in a way that we do, in fact, also use.
And then ask myself like other things such as:
- did they do this to emphasize Christianity at me (hegemonically, evangelically), or is this simply the language they know and the way they know how to convey this care? I can be uncomfortable either way, but in one case I am uncomfortable with a unique individual enacting a system of hegemony, and in another I am just frustrated with the system itself and not the person. Sometimes articulating that difference is helpful and frankly, healing. We live in a society, idk.
- is it possible that somehow, I have been this person, saying something not technically wrong, but perhaps not the best or most comfortable thing for the person hearing me? (Almost certainly). Intent is not everything, but like, it does contextualize things! It obviously matters if I mean to be respectful but come off wrong footed due to someone else's feelings on something — that's very different than intentionally trying to condescend or diminish.
Op probably did not intend for this to blow up. Tumblr randomly promoted a jumblr post to me, and I responded to correct a fact that part of their premise rested on. Jumblr had this same old discourse back in 2020, and even before that, and like, I reiterated old facts. It floats around and isn't new - this is a common claim people make ("Jews never say rest in peace,") that other people debunk every so often on this site. I don't mind if their conclusion is still "I don't like that."
It's like...analogy: I am not asking everyone to feel comfortable with every verse or mitzvah in the Torah. I understand and appreciate that certain things in the Torah also make me uncomfortable, and those things aren't the same for every Jew. But I can sympathize even if we don't have the same discomforts. I can wrestle with those things, I can emphasize what I think is better or more comfortable within the Torah, what I think takes higher importance in Torah over the uncomfortable things, I can question how I understand the verse, I can question my own discomfort and other's comfort, why we differ and what that means — all of that — but whether or not I'm comfortable, the thing is still in the Torah.
I think I'm also just baffled by some of the responses like - not the ones from op, but everyone else responding to me? The logic is...really weird! I didn't address half the arguments made because they're just strange. And then half of them are like...what do they even intend when they say this? Like this idea that burial and memorial liturgy shouldn't count in a discussion about how Jews talk when memorializing our dead, because it's just "liturgy." That argument made me feel like I was in the twilight zone lmao. I'm not going to apologize for understanding our religion lol.
Also absolutely not a single soul addressed my citing Chabad and Shiva.com (which is expressly aimed at helping even non-jews understand how Jews deal with death, mourning, and burial!) And that is BONKERS to me.
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chloeseyeliner · 8 months
popular or unpopular opinion (i haven't really been in the tag in the past twenty days or so due to lack of time), i want to lay out my stance as regards taylor zakhar perez playing alex.
(yes, i just remembered i never actually talked about it here, lol)
disclaimer: i won't talk about the movie in general. i did not really enjoy it (see: posts i have reblogged for the reasons why), and i really do not want to come across as a hater. because i am not a "hater" in that sense. i was just... disappointed by certain things (again, see reblogged posts in my blog).
what i wasn't disappointed so much by, though, was the actors' performance given the script they had to follow.
now, to put it briefly, alex is a very dear character to me as a person, and the fact that i can see parts of me in him, parts of him in me is not the only reason why. he has been dear to me ever since i first read the book two years ago for a long list of reasons. alex is, in my very humble, non-expert, very bookworm-y opinion, one of the most realistically written characters in modern literature. he is so human it hurts sometimes, flawed, vulnerable. so, i am quite oddly one who hasn't been a part of a fandom might think, sort of protective over him. therefore, my surprise when i read that the (excuse me for saying that, i haven't thought of him this way since i was, like, fourteen) guy from the kissing booth loved agcd that much.
forgive me for being unable to recall which interview it was (it's probably somewhere around the tag), but i actually felt very emotional while i was reading the way he talked about alex, and i realised how much he cares about this movie, beginning from the fact that he read the book seven times. he took alex very seriously and that's extremely rare to happen if you're just entering a fictional world, at least in my experience.
i am not an expert, again, or a part of the industry in general- i just wanted to say that personally, being a tiny molecule of this fandom's organism, i am thankful as regards his respect and love towards alex claremont-diaz. he portrayed him very well, at least in terms of the script available and how they cut (more daringly, butchered) significant fragments of alex's personality as a character.
(again, check out the reblogs- the rest of the people in this site are much more talented at using the appropriate language in analyses than i am)
that's all i had to say. i wish this guy the best in his career, really.
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