#there are just too many pieces to try to fit in only 22 episodes hehe and then they still try to do motw stuff
spikedru · 2 years
hi!! i asked a while ago about your opinion about spuffy, and sr and s7 etc and i finally remembered that i asked and went wnd read your response and i completely agree! and especially about how interesting their relationship is and how they interact; i never felt like i wanted them to be endgame romantically but the relationship they do have is so important i think. i think sr was just such a bad writing Choice for so many reasons
hello !! im glad you saw my response !! :) and yess the relationship between buffy and spike is so interesting and important to me and just so fascinating to watch their development as characters happen along side each other and what they reveal about each other. i definitely agree with you about SR being a misstep narratively as it doesnt really add anything substantial to the characters and just is miserable to watch
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Name 10 Of Your Friends
1. Laurice 2. Angela 3. Luisa 4. Andrew 5. Kate 6. Gabie 7. Tina 8. Jo 9. Liana 10. Jane
Are you related to number 1?: I’m pretty sure we are not, not even distantly.
Do you love number 2?: Like a sister. She means everything to me.
Is number 3 older or younger than you?: She’s older by literally a few days. We were born in the same month, same year; but she arrived around a week earlier.
Are you romantically involved with number 4?: No. I’ve never been interested in them in that way.
Do you wish you could see number 5 more?: Absolutely. She was one of the best friends I made in college and I wish we had/have more opportunities to see each other. I don’t think I’ve hung out with her since the Christmas season last year :(
How did you meet number 6?: Mutual friends introduced us to each other and it was best friend-hood from there.
Would you ever kiss number 7?: Eh, she’s more like a sister to me so pass.
Does 8 share the same taste in music as you do?: We share some favorites as far as I know, but ultimately we have different tastes. Her favorite is the Vampire Weekend, a band I’ve never listened to.
Would you tell a secret to number 9?: I’ve met her irl only once, but sure. I find her reliable.
Would you ever live with number 10?: I think we can be roommates, but I also think we’d drive each other crazy. Also I’m a little intimidated by her so that might ruin my experience living wherever we’re staying in.
Have you ever dated any of the 10 people listed?: Yep.
Would 3 and 7 make a good couple?: Ooh I doubt it. They have very different personalities; I’m pretty sure they’d clash all the time and that they would be simply incompatible. It doesn’t help that Luisa’s gay and Tina’s straight, so.
Do 2 and 5 get along?: As far as I know they’ve never met. They could probably get along; they’re both super friendly and can fit in any crowd.
Are you secretly in love with number 6?: Well, it hasn’t been a secret for a very long time now.
When did you last see number 8?: :( :( :( Don’t do me like thissss. Oh man. I genuinely have no clue. Last year? January of this year? It’s been ages.
Does number 2 know number 6?: Very well. They’re my two best friends so we’ve been in the same room, same car, same bar, same house, etc. plenty of times.
Have you slept in the same bed as number 4?: I don’t recall ever doing so. We’ve lied on the same bed, but neither of us fell asleep that time.
Is number 7 single?: Yes. She’s had her fair share of crushes through the years that I’ve known her but she’s never had a boyfriend.
What do you like to do with number 5?: Drink, smoke, catch up, laugh.
Has your mom met number 6?: Like a million times.
Are number 4 and 8 friends?: I wouldn’t call them friends. I dunno if Jo’s opinion of them has changed in the last few months, but the last thing I’ve been aware of is that Jo does not like them too much. I vividly remember how Jo’s crowd and Andrew’s crowd had to sit at completely opposite tables during our Christmas party last year. Because I was friends with both groups, I spent the evening moving from one table to another before settling at Jo’s because I was closer to that group haha.
What does number 9 look like?: To be honest with you I barely know her. Covid kept us from hanging out but I’m so ridiculously sure that we could’ve ended up becoming great friends, so I’ll always feel crappy about that could’ve-been. From what I remember, she has curly hair and braces, but that’s pretty much all I was able to note down about her appearance in the one time we met in person.
When did you last talk to number 10?: The other day. I needed the contact number of someone who works where she works, so I asked her if it was possible to retrieve the contact details from her.
What was the last thing you said to number 2?: I showed her this meme, hahaha.
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Have you ever hugged number 1?: SO MANY TIMES. She is such a hugger. Absolutely no complaints about it.
Is number 2 in a relationship?: Yes, with Hans.
Would 3 and 5 ever get in a fight over you?: I have no idea why two people would ever fight over me. I’m not desirable at all...so no.
How old is number 4?: They are 22, same age as me.
When will you next see number 6?: I don’t know. We have completely opposite work shifts and it’ll be that way for a while, so it’s really hard to tell.
Have you ever hooked up with number 9?: Oh wow, no. That feels wrong.
Do 7 and 8 live in the same place?: No, they’re a few cities apart.
Do you want to talk to number 10 right now?: Not really. I’m not annoyed with her or anything; there’s just nothing to say to each other at the moment.
Is number 3 in your phone contacts?: Yes.
You caught 7 and 9 kissing, your reaction is?: bruh what
Does number 2 smoke?: Socially.
You throw a party and invite 2, 3, and 4, would there be any problems?: For the most part not really, except Andrew tends to get really rowdy and raucous when they’re drunk and that might not go over well with Angela in particular. But who knows? They could also end up being a fun trio; they all have great personalities so I can definitely see that happening as well hahaha.
You're on a roadtrip with 1 and 7. Is it awkward at all?: Not at all. Those two have a great dynamic and are the bubbliest and friendliest people I know. It would be such an entertaining car ride and I wouldn’t complain about driving at all if they were my two passengers.
8 just kissed you. What do you say?: Ask her what it was for. But idk, I feel weird thinking about it actually.
3 and 9 just got into a fight. What might it be about?: They probably just disagreed on something ideology-wise. Luisa is a hardcore red and is very radical; Liana shares the same ideals but is several notches lower. It wouldn’t be a full-blown fight and they’ll most likely end up having an intelligent debate.
Does 7 hate 9?: No. That would be such a tricky spot to be in considering they’re part of the executive board for the org. They should make it a point NOT to end up hating each other lol.
How is 4 today?: I think they’ve been doing alright for the most part! They recently launched their new passion project, a podcast, and so they’ve been super excited and giddy over the last few days. As they should. The podcast looks so promising and I can’t wait for the first episode.
Where does 8 live?: In a city in Metro Manila.
Have you ever liked 6 more than a friend?: Yes.
Would 2 and 4 look cute together?: Not a fan. I’d rather they stick to their current significant others.
Would you ever borrow any of 2's clothes?: Sure! She has a lot of cute pieces. They’d be a size or two larger for my frame, but I’m willing to experiment if she’s willing to lend her clothes to me.
Is 3 taller than 10?: Yes. I think everyone is taller than Jane. HAHAHA
Are you taller than 7?: She’s taller by a few centimeters.
Would it surprise you if 9 got arrested?: I don’t know, actually. Like I said, I’ve barely gotten the chance to know her. At this point in our relationship I can’t really tell if she’s the feisty type.
Could you live with 3 and 4 for a year?: Sure. I thnk it would be the two of them who’ll end up having a blast living together as they’re obsessed with everything sports and sports will definitely dominate the TV and dining table discussions. I can be like their mom, I guess hehe
Do you like number 6's hair?: Yes.
Does number 1 know something about you that most people don't?: I’ve probably shared a secret with her here and there, yes.
8, 6, and 1 are hanging out together. Likely or no?: 8 and 1, for sure. They’re pretty much best friends. With Gabie, not so much. The only time Gabie will be in the picture is if I hang out with them as well.
When did you last hear from number 10?: Again, the other day when I asked for help about something work-related.
Could 3 and 8 be friends?: They already are; we’re in the same college friend group, the daydrinkers ha.
Who do you have more in common with, 4 or 9?: We’re both similar in different ways though...Andrew and I enjoy wrestling and Liana and I share a few interests like The Crown. Just because I know Liana a lot less, I’ll go with Andrew.
What do you usually talk to number 6 about?: Everything under the sun. She’s my best friend. There’s nothing she doesn’t know about me.
Is number 1 a good dancer?: I haven’t really seen her dance, so I wouldn’t make for a good judge.
Have you ever gone swimming with number 5?: Yes.
Would you ever have a sleepover with number 2 and 3?: It might be awkward at first as they’ve never met, but sure! We can give it a try. I don’t necessarily think they’re incompatible; they just haven’t met ever so it might just take some time for them to warm up to one another.
Could you see yourself having kids with number 7?: No. That is kinda weird to think about; I’ve never thought of her in that way.
Do you find number 1 attractive?: She’s pretty and has a nice, big smile, so yes.
You're in trouble. Who do you call first?: Gabie.
Is number 2 a good shoulder to cry on?: Absolutely. If I needed someone to run to and cry it’d be her or Gab.
Will you talk to 9 tonight?: Nope. I don’t really talk to her, but I’d love to be closer with her.
Does 10 have any irrational fears?: She probably does, but it’s never been raised in any of our conversations so there’s no way for me to know of them.
Do you know something personal about number 4?: A lot. They trust me with a few of their secrets and I’m honored that they do.
Do you text number 5?: Not really. We communicate mainly on Messenger and we talk at least once a month.
Does 8 have a nice body?: For sure. Jo is 5′7″ – which is gargantuan in this country – and I’ve always thought she was such a badass for being so tall. We all deadass look like ants next to her.
Do you approve of the people number 9 dates?: I’m not aware of her love life history, if there is one.
Would number 6 look good with facial hair?: I mean if she wanted to grow facial hair, I wouldn’t mind. I’d find her attractive all the same.
Would you ever date one of number 7's siblings?: Noooooo, her brothers are a little old and as far as I know one of them is already married lmao.
Would you go to number 10's wedding?: I would love to.
How would you react if you found out number 8 had a drug problem?: Try to reach out. And ask the other people in the EB if she’s been getting the help and support that she needs.
Did you go to school with number 1?: Just university, though she’s a year level lower. We went to different schools in grade school and high school.
How did you meet number 2?: I was class number 9 and she was class number 10 in Grade 1. And then I stabbed her palm with a pencil; the rest was history.
Would it surprise you if you found out number 4 was stalking you? It would surprise and anger me, yes.
Does 3 make you smile?: All my friends make me smile. That being said, yes Luisa sure does.
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