#then to krita when by trial ran out
gammafish · 4 years
Hello. I just wondered did you used Photoshop to draw those illustrations? If not, then what software that you used? BTW, I really love your art style (& of course UzuRen 👀)❤️❤️❤️
Hii thank you for your message! ❤️ 
And nooo nope I don’t use Photoshop, I recently started using Clip Studio, I think it’s neat lol. I got it recently when it was on sale (I got lured in by the posable 3D human models which barely used so far lol), and before that I used MediBang Paint (it’s free) for years and I still use it sometimes, it has less features than Clip Studio for sure, but it’s still very good, I like them both as much, really. Krita is also a nice (free) software, probably with more features than MediBang Paint, I think? You can do animations in there as well. Sometimes i use that too xD And of course, the classic Paint Tool Sai; used it in the past but stopped when the trial ran out lol. I don’t think it’s that expensive, anyway, if you wanna buy it. I think it’s mostly used for manga-style illustrations, but not only. From what I remember, it had a simple clean interface and it was just nice to use. I’m not a fan of Photoshop for painting at all, primarily because of how ridiculously expensive it is, and it has a lot of features that I know I probably wouldn’t use and for me, it would just make the interface too crowded, idk. I’ve heard people say it’s more of a graphic design software rather than an art/painting software, so it just depends what you want to do. At the end of the day, it’s all up to personal preference, what you want the software to do, and how much you're willing to spend.
Welp, that was an unexpectedly long answer, sorry XD And high five, fellow UzuRen shipper :D (and thank youu ;U; I’m glad you liked my illustrations!)
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