#their texicanity is so important to me
riphimopen · 2 years
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the worst twentysomething year old to ever wear a jack daniels belt buckle
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kamelpferd · 2 years
I am bored and so fucking tired. I don't want to go to school because I am failing. Anyways, here is this.
kill me please
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Introducing: the boys
by: me
just do me a favor and imagine this as a funny Tik Tok or so idk.
1. Jack Horne
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lives in the mountains
would and will stab you multiple times if you are mean to him
unlock his tragic backstory
prays to the Lord every day
hungry af
violent but only if the Lord approves
funny voice
had a wife and kids once
prays only little prayers for people that don't deserve big prayers
cute laugh
a bear in peoples clothes
did kill many indigenous people for money but is a changed man
big softy
probably gives the best hugs
my sisters favorite
dies a tragic death
2. Red Harvest
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hates white people food
speaks white man english, but decides not to
will kill you if you are a bad person
befriends you only if you eat the heart of a deer
has a different path than most people from his tribe
better than Merida
nice horse
very much very adorable if he likes you
doesn't ask questions - will help you with whatever
would show you his culture
also one of my sisters favorites
both of my parents' favorite
survives yay
3. Vasquez
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smart enough not to drop his first name
would not tell you what it means in spanish if you asked him a word
mexican tm
is not a texican
calls you guero if he likes you
scared of taking responsibility
has 3 Marias (bitches)
eating habits worse than a pig (means both his hands are dirty when he eats with a spoon)
smokes and drinks because he can and he will
funny as fuck
probably in love with Faraday
would let him eat me out ngl
has no family or friends
his head is worth 500$ for killing some important guy
gun skills 100
doesn't care if you don't understand him, he will still talk in spanish
would be a great father ngl
I love him very much
stands a bit weird every now and then
still hot tho
survives yay
4. Goodnight Robicheaux
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'What we lost in the fire-'
has PTSD
it keeps going on, and on, and on-
best sharpshooter alive istg
can shoot you even if he doesn't see you
definition of the word gentleman
respects everthing and everyone
heavy drinker
adorable and kind
southern charm has me weak
has the biggest puppy eyes
literally perfect human being
love him more than my own life
would marry him without hesitation
is baby - will always be baby
gets angry if you keep being a bitch
would not lay hand on you tho
stronger than he thinks
dubbed 'the angel of death'
23 confirmed kills at antietam
he is a legend
but that is not all he is
everyone fears him even tho he is such a nice person
Faraday kinda not likes him idk
he is not a coward
oh so french he could be a baguette (wtf)
speaks french fluently
would call you 'ma chére'
would kiss your hand as a greeting
has trouble killing people since he came back from war
bffs with Billy
but I think they had sex at some point
thinks an owl followed him and told him he would die a ghastly death
heard a voice
an old friend of Sam Chisolm
would support every decision you make
would randomly call you pretty
husband material
would play along as fuck if you'd try to mess with somebody
can be hillarious
the voice of an angel
can sing very well and play the piano
Aura Lee <3
god he is so hot
he knows all the shit
read like every book existant istg
Did I already say that I literally love him?
his death breaks my heart every time
5. Sam Chisolm
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'-we'll find in the ashes.'
duly sworn warrant officer of the Circuit Court in Wichita Kansas
also licenced peace officer in the Indian Territory Kansas Nebraska and seven other states
shoots you without you noticing it
Dad of the group
old friend of Goodnight
would eat a deers heart if offered for a befriending ritual
nice laugh
justice is worth more than life
everything matches with black, even his horse
wants revenge for his family
had a sister
'Hell I don't know. Avenge me?'
very understanding
would tell you he is proud of you as if he was your father
would kill hundreds of people just to help you out
righteous and honorable
plans everything
leader person
would help you get out of a shitty situation
can't do speeches
doesn't drink or smoke
will accept you no matter what you do (except if you kill his family then not)
bounty hunter (if money on your head high enough, he will want to kill you)
good man
a little awkward sometimes but he is cool
dope scar on his neck
nice fuzzy moustache
probably slept with Goodnight
survives yay
6. Joshua Faraday
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him and I are very similar
'you're just a little bit too much like me'
his dick does all his thinking
still probably packin' tho
gives you shooting lessons you never asked for or wanted
he shows off a lot
so proud of himself
something about Goodnight bothers him
doesn't know what a syllable is
there is no forgiveness for men like him
so has a crush on Vasquez istg
horse name Jack
will make fun of you no matter what
drunk 24/7
traded his horse for Whiskey and would probably trade you too
homophobic gay vibes
always been lucky with one-eyed jacks
has a wife called Ethel (his gun)
and a sidechick called Maria (his other gun) which is not Vasquez' Maria
plays poker like a pro and shows you card tricks to get your attention before he just shoots you
funny as fuck
will flirt with you, your sister and your mother. Probably even your granny
never had a relationship before istg
probably cries after sex
bottom who thinks is a top
doesn't know how to english
probably never picked up a single book in his entire life
mommy and daddy issues
actually adorable
probably an Aries
doesn't fear death the slightest
Irish American
didn't fall from a horses ass
can't stop talking
thinks he is so cool
hot as fuck even tho it's Chris Pratt
would fuck him
'worlds greateat lover'
gets shot multiple times but still alive and slaying the runway - dies later on
last thing he wanted to do in his life was to have a good smoke
always wanted to blow something up (ends up blowing himself up)
dies a tragic hero death
7. Billy Rocks
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mysterious chinese guy
can and will kill you with a hairpin
Goodnights sidekick
knows how to handle knives
probably has a knifekink
so in love with Goodnight it's getting embarrassing
majestic hair ong
doesn't talk a lot
usually doesn't drink (only when Goodnight left)
natural beauty
very adorable and kind
would always comfort you
good boi
very small, very much baby, but always there for Goodnight
small but stabby
the skills he had omg
kills racists (don't rip Arcade)
probably fucking with you atm and you don't even know it
once fought a whole salloon bare knuckled and won
not a man to arrest
a man to befriend
would take a fag and kiss you to blow the smoke into your mouth - very erotic
would call you 'beautiful' as a nickname
very attractive
handsome boi
amazing laugh
earns money for killing people in shooting games
bffs with Goodnight
they fucked at one point tho
my 10 yr. old cousins favorite
eats with his hands only, and still cleaner than Vasquez, who eats with a spoon
his last words were Goodnights name
dies next to Goodnight
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Thank you for your attention
if you have any more suggestions of things to add to this list, let me know.
Also sorry for spelling mistakes. Typing this shit with my eyes half open, but I refuse to sleep because as soon as I wake up I only have one day left before school starts again and I want to escape reality by pretending it just doesn't exist.
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foxlady3 · 4 years
Fanfic End of the Year Asks
I was tagged by Anon. At least, I think it was an Anon, I can’t find the darn post! I’m quite the disorganized mess right now, I’m afraid, still not entirely back on track after the holidays, but I’m getting better. 
So terribly sorry for taking such a long time to answer, but thank you for the asks, Anon! 
1. Favorite fic you wrote this year:  “The Great Escape” ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/14938958) I keep coming back to this one again and again, apparently because I have an urgent need for Oswald to heal from the whole ghastly Arkham ordeal, and I need for Jim to be there for him and uncompromisingly supportive. 
14. A fic you didn’t expect to write:  “Practice Makes Perfect” ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/18279254) I love the fake dating trope where they’re secretly pining for each other but don’t dare say, but never felt I could write one. Until one day I thought “Well...maybe I should!” LOL
25. A fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read:  As usual, I find it impossible keeping it to just one, so...here’s four:
“When Words Fail” https://archiveofourown.org/works/18107339 by Psycho_Chiquita ( @mexican-texican ) rated G. I loved the progression through important events in Oswald’s life, the powerful emotions we all know he feels, and there’s a lot of hurt, but don’t worry, Jim is there to comfort him in the end.
“Second Chances” by genmitsu ( @lalaurelia ) rated M. (TW for depression, suicide attempt) Because I love that angst! Jim goes through that here, when he must endure a bleak world where Oswald is dead. Or is he...? Told from Jim’s point of view. I also live for stories where Jim yearns for Oswald. 
“Tell Me When” by @pamdizzle ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/17785895 ) rated M. Full disclosure, she wrote it based on my prompt ( :D Yay!) and I couldn’t have asked for a lovelier gift. Oswald and Jim have recently become lovers, and Oswald couldn’t be happier. Except, there’s just this one little thing Jim does during lovemaking that he’s not crazy about, only he doesn’t like to bring it up... no big deal, right?
“Swansong” by @nientedal (dalniente)( https://archiveofourown.org/works/20391061 ) rated T. More angst and hurt/comfort! A gorgeously rendered tale in which Minion seemingly dies in a terrible accident, and Roxanne finds Megamind a ghost of his former self and brings him home to care for him and...there’s so much to this story as they grow and change and become something more to each other than villain and damsel. And Metro Man gets into the mix, and it’s just lovely.
27. Favorite fanfic author of the year: 
Gotta list two:  @lalaurelia and @pamdizzle.  Their updates always make my day. Seriously, you guys rock. :)
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karynj24 · 3 years
My take on The Searchers
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The Searchers was a pretty interesting movie. It’s one of those movies that I wouldn’t tend to be drawn to because of the theme. I’m not a fan of cowboy movies but this one was different. It was different in age; it’s a lot older than the cowboy movies that I have seen. It’s also based on miscegenation. Ethan, the uncle of the girls that were missing, seemed to have a strong dislike for Native Americans throughout the entire film. He came off as very authoritarian and overly cocky to me. The movie depicted him as a hero along with Martin but in reality Ethan was a villain because he tried to kill his own niece, Debby, after finding her. His mission was to find her and kill her because he was afraid that she now has adopted the culture of the natives and may even have to bare natives child. He did not want to mix the white race with another race. That was his motivation to finding her and to me that is pure evil especially after Debby’s entire family was killed. Also the depiction of the Natives being savages and uncivilized were pretty demeaning. The Natives instead were shown as villains who showed no mercy. Women were also not taken as seriously in this movie. Much of the women dressed in servant attire and always serving men, even those that weren’t their husbands. Their feelings were dismissed often and they were used. For example the Native women that Martin encountered on his search for Debby was used for her knowledge of Native tradition, language to help him get closer to Scar. At one point he even got so annoyed by her he kicked her out away from him. Also another example was when Laurie constantly showed her love to Martin who constantly disregarded her feelings until it was beneficial to him. Even after she was fed up with him ignoring her feelings, she still sought to provide for him by giving him her best horse and helping him find Debby. It was all gross depictions to me. To see the white race and male gender as so superior to where you have diminish another race and gender to build yourself up. To try to destroy and mock the idea and culture of someone else's race because the idea of being white is better. To even go as far as pushing the idea that integration of the white race and another race is a bad idea. I think that’s insane. 
The theme “race and gender in American film” fits this movie well. It was a movie that showed race and gender in film to fuel stereotypes and push false narratives with interesting and important ideas that form the American identity. For example, the Cowboy and being a “Texican” was very important to the American Identity because of past history of colonization and wars. With the idea of cowboys and setting this movie in Texas, it puts the audience back to the beginning of how America became, why the nation is so superior, and push the notion that the American Identity is centered on the white man. 
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reddirtramblings · 6 years
On our last day in Austin, we visited several wonderful gardens. but the first stop for my bus was Lucinda Hutson’s garden, forever recognizable by her purple house. Bill and I visited Lucinda in 2014, but I wasn’t able to write a post about her lovely casita then–I was overwhelmed promoting my book–so I’m going to rectify that now.
As always, click on the photos in the gallery to make them larger and get the full effect. Believe me, for Lucinda’s garden, you want the full effect.
Lucinda Hutson’ purple casita has rosemary hedges out front. I wonder if they are the type of rosemary that blooms blue? Or, are do they bloom white?
Small seating are out front. I notice Kylee Baumle in this photo, but with everyone else’s hats and cameras in front, I’m not sure about the others.
Broken pottery mulch at the bottom of the centerpiece tree. Lucinda doesn’t waste an inch of space.
Lucinda is a treasure and one of my favorite people. She is a lifestyle writer, cookbook author, and speaker. If you love tequila, you should buy her newest book, ¡Viva Tequila!: Cocktails, Cooking, and Other Agave Adventures published by the University of Texas Press. The bloggers had the opportunity to buy the books at the Garden Bloggers Fling closing party and also, to try two of the drinks in the book, a Texican martini, and a Paloma. Both were really good. I personally like reposado tequila myself so I liked the martini best. That chili-spiced salt on the rim was inspired. Sorry I didn’t take a picture!
The photos, below, are mostly of her backyard. It isn’t a huge garden, but it is packed full of curated vignettes.
Tile work along the top of the shed.
Lucinda’s writing room.
Inside Lucinda Hutson’s writing room.
I wonder what the Spanish word for vignette is? Ah, viñeta! Of course!
The gate to the cantina garden.
Huge Swiss chard in Lucinda’s kitchen garden.
Cobalt pots holding begonias perfectly grown.
I think what makes Lucinda’s garden work so well is her innate sense of color. She tends to use pink, purple, turquoise and occasionally, yellow. Then, she takes similar plants and pots them up in Talavera pottery or uses similar pots in different primary colors. I wish I had her skill.
Perfectly placed pots on a small table. Lucinda has an ability to bring diverse items together by using color, or a them, or similar pots or plants. I wish I had the same.
Succulents in Talavera pottery. Luckily, for Oklahomans, we now have access to Talavera pottery too. I love the pumpkins and witches myself.
Lucinda’s vegetable garden is full of bold colors and happy plants.
Agaves along a wall in the back garden.
A shady spot for reflection with a purple chair of course! This is in the front yar.
Lucinda has a joy that spills over into every contact with her. I’m so glad she allowed her garden and home to be on tour for the garden bloggers. Nothing was off limits, and what a fantastic place her purple casita truly is. Lucinda grew up in El Paso and is fluent in Spanish. In fact, when she talks, she mixes Spanish and English together with the most beautiful accent. I love to listen to her voice. Check out this episode of Central Texas Gardener to hear Lucinda. There is also a tour of her garden on another episode.
Below are just a few of the pictures I took inside Lucinda’s house. Because I enjoy Mexican culture so much, I love her collections especially her Santos–Saints–and El Día de los Muertos–Day of the Dead memorabilia.  She’s traveled extensively throughout Mexico so she has treasured pieces from her journeys.
Tiled steps Lucinda calls her “stairway to heaven” and Our Lady of Guadalupe inside the back door. Lucinda loves Madonnas which are a large part of Mexican culture. Our Lady of Guadalupe is very revered in Mexico.
Some of Lucinda’s Day of the Dead–El Día de los Muertos. Lucinda’s friend told us Lucinda celebrates the Day of the Dead with feasting for her relatives and friends.
Check out the agave glasses on this little bar or altar in Lucinda’s living room. I love those!
This is only a taste of Lucinda’s lovely garden and home. I hope you’ll buy her beautiful book if you like tequila. It has even more history of how important agave is to Mexican culture. In Oklahoma, we’re pretty fond of it too.  Thank you, Lucinda, for having us over. It was a morning I’ll never forget.
Lucinda Hutson’s garden On our last day in Austin, we visited several wonderful gardens. but the first stop for my bus was…
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