#their souls *aren't* originally from that world. only airi is.
sylhea-raemi · 1 year
i've seen comments about airi not being the "true" savior because of makia reincarnated from earth which counts her as "from another world" which is kind of true, but ultimately false.
#because although makia and thor reincarnated from kazuha and tooru#their souls *aren't* originally from that world. only airi is.#makia and thor. kazuha and tooru. all of them are scarlet and black's reincarnations respectively who are from the world of maydare#the savior is said to be 'from another world' and as of now that applies to tanaka airi ONLY#we don't know about kanon that much but irc the hero was said to be from another world as well? i don't remember#anyway i really like that they didn't do a 'makia was the savior all along because she was from earth too!' but instead makia was a savior#in a way that isn't 'destined to save the world' but in a way that she manage to reach out to people's hearts and help them#as what airi said kazuha was like an angel that saved her#it was also accordung to her that makia is like the true main character in which she is. but savior =/= protagonist.#airi is still pretty much the savior in title and she's now acting on her part. she still have powers that of a savior.#she's still very much the vessel needed to eliminate harm. there's gonna be a great war not just between#hermedes vs ruschia & frezier and the rest of maydare's countries#but also between the 10 great magicians from history that came back once again..... i think. airi's role is gonna be essential for both.#airi plays an important part and not just her! gt9 as well! frey as a prince of ruschia and makia as a guardian and as the scarlet witch..#lapis as a (basically) military personnel and a twilight mage for frezier empire#and lastly nero as the hermedes empire's last royalty and as queen shatoma frezier's ally#all of them play an important role#gilbert also! not just as the prince that's basically handling every work in the castle because ulysses is lune ruschia's professor and#the white sage's reincarnation and frey who was stripped from every right he have as a prince— ahem! gilbert not just as a prince but also#as a guardian. oh and sir lionel the vice captain of the royal knights and a guardian ig there's nothing really remarkable about him aside#from those. and yeah thor since he's not just a guardian but also one of the big three magicians#genuinely why are the guardians so boring the only one that isnxt is makia granted cuz she's the mc but also airi those two are the only#enjoyable ones. gilbert is slowly growing on me tbh. who knows maybe sir lionel's gonna have an arc where i'd like him#thor i swear i don't hate you and i even liked you but you're never gonna outrank gt9 airi and even beatrice#sylhea talks maydare
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b, n, p?
Liz, a pleasure as always <3
- Beautiful People, Ed Sheeran ft. Kahlid: I love the theme of seeing past the sheer curtain of things such as beauty standards and fame, and just realizing that most of the time, those things aren't as glamorous as they seem to be. (*cough* gossip girl's original plot *cough*)
- Bloom, The Paper Kites: It's such an airy song that makes me feel happy. It's about the Yearning as well, so that's a bonus.
- Boys Will Be Boys, Dua Lipa: Woman said "I'm about to put you ALL to shame." This song just makes me equal parts vindicated and furious because REALLY? Men need it to be spelled out for them in a blatantly obvious song how fucked up it is for women in the world?! The lyrics are something that almost every woman has experienced in her life: harassment, not being out at night, keys between their knuckles when they're on their own, mansplaining, etc. It's a cathartic song for me.
- Broken, Isak Danielson: (🪑 vibes aside) this is another song that breaks my heart, but not in the same way BWBB does. The thought that there are women out in the world who feel like they can't leave their situations, even when there are people in their lives who try to help, rips my heart in pieces.
- brutal, Olivia Rodrigo: There are times where I just feel the need to bash my teenage years, you know. The punk rock speaks to my soul 💛
- The Night We Met, Lord Huron: I'm cheating, but only a little. The first time I heard this song, it was 2am in the morning during last Summer, and I was going through some things that caused me to have insomnia/ a fear of going to bed, but this song just made my night. The melancholic, regretful tone of it hit my heart. But it wasn't in a way that made me cry (at first), it just was a song that I became obsessed with in the middle of the night. After three listens to it, THEN I started to cry.
- New York City, Among Savages: Does this need explaining? The Dair of It All just hits whenever I listen to this song. The excitement I feel when I hear it is *chef's kiss*. Everytime I hear the trumpets, 360° kiss just springs to mind.
- New Romantics, Taylor Swift: I love music that is about finding yourself, whether it's because you are just starting in life, or you have outgrown your life, I connect with that due to where I am in my life.
- It's Nice to Have a Friend, Taylor Swift: (again, ignore the cheating) WHERE DO I START? I first heard this song from a dair edit (still my favorite one to this day), and I was enamored with the song. Because not only does it tie into my favorite ship of all time, BUT it also was so different to other songs I'd heard of Taylor's. Again, trumpets! The ethereal choir in the background, the abrupt lyrics, the ukulele, the idea of falling I'm love with your best friend... it's a perfect song to me.
- No Body, No Crime, Taylor Swift: Taylor wrote an entire Netflix series in a four minute song, and I think that's neat of her.
- Peer Pressure, James Bay ft. Julia Michaels: I'm a sucker for upbeat music about a guy who is suddenly in love with this girl he's known for so long (👀).
- Pieces, Andrew Belle: This song hits me with nostalgia, even though I didn't listen to it as a kid lol. Just, overall, I love the vibes this song has.
- Paper Planes, Elina: Again, it's the Vibes.
- Passenger, Noah Kahan: Fun fact, I used this song in my first web-weave. I'm a sucker for acoustic guitar and a narrator trying to improve themselves.
- Perfect, Ed Sheeran: I mean... come on. It's a lovely song that hits me right in the romantic feels.
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madharemuses · 3 years
What kind of threats and dangers does these Magical Girls fight? Who's their main enemy?
The original idea, and in weaver's case, source of the magical girls/monsters is from the tabletop rpg Magical Burst. (UPDATE THE DAMN 5TH VERSION CLUNEY IT'S BEEN TWO GODDAMN YEARS) I ran a game for some folks, and I've been keeping the world they ruined saved in reserve for magical girl shenanigans.
Mr. Bear I know you follow me on here and I'll say this now, nothing in this post will help Ayaka because I'm using entirely different explanations for what's happening in the current game.
Weaver was actually the final boss, a Tsukaima (the one who makes the contracts with magical girls) that went rogue and started making its own youma(The monsters). She didn't stay dead because she's smarter than I am and has contingencies and more power than I ever let on.
The players killed Weaver, unleashed an ancient evil by mistake (Part of Weaver's contingency), and promptly retired, as they had all acquired the number of McGuffins required to get their wishes granted. They handed the torch off to the JSDF and lost all knowledge or memory of magic. They aren't even aware of their hand in the UN intervention Crisis that has their schooling operating out of a sports stadium. (Their old school got irradiated beyond habitability)
So now you got the Gist, who do they fight?
In Kasumi's case she's one of the girls to take up the torch from my players, working for their old Tsukaima, The Gravedigger.(It's a rabbit not a monster truck) She hunts down Youma to acquire Oblivion Seeds, while working with the JSDF to contain the aforementioned ancient evil. She has teammates, but they're NPCs as far as roleplay goes. Specifically, she hunts Youma that produce Black Oblivion seeds.
Shit. I have to explain that, don't I?
Okay, so there are three kinds of Youma, and three seeds dropped by them. Youma are naturally occurring, and when they come into being they latch on to the souls of the dead or strong negative energies. If they latch onto strong negative energy, such as violent people, social unrest, Airi or crime they become a red seed Youma. A youma that kills violently and needlessly.
If they latch onto the souls of the departed that still linger, they become Black seed youma, that try to cling or regain their life by any means. Nothing will actually work, but they will try.
Then there's Clear seeds, which are yielded by Youma that haven't latched onto anything yet. The clear seeds can be influenced by the magical girls that possess them to become one colour or the other, and are the only seeds that can change states.
In Nise's case, she's thrown at any and every magical threat, Youma or otherwise, that they can. Since mundane weapons struggle against magic, having what amounts to a magical attack dog is handy. She's being manipulated, tricked, and partially brainwashed into doing this, but she doesn't know that.
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