#the whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child
buddiebeginsagain · 3 years
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I posted 761 times in 2021
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#sylvie brett - 384 posts
#brettsey - 334 posts
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#the whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child - 78 posts
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#i just finished it this week so for me it’s been days but yeah this song has been on repeat
My Top Posts in 2021
Okay but can the spinning hug please be their thing when they get good news!? They find a house they both love. Spinning hug. They get engaged. Spinning hug. Find out they’re pregnant. Spinning hug! I NEED this to be their thing!
62 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 04:28:49 GMT
“Something was different watching you up there now that we’re together.”
Now that we’re together
Now that we’re together
Now that we’re TOGETHER
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67 notes • Posted 2021-09-23 03:41:52 GMT
Anyone else have comfort episodes of TV shows? Like anytime you’re having a hard time or feeling sad you automatically watch them?
For me it’s OUAT Captain Swan movie
3x21: Snow Drifts
3x22: There’s No Place Like Home.
78 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 07:33:40 GMT
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Aurora Morningstar - Evolution of Color
Can we please talk about the use of color and Rory’s emotional progression?
From anger, hate and feelings of abandonment —> understanding, love and a sense of worth and belonging?
Her first appearance shows her in all black clearly filled with hate and anger. As the episodes go on we can see a slight addition of color, but in a very subtle way using dark tones.
In 6x07 we got a little burst of color, the red jacket, when Rory started to slightly open up to Lucifer. It was slight so she’s still in her darker color with black accents.
Then, we see her disappointment when Lucifer doesn’t show up to the fitting before the wedding. Her feelings of abandonment, and that her father doesn’t care about her, all come rushing back and the next time we see her she’s back in her black leather jacket.
Then, in 6x08 when we see her again she’s still in black. Still so very angry and hurt by Lucifer.
But then he shows her in a way that not even she could disprove that he TRULY cares about and LOVES her. He chooses to make himself vulnerable. For her.
“Of course it worked. You’re my daughter, and I love you.”
Then we get 6x09/6x10:
We see Rory having a blast with her dad, playing around, indulging in the things they love, and spending quality time as a family.
In all of these scenes she’s wearing a bright yellow jacket.
Bright YELLOW.
The color of the sun, of light, of happiness.
She truly believes that her father loves her. She may not understand why he left her yet, but she knows and feels his love and how much she means to him and this gives her a sense of peace and comfort.
This use of color progression paralleling her emotional progression is absolutely beautiful to me.
97 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 01:58:38 GMT
Brettsey Appreciation Week
Day 1: Favorite Episode(s): 9x15 & 9x16 
I finally feel as though I am in a place where I can express my thoughts about Brettsey getting together and figured there was no better time than Brettsey appreciation week! 
Warning: long post ahead
9x15: A White-Knuckle Panic 
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THIS SCENE. We had BTS pics from this scene weeks before the episode aired and many of us thought it might be Matt confessing his love to Sylvie. I definitely fell into that boat but let me tell you this scene was so much better than I could have ever imagined. 
Not only did Matt finally find his words, he made sure that he was absolutely and undeniably clear with them. He refused to let her walk away assuming that the conversation with Gabby was great for any other reason than giving him that final clarity about HER. About moving on with her. He also didn’t just say “I love you, Sylvie” he said “in love with” and I love that so much. It leaves absolutely no room for misunderstandings or doubt about the intensity of his feelings for her. 
Which then brings us to his next line, and the line that made the scene for me. 
“Even if that doesn’t change anything for you, I needed you to know it.”
Guys. This is HUGE. And I honestly believe it was this that proved to Sylvie that she could trust his words. Every single relationship Sylvie has been in the men have always made her mold herself around them and/or their lives in one way or another. She has never been the one with the ball in her court. She’s never been the one to be put first. This season she finally put her foot down and said no more to that and I am so proud of her. She knew she deserved more and Matt finally gave that to her. 
Matt truly and unselfishly wanted her to know that she was LOVED. That she was cared for. Even if she didn’t feel the same way. Sylvie has never had a man show her unselfish and devoted love in the way Matt does here. Which explains why she is speechless. He’s not begging her for another chance, he’s not giving an ultimatum, he’s simply and clearly telling her that no matter what she is LOVED by him. 
Honestly this is one of the most beautiful Brettsey moments in my opinion.
9x16: No Survivors 
Having to wait an entire week between these two episodes was TOUGH. But something in me knew that we’d get our Brettsey in the season finale. However, nothing could have ever prepared me for what actually happened. I think I’ve had the most difficulty expressing my thoughts on this episode because my brain just couldn’t comprehend what happened. 
For starters, Matt completely spiraling out over Sylvie was one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. He didn’t tell her about his feelings expecting something in return, but this man is so in love he can’t help but look for her around every turn. He just wanted to know how she felt. Even if it wasn’t what he felt. 
I don’t think we’ve ever seen Matt spin out like this over anyone else he’s been romantically involved with and to me that just shows the depth of his feelings for his Sylvie. And then, just when he’s finally surrendered to the fact that he has made things awkward again and made the decision to let this go once and for all, our beautiful girl shows up. 
I just want to start by saying that I LOVE that this scene took place in the middle of the night at the firehouse. They had the privacy they needed but this confession happened in THEIR home. Where they grew closer, bonded over cases and patients, where she trusted him with the letter from her birth mom, where he supported her and watched her shine as PIC. I just LOVE that we got this scene and the love scene separate. 
“We belong together”
 She just jumps in headfirst with this line. it’s short and sweet but holds so much weight. This is her voicing out loud for this first time that everything she’s been feeling for years makes sense. That no matter what may be in their past they are meant for each other. They belong to one another. And he provides that assurance by simply stating “We do.” It wasn’t a question. He believed it just as much as she did and needed her to know it. 
 “We’re right for each other” 
This is her finally voicing that who they are as people, how they care so selflessly for others, makes them the perfect fit for each other and again he so simply confirms this for her. 
“When you know, you know.” 
Then finally she fully lets go. She fully embraces the undeniable connection, the fierce love she has for this man and lets go. She just KNOWS. So does he and it is just beautiful. 
I so love that Matt gave her the time to voice these truths to him and that he gave her the reassurance she needed. 
I also love that he didn’t need to hear her say the words. He was already walking towards her and kissed her before she could even get all of the words out. This man KNOWS that Sylvie Brett loves him. He’s seen it in the way she so selflessly puts him first. Something no one has done for him. He has been starved of her for months. Physically and emotionally. And now that she is finally telling him that she believes all the things about them that he does, he doesn’t need to hear the words. Yet she still manages to get most of them out before his lips are on hers and I absolutely love that she mirrored his words. 
“I’m in love with you.” 
There is no room for miscommunication. No room for doubt. These two beautiful humans are in love with each other. Belong to each other. Are right for each other. And they both KNOW it. 
I have so many feelings about their love scene. These two have had so much built up sexual tension and emotional investment in each other for so long. It would have been so easy for them to have just fallen into bed the first second they could, and who could blame them. But they didn’t. They took their time. They revealed in each others closeness. They danced. They took time to just BE in this beautiful bubble of pure and unselfish love that neither of them thought they would ever find. 
Even when they moved to the bedroom, he took his time undressing her. And when they finally became one, they savored it. Holding tight to each other as the rest of the world fell away. it was just them loving each other so tenderly and completely. 
The love these two have for each other runs so deep and is probably the most selfless love we’ve seen on the show. 
Sylvie Brett finally got everything she ever wanted. Because it’s what she deserves. 
Matt Casey finally has the love, partnership and connection he has always craved. 
They both finally have the one person who will love them as deeply and as selflessly as they love the other. 
The matching piece of the puzzle. 
99 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 03:16:57 GMT
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
No offense, but why would the Chicago Fire writers ever hurt Sylvie Brett? It's an actual hate crime.
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brettseydaily · 3 years
but picture Matt Casey looking at his whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child girlfriend, one Sylvie Brett (two ts) kick ass and take names and omg POWER COUPLE 
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buddiebeginsagain · 3 years
Can we take a second to talk about how PROUD Emily Foster would be of our girl right now?!
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buddiebeginsagain · 3 years
Okay Brettsey Fam. I’m taking tumblr off my phone again. The night before this time because I was still so antsy checking on my breaks last week. Once I’m home from late clinic I’ll be back here to freak the f*ck out with you all because we WILL get our Brettsey! I can feel it! HUGS! We will get through this! 💕💕💕
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
I have something important to say.
I often times find myself calling Sylvie Brett an adorable sunshine rainbow child. But in reality she's actually a whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child. And i think it's important that no one, including myself, drops the whoopass from her character description bc its very important and should always be included when describing her.
Thank you. That is all I have to say. Good night.
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
You guys know what? I would absolutely let Sylvie Brett find me a house with her superior home finding skill.
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
You honestly have the same energy as Sylvie Brett
She is literally the last person on earth i would expect someone to think i have the same energy as, but thank you so much anon! This is, i think, the single greatest compliment i've ever been given!!!
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
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Sylvie Brett: The Whoopass Adorable Sunshine Rainbow Child.
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
Angry Sylvie was 🔥🔥🔥🔥
She’s so sweet and caring but I love when she’s ready to cut a bitch 🙌🏼🥰
The look of pure rage on her face as it showed her listening to Casey and Grainger fight. Like damn. I have never seen her look so pissed! It was scary!
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
Hate me if y'all will, but i wouldn't even be disappointed if Brett was just like screw casey, and fell in love with and married Granger instead 😂 also like go Granger! He saw that whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child and was like 👀👀👀 and mean like me too buddy and he shot his shot, and like good for him tbh.
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
How my CF favorites are ranked (they are all my favs but in different ways):
Stella: my favorite hot bad ass character
Sylvie: my fav whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child character
Ritter: my fav perfect ray of preciousness character
Gallo: my fav little shit character
Severide: my fav grumpy angst man character
Casey: my fav dumb ass hoe character
Sev and Casey's favorite status are actually interchangeable
Cruz: my favorite wonderful big hearted man
Herrmann: my favorite grumpy old man
Mouch: my favorite kind lovely old man
Boden: my favorite big scary boss man
Mackey: my favorite baby paramedic
Capp: my fav I D I O T
Tony: my favorite character.
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ssfghfrrggf · 3 years
Oh my goodness! Please ask your teacher!
I love that fic writers are giving sylvie the recognition she deserves, but I always side eye it because I don’t know if it will happen.
She’s a precious sunshine angel who deserves it.
the whoopass adorable sunshine rainbow child DOES deserve it!
and if i remember i will! but she might work private ems so it might be different for her. send me ask tomorrow at like 1:30 EST and remind me if you don't mind lol
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