#the whistle in the thunderstorm thing was so eerie!! I would have Expired
sheeptopus · 3 years
@milkcrates tagged me to share 10 things about myself (thank you!! I really enjoyed reading your post!! & sorry I didn’t get around to doing this until now, university is trying to claim my sanity but I am Hanging On), so here we go!
1. I love to sing! I play a few different instruments (none of them well rip) but voice is my main “instrument” (I got my Grade 8 with distinction a few years ago 🥳). I’m ~classically trained~, but I want to be better at pop/rock singing ://
2. I study Korean as part of my degree, and I can say with tentative confidence that I am an intermediate level Korean speaker. Unfortunately this means that sometimes I have to catch myself before I go to say/write something in Korean to someone who doesn’t know it, because no, brain, just because we know what that means/how to read that now doesn’t mean that other people do!
3. Related to the first 2 points, when I was studying abroad in Seoul, I loved going to the noraebang (karaoke). I would go by myself and have tons of fun singing myself hoarse ㅋㅋ
4. I’ve always wanted to ride horses. When I was little I used to read any book about horses that I could get my hands on. I don’t think I qualified as a “horse girl”, since I wasn’t actually riding horses, and I had other interests as well; but even today, I still really want to ride horses ;-;;
5. I read The Hobbit for the first time when I was 7, and at no point did it occur to me that it was a high-level book for a 7-year-old to be reading. One day my dad told me that there was a really good book called The Hobbit, and soon after, my P.3 class (that’s 1st grade in American terms) went to the school library. I saw it on the shelf, went ‘oh! it’s that book Dad was talking about’ and just kept checking it out until I had read the whole thing. (I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it now lolol)
6. Lavender is my favourite smell/flower!
7. When I was in nursery school (and on into primary school as well) my favourite things were Sleeping Beauty (in her pink dress, this is crucial) and bunnies. One of my seminal artworks from this period was titled, imaginatively, ‘Sleeping Beauty with Bunnies’. I still have a bunny calendar from like 2004 that I got when I was 4 or 5. All this is to say that I relate to Lan Zhan; he is so valid.
8. Being from Ireland, I never got a sunburn until I was 16, on a school trip to Paris. I had been in hot places before, but not without my mother there to slather me in sunscreen (love you, Mum). It wasn’t even that bad a burn, but I was so shocked 😂😂
9. I’m a very empathetic person, which sometimes means that I cry easily. When I was little there was this storybook called Tom and Pippo’s Walk that would make me cry every time, I hated it. Pippo (the toy monkey) falls in a puddle and gets all muddy. I would like to clarify that they wash Pippo and he’s fine, but that didn’t matter to tiny me, I just found it too upsetting. To this day I literally can’t think about it for too long or I’ll start crying. It means that sometimes when I’m reading fic, something upsetting will happen and I’ll just be there like ‘why aren’t you crying? I would 100% cry in this situation’ & then when the fic ends without the character having had a good cry over whatever it was, I’m just there like >:^O
10. I’m fairly certain that when I was little I had synesthesia; I could see sounds and hear colours. I thought that that was just how everyone experienced the world when they were small until one time when I was trying to describe it to my mum and she had no idea what I meant, lolol. But I could see, like, a colour in my head and then say it out loud because I knew what sound it was, that sort of thing. (I remember that a specific shade of green was “phee-ney” and a kind of dusty deep pink-red-russet colour was “chess” -- no relation to the game). It faded over time, though, rip :///
That was so long aaah 🙈🙈 I’m gonna open this up to anyone (and I mean Anyone) who wants to do it (yes, You). If you want to do it, pls tag me so I can see!! 💖💖
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