#the warriors aot
obiiow · 2 months
I know the whole thing with eren growing his hair out was because he just didn’t care anymore but I like to think it’s because his mom always told him his ears turn red when he lies and he was about to spend the rest of his life lying to everyone he loved 🥹
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oivsyo · 7 months
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Titan Trio
Initially I planned this one for the warriors week, but failed to finish it on time. I really needed to draw them in full height to show this incredible height difference
if you like my art you can support me by tipping or getting a highres of the art on Boosty, link is in bio
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hamsterhjarta · 10 months
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pov you are the newest member of the warrior unit
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kluoart · 2 months
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darkbutterflyart · 4 months
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RBA 🐱🐱🐱
I am a little late but I hope you still enjoy it💙 Outfits are inspired by their cat keychains💕
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punkheichou · 4 months
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Art by SAYO
Permission to repost was given by the artist.
Please do not repost without permission. Please do not edit or remove the caption. If you can, please support the artist on pixiv/twitter.
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shirmirart · 1 year
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after a hard day of training 🌅 (AU where they all went to paradis)
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oxygenbefore1775 · 1 year
when you have to leave him in the morning
➥featuring: porco, reiner, zeke x fem!reader
➥cw: petnames, suggestive aka hints of sex and groping in porco's, also forgery in zeke's (as if ud expect anything else from him), also zeke's a doctor here
➥summary: after staying the night at his place, you have to leave in the morning yet he's dead-set to get in your way (or not)
➥a/n: aka my beloved tagelied trope (i can't fucking get enough of it)
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tries to get off one last time
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you noticed his figure appearing in the mirror's reflection, silently entering the bathroom while you were getting ready to leave for work. His eyes found you in a heartbeat as did his arms, snaking their way around your waist and getting dangerously close to the hem of your shirt.
He observed you hastily going through your skincare routine for a few moments before emitting a low grunt, his lips gingerly brushing against the nape of your neck. "C'mon baby you don't need all that shit," his hold on you tightened, turning possessive, "you're already so pretty. Save this time for something else." With the bluntest of insinuations leaping of his tongue, Porco slid his fingers under your shirt and started tracing shapes on the tender skin of your stomach.
Yet, you remained strong in the face of his bold caresses, "It's only thanks to this 'shit' that I've been so 'pretty', Pock." Your breath hitched as his palm slid up to your breast, gently cupping it, but you continued, though with a clear strain to your voice. "And no, the last time I caved, I was late to work and I couldn't exactly tell my boss that my boyfriend wanting to get his dick wet was the one to blame."
"You know that's not what I meant," he pleaded, his brows furrowing in growing desperation. His voice dripped with honeyed sweetness, weaving a seductive melody that lingered in the air. "Oh, please. I can't bear to wait a whole day to have you back at my place. I'll drive you there myself, even if it means getting a ticket. It's just too good, that pussy of yours."
As his words hung in the air, followed by thoughtless pecks to your neck and back of your head, you couldn't help but to feel the allure of his proposition. The thought of succumbing to his enticing offer tugged at your resolve and coiling familiar warmth in your stomach, tempting you to give in to the desires.
Fortunately for Porco, your self-restraint was practically non-existent.
With a gentle nudge you pried yourself out of his grasp to face him and fall back into his arms again. "Ok, but only this last time," you playfully interjected between breathless kisses.
His dark chuckle melted against your lips, the low rumble of amusement sending more heat into your stomach. "You say that everytime."
helps you to get ready
With a delicate yet persistent rub to your shoulder Reiner roused you out of the deep sleep, calling out your name in an affectionate manner to make sure you were awake. Blinking your eyes open, you smiled at him in recognition before wandering your still hazy gaze to the clock. The burning white digital numbers jolted you awake as you realized you had overslept.
A drawn-out "shit" flew past your lips along with curses directed at your phone for not setting off the alarm clock, and you scrambled out of bed, your mind racing. Your eyes lay to Reiner. If it wasn't for your phone, then was he the one to wake you up?
Your head void of any other thoughts, you stated bluntly, "I'm running late." With those words you turned to Reiner, a surge of hope and pleading momentarily glimmered in your eyes, desperate for a solution to your predicament. However, as the weight of the situation fully settled in, a new wave of despair crashed over you, overwhelming you with the number of all the tasks that needed to be accomplished in such a short amount of time. That initial glint of hope irrevocably faded, replaced by a deep sense of worry and frustration.
Ever the paragon of composure (at least when it came to your predicaments), Reiner flashed a reassuring smile at you. "Not to worry," he mused, his voice laced with warmth. "I've already taken care of a few things for you." As you stood there, momentarily dumbfounded by his thoughtfulness, he gently nudged you toward the bathroom. "Just go and start off the day while I finish up some other tasks. Alright?"
As it turned out, Reiner took his time in the morning to fix up a breakfast for you and iron your outfit for the day. As you sat at the kitchen counter, gobbling up the prepared meal in haste, Reiner exuded strange serenity unfit for the rush of the mornings that somehow transferred to you too. So much so, that when you were standing in the hallway waiting for the cab (another courtesy of Reiner) you were absolutely calm as if coming in late wasn't a threat anymore.
As you were about to leave, Reiner handed you a container and explained under the unspoken question of your eyes. "Packed some lunch for you." Clarification sounded so simple coming out of his mouth yet it still swelled your chest with affection. A belated surge of tenderness overcame you, and you leaned in to leave a gentle peck on his cheek, before leaving for the cab.
pulls all the strings at his disposal to make you stay
The soft rays of the morning light filtered through the curtains as the alarm clock in its infinite persistence urged you to wake up. With a yawn and a stretch, along with some crude laments about such an early awakening, you made a feeble attempt to get up but a clutch of his hands, closed in around you, only grew stronger.
"Zeke," you groaned in protest but nonetheless let him pull you closer into his embrace. "We're not playing this game again."
His response was barely an audible murmur yet still managed to convey an untolerable level of sneer, "Yes, we are."
With that, he peeled one of his eyes open just to register the sheer annoyance painted across your features and fall back into slumber as soon as he saw the desired outcome of his antics. Your struggle seemed to amuse him to no end.
Trying to cover up the boiling irritation, you pleaded with him one last time, "I have to get up. Mind you, we both have work today," you pointed out and followed with a reasonable, at least at first glance, argument. "Doubt that your patients would be all that happy to not see you at your office today."
"Oh, I'm afraid they'll have to deal with that," he rebuked in a state of absolute calm, "The same goes for your boss."
Shifting around in his embrace to find some sort of comfort, you furrowed your brows in confusion. "The fuck you mean?" you asked him bluntly, running out of patience and time to get ready.
His whole body trembled as curt laughter escaped his chest. "Well, it has come to my attention that both of us contracted a rare strain of disease and — oh no — it's extremely contagious and dangerous to the outside world so we must quarantine for the rest of the day." To add defiance to his words and irate you even more, he nestled closer, his beard scratching at your skin. "As you can see, I'm already taking measures. It's you who's the irresponsible one right now."
"You talking forgery," you rebuked meekly yet it didn't seem to get a rise out of him. "Not if you're a real doctor which, luckily, I am."
You still seemed tense when his hot breath seered against your ear, "Relax, we're sleeping in today."
A valid excuse provided, you melted into his touch as you finally caved to his request. "You're very fortunate to have me, you know? Maybe reconsider to start appreciating me some more." The playfulness to his voice quickly faded off into the distance as you fell back asleep.
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thena0315 · 6 months
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Defeated Warriors
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gjatheshroom · 7 months
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Marleyan fashion catalogue (November 853)
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h0-0d · 29 days
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Not me struggling to write "everything" 🙋‍♂️
He's a little bit of Bertholdt introspection before Trost Battle!
Maybe I'll get a second page one day, who knows?
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0booboozefool0 · 1 year
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oivsyo · 1 year
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wanted to sketch Reiner and Bertholdt in Marley uniform and then golden hour happened... 
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confusedmothboy · 2 months
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thinking a lot about the warrior canidates
thinking a lot about the realities of trench warfare and how they were on the front lines for so long
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hamsterhjarta · 8 months
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Marley's Warrior Unit (c. 854)
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blacksloth-art · 1 month
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My old work from AOT fandom.
Reiner = Clydesdale Horse, Bertolt = Shire Horse, Annie = Morgan Horse, Zeke = Palomino Horse, Pieck = Dale Pony, Porco = Lusitano Horse, Marcel = Lusitano Horse, Clot = Czech Warmblood Horse, Falco = Czech Warmblood Horse, Gabi = Andalusian Horse, Udo = Danish Warmblood, Zofia = Lipizzan Horse
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