#the wackos on twitter that make it their mission to do manips
jlf23tumble · 2 years
I tried to search them up on ao3 myself but no luck :( do you have some Moustacherry fics? They can be b!louis too I just rlly want to read about Harry with a moustache.
Oooh, it's really tricky because there ARE some good ones, but I think it's the spelling? Maybe?? Anyway, I have some faves!
nobody knows like me, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 3.5k. The notes but also this fic!
i moustache you a question, but i'll shave it for later, adoreloux, 3.9k. As close as I'll get!
(Honorable mentions for passing mentions to my beloved Time Passed and to Asia's fallin' and laughin' at the drinks we spilled)
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