#the voice actor for sheogorath is an advocate for mental health and supporter of dementia research
wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Dragonborn: *became the emperor, United tambriel once more and defeated the dominion with their friends and brought an a new age of prosperity and peace, now elderly and suffering from dementia, wandering the halls of the palace looking for Kaidan who has already passed on* m-my love? My love where are you? Kaidan? Kaidan?…
Sheogorath: *watching their friend from the shadows with a heavy heart as he twists his shape into that of the swordsman as the dragonborn remembers before stepping into view* I’m here my dear.
Dragonborn: *tearfully tries to run to him but can only manage a shuffle instead* I-I couldn’t find you- I thought you’d left me like everyone else did…
Sheogorath: *mimics Kaidans slightly crooked smile perfectly* I’d never leave you my love. Let’s go home now okay?…
Dragonborn: okay…
Sheogorath: *pulls them into a hug and so gently takes their life away, letting their soul go whether it may please and freeing them from the burdens of madness* …we never did get to share that strawberry tart… maybe some other time, my friend…
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