#the tragedy being he has moved past the expected behaviour and obvs its her that hasn't - oh no it was the reverse of what they thought!
nostalgia-tblr Β· 1 year
no but i'm into that though
I don't think anyone really got "betrayed" in the final Loki ep but I do like how the final betrayal (YMMV) is Sylvie's when that was never even considered a possibility by any of the characters before then. And she showed up as 'the Loki who isn't' the one who has broken out of the assigned role and whose big plan will free everyone else from having to fit an assigned role. No more enforced predestination, yay! She's changed her name and dyed her hair and her refusal to be what she's "supposed" to be is what so interested Loki - she's him but she also very pointedly isn't, and what does that say about his own shot at real freedom?
And ep 5's big thing is the nature of Lokis in general and how they'll 'inevitably' [citation that isn't from the TVA needed] turn on people, even themselves. We have a nice wee chat about whether Loki will do the same, if he'll repeat past mistakes. No, we're assured, he's moved past that, but also we accept it was a reasonable thing for her to have asked about, given all the givens. It occurs to neither of them that Sylvie might turn on someone she cares for to get at a thing she wants more. Characters and audience just kind of went along with the idea that she's not Like That, so we have need to worry about her.
So LOL that she does just that about 45 minutes later.
I mean, it's sad. But also LOL.
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