#the superfogeys
comicteaparty · 4 years
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April 27th - May 3rd, 2020
The SuperFogeys by Brock Heasley (Writer) and Marc Lapierre (Artist)
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jennyeverywhereday · 3 years
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Here is a stunning piece from Marc Lapierre. You can see more of his work in SuperFogeys, now on Webtoons.
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deliriumcomics · 7 years
Get Yer Fix, Delirium Tremens is out! https://t.co/6q5tgRql2H #DT Stories via @godandcomics @ComicBastards @SuperFogeys
Get Yer Fix, Delirium Tremens is out! https://t.co/6q5tgRql2H #DT Stories via @godandcomics @ComicBastards @SuperFogeys
— Delirium Comics (@Delirium_Comics) November 1, 2017
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 1st-July 7th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from July 1st, 2020 to July 7th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
Which webcomic shows a character’s backstory that completely changed your opinion of them?
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Not really an entire backstory and not an absolute opinion changer, but seeing Bogg's flashback explaining the beef between her and Trigger in Ghost Junk Sickness really made me think oh wow Trigger is messy in a sense I did not consider before
cAPSLOCK (Tailslide)
I remember Amanda's backstory reveal in Selkie being a real gut punch that made her a lot more redeemable in my eyes.
I'm gonna go with four just to spread some love today. First off, Ridriel from Chirault http://chirault.sevensmith.net/. In all honestly, just as a character when Ridriel was first introduced, I wasn't much interested. Not that the introduction, character, or anything was technically bad, just as a personal taste thing. And so as Ridriel became more prominent, I was none too sure about this. And then we start finding out not only the hardships Ridriel went through to become a mage, but also who Ridriel is, and suddenly just 180, probably one of the more interesting and complex characters in the comic. Mara in Rainy Day Dreams http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/. While I do like Mara, I always felt she was kind of...untouchable? Like if I knew her in real life, I'm not sure I'd be able to be her friend because she'd seem hard to approach. And then we get the whole flashback sequence of her at school, and suddenly there's just more "humanity" in her than I ever saw before, and it made me see her in a completely new light in terms of kindness and caring. Sydney in Sombulus http://www.sombulus.com/. I found Sydney really abrasive and hard to like at first. Not anywhere close to dislike, but just overall not my favorite character. But then with each flashback and reveal, my perception slowly morphed, as rather than being like "Why is she acting like that?" It became an "Oh okay I get it." And that understanding of why she does as she does really helped make her a more likeable character for me. Star Maiden in The SuperFogeys https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-superfogeys/list?title_no=149351&page=1. This is another character I just didn't really like at first. I found her just too out of it to really work. And then her backstory shows all the shit she's been through, and now I can't hold anything against her and just think, "Poor baby :<"
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 27th-May 3rd, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from April 27th, 2020 to May 3rd, 2020.  The chat focused on The SuperFogeys by Brock Heasley (Writer) and Marc Lapierre (Artist).
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on The SuperFogeys by Brock Heasley (Writer) and Marc Lapierre (Artist)~! (http://superfogeys.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until May 3rd, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Just finished reading the entire archive, and I'm loving this comic! The gag-a-day stuff early on isn't really to my taste, but once the comic starts getting into the in-depth story stuff I was hooked. My favorite character by far is Soviet Sam. His character arc from a quiet former villain, constantly regretful of his actions 50 years prior, into a full-fledged hero, is just super uplifting to see.
Ok, time for some question answering. What I like about the beginning is just kind of how it deceptively pulls you. It starts with this really simple concept of retired superheroes, but then just slowly and slowly brings in more plot until you're hooked in and don't even know what's happening anymore (in the colloquial good way). As for favorite moment in the comic, I'm cheating and taking it from an extra rather than the main story. And it's where Soviet Sam dreams about what itd be like if Money Man was still alive...where theyre retired and arguing about communism and capitalism. It. hurt. my. heart. And I legit had to stop reading for a moment because I was so sad. As for favorite character, I'm with @snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) on the Soviet Sam train. I love his arc of trying to be better and just constantly taking a step back so many times he takes a step forward. So just on an emotional level I'm 100% on board with his redemption path. As for characters interacting the most, probably Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket. I love the intense history that feeds into their every action, and I love the fine line they walk between enemies and friends. It makes all the interactions very interesting.
In regards to the art, I mostly just love how clean and sharp it is. It makes everything pop really well and brings that extra bit of clarity I feel really sells a comic. I'm gonna talk about themes more another day, but for now I'm giving an honorable mention to the themes of nature vs. nurture that are there in the round about way because of usual parallel world shenanigans. I feel this comic brings a strong game with that idea that life could've made us very different, without bashing the reader over the head with it. As for the story's overall content, I like the blend of superhero tropes and the unique premise. Even though I've seen plenty of the things covered before, just that unique aspect of all the heroes being older and retired/not retired really puts everything in a new light. Which honestly, I think this is the comic's strength. It knows how to combine the best of the old and new that makes for a relatable story that manages to have enough unique elements it feels more than just a superhero paint job.
Comic Tea Party
9. Which common superhero trope have you enjoyed seeing in the comic so far, and what about it did you enjoy? In totality, in what ways do you see the comic using its premise to play around with common features of those sorts of stories?
10. What do you think the comic’s overall message is regarding age and “being too old for something?” What moment do you think demonstrates this the best, and how does this change your thinking on getting older?”
11. What moment in the comic interested you the most in regards to the themes of redemption? Do you think the super villains deserve to be redeemed? What do you think the comic says in general about mistakes that we make in our life?
12. Given the comic’s focus on relationships, which relationships do you like overall? How has learning the past history of characters’ relationships changed your opinion as the story progresses? Also, which change from the past to present have you been intrigued by?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Not so much in the story, but the trope I liked the most was Captain Spectacular's backstory regarding his relationships between Spy Gal and Star and that time that everyone one though Captain Spectacular and Star were dead. Superheros being dead but then not is common, but I found this one interesting because not only was it just backstory, but it has tangible present consequences. Which is something I really like the comic does with the tropes. They actually have consequential weight rather than feel there to not kill someone off. In regards to age, I think the comic's overall message is just that it's never too late to do something. Like Soviet Sam is pretty old, and yet here he is on his cool redemption path. Which really I think the the moment that demonstrates this the best is when the younger heroes don't really do shit and all the old folks jump in cause they won't let the world fall apart. As for the themes of redemption, just all of Soviet Sam's arc, again cause, I really like that his path is difficult cause he can't only step forward but steps back as well. As for whether super villains deserve to be redeemed, well, certainly in fiction. Which I think that's important for fiction cause I think it does help us believe that even if we screw up in life, we can always come back from it. There's lots of good relationships, so it's hard to pick one. I think I'm gonna go with Captain Spectacular and his relationship with Spy Gal, if only because that's the one that's most affected constantly by past history. I think learning Spy Gal's backstory affected me the most though, since I really saw her in a new light and saw more concretely how sort of practical and passionate she is about relationships.
Chop Brockly
I just want to say that I've enjoyed so much the comments that have been shared so far. Marc and I put so much love and attention to detail into the comic, and the themes of redemption and history are a big part of that. I love that that's what's getting highlighted so much. Soviet Sam was a character was not originally intended for the main story, but he proved such a fan favorite from the Origins stories that I had to work him in. Now, I can't imagine it without him.
I look forward to reading more thoughts, and if anyone has any questions for me, feel free to drop them here!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Sure thing, I'm late to the chat so checking it out.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
What I look forward to seeing in the comic right now is how everyone is gonna deal with Jerry. For those who havent gotten that far I won't spoil it, but I think it'll be interesting to find out once focus goes back there. As for final words of encouragement, they're just that I really loved this comic more than I actually thought I would from the start and I just can't wait to see what happens to all the characters, even if death awaits them just around the corner.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about The SuperFogeys this week! Please also give a special thank you to Brock Heasley (Writer) and Marc Lapierre (Artist) for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked The SuperFogeys, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://superfogeys.com/
Buy Volume 1: https://www.th3rdworld.com/shop/graphic-novels/the-superfogeys-vol-1-inaction-heroes/
The SuperFogeys’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/superfogeys?lang=en
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