jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
And that's it for Jenny Everywhere Day 2023!
Wow, every year I wonder if this is the year no one does anything, and every year I'm floored by how many people submit. I want to thank everyone that submitted this year. I'm sorry I didn't reply to everyone's emails like normal. I genuinely appreciate everyone taking time out of their lives to work on these submissions or to check out the site during the event. I hope that everyone has a good year. I'll see you back here in 2024 for another Jenny Everywhere Day.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
Here’s another submission from Mop.
Did anyone else notice something odd about today's Dracula Daily entry?
For some reason, my copy of the book has this instead for the 13th of August entry:
13 August.—Another quiet day, and to bed with the key on my wrist as before. Again I awoke in the night and found Lucy sitting up in bed, still asleep, pointing to the window. I got up quietly and pulled aside the blind, and was shocked to see a young woman crouched on the window sill. The encounter was so brief that I could scarcely note any details of her appearance, but I saw that she wore a ragged red scarf, and her hair was shooting out in every direction as though she were raised in the forest by a pack of wolves. Amidst her hair, I could barely see a pair of goggles sticking out of it. The woman smiled, awkwardly, "Oh, uh, sorry, don't mind me, I was just waiting for Dracula." When I asked her why she was waiting for a seemingly innocent Count from overseas, she just smiled. "You'll see," she said simply. She started to climb away, but she stopped herself and turned back to face me, "Sorry, just checking, are you Mina or Lucy?" "Mina," I said. "Good, good." She started to leave again, hopping off the windowsill, but, as though realising she wasn't done with something, she grasped the ledge and climbed back up, "Also, just checking, are you the one dating Johnathan? I know this might sound like an odd question, but sometimes universes switch these things around. Hell, for all I know, you don't even have a Johnathan, you could be smooching some guy named Thomas, or Azmi!" "I don't know what you mean by this, but Johnathan is my Fiance… now tell me, how do you know about him?" The woman smirked, "Let's just say you're going to make a lot of money very soon by selling a bunch of your old letters." With that, she jumped off and vanished into the night. There was also a bat I guess. I don't know where else to mention it. I saw a bat. I don't know when was the last time I saw a bat in England. Anyway, when I came back from the window Lucy had lain down again and was sleeping peacefully. She did not stir again all night.
I couldn't find any further reference to this lady in goggles and a scarf. I assume she's, like, a metaphor for something? I dunno, I only got a C in English Literature.
I skimmed the book for other differences, and only found an odd paragraph near the end:
The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
So is she meant to be, like, Jenny Everywhere or something? I seriously have no idea what famed author Bram Stoker was thinking with this. I see why this gets cut out of most editions.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
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This is my submission for the year. I thought since it had been 17 years(!) since I'd done Infinity Apartment, that maybe it was time to explore those characters again.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
Site regular Aristide Twain has a chapter story this year. More of his stuff can be found on his Tumblr (including a completely canon Jenny Everywhere Day Fun Fact).
He's also working on an interview with Joe Macaré and Nelson Evergreen of classic Jenny Everywhere fame, but sadly it won't be done for today's event.
Whenever it's completed I'll post here so everyone can get a chance to read it.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
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Here's the cover for a story submitted by Mop.
"The Rhino Tower"
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
A very interesting letter...
Here's a bit of fiction by Jamie Cowan.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
Mattkind submitted a story this year called "Downtime". It's available on DeviantArt but is age restricted.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
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Jenny has made a return to Jason Pineo's webcomic Moongazing. More of this story can be found on the Moongazing website.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
Jenny and Oblivion
Lupan Evezan is back with another Jenny story. Check out the ominously named "Jenny and Oblivion".
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
Two Jenny Stories!
Scot Sanford is back again with two new Jenny stories (and a little bonus bit). The first is "Bat Country" while the second is "A Morning In".
There's also a bonus passage called "Employee Training" because it's Jenny Everywhere Day and why not.
More of Scott's work can be found here.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
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Good morning everyone and welcome to Jenny Everywhere Day 2023!! We're going to start this year off with a wonderful pic by StLOrca. More of their work can be found on DeviantArt.
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jennyeverywhereday · 9 months
Jenny Everywhere Day 2023!
I guess it’s about that time. It’s officially August and that means we’re less than two weeks away from Jenny Everywhere Day.
Submissions are open!
Can’t wait to see what everyone has to offer this time around. As per usual I have zero idea of what I’m doing.
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jennyeverywhereday · 2 years
One last submission, event regular Elizabeth Beals posted her piece for 2022!
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Jenny Everywhere 2022
Happy Jenny Everywhere day!!! (Aug. 13th) More info here!
Jenny Everywhere ‘21
Jenny Everywhere ‘20
Jenny Everywhere ‘18
Jenny Everywhere ‘17
Jenny Everywhere ‘16
Jenny Everywhere ‘15
Jenny Everywhere ‘14
Jenny Everywhere ‘13
Jenny Everywhere ‘12
Jenny Everywhere ‘11
Elizabeth B.
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jennyeverywhereday · 2 years
Jenny Everywhere Day 2022 has ended!
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Hi everyone. Thanks for coming around again this year and seeing everything that was submitted. 
I wanted to end the event by pointing everyone to the Jenny Everywhere Wiki where so many great people are working really hard to collect everything that’s out there for our little Shifter.
Here’s a spreadsheet showing just how many projects they’ve been finding and including in the wiki.
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jennyeverywhereday · 2 years
Here’s a story from Delilah “Dizzy” H. Smith.
Jenny Everywhere Day 2022
This Might Happen Someday
by Delilah "Dizzy" H. Smith
Our world, in the year 3001. Jenny Evans and Jennifer Nolan were sitting in their shared apartment overlooking the rings of Saturn, shortly before midnight on the twelfth of August.
(Possibly the name "Jenny" and variants still existed in common use, and "Evans" and "Nolan" were still recognizable as surnames. Or maybe they were something like Jeni Johano and Jenifa Luĉjo, or some other future equivalents. No one yet lives who will be able to say what names will exist in the thirty-first century. Nevertheless, our two protagonists will be referred to as "Jenny Evans" and "Jennifer Nolan", for the same reason that this story is being rendered in twenty-first century English.)
Jenny Evans, a dark-skinned woman in a blue dress. Jennifer Nolan, pale and blonde and short-haired, wearing a black jumpsuit. Both of them looked young, but anyone in this time period could look however they pleased; Jennifer had customized her eyes to be pitch-black, with rings of stars for irises, and some people went even weirder! The two were somewhat fiercely competitive, in the adventures and adrenaline-junkie pastimes that were available to them, and Jennifer often made the spurious claim that she was "the epitome of evil". (She'd formerly gone by "Jenny", too, but had started calling herself "Jennifer" to distinguish herself from the other Jenny who was typically in the room.)
At the moment, Jennifer was listening to music via the latest method of putting music directly into your ears without other people hearing it. (Perhaps "humans" in this time period had fully-robotic bodies and pumped it into their brains outright, or perhaps they'd come full circle and wore bulky headphones.) Jenny was reading one of the endless number of stories to feature the fictional character named Jenny Everywhere.
A great many of these stories had been produced in the past thousand years, after all. Many of them featured her counterpart Jenny Nowhere, as well.
After all ...
... The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
Not, of course, that this was an actual requirement from a legal standpoint anymore. Money, copyright (let alone copyleft), the basic idea that a character or idea could belong to someone ... none of that mattered anymore, and hadn't for centuries. As a concept that applied to living humans, it was considered as outmoded as old age or war or starvation; new stories included the Paragraph solely out of tradition. And whatever humans are like a thousand years hence, they're still all about tradition.
"Done!" said Jenny, grinning over at Jennifer.
Jennifer paused her music. "You ... you actually did it?" she said. "You finished the last one?"
"Yep!" said Jenny, smiling. "As of this moment, I have finished reading, watching, listening to, playing, or otherwise consuming every single surviving piece of media that features Jenny Everywhere which has been published as of today, the twelfth of August, 3001!"
Jennifer laughed. "You dork," she said. "I dunno what's more unbelievable, the fact that you actually did it, or the fact that it only took you twenty-five years."
Jenny beamed. "I am weird," she announced proudly. "I mean, there's been data-loss over the years, so it's not every single story that's ever been published, but." She shrugged. "Seriously, though. It was really interesting, seeing the exact point in time when they started moving away from violent conflict and capitalism and scarcity and things, to ..."
"To what we've got now," Jennifer finished for her.
"Exactly!" said Jenny.
This optimistic prediction about the year 3001 having been made by the narrative, they sat in silence for a moment.
"Eh, heck with it," said Jennifer. She got up and reached into a sort of holographic portal. (Or under the bed? Some other arcane storage system which will be technologically possible in 3001?)
Jenny tilted her head curiously. "Hmm?"
"It's only a few more minutes, so ..." Jennifer pulled out a gift-wrapped box with ribbons wrapped around it. "Early birthday present," she announced, tossing it over to Jenny.
Jenny caught it. "Ooh, thanks!" She tugged at the ribbon, and the wrapping paper disintegrated, revealing a plain white box which opened by itself. (Or some other technological ... thing.)
Inside was an orange scarf, and a pair of twentieth-century aviator's goggles.
Jenny chuckled. "Who's the bigger dork?" she said. "The woman who reads every single Jenny Everywhere story, or the woman who gives her rival cosplay props for her birthday? — Oh, these are real physical objects, wow!" (Wait, what does that mean!? Are clothing and things not always "real" in some sense? Like they're projected by their cybernetics or via nanomachines or something?)
"Happy birthday, Jenny," said Jennifer.
Jenny grinned. "Thank you, Jennifer!" she said, putting the scarf around her neck and the goggles on top of her head. She gestured, and a rectangular mirror materialized, or was brought down from the ceiling on a robotic arm, you get the idea. "Wow, I'm the spitting image of ... oh no."
"What's up?" said Jennifer, frowning.
"I just had a really stupid thought," said Jenny. "Namely: 'the fact that I know every Jenny Everywhere story means I functionally have access to the memories of all Jennies Everywhere.'"
Jennifer groaned. "Okay," she said playfully, "in that case, you're definitely the bigger dork."
"Says the self-proclaimed 'embodiment of evil," Jenny shot back, grinning ear to ear. "But no, seriously. I'm pretty sure that if Jenny Everywhere exists in every reality, then in this universe, she's a fictional character."
Jennifer blinked. "That's a thing?"
"Why not?" said Jenny. "We have robo-Jenny, elf-Jenny, dog-Jenny, one-eyed-tentacled-alien Jenny ... why not 'fictional Jenny'?"
"That's ... kind of weirdly meta," said Jennifer. "Or maybe just weirdly recursive?" She shook her head. "I'm not as deep into meta-shenanigans as you."
"That's fine!" said Jenny. "Sorry, my brain's just sort of ... full of Jenny Everywhere right now." She paused. "'If you gaze too long into a story, the story gazes also into you.'"
"'She who reads Jenny Everywhere should be careful lest she thereby becomes a Jenny Everywhere'," Jennifer fired back at her, completing the first half of the Nietzsche quote.
There was a pause, and the two stared at each other for several seconds as they realized what Jennifer had just said.
"I mean," said Jenny, in a tone which suggested she couldn't quite believe what she was saying, and the words were coming in from off to one side on autopilot. "'Jenny Evans' is ... a common birth-name for Jenny Everywhere ... and I've seen 'Jenny Nolan' before ..." (Oh. I guess they are literally "Jenny Evans" and "Jennifer Nolan". Unless that statement is just a "localization decision" ... you know what, forget it.)
"I don't see how I can possibly be Jenny Nowhere," said Jennifer weakly, "but if you're Jenny Everywhere, I don't see how I can possibly not be Jenny Nowhere."
"Yeah," said Jenny. "I ..."
Her voice trailed off. She opened and closed her mouth a few times.
And then she shook her head as if to clear it. "No. No. Nonononono. We are not doing this, this is the real world, we're real people, not ... not thousand-year-old fictional characters ..."
"My god," said Jennifer, completely deadpan, and they both burst out laughing.
It was a mixture of amusement and relief. They'd just accidentally confronted themselves with something thoroughly ridiculous, and now they were on the other side of it.
"Oh wow," said Jenny.
"Wow," Jennifer agreed. "That was just complete bull, wasn't it."
"Probably!" said Jenny. "I can't believe ... we just had that happen." She laughed weakly. "Like I was saying!"
They regarded each other for another moment.
Jenny couldn't help herself. "Still," she said, "food for thought, huh?"
"No it is not," said Jennifer firmly.
"Okay!" said Jenny.
There was a beep from the clock (internal clocks?) as midnight struck. The date was now 3001-08-13 UTC.
"Well, now," said Jenny. "It's now officially my birthday. Jenny Everywhere is a thousand years old, and I am nine hundred forty years younger than that."
"That age difference has always been the case, though," Jennifer pointed out.
Jenny nodded. "True!" she said. "Anyway I'm sixty."
"You gonna keep reading them?" said Jennifer. "And ... watching and playing and whatnot. There's always a showing for Jenny Everywhere Day, even now."
"Of course!" said Jenny. She smiled. "I feel like blowing off some steam, though, after ... y'know ... that. Wanna go for our first adventure of the new, uh, I guess millennium?" (Okay, it's clear that Jenny and Jennifer are either living according to a different time zone from the one they're using to measure what day it is, or humans in the year 3001 can just keep going. Or these two are just disasters by our standards, pick one.)
Jennifer smiled faintly back. "The new Jenny Millennium? Sure."
"New Jennillennium," said Jenny.
"Yeah, that," said Jennifer, without missing a beat.
"Okay!" said Jenny, getting up. She conjured up a holographic interface and began typing and clicking through it. "Let's set the Adventure VR for ... 'new', 'random'." She hit the submit button.
A doorway appeared in one wall of the apartment, revealing a blank white void. "Where do you think we'll end up?" said Jennifer as she approached it.
"That's up to the system's random number generator!" said Jenny, walking beside her.
The two passed through the doorway and vanished, Shifting into another world the only way they could in real life.
... Or perhaps the Shift was more literal. Who can say what will be known to be possible in a thousand years?
And who's to say that a real Jenny Everywhere couldn't Shift away regardless of what happens to be possible in a particular universe?
Jenny Everywhere's Paragraph has already been stated above, and even though Jenny Nowhere is considered to be counted under it:
The character of Jenny Nowhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Nowhere, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
My first Jenny Everywhere Day submission! Tune in next year when I write a story which was supposedly written in a different universe where Jenny is also fictional, thus making it even more obnoxiously meta. The "gimmick" is that I left every worldbuilding detail vague or multiple-choice, to the point that it's ambiguous whether the two protagonists are even literally Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Nowhere, because we don't know what'll happen!
The alternative given names in the second paragraph have no particular significance, beyond being "Jenny" and "Jennifer" after a hypothetical thousand years of linguistic drift and evolution; the surnames are in Esperanto, and have roughly the same etymological meanings as their counterparts. "Jennifer/Jenny Nolan" was a name I'm planning to use in an unrelated story; "Nolan" is a play on "no land", or in other words, "Nowhere". I'm also hoping to release stories involving a "robo-Jenny" at some point, so I don't have any extant examples thereof in mind, but "elf-Jenny" is from the incomplete "Governing Council" comic by Benj Christensen, "dog-Jenny" is from Paying it Forward by Scott Sanford, and "one-eyed alien Jenny" is from a caption contest by Nelson Evergreen.
Special thanks to Aristide Twain for suggesting in an unrelated conversation that our world is one where Jenny "'exists' as a fictional character" (and also brought up the alternative possibilities that if Jenny Everywhere doesn't seem to be in a particular universe, she probably did exist in the distant past, the far future, or Venus).
This was originally going to be titled "You Can't Prove It Won't Happen", but I decided not to make a direct Futurama reference.
(For the record, the pen name "Delilah 'Dizzy' H. Smith" is designed to sound more-or-less professional, whilst also having approximately nothing in common with my real name.)
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jennyeverywhereday · 2 years
Shippy Shifter Snippets
Here’s a short story by AshBland.
It’s called “Shippy Shifter Snippets”
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jennyeverywhereday · 2 years
Extradimensional Experiments
Here’s a prose story written by Lupan Evezan.
It’s called “Extradimensional Experiments”
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