#the sunbound
radiowlet · 1 year
ok i got exactly one response thats enough for me
look at the rough lore for my very normal cat colony
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
(Redacted Audio fanfic—1247 words)
Summary: Its the moonbound solstice, and Freelancer is freebound. Watch them cause chaos, on accident and on purpose.
Read here on Ao3
The sunlight streamed through the curtains above the bed, cascading a golden glow across the room. Gavin, still dazed with sleep, stretched out an arm to pull his deviant close. His outstretched hand met cold sheets, and his brow furrowed as he felt around, cracking an eye open in confusion.
“Deviant?” He softly called.
When he was met with silence, he got up. It wasn’t like them to leave him in bed all alone. Quickly finding his pants that were discarded the night before, he exited their bedroom. Where were they?
As he neared the kitchen, he picked up on their aura. It was bouncing off the walls, feeling strong one minute, and practically nonexistent the next.
“Deviant?” He softly called, again.
They turned to him, a small smile on their face, “g’mornin’.”
The kitchen was… well, it wasn’t a mess, per say. It was… different.
“What are you doing in here, love?” Gavin asked.
“I’m rearranging the cabinets.”
“At 7am?”
Freelancer stared at him for a moment, “yeah.”
Gavin suppressed a chuckle, “may I ask why?”
“Well, I woke up this morning and I felt like I had bees in my bones, so I went to the grocery store down the street to buy six pounds of butter. Then when I got home, I accidentally set the couch on fire. Went shopping for one online, but I think I ordered 20.”
Gavin was speechless. “H-how long have you been awake?”
“1:14 am,” they laughed out in a sigh. They looked so tired.
“When you told me the solstices were often… interesting for you, this is not what I expected.”
“There is never a way to predict what may happen, I am a slave to my core for the remainder of this solstice. I think I just caused the large oak tree outside to become an even larger oak tree.”
At that, the ground shook, and Gavin’s eyes went wide.
“How about we go back to bed for a bit?”
Lasko was doing paperwork on his coffee table. Nothing too strenuous—he was sunbound after all—just some stuff to keep him occupied while he felt like a dry apple slice.
Freelancer walked in the door, “hey, Lasko-babe.”
“Wh- oh. Hi, Freelancer. What are you doing here? And why didn’t you knock? N-not that I’m upset you're here, I mean, I-I’m always happy to see you, it’s just that you’re not exactly the type to just invite yourself into someone’s apartment… At least- at least I think you're n-not… are you?”
They sighed with a tired smile, “yeah I know, m’sorry. I would’ve knocked, but it’s too… too much. Too noise. M- no- that’s not… words.”
Lasko stood as his friend swayed on their feet, “are- are you f-feeling? Alright? Pft- no, what am I saying? Of course you’re not, it’s the solstice. Com- come sit down, how did you even get here, anyway?”
“Mmm,” Freelancer hummed as Lasko forced them to sit on the couch. They immediately sunk into the cushions, “I was feeling up, an’ I wanted to come hang out with you, but halfway here I felt not-up.”
“I mean- I guess that makes sense? Y-you are a freelancer, so you’re going to feel all kinds of… ‘ups’ and downs. M- Magically, anyway.”
“M’yeah, my magic has been ups and downs,” they mumbled, leaning into Lasko as he sat next to them. “I used psychokinesis to launch my phone into orbit.”
Huxley was laying on his side, his head propped up on his arm, and his fingers threading through Damien’s hair. He was happy taking care of him like this. Right here, in this moment, with his boyfriend curled up next to him.
There was a knock at the front door.
“Are you gonna get that?” Damien mumbled when Huxley made no attempt at getting up.
“No,” he sighed contentedly, “whoever it is can just come back later.”
It would turn out that Huxley wouldn’t need to get the door, as whoever had knocked opened it for themself.
“The heck…?” Huxley said, sitting up slightly.
A familiar voice rang through the house, “Huuuuux? Damiiii?”
The two boys sighed in relief, glad that the home intruder was just Freelancer. Sweet, innocent Freelancer-
“Are either of you here? I think I drained the town's water supply.”
Huxley immediately sat up, telling Dames that he would be right back. The fire elemental could only let out an affirmative hum in response as he tiredly laughed at the freelancer's antics.
Entering the front room, Huxley found Freelancer hovering by a window.
“Freelancer? Dude- why are you all wet??”
They turned to him, panting heavily, “I was walking here from Damien’s place, and the Dahlia Spring decided to start chasing me, so I started running, but that made the water faster, so I jumped into your neighbor's pool to escape.”
Huxley slowly approached the window, “holy shi- Freelancer, the entire street is flooded!”
“I knowww,” they whined, “I’m sorry. I would clean it up but I’m afraid I’ll level the entire neighborhood.”
“Okay, well… let- lets just get you dried off,” Hux said, taking Freelancer’s hand to lead them to the bathroom.
“Wait, wait,” they pulled away, “is Damien here?”
“Uh- yeah, he’s resting in the bedroom.”
Freelancer made their way to the room and peeked their head through the doorway to see Damien all bundled up, “oh god that’s adorable. Is he wearing your sweatshirt??”
“Shut up,” Damien groaned, his voice all muffled from the blankets. “Why are you here?”
Huxley appeared next to them with a towel, “jeez, dude. You’re freezing.”
“It’s the solstice,” Freelancer answered, stubbornly trying to push Huxley’s hands away as he desperately tried to dry them off. “I remembered that you’re sunbound, so I was like ‘Fireboy must be feeling like shit right now, and I, too, feel like shit,’ so here I am, to feel like shit with you.”
Freelancer paused, hissing in disapproval, as Huxley ruffled their hair dry.
“I went to your place first, though. Let myself in. I cleaned everything.”
Damien sat up a little, propping himself against the pillows, “you… cleaned everything?”
“Yeah,” they wavered, leaning against the wall, “and then I remembered I was looking for you, so- oh god-” they keeled over, “I’m gonna throw up-”
Before either of the boys could react, Freelancer had run to the bathroom.
Damien’s phone buzzed with notifications from the group chat.
Gavin: does anyone happen to know where the freelancer is? I swear I left them alone for five minutes
Lasko: yeah don’t worry they’re here at my place
Lasko: they randomly showed up and eventually passed out on the couch
Lasko: sorry I would have told you but I was doing paperwork
Gavin: it’s alright as long as they’re safe
Damien: Lasko, I think you should check your couch.
Lasko: what?
Lasko: why?
Damien: Just do it.
Lasko: um…
Gavin: ???
Lasko: I’m so sorry
Lasko: they’re not there
Lasko: I lost them
Gavin: how did you lose them!?!?
Lasko: how did you???
Damien: Calm down, they’re here at Hux’s place.
Damien: They showed up a couple minutes ago.
Damien: They’re puking in the toilet.
Gavin: oh thank god
Huxley returned to the room, a sleeping Freelancer in his arms, “Dames, they tried to escape through the window, and when they couldn’t they said, ‘I’m going to stop existing now,’ and passed out.”
Damien looked back at his phone.
Damien: Please come get them.
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hhoneyglasss · 1 year
Redacted Audio uploaded: Audio RP | Your Stubborn Wolf Mate Has Something Important to Tell You [A4M]
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starlitangels · 1 year
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The Anxious Dreamwalker!
@artbykays’s trend of drawing yourself in the Redactedverse continues with my tiny little I’m-a-writer-not-an-artist contribution!
Fun fact: that’s my favorite summer outfit and the shorts (covered in roses) are from the Men’s section at Walmart and the pockets are huge. I have two pairs of rose ones and one pair of pink lily ones
Yes my hair is that long but I’m 5’1” so the 30 inches probably look longer than they are. I also really need a trim lol. I wanted to draw myself curvier like I am irl but I don’t know how to do that yet. I’m teaching myself be patient
Shoutout to @zozo-01 for actually helping me figure out what I’d be!
This is Tally. She and her older sister were adopted from the same Freelancer biological mother into the same family, a Sonal Energetic/Freelancer couple. Her sister is a Freelancer and Tally found out her biological father is a Dreamwalker a few years before her own powers manifested. Tally’s sister’s father was unempowered.
She adores dream magic and has always had an overactive imagination that she vents into beautifully bizarre dreams. Defensive Dream Design was the obvious career path for her
Two weeks after receiving her Labyrinth Black certification she met a Fire Elemental (her mom’s coworker’s son) and they eventually got married. (She loves how warm he always is because she’s always cold)
Some alternative versions (aura, no facts writing, just me):
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vilf-lover · 1 year
guys send me asks pls i’m so bored
happy solstice too ig…if you’re a sunbound girly(gn)
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septhislikesrocks · 1 year
- Pyxis
Hi pixie
[curls up in a ball]
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wisptheshifter · 1 year
[They let out a groan, laying their head against the wall]
Do I really need to go on a mission, today?
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the-illusory-seer · 1 year
I feel like absolute shit.
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galaxyg1204 · 2 months
Had a thought last night [angst]:
Huxley during the Sunbound Solstice (because he's moonbound) would just do outdoor activities to try and distract himself because he doesn't want to bother Damien, but in hindsight he really wants to hold Damien because he gets reminded of Damien being passed out in the Inversion and how he held onto him until he woke up, except Damien's body was cold while he was passed out so Hux wants to feel Damien's warmth in his arms for reassurance.
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romirola · 3 months
Hi I'm back. It's another old fic! Stubborn Stealths and Worried Wolves questions!
16: What was the easiest scene to write?
17: What was the hardest scene to write?
19: Is this one of your personal favorite fics? Why or why not?
20: What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
- vampire-bite (rereading fics if it wasn't obvious)
Hi, @vampire-bite! Oh my gosh, you are spoiling me with these asks. Thanks for your interest in Stubborn Stealths and Worried Wolves, a fic that depicts Milo and Sweetheart enduring the sunbound solstice together.
16: What was the easiest scene to write?
The easiest scene to write was the in Chapter 2, where Sweetheart confronts Milo about his calling in on their behalf without their permission. Sweetheart's assertiveness and dedication to their job is a key factor in creating their dialogue, so it was nice to have the chance to tap into it and let Sweeetheeart voice that passion for themselves.
17: What was the hardest scene to write?
The hardest scene to write was in the beginning of Chapter 3 speaks with Marie on the phone. I believe that was my first time writing about and explaining Magical Depletion Syndrome (MDS), so it was important that I distinguish it from the solstice effect in a believable way, though having only one side of the phone call made it tricky.
19: Is this one of your personal favorite fics? Why or why not?
Every fic I ever write is my baby, Stubborn Stealths and Worried Wolves included. That sounds so cheesy, but it's true. Something I really like about this fic is that it sheds light on Sweetheart's motivations to succeed in their career and Milo's impulse to protect them from the dangers they might overlook in pursuit of that goal. Plus, adorable Aggro alert!! The fact that we don't have more mutual comfort audios is a crime, but at least I can help to fill that void with a fic!
20: What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
I hope people notice (in addition to how in Milo and Sweetheart handle conflict by leaning on the love they have for each other, even amidst frustration, pain, and resentment) that Sweetheart's contra-water elemental supervisor, Sergeant Watkins, makes multiple appearances/references across a handful of my fics!
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Someone needs to write abt Lovely going through their first sunbound solstice and Vincent helping out the best he can, or teen Tank and the rest of the Pack getting into scandals and mischief
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radiowlet · 1 year
SUNBUOUND ASK 💥when the cats are sent out for the first time to go convert someone what happens if they can't convince anyone to join. is there a time limit or are they just Not Allowed to come back until they get someone
if a cat is unable to convert even one cat and comes back entirely empty-pawed they basically get shamed for a while as punishment for failing and then theyre sent back out to try again. this is the case for any failed mission but its more severe if its the cat's first time going out. whats even worse is if theyre sent out multiple times and theyve Never brought any cats back. then cats will start to question their loyalty and if theyre really doing what theyre supposed to do when they leave.
not being able to bring in new members is seen as a moral and personal failure. all must know the sun's light, and all must do their part to spread it.
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pilesofpillows · 5 months
I've been tagged by the lovely & wonderful @jbarneswilson
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
There are sooooo many of these... this is gonna be fun 😅
An Angel Drowned - Namor/Okoye/Attuma OT3 nonsense
Like Real People Do - Attoye First Kiss Arranged Marriage AU
Stars Aglow - Pt. 3 of A Sea of Stars
Seas May Burn - Stars-verse spin off where I commit crimes and feel no shame
Sunbound - Attoye Kink Exploration
Unrighteous - Real World Infidelity AU because why not
Gather Our Ghosts - Featuring the heaviest angst I'll ever write aside from SMB
Glory - Attoye Gladiator AU
Carry Me Down - Canon Divergence, Hostage AU
Drown With Me - Dark Attuma, Homicide is a Summer Activity
If I Had A Boat - Okoye-centric, #burnthecape
Bigger Than Love - Another Arranged Marriage AU
Love Comes in Waves - Mission Gone Wrong Hurt/Comfort
Overjoyed - Primetime Pt. 2 (lol its been a long time coming)
Won't You Bring Me Whiskey - Old Western AU
Kiss with a Fist - Hate Sex dubcon, the dove is dead
LRPD Prequel - Because it's more necessary than you think
Oh and I have a Harry Potter fic too 🤣
Blood Never Lies - Pureblood Biracial Hermione
Send an ask if you want detail or anything like that 😂 I'll blab about anything. I do not have 18 people to tag 😭 we'll stick with the same homies I roll with all the time 😂
All Love, No Pressure tags: @theeblackmedusa @mamajankyy @tvreadsandsleep @xenokattz @umber-cinders @sharonrb
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hhoneyglasss · 1 year
So, You’ve Never Heard of Sunbound Wolves!
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{Pamphlet written, provided, and distributed by the Department of Uniform Magical Practices (D.U.M.P). All sources courtesy of the Dahlia Academy for Magical Novices (D.A.M.N) Archival Library and Anya Buchanan, a sunbound wolf of the Shaw Pack.}
☀︎ Origin
Location: Nearly all sunbound wolves live in Aria, the magical realm.
Population: There aren’t many of them—there’s a central village in a plane of Aria where they are primarily located (there is no Elegian or Arian name for this village).
Recovery: Their numbers are still small due to most of them being wiped out during the Sol'Arya Dynasty.
☀︎ Abilities
Immortality: They are biologically immortal—however, they do not have this immortality until the Elegian age of 25. In order to gain their immortality, they have to consult the Oracle, an ancient deity located in the center of their village.
Shifting: Sunbound wolves have the ability to shift between a human and wolf form. On average, sunbound wolves are larger than moonbound wolves. Some sunbound wolves also have horns, similar to d(a)emons, but they are rare, usually only being seen on members of the Ruling House. — While in Aria, sunbound wolves are constantly in wolf-form and cannot shift into a human form.
Enhancement: All sunbound wolves are granted with enhanced speed, strength, and senses. However, these abilities are dulled while under the following circumstances: if they're in human-form, if they have not gained their immortality, and/or they are located in Elegy.
Charm: The Charm ability is possessed by all sunbound wolves, and it is similar to Trancing (see A Guide to Vampires! Volume I, chapter 23, pg. 21, section 23.2) in nature. Charm allows the user the ability to physically and mentally control the target receiver. Unlike Trancing or d(a)emons, sunbound wolves are not able to induce memory modification using Charm. Charm is less invasive and inherently weaker than Trancing. In Arian history, this ability was taught to sunbound wolves by moonbound vampires during the Sol'Arya Dynasty in order to protect them. It eventually evolved to take on its own name, abilities, and restraints.
☀︎ Weaknesses
Connection to the Sun: If a sunbound wolf does not have access to an Arian or Elegian Sun for an extended period of time, they will become more and more ill until death occurs.
Need for Human Sustenance: Since sunbound wolves are naturally in wolf-form, it costs them a different kind of energy to maintain a human-form in Elegy—a type of energy the Sun cannot provide. To remedy this, sunbound wolves also rely on human food and need the required nutrition of any other human to remain healthy.
Vulnerability: While they are immune to the effects of aging once they gain their immortality, they are still vulnerable to death by external causes.
Weakened Healing: Unlike moonbound vampires, sunbound wolves possess no enhanced ability to heal themselves while in Elegy and in their human form.
Weakened/Revoked Magical Abilities: If there is a circumstance in which a sunbound wolf is in Elegy under the Elegian age of 25, they are physically unable to use any of their magical abilities to their absolute fullest extent, including Charm. For reference, their overall powers are reduced to the same level as that of a weak Freelancer. This measure was put into place millennia ago in order to keep young wolves from hurting unempowered humans or themselves while in Elegy. On the other hand, if a sunbound wolf is in Elegy and is the Elegian age of 25 or older, then they have free reign over all of their abilities, albeit slightly weakened as mentioned before.
Blood: Sunbound wolf blood is harder to resist by moonbound vampires, meaning a sunbound wolf is put more at risk while possessing open wounds around moonbound vampires. If a sunbound wolf finds themselves in an altercation with a moonbound vampire for whatever reason, it is important for them to remain cautious.
Shades: Unlike d(a)emons, sunbound wolves are not immune to Shades. While Shades are not able to consume life force from them as quickly as they are able to to humans, they are still able to take life force from sunbound wolves in both Aria and Elegy.
☀︎ Relationships and Backgrounds with Other Races (Both Elegian and Arian)
Moonbound Vampires: You might be thinking, “Moonbound vampires and sunbound wolves are on complete ends of the magical race spectrum—shouldn’t their magical relationship be strained?” It’s quite the contrary, actually. Think of it like two opposite magnetic poles—they are naturally attracted to one another. This sentiment can be applied to relationships between sunbound wolves and moonbound vampires. For example, in a perfect world, moonbound vampires would have constant access to sunbound wolf blood, as sunbound wolf blood provides the most sustenance and nutrition for them. However, in order to somewhat remedy this issue, sunbound wolves living in Elegy are required to donate their blood to D.U.M.P blood banks in exchange for D.U.M.P services. — {More of their connected backstories will be provided in the next volume of this pamphlet}.
Moonbound Wolves: We can apply the opposite magnetic pole metaphor with the relationship between moonbound werewolves and sunbound wolves. Essentially, moonbound werewolves and sunbound wolves do not have a positive magical relationship. To provide an example, it is usually recommended by D.U.M.P specialists that sunbound wolves who move to Elegy should refrain from joining moonbound werewolf packs. However, some sunbound wolves go against this recommendation. — {Once again, events during the Sol'Arya Dynasty have caused a centuries-long rivalry that will be discussed in the second volume}.
Sunbound Vampires: Sunbound wolves’ relationship with sunbound vampires is slightly more muddied and not as clear as the two species mentioned above. Indifferent and cordial is the easiest way to describe their relationship in Aria, as sunbound wolves do provide energy for sunbound vampires to feed off of, but their relationship to one another does not extend far past that.
D(a)emons: D(a)emons and sunbound wolves rarely interact in Aria—lesser is known about Elegy. Their relationship is mostly neutral.
Empowered Humans: Neutral.
Unempowered Humans: Neutral.
☀︎ FAQs
“Are sunbound wolves ‘werewolves’?” — Sunbound wolves are not werewolves or wolf-shifters. Sunbound wolves are wolves, and their human form in Elegy takes energy from them instead of the other way around. If anything, sunbound wolves could technically be labeled as human shifters.
“Why haven’t I met or even heard of sunbound wolves before?” — Nearly all sunbound wolves continue to live in Aria—most only visit Elegy once in their lifetime. This is due to the fact that many sunbound wolves do not feel safe with the extreme prevalence of moonbound werewolves in Elegy.
“Are there any sunbound wolves in Dahlia?” — There are. There is Anya Buchanan, who was mentioned previously. There is also another sunbound wolf in the Shaw Pack, but they wish to remain unnamed at this time. So far, these are the only sunbound wolves we are aware of in Dahlia.
“How are sunbound wolves able to shift and use magic? Isn’t that impossible?” — It is not impossible, at least for Arian races. Sunbound wolves have both an extrinsic and intrinsic core, otherwise known as a bitrinsic core. This specialized core allows them to physically exert magic while retaining the ability to shift between human and wolf form. For reference, d(a)emons have a similar type of core.
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starlitangels · 1 year
Psst! Empowered Tumblr! 😉
I'm curious about our distribution
* Fire Elemental
* Fire Contra-Elemental
* Air Elemental
* Air Contra-Elemental
* Electro Energetic
* Magneto Energetic
* Seer
* Psychokinetic
* Telepath
* Warders 
* Water Elemental
* Water Contra-Elemental
* Earth Elemental
* Earth Contra-Elemental
* Graviton Energetic
* Sonal Energetic
* Vampires
* Shifters
* Dreamwalker
* Stealth
* Illusory 
* Freelancer
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thornofthelily · 20 days
Now I wonder how sunbound and moonbound work given the very strong connection between magic the Sovereigns and how little connection the seasons and axial tilt of Terra have to do with them
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