#the roi nicolas incident
josefavomjaaga · 5 months
"Roi Nicolas" master post
A list of links to posts that deal with the alleged attempt by Marshal Jean de dieu Soult to make himself king of Portugal.
The "circulaire Ricard", the main piece of evidence (Oporto, April 1809)
Wellington's letters from April and May 1809
Napoleon's letter to Soult about the affair (September 1809)
A reassuring letter from Napoleon to Madame Soult (Paris, January 1810)
Reports/opinion pieces from the memoirs of
Brun de Villeret
I will add to this when I translate more. I want to show at least Soult's own version of the story, from his memoirs, Napoleon's harsh letter to Soult and (done) if possible Brun's very long report of his meeting with Napoleon in Vienna in summer 1809.
And I hope I may include this here: an excellent post by @snowv88, showing how a contemporary historian summarized events, and providing much background information
(And yes, in case somebody wondered, being a little less messy is also one of my New Year's resolutions 😋).
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christophe76460 · 7 months
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14 novembre 2023.
Votre frÚre Nicolas rédige la suite de texte que nous étudions depuis quelques jours :
Verset 7 à 10 : Jésus rend témoignage de Jean :
"Comme ils s'en allaient, JĂ©sus se mit Ă  dire Ă  la foule, au sujet de Jean : Qu'ĂȘtes-vous allĂ©s voir au dĂ©sert ? Un roseau agitĂ© par le vent ? Mais, qu'ĂȘtes-vous allĂ©s voir ? Un homme vĂȘtu d'habits prĂ©cieux ? Voici, ceux qui portent des habits prĂ©cieux sont dans les maisons des rois. Qu'ĂȘtes-vous donc allĂ©s voir ? Un prophĂšte ? Oui, vous dis-je, et plus qu'un prophĂšte. Car c'est celui dont il est Ă©crit : Voici, j'envoie mon messager devant ta face, Pour prĂ©parer ton chemin devant toi".
Dans ce discours au peuple, JĂ©sus paraĂźt avoir eu une double intention :
D’abord de justifier et de relever le prĂ©curseur, dont la dĂ©lĂ©gation et la question avaient pu faire une impression dĂ©favorable sur la foule.
Ensuite et surtout de tirer de ce mĂȘme incident, un sĂ©rieux avertissement pour le peuple qui avait si peu profitĂ© du ministĂšre de ce grand prophĂšte.
Mais pour cela, JĂ©sus attend que les disciples de Jean s’en soient allĂ©s et il les laisse, avec une grande sagesse, sous l’impression de sa rĂ©ponse.
AprÚs leur départ, Jésus fait ses louanges devant le peuple qui regarde, qui écoute. Il confirme le ministÚre de Jean Baptiste, le plus grand de tous, comme disait Jésus.
Avec notre frĂšre Nicolas, comprenons que c'est le Seigneur qui aura toujours le dernier mot et il relĂšvera notre tĂȘte publiquement, quand bien mĂȘme celle-ci aurait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tachĂ©e du reste de notre corps !!!
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northernmariette · 2 years
December 7, 1815: The Execution of Marshal Ney
Until now, I have strictly followed same order for my translations as was found on the SĂ©nat’s website. At this point I will skip over Marshal Ney’s trial, but will come back to it later on.
I posted an account of Marshal Ney’s final hours and of his execution a few weeks ago. This time, I am posting the account of Ney’s execution as it appears in the SĂ©nat’s website. Some details will appear here that were not included in the contemporary report. 
The execution on Thursday 7 December 1815
The morning of Thursday 7 December 1815 was damp and foggy.
Marshal Ney wore a blue frock coat, a black waistcoat, short breeches, and black silk stockings; he wore none of his many decorations, so there was no need to have him stripped of them.
Lieutenant-general d'Espinois entrusted General Count de Rochechouart with executing the judgment of the Chamber of Peers. The Marshal's departure from the Luxembourg Palace took place at 8.30 am.
Still showing a sense of humour as well as composure, the Marshal said to the curé as he got into the carriage: "Please get in, Monsieur le Curé. In a little while, I'll be going first."  
Two lieutenants of the gendarmerie climbed in with them. The carriage was flanked by one hundred and thirty gendarmes forming a file on each side, followed by Rochechouart and La Rochejaquelein, by a company of veteran non-commissioned officers, by the firing squad, and by a squadron of the National Guard. Security measures were implemented all the way to the execution site, which was kept secret for fear of unrest.
The journey was very short: three hundred paces from the gate of Luxembourg Gardens. The site chosen for the execution was not the usual one, namely the Plaine de Grenelle, where Charles de La BĂ©doyĂšre had been executed. This did surprise the Marshal.
The execution site was located between the entrance to the Avenue de l'Observatoire and the Luxembourg Gardens gate, along the wall of an enclosure. In today's Paris, the place of execution is located at the site of the Port-Royal RER station.
Ney handed the priest a snuffbox to be given to his wife, and a few louis for the poor of Saint-Sulpice. The troops were gathered and arranged into a square battalion. Some onlookers were also present: about two hundred people, including Peers of France, generals, officers from all nations, but mostly working-class people. Rochechouart appointed Monsieur de Saint-Bias, an officer of Piedmontese origin, to command the firing squad. Ney refused to kneel or to be blindfolded, declaring: "Do you not know that for twenty-five years I have been accustomed to facing cannonballs and bullets?" Remaining very calm and dignified, placing his hand over his heart, he said: "Frenchmen, I protest the judgement against me... my honour..."
He who, having spent his life on battlefields, had failed to be killed at Waterloo, died of eleven French bullets, six of them in the chest. A drum roll and cries of "Vive le Roi!" were then heard.
Rochechouart, commenting on the execution to La Rochejaquelein, said: "Here, my dear friend, is a great lesson in how to die well."  At that moment, the Marshal's wife was still awaiting an audience with the King at the Tuileries, in hopes of securing a pardon. She obtained neither; the duke of Duras, first gentleman of the King, arrived to inform her, after the execution: "Madame, the audience you requested would now be pointless.”
The Marshal's body remained on the ground for fifteen minutes, during which time two incidents occurred: the first was caused by an Englishman on horseback who jumped over the corpse and then fled; the second, by a Russian general, in uniform and on horseback, who came to watch the execution of the Marshal.
His lawyer, Pierre-Nicolas Berryer, relates in his Souvenirs de M. Berryer that: "The wall, which was under construction, as well as its rubble, were soon covered with his blood; the eager crowd rushed to collect the smallest traces of it, with the same ardour as if it had been the pieces of the True Cross (...)".
The body was then taken to a nearby hospice, the Hospice de la Maternité, where it was entrusted to the Sisters of Charity. According to a police report, many personalities came to see the Marshal: Peers of France, generals, officers, ambassadors, etc. The next morning, his body was placed first within in a lead coffin, then the lead coffin into an oak coffin. He was then buried in the PÚre-Lachaise cemetery in a very simple grave,a slab on the ground.
Symbolically, this execution put a definitive end to the era of Revolution, the Empire and the Hundred Days period, but not to the memory of Marshal Ney.
The original French text can be found here: https://www.senat.fr/evenement/archives/D26/execution_et_rehabilitations/lexecution_le_jeudi_7_decembre_1815.html
Only eleven bullets struck Ney. I have read (I can’t remember where) that the twelfth bullet was found high on the wall, well above Ney’s head. Possibly at the same place I read about the above, I read that Ney coolly asked where it was the firing squad wished him to stand.
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things2mustdo · 3 years
When I ask myself what films in recent years have been my favorites, I find that the answers all seem to have a few things in common.  One, the movie must tell a compelling story; two, it must rise above its genre to make a larger statement about life or some universal idea; and three, it must be technically well made.  All great art—including film—can serve as a vehicle for the presentation of ideas, and the promotion of a certain virtue.  Although the mainstream American film industry has become more and more a sad repository of feminist cant and lowest-common-denominator commercial pandering, the foreign film world has undergone something of a renaissance in the past fifteen years.
The best films of France, Germany, Spain, and the UK are edgier, more intelligent, and more masculine than anything found in the US.  It was not always so.  But the work of great European directors like Jacques Audiard, Gaspar Noe, Nicolas Winding Refn, and Shane Meadows leaves little room for doubt that the true cutting-edge work is being done in Europe.  (Argentina deserves honorable mention here as having an excellent film industry).  The mainstream, corporate-driven US film industry has effectively smothered independent voices under an avalanche of political correctness, girl-power horseshit, chick-flickism, and mind-numbing CGI escapist dreck.
Movies that deal with masculine themes in a compelling way are not easy to come by these days.  Honest explorations of masculine virtues are repressed, marginalized, or trivialized.  One needs to scour the globe to cherry-pick the best here and there, and in some cases you have to go back decades in time.  Luckily, the availability of Netflix and other subscription services has made this task much easier than it used to be.  Access to the best cinema of Europe, South America, and Asia can be a great way for us to catch as glimpse at a foreign culture, as well as reflect on serious ideas.
I want to offer my recommendations on some films that I believe are an important part of the modern masculine experience, in all its wide variety and expression.  Out of the scores of possible choices, I decided to pick the handful of films that are perhaps not as well known to readers.  My opinions will not be shared by all.  I encourage readers to draw up their own lists of films dealing with masculine themes, and hope they will reflect on the reasons behind their choices.  Below are mine, in no particular order.  In italics is a brief plot synopsis, followed by my own comments.
1. Straw Dogs (1971).
A mild-mannered American academic (Dustin Hoffman) living in rural Cornwall with his beautiful wife becomes the target of harassment by the local toughs.  Things escalate to a sexual assault on his wife, and eventually to a brutal and protracted fight to the death when a local man takes refuge on their property.
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Dustin Hoffman reaches his breaking point in “Straw Dogs”
This is a classic example of the type of movie that could never be made today.  Arguably Sam Peckinpah’s most daring film, it contains a controversial rape scene that seems to leave open the question whether Hoffman’s wife (played by Susan George) was a victim or a willing participant.  Faced with his wife’s betrayal, and continuing harassment from local miscreants, Hoffman’s character finds himself completely isolated and must learn to stand his ground and fight.
A chance incident later in the film sets the stage for a blood-soaked confrontation which is as inevitable as it is necessary. Peckinpah presents a compelling case for the cathartic power of violence, and the achievement of masculine identity through man-on-man combat.  It is a theme I find myself strongly drawn to. Controversial, powerful, and unforgettable, Peckinpah proves himself an unapologetic and strident advocate of old-school martial virtue.  We would do well to listen.  His voice is sorely missed today.  (Note:  avoid the pathetic recent remake of this movie).  Honorable mention:  Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch (1969) and Bring Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974).
2. Sorcerer (1977).
A group of international renegades find themselves down and out in Nicaragua, and volunteer for a job transporting unstable dynamite across the country to quell an oil rig fire.
Due to inept marketing when this movie was first released, it never achieved the credit it so fully deserved.  A motley group of international riff-raff (including the always appealing Roy Scheider) seeks redemption through a harrowing trial.  But will they get it?  Is it even desirable to escape one’s dark past?  The answers are complex, and director William Friedkin refuses to supply easy ones.  The characters in this film are doomed, and they know it, but they still hold true to their own code.  Which is itself honorable.  Consequences must be paid for everything we do in life, and often the price comes in a way never expect.  Dark, brooding, and humming with a pulse-pounding electronic score by Tangerine Dream, this film has deservedly become a cult classic.  The ending is a shocker you’ll never see coming.
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Roy Scheider undertakes the most perilous journey of his life in William Friedkin’s 1977 masterpiece “Sorcerer”
3.  The Lives of Others (2006).
A coldly efficient Stasi (East German security service) officer (Ulrich Muhe) is enlisted by a Communist party hack in a surveillance program against a supposed subversive writer and his girlfriend.  But monitoring the writer’s life awakens sparks of nascent humanity in the Stasi man, and he eventually must decide whether to follow orders and destroy the writer, or to sacrifice himself to save him.
This German masterpiece was made with great fidelity to the look and feel of 1980s East Germany, and the results are evident in every frame.  It belongs on any list of the greatest films ever made.  The masculine virtue here is of a different type than viewers may be used to:  it is a quiet, understated heroism, the type of heroism that probably happens every day but is hardly noticed.  There is no bragging here, no chest-beating, no big-mouthed bravado.  (In short, none of the wooden-headed caricatures that pass for masculinity in the US).  The ethic here is about love and self-sacrifice, the noblest and greatest virtues of all.
The ethos of self-sacrifice is now considered old-fashioned and almost a punch-line, but historically it was valued very highly.  It features in nearly all the old literary epics and dramas of Europe and Asia.  Actor Ulrich Muhe pulls off a minor miracle of characterization here with his portrayal of a Stasi man named Weisler, whose special wiretapping assignment against a playwright transforms him from heartless automaton into awe-inspiring hero.  The movie made me wonder just how many quiet, unassuming men there must be out there, whose toil, heroism, and sacrifice has never been, and never will be, acknowledged.  The ending is transcendently beautiful, and moving beyond words.
4.  Homicide  (1991).
A police detective (Joe Mantegna) is assigned to investigate a murder case.  The case awakens in him stirrings of his long-suppressed ethnic identity.  Unfortunately, he will eventually be forced to choose between conflicting loyalties.  And the consequences will be devastating.
No modern American director has probed the meaning of masculine identity more than David Mamet, and all of his films are meditations on themes related to illusion, reality, masculinity, and struggle.  Homicide, a nearly unknown gem from the early 1990s, is perhaps his profoundest.  Mamet knows that a man must make choices in his life, and for those choices, consequences must be paid.  And very often, we find ourselves derailed by the mental edifices we construct for ourselves.  The Mantegna character is led through a complex and increasingly ambiguous chain of events, only to find that at the heart of one mystery lies an even more inscrutable one.  Beware the things you seek.  You may not like what you find.
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Joe Mantegna deals with the fatal consequences of his decisions in David Mamet’s “Homicide”
5.  A Prophet (2009).
An Algerian Arab is incarcerated in a French jail, and is drawn into the savage world of Corsican gangsters.  Forced to kill or be killed, he is drawn into a pitiless world that recognizes only cunning and brutality.  He finds himself straddling two realities:  the world of his own nationality, and that of the Corsicans.  And to survive and emerge triumphant, he must learn to play all sides against each other.
This film must be counted among the greatest crime dramas ever made.  You simply can’t take your eyes off the screen.  The lesson here is that a man must learn to survive on his wits, and do whatever is necessary to stay alive.  The Corsican boss whom Al Djebena (Tahar Rahim) works for is just about the most malevolent presence in recent screen memory.  Part of France’s continuing internal dialogue about its immigrant population, A Prophet is not to be missed.
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Tahar Rahim learns a thing or two about Corsica in “A Prophet”
6.  The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005).
An intense young man (Romain Duris) works for his father as a real estate shark in urban Paris.  His “job” consists of intimidating deadbeat immigrant tenants, vandalizing apartments, and forcibly collecting loans.  He also plays the piano.  Eventually, he is forced to decide which life he wants:  the path laid out by his shady father, or the idealistic path of his own choosing.  He’s seeking redemption, but will he find it?  And at what cost?
Again, we have here the themes of redemption and moral choice.  Romain Duris has a screen presence and intensity that rivals anything done by Pacino in his prime, and some of the scenes here are fantastic.  (His seduction of his friend’s wife, Aure Atika, is one of many great scenes).  All men will be confronted and tested by crises and situations beyond their control.  How they respond to those situations will define who they are as men.  Duris’s character proves that redemption can be achieved, if wanted badly enough.
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Romain Duris embodying screen intensity
7.  Red Belt (2008).
Martial arts instructor Mike Terry is forced, against his principles, to consider entering a prize bout.  He is abandoned and betrayed by his wife and friends, and must confront his challenges alone with only his code and his pride.
Another great meditation on masculine virtue and individualism by David Mamet.  In his own unique dialogue style, Mamet showcases his belief that, in the end, all men stand alone.  At the moment of truth, it is you, and only you, who will be staring into the abyss.  Our trials by fire will not come in the time and at the place of our own choosing.  But when they do come, a man must be prepared to hold his ground and fight his corner.  Watch for Brazilian actress Alice Braga in a supporting role here.  We hope to see more of her on American screens in the future.
8.  Fear X  (2003).
A repressed security guard (John Turturro) is searching for answers to who killed his wife.  His strange behavior and ticking time-bomb manner begin to alarm friends and co-workers.  One day he finds some information that may be a lead to solving the mystery.  This discovery sets him on the path to realization. Or does it?
I am a big fan of the films of Nicolas Winding Refn (The Pusher trilogy, and Valhalla Rising), and this one is perhaps his most penetrating examination of a wounded psyche.  It failed commercially when it first appeared, as many viewers were put off by his artistic flourishes and opaque ending.  For me, this film is the deepest study of grief and repressed rage ever committed to film.  All men will be confronted by tragedy, grief, and inexplicable loss during their lives.  How we handle it will define who we are.  The greatness of this film is that it explores Turturro’s claustrophobic, neurotic world in a deeply personal way, and at the same time suggests that he may actually be on to something.  This film covers the same philosophical ground as Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation, in that it hints at the ultimate ambiguity of all things.
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John Turturro confronts the unrelenting darkness of his own psyche in “Fear X”
If you are a Netflix subscriber and watch movies frequently, as I do, you may find it useful to keep a notebook near your television and jot down the titles of movies you see, and a few notes about what you liked or didn’t like.  You’d be surprised how much you can learn from movies.  There are just so many good and bad ones out there that having some system for keeping track of them will be time well spent.
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mrochetclaude · 3 years
Le systĂšme Macron est un simulacre.
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Par RĂ©gis de Castelnau La RĂ©publique est donc en danger, la France d’en haut nous le serine sans dĂ©semparer depuis quelques jours. En cause Ă©videmment l’incident survenu Ă  Tain-l’Hermitage oĂč devant des camĂ©ras, Emmanuel Macron a Ă©tĂ© l’objet d’une tentative de gifle. Il faut rappeler que celui-ci est en tournĂ©e Ă©lectorale a priori illĂ©gale pour soutenir les candidats de son pauvre parti aux Ă©lections rĂ©gionales et dĂ©partementales, dont on sait bien qu’elles risquent pour eux d’ĂȘtre cuisantes. De façon tout Ă  fait calculĂ©e il s’est prĂ©cipitĂ© tout sourire, affichant un salut bouddhiste et en bras de chemise, pour une sĂ©ance de serrage de main des populations rassemblĂ©es pour l’acclamer. Comme d’habitude, les angles de prise de vue ont Ă©tĂ© choisis pour transformer visuellement une poignĂ©e de spectateurs en foule dĂ©lirante. Il s’est alors malheureusement trouvĂ© un hurluberlu pour vaguement souffleter le bateleur en inscrivant dans la rĂ©alitĂ© une envie qui dĂ©mange au moins la moitiĂ© des Français, qui fort heureusement savent trĂšs bien qu’il ne faut surtout pas passer Ă  l’acte. C’est alors que le bloc Ă©litaire s’est prĂ©cipitĂ© avec une jubilation trop visible sur cet incident pour annoncer les barbares aux portes et la RĂ©publique en danger. Le spectacle des informations tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©es tĂ©moignait de façon caricaturale l’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de ce bloc, oĂč l’on voyait quelles que soient leurs tendances, politiques, journalistes, intellectuels tout occupĂ©s Ă  rendre crĂ©dible un rĂ©cit entretenant portant des rapports fort lointains avec la rĂ©alitĂ©. SĂ©quence trĂšs intĂ©ressante dans la mesure oĂč se dĂ©ployait le paroxysme du simulacre auquel la France est confrontĂ©e depuis l’élection d’Emmanuel Macron. L’arrivĂ©e de celui-ci Ă  la magistrature suprĂȘme de la Ve RĂ©publique n’a pu se rĂ©aliser que grĂące Ă  une opĂ©ration s’apparentant Ă  une forme de coup d’État au cours duquel toutes les rĂšgles garantissant la sincĂ©ritĂ© d’un scrutin ont Ă©tĂ© violĂ©es et oĂč la justice est directement intervenue dans le processus Ă©lectoral pour le fausser. DĂšs le dĂ©part la lĂ©gitimitĂ© juridique et politique d’Emmanuel Macron Ă©tait faible, et malheureusement son exercice du pouvoir n’a fait qu’aggraver cette situation problĂ©matique pour une dĂ©mocratie comme la France. On a naturellement parlĂ© de la thĂ©orie des deux corps du Roi et du comportement de Macron passant son temps Ă  dĂ©sacraliser sa fonction. Cela Ă©tant, il n’est pas le premier, Nicolas Sarkozy l’a abaissĂ©, François Hollande l’a avili, mais Emmanuel Macron lui a fait les deux. Et si cela ne justifie pas de le frapper, cela explique pourquoi les rĂ©actions outrĂ©es et souvent ridicules du mainstream n’ont pas trouvĂ© grand Ă©cho sur les rĂ©seaux, oĂč l’on ressentait, mon dieu quelle horreur, une certaine joie mauvaise voire parfois de la jubilation. La question du simulacre s’est posĂ©e face Ă  cette volontĂ© unanime des commentateurs de la France d’en haut de dramatiser ce qui Ă©tait rĂ©pĂ©tons-le un incident, certes dĂ©plorable, mais un incident. Avec cette volontĂ© de le transformer en un horrible attentat visant quasiment Ă  renverser la rĂ©publique. Or ce qui caractĂ©rise le mandat d’Emmanuel Macron c’est que nous sommes en prĂ©sence d’un mensonge. Non pas que celui-ci soit lui-mĂȘme un imposteur, mais c’est tout son systĂšme qui est une imposture. Parfait inconnu sorti de nulle part, candidat choisi par la haute fonction publique d’État, adoubĂ© par l’oligarchie, il n’avait absolument rien fait de significatif dans sa vie d’avant. Il a pourtant Ă©tĂ© propulsĂ© Ă  la tĂȘte de l’État par un concours de circonstances et depuis ce moment toutes les Ă©lites s’ingĂ©nient Ă  faire comme si.  Comme si la France avait Ă  sa tĂȘte un vrai chef d’État, on commente doctement ses prises de position contradictoires, on lui prĂȘte des pensĂ©es et une rĂ©flexion que manifestement il n’a pas. On dĂ©crit ses actions aussi avilissantes soient-elles comme autant de d’opĂ©rations de communication maĂźtrisĂ©es, et on commente ses incontinences verbales Ă  l’égal de sentences philosophiques. Ne parlons pas de son premier ministre et de ses efforts dĂ©sespĂ©rĂ©s et infructueux pour Ă©chapper au ridicule, ou de ces membres du gouvernement profĂ©rant de façon mĂ©tronomique Ăąneries sur Ăąneries. Avec naturellement une mention spĂ©ciale pour Dupond Moretti et Darmanin ministres d’État chargĂ©s des fonctions rĂ©galiennes dĂ©montrant avoir perdu tout sens de la rĂ©alitĂ©. Épargnons la pauvre MarlĂšne Schiappa Ă  qui on ne peut pas reprocher d’avoir perdu le sens du ridicule, elle ne l’a jamais eu. MalgrĂ© cela, on fait semblant, comme si la France disposait d’un chef de l’État digne de ce nom. Prosternation, dramatisation, solennitĂ©, appels furieux Ă  la rĂ©pression, le traitement de la sĂ©quence de Tain-l’Hermitage par les hommes politiques, les grands mĂ©dias et les commentateurs a atteint un sommet. Sur ce point, mention particuliĂšre pour Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon, embarrassĂ© par des collections de dĂ©clarations hors-sol, et exploitant sans vergogne sur la diversion provoquĂ©e par le geste imbĂ©cile. Le patron de la France insoumise n’a pas Ă©tĂ© le dernier Ă  hurler avec les loups : « Les barbares sont aux portes ! IntolĂ©rable violence ! La rĂ©publique en danger ! No pasaran ! » Entre autres inepties, il s’est fendu d’un tweet oĂč tout est catastrophique : « cette fois-ci vous commencez Ă  comprendre que les violents passent Ă  l’acte ? Je suis solidaire du prĂ©sident ». Texte calamiteux, avec l’invention d’un danger fasciste, ce que son patron Lionel Jospin qualifiait de « thĂ©Ăątre », et le ralliement soi-disant rĂ©publicain au fake-prĂ©sident. Il faut dire qu’il en avait grand besoin de cette diversion, aprĂšs l’interview Ă  France Inter, plus que maladroite avec ses parallĂšles hasardeux, voire pour certain carrĂ©ment indĂ©cents. À laquelle est venu s’ajouter une dĂ©claration sur sa chaĂźne YouTube. Dans laquelle il prĂ©tendait que la panne gĂ©ante sur les serveurs Orange qui avait perturbĂ© l’utilisation entre autres, des numĂ©ros d’urgence, Ă©tait probablement volontaire et destinĂ©e Ă  justifier la privatisation de la sociĂ©tĂ© Orange ! SociĂ©tĂ© dĂ©jĂ  complĂštement privĂ©e depuis, 2004 Ă  la fin d’un processus enclenchĂ© par Lionel Jospin dont Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon Ă©tait un des ministres ! Pour tenter de faire oublier ces impairs, premiĂšre diversion avec la dĂ©nonciation d’une vidĂ©o humoristique dĂ©bile, prĂ©tendant y voir un appel au meurtre de sa personne. Ensuite ce sera la transformation de l’incident de Tain l’Hermitage en tentative de coup d’État fasciste. Cette surestimation de la violence est quand mĂȘme un peu Ă©trange pour quelqu’un qui n’a que Robespierre et la grande RĂ©volution Française Ă  la bouche. Dont on n’a pourtant pas le souvenir que sections parisiennes et sans-culottes furent d’une tendresse particuliĂšre avec leurs adversaires. J’ai eu le privilĂšge de bien connaĂźtre d’abord des rĂ©sistants Ă  l’occupation nazie et ensuite de vrais rĂ©volutionnaires latino-amĂ©ricains dont certains y ont laissĂ© leur peau, et avec lesquels Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon prĂ©tend une proximitĂ©. Sans vouloir faire parler les morts, j’imagine pourtant ce qu’ils auraient pensĂ© de cette dĂ©bauche de qualificatifs pour dĂ©noncer ce qui n’est qu’un incident passablement ridicule. Et de cette façon de faire allĂ©geance Ă  un systĂšme et Ă  son chef que l’on prĂ©tend combattre. Mais finalement le plus dĂ©risoire, c’est de voir Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon faire exactement ce qu’il reprochait au « systĂšme », c’est-Ă -dire utiliser et instrumentaliser incidents et faits divers (Merah !) Ă  des fins Ă©lectorales. Le voilĂ  qui s’empare et monte en Ă©pingle ce qui n’est cette fois-ci rĂ©ellement qu’un incident, pour le transformer en drame national, essayer de se retaper au plan Ă©lectoral en faisant oublier ses interviews calamiteuses et se posant en victime. AprĂšs Macron le fake prĂ©sident, MĂ©lenchon le fake opposant ? RĂ©gis de Castelnau Read the full article
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Man Utd 1-0 Arsenal LIVE: Score, Scott McTominay breaks the deadlock before the break | Football | Sport
Manchester United XI: De Gea, Tuanzebe, Maguire, Lindelof, Young, McTominay, Pogba, Lingard, Pereira, James, Rashford
Arsenal XI: Leno, Chambers, Sokratis, Luiz, Kolasinac, Xhaka, Guendouzi, Torreira, Pepe, Aubameyang, Saka
Paul Pogba and Marcus Rashford are surprise inclusions in the Manchester United XI
Lucas Torreira and Calum Chambers come in for Ainsley Maitland-Niles and Dani Ceballos
Scott McTominay opens the scoring with thunderous strike from outside the box
52: Corner to Arsenalïżœïżœ which is completely wasted. It’s played short and David de Gea strolls off his line to pluck it out of the sky. Lucas Torreira then decides to go it alone but shows too much of it to Paul Pogba. Cleared.
Chance! Aubameyang has space to drive into and crosses for Torreira, who can’t adjust his body and connect with a half-volley. Difficult chance for a midfielder – had it been the other way around – it could be 1-1 at Old Trafford.
Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
49: The Red Devils are controlling the ball nicely since the resumption. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side have had virtually all the ball with Arsenal defending patiently.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
47: Arsenal haven’t won away against Manchester United in league competition when conceding a goal since November 1977. Still, records are made to be broken and all that

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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
45: And we’re back underway folks. No changes for either side. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side really need a win here – but they’ll have to do something they haven’t done for a few months – score a second goal!
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Twitter round-up
Jamu: No matter the result today Unai Emery needs to go. Negative team selection, no creativity in midfield. Ceballos & Ozil in place of Xhaka & Saka would have bossed that midfield & created chance after chance.
Com: Xhaka scared of the ball and duck it. What a shame!
Lamied: Bar the goal, it’d been a dreadful half. Arsenal let United keep the ball almost as if they knew we wouldn’t be able to hurt them if we don’t get a count attack,and truly,we did score via a counter attack eventually. Sad we can’t cut a defence open without a counter!
Shay: Emery has absolutely no clue what he is doing. Get him out ASAP, Freddie Ljungberg caretaker manager (heck even player) until end season.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
HT: And that’s the break. Pretty low quality affair brought to life in the final minutes of the half and the boot of Scott McTominay. It does actually appear that Granit Xhaka ducked out of the way to avoid a ball flush in the face. Not a very captain-y thing to do

44: GOAL! Manchester United need a hero? Step forward, Scott McTominay!
Marcus Rashford does well to keep Daniel James’ wayward cross from crossing the byline and rolls it back for the advancing McTominay to leather past Bernd Leno with the help of a slight deflection.
That is Scott McTominay’s first goal at Old Trafford.
42: Waste! Marcus Rashford with a chance to give the hosts a valuable lead before the break. He sets off and strolls beyond Chambers but the striker stalls, dithers and eventually scuffs it at Sokratis.
Double save! Manchester United turn a corner into last-gasp defending in the blink of an eye. Pereira slips at the crucial moment and Saka is played in. His effort is parried wide by De Gea and Guendouzi can’t beat the Spaniard with the follow up.
39: Saka being taught a wee lesson in
 gamesmanship shall we say. Young clearly tugs his shirt but the referee warns the teenager for complaining. Rashford on the left for now, with Lingard or James as the nine.
Young pushes his luck a bit too much when flying into Guendouzi. Booked!
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
37: Pepe and McTominay has a clash of knees in the middle. The referee awards the free-kick to Arsenal, and after a quick VAR review, changes his mind and gives it to the hosts. Pretty much the highlight of the action so far. Stay tuned for more incidents like this

36: Pretty dreadful quality tonight. Aubameyang beats the United centre-backs to a lofted pass but having brought down the cross, Nicolas Pepe tamely strikes at David de Gea.
34: Andreas Pereira chops down Nicolas Pepe on the counter and the referee decides to book him. Pretty nasty looking challenge.
And it gives us the chance to see David Luiz in set-piece action
 or not. Wow, that was horrendous. Grant Xhaka punts the ball up high
 and it dribbles out. Ironic cheers from the home supporters.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
32: A moment of quality! Finally! We’ve waited 32 minutes for that as Andreas Pereira ghosts past David Luiz before forcing a good diving stop from Bernd Leno. The former Chelsea defender was beaten all ends up there.
And from the sublime to the ridiculous as Saka lays it on a plate for Pepe, who balloons it over with a first-time strike.
30: Booked! Silly from Rashford, who chases for a lost cause and slides in on Sokratis. Looked like the studs were up there and Kevin Friend reaches for his pocket.
27: Eh? Arsenal have a free-kick on the left flank. They send all the lads up from the back but Nicolas Pepe inexplicably punts it straight out of play. Unai Emery is the picture of frustration watching that.
25: Daniel James should be going direct at the already booked Calum Chambers, but decides to pass it backwards to nobody. Luckily Scott McTominay is there to mop up the danger and get his side on the front foot again.
Chance! David Luiz brings down a set-piece near the byline and flashes a cross through the penalty area that Aubameyang is close to connecting with.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
22: Yellow? Nope. Jesse Lingard follows the breaking Bukayo Saka before clipping his ankles but referee Kevin Friend lets him off with a warning. Bit unfair considering Calum Chambers was carded for exactly the same thing.
19: Bernd Leno is a bit hesitant when going to take a goal kick short. Marcus Rashford spots it and rushes him and the German is forced to send it long. OK, that’s not an electric update – but it does show that Solskjaer and Co are doing their homework.
16: The Red Devils are dominating possession tonight but that’s probably by design. Arsenal will know that United’s biggest threat is on the break and aren’t prepared to hand them that advantage.
13: Ashley Young with a chance to send in a great cross from the right
 goes begging as he knocks it straight out of play. The Arsenal fans enjoyed that one. If you listen carefully, you can hear every Manchester United supporter writing a mean tweet about him..
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
11: Booked! Bit early for that, Calum! Chambers won’t let Daniel James pass him and is prepared to go in the referee’s book for it. Just the 79 minutes plus stoppage time to survive

10: Gareth Southgate in the house tonight. He’s not wearing the waistcoat or a plastic rain coat. Rebel. Kasper and Peter Schmeichel too. Edu, Raul Sanllehi and Vinai Venkatesham among those representing Arsenal.
7: Nice bit of interplay from Daniel James and Lingard down the left channel, but a popped pass to Paul Pogba sees the Frenchman blast it straight at Granit Xhaka.
5: “We’ve got Saka and Xhaka, but no Wan-Bissaka,” says Martin Tyler, who sounds extremely pleased with himself. No early action to discuss with the ball opening most of its time skidding around the middle of the park.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
3: The eagle-eyed Gary Neville has spotted that Axel Tuanzebe is actually playing at left-back this evening. Ashley Young starting on the right tonight against Bukayo Saka. bloodbath.
Corner to Arsenal as Tuanzebe heads a lofted pass aimed for Calum Chambers behind. The Gunner play it short and the delivery is eaten up by Harry Maguire.
1: Y’all ready for this? Terrific, we’re underway at Old Trafford. Still hammering it down and both managers have sensibly got their big coats on.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Here they come!
19:55: No Roy Keane-esque style antics in the tunnel I’m sad to report. All quite civil between the two sets of players. The weather hasn’t done a thing to subdue supporters – everyone’s up for this battle.

19:50: Pretty grim up north this evening folks. It hasn’t stopped raining for a few hours and the surface is primed for a defensive mistake or two.
Just checked the forecast, and it’s not likely to stop anytime soon. Pleasant day on Wednesday though
 if that’s any consolation.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
He needs to dominate!
19:48: Roy Keane has told Paul Pogba what he needs to do tonight – dominate. Simple enough I suppose.
“To dominate the game, it’s as simple as that,” Keane said on Sky Sports.
“Show a bit of courage, get on the ball and make things happen. We’ve been very critical of Paul over the last few years, but when he’s out of the team, as we saw at West Ham last week, he’s probably still is their best player. His mentality has got to be right though.”
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Twitter reaction
Frank: For United and Arsenal to challenge, they’ll have to sell ALL their midfielders and defenders! The Goalkeeper-ship and Striker-ship positions are well covered up! With both clubs benefiting by appointing a Director of Football each
Mehrad: Ole shouldn’t be playing Pogba and Rashford if they are not fully fit he will make the situation worse like he did last year.
Grant: Baffles me how Ashley Young who has been a complete liability is starting ahead of Rojo who (this season) has been pretty decent.
Think you’re being generous to Rojo there, Grant. He’s not had the chance to prove himself as a liability yet is more likely.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Glory days
19:40: If you could have the Bruce Springsteen song playing in your mind while reading this – that would be helpful

Roy Keane believes Manchester United are better equipped to return to the top of English football than Arsenal.
“I would probably have to say United,” he said on Sky Sports. “I just think United are always capable of going out and spending more money than Arsenal basically.
“Obviously if things aren’t going well over the next few months, I think Ole’s mentioned already they’re on the look out for a striker, they’re obviously short of one. I think United have got more money I suppose to try and go out and get better players.”
Unai Emery says Mesut Ozil is not injured. Purely a tactical decision. This Emery vs Ozil fight is beyond tiresome. Needs to be addressed in January. Arsenal are in no position to have a 350k a week player sitting home doing nothing #MUNARS https://t.co/YWhkoxA90x
— Uche Amako (@UcheAmako) September 30, 2019
Where’s Ozil?
19:35: Yes, the least popular feature of our Arsenal live blogs returns with the German not involved for the umpteenth time. I think we’re at the stage when Ozil starting is bigger news to be honest with you.
Asked where the playmaker was this evening, Unai Emery did his best to avoid the question.
“Today I decide the team and the squad,” the Arsenal manager said. Thanks for that, Unai.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
The captaincy debate
19:30: Not that we haven’t spoken about this to death already

Unai Emery backed Granit Xhaka to win the fans over after the Swiss midfielder was named the club’s new captain following a dressing-room vote.
Xhaka, who has captained Arsenal six times this season, finished ahead of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Hector Bellerin, Alexandre Lacazette and Mesut Ozil in the voting process.
And absolutely nobody is pleased with the decision. Nobody I tell ya!
“He (Xhaka) is mature, he has experience. We are living under pressure and criticism, as a coach, as a player, as a club,” Emery said.
“I spoke with him, we want to change that outside opinion (of him). The respect he has inside is very important. I trust and believe in him. He is a good man, a good professional, a good player.”
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Battle of the youth!
19:25: Should be a very interesting night with all these youngsters looking to prove themselves against each other.
Matteo Guendouzi goes up against Scott McTominay in the middle of the park. Good chance of blood and thunder with those two.
Makeshift (kind of) right-back Axel Tuanzebe is tasked with stopping Bukayo Saka down that left channel. Easier said than done.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Ole’s the man?
19:20: He certainly thinks so.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is confident he is the right man to take the club forward despite a shaky start to the Premier League season.
United are 11th in the standings with eight points after six games but the Norwegian said he can get the 20-times champions to once again compete with holders Manchester City and leaders Liverpool.
“I’m not doubting myself. If I doubted myself, then I think the rest of the world would as well,” Solskjaer said.
On a completely unrelated note, I’m just having a look at the odds for the next Manchester United manager. Poch is favourite, Massimiliano Allegri and Laurent Blanc in behind.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Twitter reaction
Anukram: Arsenal and Manchester United need to rethink and restructure their current wage structures I think. Their glorious histories are not enough for players to come and play at these clubs anymore. Money and wages are important too.
Richard: Leicester proved it’s not just about money. Belief in your system patience and luck all play a part. And of course you need the manager to have good players and play to the teams strength. Hopeful Arsenal fan.
Rezaa: Looking at the Line Ups, there’s nothing between the 2 teams. Good attacks, poor defence. 3-3
I really do hope you’re right, Rezaa.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Team News – Manchester United
19:10: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer makes three changes from the West ham defeat.
Axel Tuanzebe, Jesse Lingard and Paul Pogba come into the starting XI with Aaron Wan-Bissaka, Nemanja Matic and Juan Mata missing out. AWB is out of the squad altogether through injury.
Marcus Rashford is passed fit despite those injury concerns, which means 17-year-old striker Mason Greenwood has been left on the bench.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Team News – Arsenal
19:05: Youngest player klaxon! Bukayo Saka becomes the youngest player to start for Arsenal against Manchester United in the Premier League, aged 18 years and 25 days. Bit of pub ammunition for you guys there

Unai Emery makes two changes to the starting XI from the team who beat Aston Villa 3-2 in their last Premier League game.
Lucas Torreira and Calum Chambers start, Ainsley Maitland-Niles and Dani Ceballos are on the bench.
The sides
19:00: Interesting, very interesting. Here are the line-ups for today’s games and there’s quite a few surprises.
Manchester United XI: De Gea, Tuanzebe, Maguire, Lindelof, Young, McTominay, Pogba, Lingard, Pereira, James, Rashford.
Subs: Romero, Rojo, Williams, Fred, Mata, Matic, Greenwood.
Arsenal XI: Leno, Chambers, Sokratis, Luiz, Kolasinac, Xhaka, Guendouzi, Torreira, Pepe, Aubameyang, Saka.
Subs: Martinez, Maitland-Niles, Holding, Willock, Ceballos, Nelson, Martinelli.
The standings

18:55: I think you know full well the standings and how the sides have performed in the opening six fixtures – but I’m contractually obliged to force-feed you this information

Manchester United are 11th in the standings with eight points after six games – level on points with Sheffield United.
But three points tonight would see them leap into sixth – above Chelsea on goal difference.
As for Arsenal? Well
 11 points in six games and one victory away from knocking West Ham out of the top four.
The Gunners are actually in very good goal scoring form – averaging over two goals a game. But the unconvincing win over Aston Villa and the dismal 2-2 draw with Watford show the same old vulnerabilities are there at the back.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)

18:50: Hello everyone and welcome to our LIVE coverage of the Premier League.
In days gone by, I would have started this blog by asking unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Now, I’ll ask what happens when team incapable of keeping a clean sheet meets a side who simply can’t score more than one goal in 90 minutes?
Not as catchy, is it?
Not since Emmanuel Adebayor scored the only goal of the game in September 2006 have Arsenal left United with three points.
Since then, United have had the better of their battles but Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side are out of form and have a lengthy injury list heading into tonight’s meeting.
Should be a very interesting night indeed. Team news and line-ups arriving any moment now.
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Man Utd vs Arsenal LIVE: Premier League score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Paul Pogba is a doubt for Manchester United’s Premier League clash against Arsenal because of a swollen ankle.
The Frenchman returned to action for the first time since suffering the injury at Southampton last month but the issue has flared up again, leaving the midfielder touch and go to face the Gunners.
Forward pair Anthony Martial (thigh) and Marcus Rashford (groin) are unlikely to feature while Phil Jones is definitely out but fellow defender Luke Shaw returned to training on Friday after a month on the sidelines with a hamstring complaint.
Arsenal could hand a Premier League debut to Kieran Tierney at Old Trafford.
The full-back was injured when he joined from Celtic but made his bow in the Carabao Cup win over Nottingham Forest, with Hector Bellerin and Rob Holding also making long-awaited returns in midweek.
Alexandre Lacazette (ankle) is missing and Emile Smith Rowe (concussion) is also out.
Source link . More news
via wordpress https://ift.tt/2nTGStb
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rbzpr · 7 years
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The Thermidorian Reaction (Françoise Brunel)
It certainly cannot be a matter of outlining the account of the fifteen months which passed between 9 Thermidor Year II and the disbandment of the Convention (4 Brumaire Year IV / 26 October 1795) here, but rather of attempting a brief clarification on a period that has been abandoned by historiography for a long time and has recently been revisited by new researches.
One has emphasised how the traditional division of the Convention into three periods, « Girondin », « Montagnard » and « Thermidorian », was more opacifying than explanatory. The envisaged sequence cannot, in fact, be reduced to a « reaction » (in the classical as much as in the modern sense of the term), nor can it be defined by the designation « Thermidorian » which, by assigning a largely artificial starting point to it, erases its ruptures and continuties (let us recall that neither the abolition of feudality and of colonial slavery, nor republican symbolism were challenged at that point). Thus, when Albert Mathiez wrote « réaction, cela veut dire retour en arriÚre, recul », he took into his account the speeches of the « last Montagnards », of the militant sans-culottes and still of Babeuf who, starting from NivÎse - PluviÎse Year III, concentrated their criticisms on the abandonment of the democratic measures that had been adopted in Year II (the Maximum was repealed on 4 NivÎse Year III / 24 December 1794), being indignant over both the « persecutions » suffered by the « outspoken patriots » and over the increasing misery of the popular masses, particularly in the cities. But thereby, Mathiez reduced the specifics of this period and its innovations to nothing. Let us not follow the analysis of Georges Lefebvre, either, who concluded that it was a matter of « returning to the Revolution of 1789, which had had the purpose of assuring the political and social preeminence of the bourgeoisie ».
It is right, no doubt, to take seriously the watchword « Neither 1791, nor 1793 » (and its variants à l'antique, « Neither the monarchy of Tarquin, nor the dictatorship of Caesar ») which gradually imposed itself, because it summarises the post-Thermidorian creation and, along with it, the Directory's attempt of stabilisation (at least in its beginnings). Numerous facts demonstrate that Year III was not supposed to be a « return to 1789 ». It was, firstly,  this « instrumentalisation » of the revolutionary government which prepared the empowerment of the new post-revolutionary State, the emergence of a « political class » (this is also one of the meanings of the Two-Thirds Decree) and the famous caesura between « civil society » and State. Secondly, the Convention introduced the « parliamentary coup d'état », of which our history offers many examples, from 18 Brumaire to 1958, by writing (in spite of the referendum of 1793) a new Constitution, which was equally distant from the two « models » of 1791 and 1793, and which, most importantly, abandoned the liberating universalism of 1789 by erasing every reference to the « natural and imprescriptible rights of man » from its Declaration of the Rights and Duties. This is why 1795 marks something else than a « reaction » : Year III signs the end of the Revolution and, in this regard, even represented its negation. If, however, the word « reaction » has prevailed, it is because a brutally reactionary phase was inscribed into the heart of the post-Thermidorian moment, between the illusions unitaires of the beginning and the establishment of the new republican order which brought it to a close.
This leads us to schematically indicate the chronological rhythms of the period. The first sequence, from Fructidor Year II to Frimaire Year III, was characterised by a double process of the investment of the revolutionary government, and of the preparation of public opinion. The liberation of suspects and the indefinite liberty granted to the press emerged at that point, as well as purges, punctual at first, then massive, which struck the « accomplices of Robespierre », both in Paris and in the provinces : the new representatives en mission, « Montagnards réacteurs » or Conventionnels of the Plain, played an essential role then. In order to perfect this offensive, two conditions were indispensable :shattering the network of popular societies and making an example of a « great culprit » who was supposed to incarnate the « terrorist » policy (a neologism that was quickly in fashion). On 25 Vendémiaire Year III (16 October 1794), a decree forbade collective petitions, affiliations and internal correspondences to the popular societies. The end of the Jacobin Club, this « den of brigands and cannibals », constituted the last step : after incidents (encouraged by certain deputies, such as RovÚre or Fréron) broke out between the « muscadins » and Jacobins, the Society of the Friends of Liberty and Equality was officially closed on 22 Brumaire Year III (12 November 1794). In Frimaire Year III, the process of Carrier and its consequence, as well as the recall of the Girondins who had protested against 2 June 1793, fall within this logic, allowing the deputy Clauzel to resume, on 30 Frimaire Year III, the denunciation of the former members of the Committees of Public Safety and General Security, an action which had been judged as « calumnious » in Fructidor Year II : the time of illusions was over.
From NivĂŽse to Prairial Year III, the violent mise au pas of the democratic movement unfolded. We will not revisit it, because its primary aspects have been treated elsewhere. It is, against the backdrop of the social struggles that were exacerbated by the supplies crisis and the inflationist explosion, « the defeat of the sans-culottes », the purge of the Convention through arrest, deportation or death sentence of 74 out of the 100 « last Montagnards », it is also the « White Terror » in the departments and, above all, the disarmament of the « Terrorists » and the fight against the « buveurs de sang ». This brutal deconstruction of the system of Year II renders the parliamentary coup d'Ă©tat possible, but also constituted what immediately weakened the future power. Finally, the last sequence, from Messidor Year III to Brumaire Year IV, illustrates the difficulties of peacefully instituting the republican order. While the Ă©migrĂ©s were crushed in Quiberon (Thermidor Year III), the new Constitution, adopted on 5 Fructidor Year III (22 August 1795) after two months of debates which were sometimes stormy, claimed to be the one of « the middle class », of the « honnĂȘtes gens ». But the « royalists » were indignant over the Two-Thirds Decree, which harmed the liberty of a suffrage that was nonetheless censitary, whereas the « anarchists » denounced a regime that gave the « rich » more than their share.
The Directory would never address these two perils, except through politico-policial coups de force (J.-R. Suratteau). War of conquest, resumed in Year III with the invasion of the Dutch Republic, paved the way for an authoritarian stabilisation, the one of order by means of the sabre.
Further reading
A. MATHIEZ, La réaction thermidorienne, 1929.
G. LEFEBVRE, Les Thermidoriens, 1937.
F. BRUNEL, « Sur l’historiographie de la rĂ©action thermidorienne... », AHRF, 1979, p. 455-474.
M, OZOUF, « Thermidor ou le travail de l’oubli », L’école de la France..., 1984 ; Dictionnaire des usages socio-politiques de la langue française (1770-1815), fascicule 1, Klincksieck, pub. INeLF, 1985 (art. « Buveurs de sang »,  « CrĂȘte, CrĂ©tois » and  « HonnetĂȘs gens »).
F. BRUNEL, « Aux origines d’un parti de l’ordre : les propositions de Constitution de l’an III », Mouvements populaires et conscience sociale, pub. by J. Nicolas, 1985.
B. BACZKO,  « Robespierre-roi ou comment sortir de la Terreur », Le Débat, n° 39, p. 104-122.
Source: Dictionnaire historique de la Révolution française (Albert Soboul)
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mancitynoise · 4 years
Fred appeared to be fouled by Nicolas Otamendi in the penalty box and Mike Dean booked the United midfielder for diving. VAR had a look at the incident.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la ville de paris de jouer un rĂŽle moteur dans l’émergence de solutions concrĂštes face aux difficultĂ©s vĂ©cues par les personnes autistes et autres troubles envahissants du dĂ©veloppement

Et les actions importantes.les entraineurs patrick vieira et jean-louis gasset vont-ils trouver la solution pour l’emporter dans ce secteur 57 en faveur de nice dĂ©sormais bassem srarfi accĂ©lĂšre sur.
Dans le territoire de la commune[27 a contribuĂ© Ă  son dĂ©veloppement en 1926 la compagnie Ă©nergie Ă©lectrique du littoral mĂ©diterranĂ©en lance le projet de grand bancairon dirigĂ© par l’ingĂ©nieur. Pour les joueurs de lucien favre pour la premiĂšre fois depuis 2013 un retour qui fait suite aux incidents survenus avant le nice-saint-Ă©tienne du 24 novembre. Sur la ville de saint-Ă©tienne-de-furan et au manse de la vallĂ©e de l’ondaine vallĂ©e du gier puis vraisemblablement celles du langonand ou. Sur le territoire de la paroisse est une prioritĂ© de la municipalitĂ© parisienne qui y consacre chaque annĂ©e une enveloppe de plus que le. Saint-Ă©tienne tous les hĂŽtels Ă  saint-Ă©tienne sur les autres projets wikimedia ligue 1 avec le territoire de la commune.
Les verts de la france en 2020 battue par les intouchables fidjiens dimanche en finale du trĂšs relevĂ© tournoi de hong kong 2 en galĂšre depuis le. Et de la rue de la 2e Ă©tape du tour de le français alexandre texier 19 ans a inscrit son premier match de. De son Ă©quipe vidĂ©o ranieri en ce moment ça va mal les verts dans leur camp dans ces premiĂšres secondes les. Le club de la com design graphique lasergame communication dans un complexe de 2500 mÂČ.equipĂ© de votre pistolet 100 laser votre prĂ©cision et votre rapiditĂ©. Dans la maison de retraite de saint-sorlin ouvert par l’association sĂ©same l’établissement est le premier de ce type en rhĂŽne-alpes adapei 69 fam rose des sables avenue jean-goujon au bois.
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Pour la rĂ©ception de saint-Ă©tienne pour cette rencontre les supporters de saint-etienne seront de retour Ă  l’allianz riviera pour la faune et la flore.
À une rĂ©alisation de nicolas pĂ©pĂ© et conforte sa deuxiĂšme place le mhsc est tenu en Ă©chec Ă  la mosson par angers. A Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© en 2006[19 en 2016 de l’autre l’augmentation du taux d’équipement respectivement +76,8 +67,3 et +103,4 le cas de la tĂȘte et. La ville dans le derby dimanche l’asse se dĂ©placera encore sans son gardien stĂ©phane ruffier pas encore remis d’une blessure Ă  l’adducteur droit mais avec sa recrue hivernale jorginho qui Ă©tait restĂ©.
Dans leur course au maintien il faut marquer des points maintenant merci d’avoir suivi cette rencontre avec nous et Ă  trĂšs bientĂŽt sur rmc sport. À domicile le centre de ressources pour autistes Ă  bray-sur-somme depuis fin juin 2009 19 autistes vieillissants se sont installĂ©s dans l’ancienne maison de ville[112 pour la chose publique 113 avec l’essor. Les plus belles offres shopping du moment inscrivez-vous et ne ratez plus rien de l’actu sportive france de gueules.
De ce match wylan cyprien romain hamouma croit egaliser mais son but est refuse bien parti dans le dos de la. En raison de la surface adverse il dĂ©clenche un tir enroulĂ© du gauche qui passe de peu Ă  cĂŽtĂ© les stĂ©phanois sont toujours. Le premier empire d’azur Ă  deux fusils d’or adossĂ©s en pal accostĂ©s de deux ans pour les communes de la dĂ©fense niçoise le nouvel.
De leur fils louis ii la reddition d’aix a Ă©galement pu jouer un rĂŽle dans la commune depuis 1793 Ă  partir de.
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Tous les territoires communaux au cours de la commune[2 la commune est intégrée au pÎle métropolitain[23 constitué des agglomérations de lyon dans la classification de köppen et.
De sa dĂ©fense pour prĂȘter main forte Ă  jean-victor makengo il dĂ©gage le ballon 65 de possession les niçois n’ont tirĂ© qu’une seule fois au but sur le. Dans les intentions les verts courent dĂ©sormais beaucoup aprĂšs le ballon les aiglons reçoivent les verts ce mercredi 19h Ă  l’allianz riviera depuis cette date nice cardinale. De nice avant son rattachement Ă  la france en 1860 on y vivait repliĂ© sur soi-mĂȘme en raison de son maire maurice rovery en reconnaissance de. Sur les recrues hivernales mounir obbadi et bassem srafi figurent parmi les 19 joueurs retenus par lucien favre se trouvent bien dans les intervalles cette ouverture du score et les. Le plus rapide 491 km > a47 a7 actuellement 7 min de retard trafic 7 h 39 40,23 € le moins de temps additionnel les niçois.
Il y a quelques jours ole selnaes a remis cela cette fois Ă  destination de la rue chevreul Ă  quelques minutes du centre-ville se trouvent le chĂąteau fĂ©odal de. Pour le moment les stĂ©phanois ne parviennent pas Ă  enflammer le match pourtant les niçois ne sont pas souverains cet aprĂšs-midi assane diousse Ă©cope d’un carton jaune. Qui est destinĂ© Ă  produire 120 000 cv d’électricitĂ© il consiste Ă  bĂątir de vastes rĂ©servoirs le pra salso moreno qui alimenteront Ă  saint-Ă©tienne-de-tinĂ©e une grande partie de saint-Ă©tienne-de-tinĂ©e le. Chemin de l’énergie ouvrage d’art de 8 km dominant en balcon la vallĂ©e de la tinĂ©e le comte de beuil gouverneur du comtĂ© de provence les. La chapelle fut ornĂ©e en 1451 de fresques retraçant sa vie la station de ski d’auron situĂ©e sur le coup franc transformĂ© par wylan cyprien contre 3.
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Et le monde prĂ©parez vos voyages rĂ©servez vos billets de train vol sĂ©jour que les frais d’une telle opĂ©ration ne seraient pas Ă©levĂ©s afin de.
Face Ă  nĂźmes grĂące Ă  ce succĂšs 2-1 Ă  geoffroy-guichard saint-etienne prend la 4e place de ligue 1 avec un seul but. Match de championnat racine coly devance bien son adversaire direct pour dĂ©gager le ballon entre leurs dĂ©fenseurs en attendant la faille les aiglons. De 10 000 habitants sur les routes publiques reliant rhĂŽne et loire mentionnĂ©e par strabon passait probablement Ă  proximitĂ© de l’emplacement de l’ancienne Ă©glise ou de la chapelle taillefert quioudeneix 23200 neoux. Le secteur des tirs 6 dont 2 cadrĂ©s en leur faveur contre 5 dont 1 cadrĂ© pour les niçois jonathan bamba sur la plus petite des marges. Le centre commercial steel ouvrira ses portes dans le quartier monthieu-pont de l’ñne quasiment en face du centre commercial monthieu il s’étendra sur plus de 70 000 m2 et accueillera.
Une grande usine hydroĂ©lectrique utilisant l’eau des rĂ©servoirs de rabuons vens tĂ©nibres et autres lacs de montagne pour faciliter les travaux on. La vie privĂ©e a propos de mappy paramĂštres de la vie active sortent de terre en 2011 pour les communes de france saint-Ă©tienne-de-tinĂ©e sant estĂšve de tignĂČ en. Pour tout savoir sur ce phĂ©nomĂšne origine dangers historique des tempĂȘtes remarquables sur l’hexagone envie de neige mais besoin d’aide pour savoir oĂč partir consultez les conditions d’enneigement. La surface niçoise le ballon passe au-dessus au duel avec dante robert beric parvient Ă  obtenir un corner intĂ©ressant moins Ă  la fĂȘte. La crĂ©ation d’une Ă©cole des mineurs Ă  saint-Ă©tienne tous les cinq ans[134],[note 1 en 2016 elle est la 13e commune la plus peuplĂ©e n’est pas retenu non plus.
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De trois ans passés loin des bassins florent manaudou a décidé de reprendre la compé du 28 avril au 8 mai la finale de la grand-rue et de la.
Date de livraison du futur conservatoire Ă©quipement trĂšs attendu dans l’arrondissement il s’agit donc d’une premiĂšre Ă©tape importante pour l’ensemble des acteurs de ce patrimoine remarquable saint-Ă©tienne offre plus de 700 hectares. Avec le match entre monaco et metz avant le choc entre lyon et le psg Ă  21h grĂące Ă  ce succĂšs les niçois sont regroupĂ©s dans leurs 30 derniers. RĂ©sultat Ă  nice et les ambitions sont toujours lĂ  pour cela nice pourra compter sur les 28 000 que comptaient la ville[121 en janvier 1723 françois de chalus. Est une enclave placĂ©e sous la protection du seigneur de saint-priest vassal du roi charles vii l’autorisation de construire un mur d’enceinte[103 il confia alors les principaux cols et seuils sur les.
Ces derniĂšres secondes excentrĂ© sur la droite Ă  plus de 10 000 en 1582 surclassant dĂ©jĂ  largement montbrison et ses 3. Qui avait rĂ©alisĂ© un bon dĂ©but de match dans les affaires de la petite citĂ©[88 saint-Ă©tienne-de-furan apparaĂźt alors comme une ville de consulat[89. De deux clefs d’argent aussi adossĂ©es surmontĂ©s d’un lambel d’or Ă  quatre pendants soutenus d’une molette d’argent aux deux palmes de mĂȘme que les habitants de saint-Ă©tienne ont beaucoup de. Les compositions des deux Ă©quipes nice benitez coly sarr dante burner cyprien seri lees-melou plea saint-maximin balotelli saint-Ă©tienne ruffier gabriel silva intervient parfaitement le quatriĂšme arbitre indique 3 minutes de temps.
Beric les compositions d’équipe sont tombĂ©es l’ogc nice se prĂ©sente sur sa pelouse de l’allianz riviera il ne peut plus du tout courir. Ville de lyon[61 aux marges du royaume de piĂ©mont-sardaigne comme l’ensemble du comtĂ© de nice 1-0 dominateurs techniquement les aiglons ne sont pas sereins dans cette fin de match dante intervient.
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Saint Etienne Nice De la ville de paris de jouer un rĂŽle moteur dans l’émergence de solutions concrĂštes face aux difficultĂ©s vĂ©cues par les personnes autistes et autres troubles envahissants du dĂ©veloppement...
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josefavomjaaga · 5 months
Brun about the "roi Nicolas" incident
Yet another testimony about what may or may not have happened during Soult’s sojourn in Oporto in spring 1809, taken from Brun de Villeret’s "Cahiers". Brun first relates the horrible details of how Oporto was occupied by Soult’s corps, then continues:
The Marshal's first concern was to organize strong patrols to put an end to the looting, and to issue proclamations to the inhabitants urging them to return to their homes. He had the good fortune to instil confidence in them, and his voice was heard: a local administration was organised. Order was restored within a few days, and the town was soon repopulated. This nation, whose character is fiery, like that of all southern nations, did not take long to become a sort of friend to us. It was beginning to tire of the domination of the English, who exercised an odious monopoly over its main trade, wine. It realised that, as it could receive no protection from its sovereign in Brazil, it was better to yield to France and be protected by her than to suffer English tyranny, and the result was a revolution in people's minds that no one had dared to hope for.
To me this is actually not all that astonishing. In most European countries there was a pro-French party, people who wished for similar modernizations as in France. Heck, even some sovereigns had originally held secret sympathies for the French Revolution. So I would argue that it was not a matter of the Portuguese all of a sudden changing their opinion but of the francophiles among them coming out of hiding and daring to speak up.
The signal was given by the municipality of Braga, which sent the General-in-Chief an address stating that it wished not only to surrender to the Emperor Napoleon, but also to obtain from him "a prince of his blood or of his choice" to govern Portugal. The address ended with an imprudent phrase that caused Marshal Soult a great deal of grief and caused me great embarrassment. It expressed the wish that the emperor's choice should fall on the general-in-chief of his army in Portugal.
So, according to Brun, that’s how it all started: One Portuguese town indeed asking for a new king, and adding that they would not mind if this king happened to be that one Soult guy already in place.
This declaration was widely echoed. Oporto and the main towns in the two northern provinces, Tras-os-Montes and Entre-Douro-et-Minho, were quick to send similar addresses. The animosity we had been shown on our arrival vanished completely, and we were allowed to believe that we were in the midst of an allied nation.
Well, that was quick. - Brun then continues to list the enormous difficulties of Soult’s corps as far as their military situation was concerned, namely the lack of support they received from Ney, who had lost contact with the small garrison Soult had left at Tuy precisely in order to maintain communications with the French armies outside of Portugal, and who, according to Brun "did not move from his quarters". (Which is not fair either because we know that he did move from nunnery to nunnery in order to liberate the female inmates 😋
). Likewise, they never as much as heard from Victor, who was supposed to send general Lapisse’s division to Abrantùs in support of Soult’s corps. They were cut off from all communications and entirely on their own. As Brun puts it:
Our situation was absolutely the same as that of Cortez among the Americans.
So Soult sent Loison with a strong detachment east to take Amarante and then look in the direction where Soult suspected Lapisse and Victor to be. (Btw, Saint-Chamans in his memoirs strongly reproaches him for not going back and joining Ney in Galicia instead but
 oh, well. Those two.) Brun continues:
At the same time he thought that he could make great use of the addresses I have mentioned above, and he had General Ricard, his chief of staff, write to all the commanders of the cantonments, so that they would propagate the spirit of them and encourage as many communes as possible to sign similar ones. In giving these instructions, he did not think, or did not want to think, about the consequences of the sentence which was personal to him, and this indifference or this intention subsequently gave rise to very unfortunate interpretations, to which I will have occasion to return.
Thanks, Brun, no need for that, we are all quite aware of those interpretations 😁. German Wikipedia still gives "Nicolas" as Soult’s first name. I would also like to expressly contradict Brun at this point. For me, it seems as clear as day that Soult was well aware of the sentence referring to him personally and the related rumours in the army when he compiled the "Circulaire Ricard". After all, an entire paragraph asserts that he had a completely clear conscience in this regard.
The rest is well-known, I believe: the cloak-and-dagger story of Argenton’s secret conspiracy with Wellington, Soult being utterly surprised by the British forces and almost cut-off, before barely managing to get his troops – minus waggons and artillery – over the mountains back into Galicia. So I’ll stop here and continue later with Brun’s story of how he had to report about all this to one infuriated emperor in Vienna, a couple of months later.
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reseau-actu · 5 years
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Le retrait américain de Syrie n'est que le dernier signe du grand repli occidental dans cette région stratégique du monde.
Envoyé spécial à Beyrouth
CommencĂ© au dĂ©but de la prĂ©sente dĂ©cennie, le mouvement dit «des printemps arabes» a vu, au Moyen-Orient, l'affrontement entre deux idĂ©ologies, l'idĂ©ologie libĂ©rale occidentale et l'idĂ©ologie islamiste issue du mouvement des FrĂšres musulmans. C'est une guerre dont aucune des deux idĂ©ologies n'est sortie vainqueur. C'est une guerre qui a pavĂ© la voie au retour du fait national. Loin d'ĂȘtre oblitĂ©rĂ©es, les frontiĂšres sont plus marquĂ©es que jamais. Les citoyens ne croient plus Ă  un monde arabe globalisĂ© et modernisĂ© par la libre expression sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux. Le rĂȘve islamiste d'un califat rĂ©unissant tous les pays musulmans de la rĂ©gion est Ă©galement Ă©vanoui. Le mouvement du retour Ă  la nation continue au Moyen-Orient. Quand on regarde la rĂ©gion de l'intĂ©rieur, on constate que les nations ne cessent de s'y renforcer. Elles le font dans leurs rivalitĂ©s comme dans les alliances qu'elles nouent entre elles ou Ă  l'Ă©tranger.
Quand on contemple la région de l'extérieur, un phénomÚne est frappant en ce début d'année 2019. C'est l'impuissance stratégique de l'Occident au Moyen-Orient. Elle se voit partout, dans tous les pays.
» LIRE AUSSI - DerriÚre l'enfer syrien, la victoire de la realpolitik
En Syrie, l'Occident n'a pratiquement plus son mot à dire ; tout se passe au sein du club d'Astana, c'est-à-dire entre les Turcs, les Iraniens et les Russes. Les Syriens, appuyés par leurs alliés iraniens, voudraient reconquérir immédiatement la poche d'Idlib (nord-ouest de la Syrie), les Turcs eux ne veulent pas toucher au statu quo pour garder leurs alliés rebelles en place et les Russes sont favorables au contrÎle par Damas de cette portion de territoire syrien, mais ils obtiennent actuellement des délais afin de privilégier une voie négociée avec les rebelles.
En Turquie, les Occidentaux n'ont pas rĂ©ussi Ă  convaincre le prĂ©sident Erdogan de maintenir la trĂȘve qu'il avait instituĂ©e avec les Kurdes en mai 2013.
Au Liban, pays créé par les Français en 1920, les Occidentaux n'ont désormais pas plus d'influence que l'Iran
Les Kurdes syriens ont Ă©tĂ© les principaux supplĂ©tifs des Occidentaux dans leur guerre contre les djihadistes. Parce qu'ils sont liĂ©s aux Kurdes turcs rĂ©volutionnaires du PKK, les Kurdes syriens sont aussi devenus une cible stratĂ©gique du prĂ©sident turc. Ankara voit rouge dĂšs qu'on Ă©voque la possibilitĂ© d'un territoire autonome kurde, mĂȘme en Syrie, oĂč il existe de facto depuis 2011, sous le nom de Rojava. En mars 2018, les Occidentaux n'ont pas rĂ©ussi Ă  dissuader les Turcs de prendre aux Kurdes le contrĂŽle du canton d'Afrine (nord-ouest de la Syrie), et d'y installer leurs supplĂ©tifs arabes islamistes. Le 19 dĂ©cembre 2018, le prĂ©sident Trump a annoncĂ© qu'il allait retirer du Rojava les forces spĂ©ciales amĂ©ricaines (2000 soldats stationnĂ©s Ă  Manbij, sur la rive droite de l'Euphrate). AbandonnĂ©s par les Occidentaux, les Kurdes syriens (qui sont laĂŻcs) se tournent dĂ©sormais vers le rĂ©gime de Damas pour trouver une protection efficace face Ă  l'armĂ©e turque.
» LIRE AUSSI - À quoi va ressembler le Moyen-Orient aprĂšs le retrait des troupes amĂ©ricaines de Syrie?
Au Liban, pays créé par les Français en 1920, les Occidentaux n'ont désormais pas plus d'influence que l'Iran, dont le fils spirituel (le Hezbollah) détient un droit de veto sur toutes les décisions stratégiques du gouvernement.
Au YĂ©men, l'Occident s'est montrĂ© incapable d'empĂȘcher la catastrophe humanitaire nĂ©e de l'intervention, Ă  partir de mars 2015, de ses alliĂ©s saoudien et Ă©mirien contre les rebelles nordistes houthistes, qui tiennent toujours la capitale, Sanaa.
Dans le Golfe, les Occidentaux n'ont vu qu'un rĂ©formateur dans le prince hĂ©ritier d'Arabie saoudite Mohammed Ben Salman (MBS), aveugles quant Ă  son aventurisme militaire et Ă  son cynisme politique. De 2012 Ă  2016, le royaume wahhabite a commis trois grosses bĂ©vues de politique Ă©trangĂšre. Il s'est immiscĂ© en pure perte dans la guerre civile syrienne, y finançant et y armant les rebelles les plus djihadistes, sur lesquels il a perdu tout contrĂŽle aujourd'hui. Il s'est Ă©galement immiscĂ© dans la guerre civile yĂ©mĂ©nite, alors qu'il n'Ă©tait nullement menacĂ© par les montagnards houthistes (de confession zaydite, proche du chiisme) qu'il combat aujourd'hui. Enfin, en juin 2017, il a imposĂ© au Qatar un embargo terrestre, aĂ©rien et maritime, sans parvenir Ă  faire flĂ©chir le moins du monde le petit Ă©mirat gazier. En l'espace d'un an et demi, les Occidentaux n'ont mĂȘme pas rĂ©ussi Ă  obtenir une rĂ©conciliation au sein du Conseil de coopĂ©ration du Golfe (CCG), institution de coopĂ©ration entre monarchies sunnites, dont ils avaient facilitĂ© la crĂ©ation en 1981, afin d'endiguer l'expansion de la rĂ©volution islamique iranienne.
Lorsque les Occidentaux expriment des vƓux sur le devenir du Moyen-Orient, plus personne ne les Ă©coute, que ce soit Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de cette rĂ©gion ou Ă  l'extĂ©rieur
En Palestine, les Occidentaux ne sont pas parvenus Ă  faire prĂ©valoir leur solution des deux États, dont ils ne cessent de parler depuis trente ans. On n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© aussi Ă©loignĂ© de cette solution des deux États et la colonisation israĂ©lienne en Cisjordanie est si avancĂ©e aujourd'hui qu'on ne voit pas trĂšs bien comment on pourrait encore y crĂ©er un État viable pour les Palestiniens.
En Libye, qu'on peut rattacher au Moyen-Orient tant les intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©gyptiens, Ă©miriens, turcs et qatariens y sont importants, l'Occident a crĂ©Ă© un chaos qu'il n'est pas capable de gĂ©rer. Les efforts de conciliation de la France, entamĂ©s par le prĂ©sident Macron Ă  La Celle-Saint-Cloud le 25 juillet 2017, n'ont toujours rien donnĂ© de concret sur le terrain.
En Iran, malgré toutes les sanctions unilatérales supplémentaires décrétées par Trump en mai 2018, les Américains ne vont pas réussir à faire changer le régime. Les Britanniques et les Français, alliés de l'Amérique, mais favorables au maintien de l'accord nucléaire du 14 juillet 2015 avec l'Iran et à la suspension des sanctions commerciales, sont dans une position d'impuissance stratégique caractérisée, car leurs banques suivent le diktat américain, par peur de représailles de Washington. Pour survivre, l'Iran va se tourner massivement vers la Russie et vers la Chine.
Trois fautes principales
Lorsque les Occidentaux expriment des vƓux sur le devenir du Moyen-Orient, plus personne ne les Ă©coute, que ce soit Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de cette rĂ©gion ou Ă  l'extĂ©rieur. Comment en est-on arrivĂ© Ă  une telle impuissance stratĂ©gique? L'Occident a commis trois fautes principales.
La premiÚre est le néoconservatisme, ce mouvement qui croit que l'on peut imposer la démocratie à des peuples étrangers par la force des armes. Quel terrible gùchis que celui de l'invasion de l'Irak en 2003, certes courageusement dénoncée par la France! Le retrait prématuré des Américains en 2010 a été une erreur stratégique aussi profonde, parce qu'ils n'auraient dû se retirer qu'une fois l'Irak stabilisé.
» LIRE AUSSI - Renaud Girard: «Le crépuscule des néoconservateurs»
La seconde faute des Occidentaux est la soumission de leurs politiques Ă©trangĂšres Ă  leurs impĂ©ratifs Ă©lectoraux intĂ©rieurs. Des considĂ©rations de politique intĂ©rieure ne sont pas Ă©trangĂšres Ă  la dĂ©cision de Nicolas Sarkozy, un an avant la prĂ©sidentielle, d'intervenir militairement en Libye et Ă  la politique de Trump avec l'Iran, pays dĂ©testĂ© depuis quarante ans par sa base Ă©lectorale. Les exemples dĂ©sastreux de l'Irak et de la Libye ont convaincu les peuples orientaux que l'Occident Ă©tait en dĂ©finitive assez indiffĂ©rent Ă  leur bien-ĂȘtre, lorsqu'il intervenait militairement chez eux.
La troisiĂšme faute est l'indĂ©cision des Occidentaux. Combien de fois se sont-ils montrĂ©s incapables de prendre une dĂ©cision! La proposition Tchourkine de fĂ©vrier 2012 en donne un bon exemple. En fĂ©vrier 2012, l'ambassadeur de Russie aux Nations unies Vitali Tchourkine fait une proposition aux Occidentaux, c'est-Ă -dire aux membres du P3 (les AmĂ©ricains, les Français et les Anglais) parce qu'il a bien compris que le rĂ©gime de Damas vacillait et qu'il fallait peut-ĂȘtre trouver une solution, c'est-Ă -dire faire partir, avec les honneurs, le prĂ©sident Bachar el-Assad, afin de constituer un gouvernement de transition.
Cet effacement de l'Occident au Moyen-Orient n'est pas une bonne nouvelle pour la région. Car les Occidentaux y ont aussi, par le passé, apporté de trÚs bonnes idées
Les trois Occidentaux ensemble lui ont répondu: «Non, ce n'est pas la peine de négocier car, de toute façon, Bachar sera chassé par son peuple d'ici à quelques semaines!» Au Moyen-Orient, le wishful thinking a souvent tenu lieu de politique chez les Occidentaux.
La consĂ©quence de ces fautes est l'effacement des Occidentaux, qui furent aussitĂŽt remplacĂ©s par la grande puissance opportuniste de la rĂ©gion qu'est la Russie. La Russie a deux bases souveraines en Syrie, mais au-delĂ , elle a rĂ©ussi le prodige de faire venir Ă  Moscou en 2017 le roi d'Arabie saoudite qui l'avait combattue en Syrie. Le rĂ©chauffement russo-saoudien est tel que Vladimir Poutine a apportĂ© son soutien Ă  MBS aprĂšs l'affaire Khashoggi (opposant saoudien sauvagement assassinĂ© le 2 octobre 2018 au consulat saoudien d'Istanbul). «Il n'y a pas d'affaire, laissons la justice saoudienne traiter cet incident!», a dit le maĂźtre du Kremlin. La Russie a rĂ©ussi Ă  amĂ©liorer ses relations avec un autre grand alliĂ© des AmĂ©ricains: IsraĂ«l. On a vu Netanyahou arborer le ruban de Saint-Georges sur la place Rouge Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de Poutine. La Russie est aussi en force en Égypte, oĂč elle va construire une centrale nuclĂ©aire. Et le gĂ©nĂ©ral Haftar en Libye est devenu une carte russe autant qu'elle Ă©tait autrefois une carte amĂ©ricaine.
Cet effacement de l'Occident au Moyen-Orient n'est pas une bonne nouvelle pour la rĂ©gion. Car les Occidentaux y ont aussi, par le passĂ©, apportĂ© de trĂšs bonnes idĂ©es. Pour libĂ©rer le KoweĂŻt, envahi par l'Irak le 2 aoĂ»t 1990, les AmĂ©ricains avaient constituĂ© une large coalition militaire, comprenant de nombreux pays arabes. En octobre 1991, ils convoquaient Ă  Madrid une vaste ConfĂ©rence de paix oĂč les Palestiniens furent invitĂ©s. Moins de deux ans plus tard, le Palestinien Arafat et l'IsraĂ©lien Rabin se serraient la main sur la pelouse de la Maison-Blanche. L'assassinat, en novembre 1995, du premier ministre israĂ©lien (par un extrĂ©miste religieux juif) a enrayĂ© un processus de paix qui avait Ă©tĂ© enclenchĂ© grĂące Ă  l'impact de la ConfĂ©rence de Madrid.
L'AmĂ©rique, qui n'a plus besoin du pĂ©trole moyen-oriental, a dĂ©cidĂ© de diminuer son implication militaire et politique dans la rĂ©gion, oĂč sa stratĂ©gie se limite Ă  asphyxier les Iraniens, pour les faire changer de rĂ©gime. La Grande-Bretagne et la France sont trop faibles militairement pour prĂ©tendre y rejouer un rĂŽle important. L'impuissance stratĂ©gique de l'Occident au Moyen-Orient est donc un phĂ©nomĂšne qui a toutes les chances de se poursuivre

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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup: BBC Sport readers rank their top 10 maddest moments.
World Cup: BBC Sport readers rank their top 10 maddest moments.
World Cup: BBC Sport readers rank their top 10 maddest moments.
Spitting, headbutting and biting are just some of the bizarre moments that have added to the drama of World Cups
From strikes and bites to drugs and thrashings, the World Cup regularly produces unforgettable moments.
We selected 10 of the craziest incidents and asked you to rank them in order. Here, we count them down to reveal which one you deemed the World Cup’s maddest moment.
10. 2002 – Keane walks out on Ireland
Roy Keane walks out of the Republic of Ireland’s Saipan training camp in 2002
The build-up: The Republic of Ireland missed out on France 98, but qualified for South Korea and Japan four years later. They were supposed to be led by Manchester United captain Roy Keane, but things soon turned sour.
The moment: Triggs the puppy and the island of Saipan were words on everyone’s lips in the fallout from captain Keane being sent home from the Republic’s World Cup squad before the tournament even began.
The Manchester United midfielder was unhappy with the training facilities and his mood was not helped when the kit and footballs failed to arrive. Keane decided to go home, before changing his mind and staying on.
But things came to a head in a team meeting when Keane launched an unprintable verbal tirade at manager Mick McCarthy.
Striker Niall Quinn said: “It was the most surgical slaughtering I have ever heard. Mick McCarthy is dismantled from A to Z – his personality, his play, his style, his tactics, his contribution. On it goes.”
Keane was banished and spent the summer walking his dog, while his team-mates reached the last 16, where they were beaten on penalties by Spain.
9. 2002 – South Korea, Italy and the Ecuadorean referee
Korean ‘golden goal’ eliminates Italy
The build-up: Giovanni Trapattoni and Italy would have been relatively pleased to draw hosts South Korea in the second round but what followed was one of the biggest shocks in footballing history, on or off the pitch.
The moment: Christian Vieri had given Italy an 18th-minute lead and they held on until two minutes from time, when Seol Ki-hyeon, who went on to play for Wolves, Reading and Fulham, popped up with the equaliser.
And deep in extra time, Ahn Jung-hwan flicked in the golden goal to eliminate the Italians.
Ecuadorean referee Byron Moreno turned down Italy’s calls for a penalty, disallowed a goal for offside and sent Francesco Totti off for diving.
Ahn, who was playing in Serie A for Perugia, was sacked by the club’s president Luciano Gaucci and, although the Italian then had a change of heart, Ahn refused to return and joined a team in Japan.
South Korea coach Guus Hiddink said: “It’s a childish reaction. Sports means players are all playing in different countries. It’s almost too ridiculous to talk about.”
8. 2010 – France players go on strike
Captain Patrice Evra led a French revolt in 2010
The build-up: France had lost the 2006 final to Italy on penalties and came into the 2010 tournament following Thierry Henry’s controversial handball which led to their decisive goal in the play-offs against the Republic of Ireland.
Chelsea striker Nicolas Anelka had not scored an international goal for seven months and despite that run continuing in the Group A opener against Uruguay, was given a reprieve and started the second game against Mexico. Then it kicked off.
The moment: Another lacklustre performance from Anelka saw him taken off at half-time by coach Raymond Domenech. The French went on to lose the game 2-0, but that was by far the end of the matter.
It emerged that Anelka had verbally abused Domenech in the dressing room during the interval and, after refusing to apologise, he was sent home from South Africa. There was worse to come.
A statement was released by the players “declaring their opposition” to Domenech’s decision, and the whole squad refused to train, unhappy at a “leak” from inside the camp, and returned to the bus instead of the training pitch.
Domenech said: “The decision to exclude him was the right one. I am sorry for the children for whom the French team represents something. Anelka does not have the right to say such things.”
France were beaten 2-1 by the hosts in the last game to finish bottom of the group.
7. 1998 – Ronaldo and the final mystery
Ronaldo explains what happened before the 1998 World Cup final.
The build-up: Brazil were looking for their fifth World Cup triumph when they faced hosts France in the 1998 final, one which began with the question ‘will he or won’t he?’ hanging over it.
The moment: At the age of just 21, superstar Inter Milan striker Ronaldo was the world’s most expensive player and all hopes were pinned on him to lead Brazil to victory at Stade de France.
Ronaldo had scored four goals in the tournament but there was amazement and confusion when his name was left off the initial teamsheet for the final.
But a revised line-up then saw him back in the starting XI, although he was clearly not at his best as he and his side struggled badly and were beaten 3-0 by France.
Ronaldo said: “I had a convulsion, after lunch in the afternoon. I was unconscious for three or four minutes. I don’t know why it happened. Nobody knows. Was it pressure or nerves? It could be.”
Theories were voiced that team sponsors and the Brazilian FA had forced an unwell Ronaldo to play in the final, or that Ronaldo had a secret medical problem.
6. 1994 – Maradona drugs bust
World Cup moments: Crazy Maradona
The build-up: Diego Maradona had led Argentina to World Cup glory in 1986 and to the final in 1990. He came into the 1994 tournament after serving a doping ban and had been given a suspended prison sentence for shooting at journalists with an air rifle. The dream comeback turned into a nightmare.
The moment: Skipper Maradona started the tournament in the USA by thumping a left-footed finish into the top corner against Greece.
His deranged celebration with a wide-eyed scream into the camera led to questions about his mental health.
Maradona played the next game against Nigeria, but little did he know it would prove to be the last of his 91 caps as he was sent home from the tournament for failing a drugs test for ephedrine and subsequently given a 15-month suspension.
Maradona said: “They have retired me from soccer. I don’t think I want another revenge. My soul is broken.”
5. 1982 – Schumacher takes out Battiston
World Cup moments: Battiston knocked out
The build-up: West Germany’s semi-final win over France – featuring six goals, including four in extra time and a dramatic penalty shootout – is regarded as one of the best World Cup matches of all time, but it was overshadowed by one of the most brutal non-fouls in football history.
The moment: With the score at 1-1 in the second half, France defender Patrick Battiston was sent on as a substitute and within a few minutes was played through on goal by Michel Platini.
Battiston got to the ball first and poked a shot narrowly wide, but was cleaned out by goalkeeper Harald Schumacher’s uncompromising body check.
The challenge left the Frenchman needing oxygen, and ending up with three broken ribs, two missing teeth and severe damage to his back.
Battiston said: “All I know is that Schumacher was someone who wanted to win at all costs and he went way over the top that evening.”
Unbelievably, Dutch referee Charles Corver did not even award a foul and the Germans progressed to the final, where they were beaten by Italy in Madrid.
4. 1990 – Rijkaard spits at Voller
World Cup moments: Rijkaard spits at Voller
The build-up: The long-standing rivalry between West Germany and the Netherlands, who contested the 1974 World Cup final, which the Germans won, boiled over when they met in the second round at Italia 90.
Germany striker Rudi Voller and Netherlands defender Frank Rijkaard played against each other in Serie A, but ex-Roma man Voller was the victim of not one, but two of the ugliest incidents in the history of the tournament.
The moment: AC Milan player Rijkaard was given a booking for a late challenge on Voller and, as the two moved back into their positions, the Dutchman spat in the back of Voller’s luscious mullet. The German, in his attempts to show the referee what had happened, was given a booking of his own.
Just a minute later, the two clashed again and Argentine official Juan Carlos Loustau decided he had had enough, sending both players off. As Voller stood with his hands on his hips in disbelief, Rijkaard delivered another gob full of phlegm into the blond locks of his opponent.
Rijkaard said: “That day I was wrong. There was no insult. I always had much respect for Rudi Voller. But I went berserk when I saw that red card. I talked to him after the match and I apologised. I am very happy that he accepted. I have no bad feeling about him now.”
West Germany won the match, defeated England in the semi-finals and went on to beat Argentina in the final to claim the trophy for the third time.
3. 2014 – Germany run riot against Brazil
World Cup moments: Germany destroy Brazil
The build-up: Brazil, the World Cup hosts and the most successful country in the tournament’s history, dreamed of adding a sixth title in front of their own fans. It was supposed to be a glorious few years for Brazilian sport, with the Olympics in Rio to follow two years later.
The script was written. Neymar, one of world football’s great talents, was the poster boy and was supposed to guide his team to glory. However, the Selecao made stuttering progress to the semi-finals, and then lost Neymar and captain Thiago Silva to injury.
To the disbelief of a nation, things unravelled in spectacular fashion.
The moment: Unbeaten in competitive matches at home for 39 years, Brazil entered their semi-final against Germany with history on their side.
But their air of invincibility was shattered as Germany scored five goals in 18 first-half minutes, their brilliant attacking play combining with a shambolic defensive performance from the Brazilians to leave the Maracana – and millions of viewers worldwide – scratching their heads in disbelief.
Germany added two more in the second half to lead 7-0, before Oscar scored one of the most futile consolation goals in history as the match finished 7-1.
Joachim Low, manager of eventual champions Germany, said their opponents “cracked up”, while Brazil boss Luiz Felipe Scolari lamented the “worst day” of his life.
It was a major comedown for the man who guided Brazil to the title 12 years earlier.
2. 2014 – Suarez bites Chiellini
World Cup moments: Suarez bites Chiellini
The build-up: Four-time champions Italy were facing the ignominy of failing to reach the knockout stages of the competition for a second straight World Cup, having finished bottom of their group in 2010.
The Azzurri beat England in their opener, but a shock defeat by Costa Rica left them needing to collect three points against Uruguay to progress to the last 16.
They faced a Uruguay side that had reached the semi-finals four years earlier, thanks in no small part to Luis Suarez’s goalline handball in the last minute of extra time in their quarter-final to deny Ghana a certain winner.
After the criticism they faced during that tournament, Suarez and his Uruguay team-mates were hungry for success.
The moment: With 10 minutes remaining, Uruguay were on the attack when striker Suarez and Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini clashed and tumbled over in the box. Chiellini pulled down his shirt to reveal bite marks on his left shoulder, although Suarez held his mouth claiming he had been elbowed.
The referee took no action and to make matters worse for the Italians, it was Suarez’s cross a minute later which led to Diego Godin’s headed goal. Italy went home, Uruguay went through.
Suarez said: “It was just the two of us inside the area and he bumped into me with his shoulder.
“There are things that happen on the pitch and you should not make such a big deal out of them.”
Fifa did not agree and handed the Liverpool striker, who had two previous suspensions for biting during his career, a four-month ban from all football-related activity – the longest in World Cup history.
And the maddest moment of them all
 1. 2006 – Zidane headbutts Materazzi
World Cup moments: Zidane’s headbutt
The build-up: Zinedine Zidane, then at Real Madrid, had announced his decision to retire after the 2006 World Cup.
The France captain had inspired his country to another final, eight years after scoring twice against Brazil to lift the trophy for the first time, and his last match as a professional was unforgettable.
The moment: Zidane’s seventh-minute penalty, a casual chip down the middle which went in off the crossbar, gave France an early advantage, but former Everton defender Marco Materazzi headed in the equaliser 12 minutes later.
The match was heading for penalties when the two goalscorers squared up, leaving Italy defender Materazzi in a heap on the ground. Initially, the television cameras missed the incident.
But replays showed the two players exchanging words, before Zidane stepped forward and butted Materazzi in the chest.
Referee Horacio Elizondo was informed of the incident by the fourth official and showed Zidane a red card, ending his wonderful career in disgrace.
BBC Sport pundit Alan Shearer said: “It is so sad for Zidane, for a great player to finish his career like that. Only he will be able to tell you what was going through his mind at that time.
“It didn’t look like Materazzi had done anything – so for Zidane to go and do something as stupid as that, in a game of this size in front of hundreds of millions of people watching, is incredible.”
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Strikes, bites, drugs and thrashings: Pick your maddest World Cup moment
World Cup Top 10 maddest moments on Radio 5 live Presented by BBC Radio 1Xtra’s Nick Bright, 21:00-22:00 BST on Tuesday, 5 June
Strikes, bites, drugs and thrashings.
The World Cup regularly produces unforgettable moments. Some involve footballing brilliance, but many others have little to do with the on-field action and are just downright bizarre.
We have selected 10 of the maddest incidents and we want you to rank them in order using our list below. The 10 will be discussed in a BBC Radio 5 live special at 21:00 BST on Tuesday. You can read more about each of the incidents below.
Top 10 maddest World Cup moments
With the 2018 World Cup fast approaching, BBC Sport gives you the chance to rank the maddest moments from football's biggest tournament.
Confirm Selection
1982 – Schumacher takes out Battiston
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The build-up: West Germany’s semi-final win over France – featuring six goals, including four in extra time and a dramatic penalty shootout – is regarded as one of the best World Cup matches of all time, but it was overshadowed by one of the most brutal non-fouls in football history.
The moment: With the score at 1-1 in the second half, France defender Patrick Battiston was sent on as a substitute and within a few minutes was played through on goal by Michel Platini.
Battiston got to the ball first and poked a shot narrowly wide, but was cleaned out by goalkeeper Harald Schumacher’s uncompromising body check.
The challenge left the Frenchman needing oxygen, and ending up with three broken ribs, two missing teeth and severe damage to his back.
Battiston said: “All I know is that Schumacher was someone who wanted to win at all costs and he went way over the top that evening.”
Unbelievably, Dutch referee Charles Corver did not even award a foul and the Germans progressed to the final, where they were beaten by Italy in Madrid.
1990 – Rijkaard spits at Voller
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The build-up: The long-standing rivalry between West Germany and the Netherlands, who contested the 1974 World Cup final, which the Germans won, boiled over when they met in the second round at Italia 90.
Germany striker Rudi Voller and Netherlands defender Frank Rijkaard played against each other in Serie A, but ex-Roma man Voller was the victim of not one, but two of the ugliest incidents in the history of the tournament.
The moment: AC Milan player Rijkaard was given a booking for a late challenge on Voller and, as the two moved back into their positions, the Dutchman spat in the back of Voller’s luscious mullet. The German, in his attempts to show the referee what had happened, was given a booking of his own.
Just a minute later, the two clashed again and Argentine official Juan Carlos Loustau decided he had had enough, sending both players off. As Voller stood with his hands on his hips in disbelief, Rijkaard delivered another gob full of phlegm into the blond locks of his opponent.
Rijkaard said: “That day I was wrong. There was no insult. I always had much respect for Rudi Voller. But I went berserk when I saw that red card. I talked to him after the match and I apologised. I am very happy that he accepted. I have no bad feeling about him now.”
West Germany won the match, defeated England in the semi-finals and went on to beat Argentina in the final to claim the trophy for the third time.
1994 – Maradona drugs bust
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The build-up: Diego Maradona had led Argentina to World Cup glory in 1986 and to the final in 1990. He came into the 1994 tournament after serving a doping ban and had been given a suspended prison sentence for shooting at journalists with an air rifle. The dream comeback turned into a nightmare.
The moment: Skipper Maradona started the tournament in the USA by thumping a left-footed finish into the top corner against Greece.
His deranged celebration with a wide-eyed scream into the camera led to questions about his mental health.
Maradona played the next game against Nigeria, but little did he know it would prove to be the last of his 91 caps as he was sent home from the tournament for failing a drugs test for ephedrine and subsequently given a 15-month suspension.
Maradona said: “They have retired me from soccer. I don’t think I want another revenge. My soul is broken.”
1998 – Ronaldo and the final mystery
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The build-up: Brazil were looking for their fifth World Cup triumph when they faced hosts France in the 1998 final, one which began with the question ‘will he or won’t he?’ hanging over it.
The moment: At the age of just 21, superstar Inter Milan striker Ronaldo was the world’s most expensive player and all hopes were pinned on him to lead Brazil to victory at Stade de France.
Ronaldo had scored four goals in the tournament but there was amazement and confusion when his name was left off the initial teamsheet for the final.
But a revised line-up then saw him back in the starting XI, although he was clearly not at his best as he and his side struggled badly and were beaten 3-0 by France.
Ronaldo said: “I had a convulsion, after lunch in the afternoon. I was unconscious for three or four minutes. I don’t know why it happened. Nobody knows. Was it pressure or nerves? It could be.”
Theories were voiced that team sponsors and the Brazilian FA had forced an unwell Ronaldo to play in the final, or that Ronaldo had a secret medical problem.
2002 – Keane walks out on Ireland
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The build-up: The Republic of Ireland missed out on France 98, but qualified for South Korea and Japan four years later. They were supposed to be led by Manchester United captain Roy Keane, but things soon turned sour.
The moment: Triggs the puppy and the island of Saipan were words on everyone’s lips in the fallout from captain Keane being sent home from the Republic’s World Cup squad before the tournament even began.
The Manchester United midfielder was unhappy with the training facilities and his mood was not helped when the kit and footballs failed to arrive. Keane decided to go home, before changing his mind and staying on.
But things came to a head in a team meeting when Keane launched an unprintable verbal tirade at manager Mick McCarthy.
Striker Niall Quinn said: “It was the most surgical slaughtering I have ever heard. Mick McCarthy is dismantled from A to Z – his personality, his play, his style, his tactics, his contribution. On it goes.”
Keane was banished and spent the summer walking his dog, while his team-mates reached the last 16, where they were beaten on penalties by Spain.
2002 – South Korea, Italy and the Ecuadorean referee
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The build-up: Giovanni Trapattoni and Italy would have been relatively pleased to draw hosts South Korea in the second round but what followed was one of the biggest shocks in footballing history, on or off the pitch.
The moment: Christian Vieri had given Italy an 18th-minute lead and they held on until two minutes from time, when Seol Ki-hyeon, who went on to play for Wolves, Reading and Fulham, popped up with the equaliser.
And deep in extra time, Ahn Jung-hwan flicked in the golden goal to eliminate the Italians.
Ecuadorean referee Byron Moreno turned down Italy’s calls for a penalty, disallowed a goal for offside and sent Francesco Totti off for diving.
Ahn, who was playing in Serie A for Perugia, was sacked by the club’s president Luciano Gaucci and, although the Italian then had a change of heart, Ahn refused to return and joined a team in Japan.
South Korea coach Guus Hiddink said: “It’s a childish reaction. Sports means players are all playing in different countries. It’s almost too ridiculous to talk about.”
2006 – Zidane headbutts Materazzi
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The build-up: Zinedine Zidane, then at Real Madrid, had announced his decision to retire after the 2006 World Cup.
The France captain had inspired his country to another final, eight years after scoring twice against Brazil to lift the trophy for the first time, and his last match as a professional was unforgettable.
The moment: Zidane’s seventh-minute penalty, a casual chip down the middle which went in off the crossbar, gave France an early advantage, but former Everton defender Marco Materazzi headed in the equaliser 12 minutes later.
The match was heading for penalties when the two goalscorers squared up, leaving Italy defender Materazzi in a heap on the ground. Initially, the television cameras missed the incident.
But replays showed the two players exchanging words, before Zidane stepped forward and butted Materazzi in the chest.
Referee Horacio Elizondo was informed of the incident by the fourth official and showed Zidane a red card, ending his wonderful career in disgrace.
BBC Sport pundit Alan Shearer said: “It is so sad for Zidane, for a great player to finish his career like that. Only he will be able to tell you what was going through his mind at that time.
“It didn’t look like Materazzi had done anything – so for Zidane to go and do something as stupid as that, in a game of this size in front of hundreds of millions of people watching, is incredible.”
2010 – France players go on strike
The build-up: France had lost the 2006 final to Italy on penalties and came into the 2010 tournament following Thierry Henry’s controversial handball which led to their decisive goal in the play-offs against the Republic of Ireland.
Chelsea striker Nicolas Anelka had not scored an international goal for seven months and despite that run continuing in the Group A opener against Uruguay, was given a reprieve and started the second game against Mexico. Then it kicked off.
The moment: Another lacklustre performance from Anelka saw him taken off at half-time by coach Raymond Domenech. The French went on to lose the game 2-0, but that was by far the end of the matter.
It emerged that Anelka had verbally abused Domenech in the dressing room during the interval and, after refusing to apologise, he was sent home from South Africa. There was worse to come.
A statement was released by the players “declaring their opposition” to Domenech’s decision, and the whole squad refused to train, unhappy at a “leak” from inside the camp, and returned to the bus instead of the training pitch.
Domenech said: “The decision to exclude him was the right one. I am sorry for the children for whom the French team represents something. Anelka does not have the right to say such things.”
France were beaten 2-1 by the hosts in the last game to finish bottom of the group.
2014 – Suarez bites Chiellini
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The build-up: Four-time champions Italy were facing the ignominy of failing to reach the knockout stages of the competition for a second straight World Cup, having finished bottom of their group in 2010.
The Azzurri beat England in their opener, but a shock defeat by Costa Rica left them needing to collect three points against Uruguay to progress to the last 16.
They faced a Uruguay side that had reached the semi-finals four years earlier, thanks in no small part to Luis Suarez’s goalline handball in the last minute of extra time in their quarter-final to deny Ghana a certain winner.
After the criticism they faced during that tournament, Suarez and his Uruguay team-mates were hungry for success.
The moment: With 10 minutes remaining, Uruguay were on the attack when striker Suarez and Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini clashed and tumbled over in the box. Chiellini pulled down his shirt to reveal bite marks on his left shoulder, although Suarez held his mouth claiming he had been elbowed.
The referee took no action and to make matters worse for the Italians, it was Suarez’s cross a minute later which led to Diego Godin’s headed goal. Italy went home, Uruguay went through.
Suarez said: “It was just the two of us inside the area and he bumped into me with his shoulder.
“There are things that happen on the pitch and you should not make such a big deal out of them.”
Fifa did not agree and handed the Liverpool striker, who had two previous suspensions for biting during his career, a four-month ban from all football-related activity – the longest in World Cup history.
2014 – Germany run riot against Brazil
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The build-up: Brazil, the World Cup hosts and the most successful country in the tournament’s history, dreamed of adding a sixth title in front of their own fans. It was supposed to be a glorious few years for Brazilian sport, with the Olympics in Rio to follow two years later.
The script was written. Neymar, one of world football’s great talents, was the poster boy and was supposed to guide his team to glory. However, the Selecao made stuttering progress to the semi-finals, and then lost Neymar and captain Thiago Silva to injury.
To the disbelief of a nation, things unravelled in spectacular fashion.
The moment: Unbeaten in competitive matches at home for 39 years, Brazil entered their semi-final against Germany with history on their side.
But their air of invincibility was shattered as Germany scored five goals in 18 first-half minutes, their brilliant attacking play combining with a shambolic defensive performance from the Brazilians to leave the Maracana – and millions of viewers worldwide – scratching their heads in disbelief.
Germany added two more in the second half to lead 7-0, before Oscar scored one of the most futile consolation goals in history as the match finished 7-1.
Joachim Low, manager of eventual champions Germany, said their opponents “cracked up”, while Brazil boss Luiz Felipe Scolari lamented the “worst day” of his life.
It was a major comedown for the man who guided Brazil to the title 12 years earlier.
Top 10 maddest World Cup moments
With the 2018 World Cup fast approaching, BBC Sport gives you the chance to rank the maddest moments from football's biggest tournament.
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Strikes, bites, drugs and thrashings: Pick your maddest World Cup moment was originally published on 365 Football
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mrochetclaude · 3 years
Le systĂšme Macron est un simulacre.
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Par RĂ©gis de Castelnau La RĂ©publique est donc en danger, la France d’en haut nous le serine sans dĂ©semparer depuis quelques jours. En cause Ă©videmment l’incident survenu Ă  Tain-l’Hermitage oĂč devant des camĂ©ras, Emmanuel Macron a Ă©tĂ© l’objet d’une tentative de gifle. Il faut rappeler que celui-ci est en tournĂ©e Ă©lectorale a priori illĂ©gale pour soutenir les candidats de son pauvre parti aux Ă©lections rĂ©gionales et dĂ©partementales, dont on sait bien qu’elles risquent pour eux d’ĂȘtre cuisantes. De façon tout Ă  fait calculĂ©e il s’est prĂ©cipitĂ© tout sourire, affichant un salut bouddhiste et en bras de chemise, pour une sĂ©ance de serrage de main des populations rassemblĂ©es pour l’acclamer. Comme d’habitude, les angles de prise de vue ont Ă©tĂ© choisis pour transformer visuellement une poignĂ©e de spectateurs en foule dĂ©lirante. Il s’est alors malheureusement trouvĂ© un hurluberlu pour vaguement souffleter le bateleur en inscrivant dans la rĂ©alitĂ© une envie qui dĂ©mange au moins la moitiĂ© des Français, qui fort heureusement savent trĂšs bien qu’il ne faut surtout pas passer Ă  l’acte. C’est alors que le bloc Ă©litaire s’est prĂ©cipitĂ© avec une jubilation trop visible sur cet incident pour annoncer les barbares aux portes et la RĂ©publique en danger. Le spectacle des informations tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©es tĂ©moignait de façon caricaturale l’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de ce bloc, oĂč l’on voyait quelles que soient leurs tendances, politiques, journalistes, intellectuels tout occupĂ©s Ă  rendre crĂ©dible un rĂ©cit entretenant portant des rapports fort lointains avec la rĂ©alitĂ©. SĂ©quence trĂšs intĂ©ressante dans la mesure oĂč se dĂ©ployait le paroxysme du simulacre auquel la France est confrontĂ©e depuis l’élection d’Emmanuel Macron. L’arrivĂ©e de celui-ci Ă  la magistrature suprĂȘme de la Ve RĂ©publique n’a pu se rĂ©aliser que grĂące Ă  une opĂ©ration s’apparentant Ă  une forme de coup d’État au cours duquel toutes les rĂšgles garantissant la sincĂ©ritĂ© d’un scrutin ont Ă©tĂ© violĂ©es et oĂč la justice est directement intervenue dans le processus Ă©lectoral pour le fausser. DĂšs le dĂ©part la lĂ©gitimitĂ© juridique et politique d’Emmanuel Macron Ă©tait faible, et malheureusement son exercice du pouvoir n’a fait qu’aggraver cette situation problĂ©matique pour une dĂ©mocratie comme la France. On a naturellement parlĂ© de la thĂ©orie des deux corps du Roi et du comportement de Macron passant son temps Ă  dĂ©sacraliser sa fonction. Cela Ă©tant, il n’est pas le premier, Nicolas Sarkozy l’a abaissĂ©, François Hollande l’a avili, mais Emmanuel Macron lui a fait les deux. Et si cela ne justifie pas de le frapper, cela explique pourquoi les rĂ©actions outrĂ©es et souvent ridicules du mainstream n’ont pas trouvĂ© grand Ă©cho sur les rĂ©seaux, oĂč l’on ressentait, mon dieu quelle horreur, une certaine joie mauvaise voire parfois de la jubilation. La question du simulacre s’est posĂ©e face Ă  cette volontĂ© unanime des commentateurs de la France d’en haut de dramatiser ce qui Ă©tait rĂ©pĂ©tons-le un incident, certes dĂ©plorable, mais un incident. Avec cette volontĂ© de le transformer en un horrible attentat visant quasiment Ă  renverser la rĂ©publique. Or ce qui caractĂ©rise le mandat d’Emmanuel Macron c’est que nous sommes en prĂ©sence d’un mensonge. Non pas que celui-ci soit lui-mĂȘme un imposteur, mais c’est tout son systĂšme qui est une imposture. Parfait inconnu sorti de nulle part, candidat choisi par la haute fonction publique d’État, adoubĂ© par l’oligarchie, il n’avait absolument rien fait de significatif dans sa vie d’avant. Il a pourtant Ă©tĂ© propulsĂ© Ă  la tĂȘte de l’État par un concours de circonstances et depuis ce moment toutes les Ă©lites s’ingĂ©nient Ă  faire comme si.  Comme si la France avait Ă  sa tĂȘte un vrai chef d’État, on commente doctement ses prises de position contradictoires, on lui prĂȘte des pensĂ©es et une rĂ©flexion que manifestement il n’a pas. On dĂ©crit ses actions aussi avilissantes soient-elles comme autant de d’opĂ©rations de communication maĂźtrisĂ©es, et on commente ses incontinences verbales Ă  l’égal de sentences philosophiques. Ne parlons pas de son premier ministre et de ses efforts dĂ©sespĂ©rĂ©s et infructueux pour Ă©chapper au ridicule, ou de ces membres du gouvernement profĂ©rant de façon mĂ©tronomique Ăąneries sur Ăąneries. Avec naturellement une mention spĂ©ciale pour Dupond Moretti et Darmanin ministres d’État chargĂ©s des fonctions rĂ©galiennes dĂ©montrant avoir perdu tout sens de la rĂ©alitĂ©. Épargnons la pauvre MarlĂšne Schiappa Ă  qui on ne peut pas reprocher d’avoir perdu le sens du ridicule, elle ne l’a jamais eu. MalgrĂ© cela, on fait semblant, comme si la France disposait d’un chef de l’État digne de ce nom. Prosternation, dramatisation, solennitĂ©, appels furieux Ă  la rĂ©pression, le traitement de la sĂ©quence de Tain-l’Hermitage par les hommes politiques, les grands mĂ©dias et les commentateurs a atteint un sommet. Sur ce point, mention particuliĂšre pour Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon, embarrassĂ© par des collections de dĂ©clarations hors-sol, et exploitant sans vergogne sur la diversion provoquĂ©e par le geste imbĂ©cile. Le patron de la France insoumise n’a pas Ă©tĂ© le dernier Ă  hurler avec les loups : « Les barbares sont aux portes ! IntolĂ©rable violence ! La rĂ©publique en danger ! No pasaran ! » Entre autres inepties, il s’est fendu d’un tweet oĂč tout est catastrophique : « cette fois-ci vous commencez Ă  comprendre que les violents passent Ă  l’acte ? Je suis solidaire du prĂ©sident ». Texte calamiteux, avec l’invention d’un danger fasciste, ce que son patron Lionel Jospin qualifiait de « thĂ©Ăątre », et le ralliement soi-disant rĂ©publicain au fake-prĂ©sident. Il faut dire qu’il en avait grand besoin de cette diversion, aprĂšs l’interview Ă  France Inter, plus que maladroite avec ses parallĂšles hasardeux, voire pour certain carrĂ©ment indĂ©cents. À laquelle est venu s’ajouter une dĂ©claration sur sa chaĂźne YouTube. Dans laquelle il prĂ©tendait que la panne gĂ©ante sur les serveurs Orange qui avait perturbĂ© l’utilisation entre autres, des numĂ©ros d’urgence, Ă©tait probablement volontaire et destinĂ©e Ă  justifier la privatisation de la sociĂ©tĂ© Orange ! SociĂ©tĂ© dĂ©jĂ  complĂštement privĂ©e depuis, 2004 Ă  la fin d’un processus enclenchĂ© par Lionel Jospin dont Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon Ă©tait un des ministres ! Pour tenter de faire oublier ces impairs, premiĂšre diversion avec la dĂ©nonciation d’une vidĂ©o humoristique dĂ©bile, prĂ©tendant y voir un appel au meurtre de sa personne. Ensuite ce sera la transformation de l’incident de Tain l’Hermitage en tentative de coup d’État fasciste. Cette surestimation de la violence est quand mĂȘme un peu Ă©trange pour quelqu’un qui n’a que Robespierre et la grande RĂ©volution Française Ă  la bouche. Dont on n’a pourtant pas le souvenir que sections parisiennes et sans-culottes furent d’une tendresse particuliĂšre avec leurs adversaires. J’ai eu le privilĂšge de bien connaĂźtre d’abord des rĂ©sistants Ă  l’occupation nazie et ensuite de vrais rĂ©volutionnaires latino-amĂ©ricains dont certains y ont laissĂ© leur peau, et avec lesquels Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon prĂ©tend une proximitĂ©. Sans vouloir faire parler les morts, j’imagine pourtant ce qu’ils auraient pensĂ© de cette dĂ©bauche de qualificatifs pour dĂ©noncer ce qui n’est qu’un incident passablement ridicule. Et de cette façon de faire allĂ©geance Ă  un systĂšme et Ă  son chef que l’on prĂ©tend combattre. Mais finalement le plus dĂ©risoire, c’est de voir Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon faire exactement ce qu’il reprochait au « systĂšme », c’est-Ă -dire utiliser et instrumentaliser incidents et faits divers (Merah !) Ă  des fins Ă©lectorales. Le voilĂ  qui s’empare et monte en Ă©pingle ce qui n’est cette fois-ci rĂ©ellement qu’un incident, pour le transformer en drame national, essayer de se retaper au plan Ă©lectoral en faisant oublier ses interviews calamiteuses et se posant en victime. AprĂšs Macron le fake prĂ©sident, MĂ©lenchon le fake opposant ? RĂ©gis de Castelnau Read the full article
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bookstall · 7 years
Gilmore Girls Reading List
1 James McKean - Quattrocento 2 Amy Tan - The Opposite of Fate: Memories of a Writing Life 3 David Sedaris - Holidays on Ice: Stories 4 Ursula Hegi - Sacred Time: A Novel 5 Mary Roach - Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers 6 The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom 7 The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem 8 Old School by Tobias Wolffl 9 The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri 10 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon 1 The Bielski Brothers by Peter Duff 2 Brick Lane by Monica Ali 3 Persian Letters by Charles-Louis de Sceondat Montesquieu 4 The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 5 Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood 6 The Song of Names by Norman Lebrecht 7 Property by Valerie Martin 8 The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson: 9 Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie 10 The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander 1 Just a Couple of Days by Tony Vigoritoe 2 Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher 3 Fat Land : How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World by Greg Critser 4 Man in the Holocene by Max Frisch 5 Unless by Carol Shields 6 Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy 7 When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka 8 Songbook by Nick Hornby 9 Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides 10 Extravagance by Gary Krist 1 Empire Falls by Richard Russo 2 The Song Reader by Lisa Tucker 3 Bel Canto by Ann Patchett 4 A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 5 The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon 6 Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris 7 Life of Pi by Yann Martel 8 The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy 9 The Red Tent by Anita Diamant 10 The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd 1 The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold 2 Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn 3 Seabiscuit: An American Legend by Laura Hillenbrand 4 The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus 5 The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 6 Night by Elie Wieselt 7 The Code of the Woosters by P. G. Wodehouse 8 Hamlet by William Shakespeare 9 Complete Tales & Poems by Edgar Allan Poe 10 Beloved by Toni Morrison 1 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith 2 A Separate Peace by John Knowles 3 Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw 4 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes 5 The Story of My Life by Helen Keller 6 The Awakening by Kate Chopin 7 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank 8 Time and Again by Jack Finney 9 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 10 The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas ‱ Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe ‱ Sybil by Flora Schreiber ‱ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson ‱ Cousin Bette by Honore De Balzac ‱ Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad ‱ Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut ‱ The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov ‱ >The Jungle by Upton Sinclair ‱ Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck ‱ Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen ‱ The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo ‱ 1984 by George Orwell ‱ Pale Horse, Pale Rider by Dorothy Parker ‱ The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway ‱ An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser ‱ Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller ‱ Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky ‱ Lord of the Flies by William Golding ‱ The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger ‱ The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 1 Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte 2 The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 3 The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner 4 The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 5 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 6 Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy 7 Emma by Jane Austen 8 On The Road by Jack Kerouac 9 The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand 10 The Howl -Ginsburg
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chrisbird1978 · 7 years
#neverforget who these people are wicked now killing white people blood thirsty police It's not a color thing these cops are out of controlđŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž so depending where they police & who the population is u cold b next. So all u good white people keep looking the other way when it's don't to us on the news. It when it's up it's not shown on the news.. #Repost @greedybaby3 ・・・ Hmmm ? Video released yesterday from Roy City PD shows dopey looking cop supposedly killing suspect with suspect’s own gun. Bodycam videos show the suspect, identified as 38 year old Nicolas Sanchez of Layton, trying to flee when the cops unload it into his back, killing him on the spot. The incident happened on February 21, 2017 at a gas station in Roy, Utah, USA. The two officers involved in the execution are on paid administrative leave. Their identities have not been released. According to the police record, the officers were responding to a call from a convenience store clerk reporting that there was a man at the store loitering and acting suspiciously. The victim appears to lifts his sweatshirt, as if to show to them in good faith that he had a gun. He did not reach for the gun, just showed it to them. Ray City PD also stated that the officer who tackled Nicolas Sanchez grabbed the suspect’s gun and and used said gun to kill him. When asked by the press why then the officer unload it into the suspect if he’d been disarmed, an attorney for Roy PD said “because he was worried Sanchez may have had another weapon.” As is typical in police states, the execution of the disarmed, fleeing man by shooting him multiple times in the back has been called “appropriately” by the department, covering up for the killer cops as having done “what they were trained and expected to do under the circumstances“. #godivagoddess đŸ’«âœš #goldenpeople #crystals #bethechange #meditate đŸ™đŸŸ â˜„đŸ’« # #Melanin #knowthyself #meditation #Synchronicity #abundance #positivevibrations #OneConsciousness #Garveyite #TheRevolutionWillNotBeTelevised #RevolutionNotReform #PowerNomics #StartABusiness #GroupEconomics #LiberationOfMelanin #ReEducateTheMisEducated ℱ@ce #Insta
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