#the popped collar on the Murder Coat tho
andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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5x12 | Remember
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c1x5 chill goes thru her veins
I feel bad for the stunt actor. Why are those lights turning on?
Beautiful intro <3 with her ring & gun & stuff. (but she just keeps it in a drawer...? No surely that drawer is locked... gun laws in the usa can't be THAT lax...) Beautiful red coat. We need more of that in later seasons. She should shave her head, but like in a sexy way. For the leabians.
JE: Why can't they find bodies between 9 and 5? KB: Well, early bird gets the collar. *castle running around before beckett can even drink her coffee* JE: He was here before I was.
Poor lanie, she's there just as early as anyone. XD cold case LP claims she's frozen solid, but let's just make a note of that. Captions say mid-40s & i'm assuming that means 40-50 f not negative 40? That's what like 12 degrees c? Nope, 40f is 4c. not quite cold enough to freeze, not solid, even with wind. Lol ruby slippers Ok but bodies float in concrete Maybe the killer is just really flaky like me. Or maybe they killed her & didn't know what to do so they froze her until they came up with a plan.
I'm watching s4 with my family rn & the technology is booming. Reminds me of s2 when the fbi came in. Legit made me laugh out loud when castle made that wilford warfstache face. This seems like a good time to remembe MMIWP; missing & murdered indigenous women/people. It is literally an ongoing genocide, idk much abt the USA but indigenous people are disproportionately represented in cases like this in canada. Indigenous men are actually more at-risk for murders than women, though women are more at-risk for disappearances & sexual abuse. They are even overturning things like ICWA, FNMI kids are already overrepresented in the foster care system, forced genocidal assimilation is happening under our noses Right Now. Everyone is an ally until it is time to do some ally shit.
KR: Sure they do. Quantum physics, alien abductions, Schrödinger's cat. One minute, you're getting a hot dog in the park, the next you're fighting off Sleestaks on the far side of a dimensional rift. BRUH??? Reminds me of the alien episode in s2 or s3. Oh woman I remember in Range class we had our turkeys out all weekend & they were still frozen
KB: Okay, I'm on my way KB: Lanie's got an ID. So u don't need to look thru missing persons anymore right? RC, to rysposito: You'll take care of these? *leaves* JE: Hey, Ryan, can you, uh… Thanks. *also leaves poor ryan to go through or put away the files* Poor Ryan, he's just staring at espt leave with such hurt, his eyes just moving all over the table & room, & his mouth slightly open. He's left to deal with this. They really are treating him like the new guy even tho he really is not he's been there long enough in canon.
Steals his coffee Ofc he's a speedreader. I like how later they use that skill again. ok but she disappears often, she's gone for weeks at a time occasionally, the guy probably wouldn't have called in until seven days after she's gone Flirting with her lol. He probably thought she ran away for the first six months then figured she was gone for good or passed away.
R u using a 5yo file? Oh. Yeah five years. So new york "idc that the previous tenant was murdered, it keeps the rent low"
JE: Well, four years between murders? One's a popsicle, one just got popped? I love castle's shirt texture, I just want to feel it. KR: I don't believe it. RC: Give me 250 pages, I bet I could make you. KR: *chuckles* But he's right. "250 pages is 125 000 words single-spaced or 62 500 words double-spaced. Typical documents that are 250 pages or more include full-length novels."
CASTLE I could call it, "A Chill Runs Through Her Veins." ESPOSITO Ooh. I like that. [Castle and Esposito five-five.] CASTLE "Bam" said the lady, another best-seller for me.
(https://scriptline.livejournal.com/18916.html for my quotes, it's so much faster than typing them out. sometimes.)
You know, ppl ship caskett (obv, & then it eventually eventually finally becomes canon) & ppl ship rysposito (I can see why, plus if caskett is together obv rysposito would be together) but tbh I like castito or casposito or castlesito or estle or espostle or espositle or javick rickvier or whatever their ship name it. Probably casposito.
Hmmm. Homeless, White Plains. Homeless, White Plains. JE: both kinda creepy
I love him with his kids (possibly spoilers) I think I know how it ends, I feel like the parents will end up having done this & the kids will end up parentless & then grandparentless. Or maybe the husband did it & then the grandparents killed the husband bc screw you for robbing my daughter of her life & my grandkids of their mom & I'm not letting my grandbabies be raised by a murderer (unless they become murderers in which case.... you lost your point)
drinkin coffee in a bar. I mean he's right ig but at the same time screw you & acab. Oh war vet? Yeah no hun cops feel more brotherhood with soldiers than they feel responsibility to their jobs. The entire system is crap. I want to say "than they feel responsible for the ppl they are meant to protect" but... they aren't really "meant" to protect them. They are meant to police them.
That's why u like castle. He spins crazy theories instead of making things fit into a box. (except he still says "that's not how I would write it") Castle sherlock holmes moments.
JE: A couple of bucks jogged his memory. Yeah man Already have their little handshake uwu Reminds me of ochoa/herve doing the big handshake. I feel like castle wrote a cool handshake (made it up) for roach & then they put it in the movie but castle didn't actually know how to do the handshake.
Oh gosh this poor man. Only this time, all I find is a freezer plugged into a light outlet -- which, by the way, is totally illegal. So valid bestie. (I love him so much.) One time I had to make a mini model of a house for math class but it was my best friend & me & we were both disabled so we handed in the simplest project we could & got in trouble for it. Then our parents helped us out, they put in the water heater. Paul said "lets use this little pill bottle, we can glue it to the wall here" but then my dad chips in 'That's a Code Violation, man!' as if code violations matter in our little model. Both dads cracked up. It was funnier when it happened... (& whenever we go to tour dream homes dad points out the code violations. & ofc count how many secret rooms we can make. Not that we'd ever live there.) Oh fun fact, if you make a double male extension cord you can power your neighbour's apartment if they forgot to pay their electrical bill, JUST so they can like, keep their fridge running so their food doesn't spoil. Some anarchosocialist cyberpunk for ya. I mean the man's right. I see why he did what he did. People are really good at not seeing homeless people.
Man kept the freezer? ofc it's cash. every six months, plus three months of grace. Two months after the man is dead! So valid bestie, keep the footage of the last two weeks, but who has space for more than that?
If not x, then y. if not her, then him. If not sam, then whoM? Him=whom, he=who. Who did it? He did it. It was whom? It was him.
Mmm leftovers. That's a heck of an empty freezer. Hey self cleaning oven, sort of like that episode in s3! Did you know you can jerry your oven open during self clean mode to make it into a pizza oven? Don't do it tho. AC: Did I stop, or did something stop me? I love her RC: It's family moments like these I will never forget. AC: With a good therapist, hopefully, I will. DSAFHDSJHADSKJH
I like beckett's coat. This Wyler fellow seems neat. I like him. Man remembers the bf's name?
This boy looks like someone I've seen before. Maybe that actor/directer, gary sinus I like his shirt. Seems like a nice prison uniform. This fellow seems neat. Oh. I love & respect this man. I love him sm. This is tragic.
Sometimes I'm very "guy" but other times I am so obviously raised female, but I was also raised catholic. Nice pride flag lol B'y I think it's a bad idea to tell these children what happened to their mom, at least in any detail. They're kids. Or at most tweens.
What if GARY killed sam? He wasn't dead for four years or so, you could have come forward. he WAS dead for the past year, you could have come forward w/o fear.
Ooh this is the coolest & sweetest thing. I love their laser tag gear. RC: Mom! We are totally doing battle on the field of honor. MR: How old are you? RC: Old enough to afford the top-of-the line laser tag. You know that's what they tell addicts. The only fun you had was drinking & now you don't have that hobby? All your friends do drugs so you're out a community? Do what you wanted to do when you were a kid, now that you are an adult with adult money. Buy yourself an easy bake oven, go play laser tag, take that gymnastics class you wanted to do all throughout elementary. RC: I'm dead! MoOm! 
I like how castle doesn't try to make himself look like a presentable adult, he opens the door & shoots his laser gun. Poor beckett. She knocks on his door & then gets laser shot by a novelist she was a fan of who is now shadowing her on crime cases, then his daughter comes out from behind him, also wearing all this laser gear (including the fact that she is a responsible adolescent), & then his mom comes in from the side with a towel on her head & a mask on her face. "Pehtikwe"
Is this the first time she has been in his house? Or did she arrest him here once? She is indeed a comic fan, remember the vampire episode? It's like a murder board. Lol jinx. I like castle's sweater here.
See? Most ppl don't own a car in a city like that. Point for the adhd castle headcanon. Goes on a tangent like that. Plus, he's very childish sometimes, very childlike /pos sometimes, he procrastinates a lot, then he hyperfocuses & bangs out a novel, he can think inside or outside the box but he threw the box away so he doesn't know if he's thinking in or out, he is not very good at following instructions lol (you know i was diagnosed with ODD & recently I found out & thought "that's just what they diagnose you with when you don't understand things & so you ask questions or refuse to do things or you don't like being a child treated like you are not a person; that's why so many ppl grow out of of" & I Was Right, BUT that's only the misdiagnoses, ODD is actually a mood disorder, which might be why I kind of got over it when I went on mood stabilizers. Fun fact for ya)
It's late at night they just went to his house? Or maybe it's the next day.
ROGER They told me he was shot in a mugging. And now you're telling me, he was killed here, in my apartment?
CASTLE Not him. His wife.
ROGER His wife? What kind of family was this?
CASTLE Alright. So, you and I are married.
BECKETT We are not married.
CASTLE Relax. It's just pretend.
BECKETT I don't want to pretend.
CASTLE Scared you'll like it?
BECKETT Okay. If we're married, I want a divorce.
ROGER Are you two like this all the time?
(usually they give opposing answers. JE: yes; KB: no; RC: I wish; KR: ...??? Ok!)
Castle puts down the pan but beckett still has the pot *closes door on roger* *hands the pot back to roger*
Need to go to the eco station? Call your buddy with a truck.
I still respect this guy to a degree. I love the way his voice is breaking. This poor fellow.
Cap's right. what goes around comes around.
I remember how it ends. Not five years ago. Plainclothes. Melanie's dad. He did his own detective work & I'm proud. I know what you mean castle but you kind of can't do that.
I feel really bad bc he's just trying to be a good grampa, he is raising his grandkids, he solved his daughter's murder & paid justice to sam. Tho he probs could have gone to the police. Also why do those kids look native? Melanie & her parents are white af. IG we've never seen sam's body/picture so maybe he was native or a poc.
Dad, they probs don't have the evidence to convict you. Don't confess & you can get away with it. Ah I see why he did it now. R u allowed to bring back a service weapon? Good on him, he said a father MIGHT be justified. Never said he did it.
Oh beckett sharing her story!
We were supposed to go to dinner together - my mom, my Dad, and I, and she was gonna meet us at the restaurant, but she never showed. Two hours later, we went home, and there was a detective waiting for us. Detective Raglin. They found her body. She had been stabbed. She still had her money and purse and jewelry. And it wasn't a sexual assault, either. They attributed it to gang violence. Random wayward event. So, just like in Melanie's case, they couldn't think outside the box. So, they just tries to package it up nicely. And the killer was never caught.
CASTLE Why do you wear the watch?
BECKETT My Dad took her death hard. He's sober now. Five years. So, this is for the life that I saved. And...
[She reaches in her shirt and pulls out the necklace with the ring on it.]
BECKETT (CONT'D) this is for the life that I lost.
Oof, so good. So good. I love them.
CASTLE Until tomorrow, Detective.
BECKETT You can't just say "night?"
CASTLE I'm a writer. "Night" is boring. "Until tomorrow" is more hopeful.
The second cree word of this post: Wapaki. It means "tomorrow" but cree words are long. It means more like "if the sun rises tomorrow" & it implies that we have FAITH that the sun will rise tomorrow, we can't actually tell the future. We are just doing what we can. If, if the sun rises tomorrow.
& she doesn't lock her gun in her drawer.
Esposito & castle & getting the file & how did he convince espt to do this.
[41:50, INT. PRECINCT, RECORDS ROOM - NIGHT] Esposito enters, followed by Castle.
[Esposito leads him past rack after rack of file boxes, until he comes to one and opens it. He pulls out a file and hands it to Castle.]
ESPOSITO Remember, this never happened. I was never here.
CASTLE You have my word. Thanks.
[Esposito clears his throat]
ESPOSITO If you tell her I did this, I'll make you bleed.
CASTLE Understood.
ESPOSITO Good luck.
[The name on the file: Johanna Beckett. Castle takes a seat at a table and turns on the desk light as Esposito leaves, dousing the overheads. Lit by the light of the lamp, Castle looks down at the case file. He takes a breath, and opens it.]
I should do some chores.
0 notes
4x11 Chapter Sixty-Eight: Quiz Show
No prelude, right to business. 
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A light blue v-neck sweater, semi-cropped, is very Betty; but the stripey sleeves add some visual complication. Love where the hem hits. This outfit is visually soothing in its color palette: Betty is focused, she is on top of shit.
The silhouette is undoubtedly familiar, and we’ve seen the boots before many a time, and prob the jeans too. Lots of shades of blue here. 
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But purple underneath!!
Girlfriend got up at what time in order to hoof it over to Stonewall and get her’s?? 
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The bra might be the one we had a glimpse of in 312! It’s certainly very like. 
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Please note she’s wearing the sweater we saw at the top of the episode underneath that coat (which looks like the coat she wore last episode at ‘States.’) Maybe she slept over, who’s to say. 
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One of two sister bags Betty’s been alternating between this season (see it here in 407.)
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Her quiz team outfit is certainly very preppy, which is appropriate given who she’s up against. 
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The plaid of the mini (are Betty’s skirts noticeably mini-ier this season? Discuss, and cite specific examples in your argument. 5 points.) and the cricket sweater scream Ivy League, and therefore very preppy. 
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I agree, Bret, what’s up with this outfit. It’s a lot of disparate parts that I’m struggling to reconcile. 
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Love the sweater tho; yet more Juliet puffs.
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Ultimately, I think the visual confusion of this outfit is reflective of how Betty’s doing at this moment in the episode. She’s angry, she’s upset, and she has had a series of bad moments:
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A fight with her boyfriend.
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Some more bad news courtesy of her (still dead) father. 
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Which leads to having a moment™ at his grave. 
Gloves seen previously in 318, and possibly 219 too (her ~cemetery gloves~?)
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It’s understandable tbh. The maroon pants + the lavender hued sweater + the blue suede boots = visual dissonance. 
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But, actually—in Jug’s words, she had “a human reaction to a situation that was totally out of her control.” Which is...so fucking real. And so apt for so many moments in all of our lives. We don’t have to have a serial killer father to relate to this (especially right now.)
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ANYWAY, they communicate, it’s cute, we all cry, Jug references some kind of ‘other, bigger game’ they’re playing (??), and Betty wears a gray t-shirt to bed. It’s calming, it’s unobtrusive, it’s a respite from the loudness of her last outfit. It also, you know, fits the vibe. She’s feeling low and gray, it is gray, etc.
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This. Collar! Fanny Brawne applauds you, Penelope (This is the first frock in all of Woolwich or Hampstead to have a triple-pleated mushroom collar.) Well—perhaps just your fashion choices, not the murdering. 
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Yellow—nay, gold, low tops (and a lot of leg, damn, Elizabeth.) So very coordinated.
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Cheryl’s RHS sweater has (of course) a red monogram. 
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Just. Let me have this cuteness for a moment. 
Thank you.
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Is that Cousin Greg behind her?
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No. No, you’re right, I didn’t think so either... (👀)
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Intrigued by this evil eye! It’s perhaps not doing the work in protecting Betty here, as Bret & co appear to get the better of her with Alice’s...ill-considered proactivity on the RHS quiz team’s behalf.
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Fittingly, we’re back to some visual dissonance with the color-blocking on this sweater; calmer, certainly, than her earlier outfit (note her boots are an olive green), but still there. 
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Kudos to the focus puller for that rack focus!
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This outfit is intriguingly similar to the one she wore last ep, when she found out Jug was a member of Stonewall’s secret society. 
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From this angle, it appears to be another corduroy jumper (note where it hits on the thigh, it’s not full-length or trousers), and with a ribbed, oatmeal (?? the light in Pop’s is always so red, it’s hard to tell) turtleneck. I have further thoughts on this look—but I’m tabling them until we get to the episode where this moment actually happens in the timeline. To be continued.
Summary: Seven if we include the bra as a separate outfit, and why not?
Is Betty a River Vixen??: The cheer season’s over. (lol jk, who knows)
Backpack 2.0?: present and accounted for
The fucking dinosaur count: dino free zone
Best outfit: Shades of blue v-neck, but I do like that lavender marled knit sweater.
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andy-clutterbuck · 4 years
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The Murder Coat | requested by @shibuyafrost
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