#the paramedics also stuck in the back of the truck watching this go down: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
krikeymate ยท 11 months
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Thank you! You put this as a submission instead of an ask, so I can't respond to it directly. I should hope you're not as traumatised as they are lol! Sibling relationships can be so special sometimes. I can't relate, because I can't stand my brother, but it's always nice to hear about people who are close to their siblings.
Previous. Sam learns the truth as she bleeds out on Amber Freeman's kitchen floor. Amber and Richie are downright manic as they reveal the truth, that they're making a movie and Sam's the star... villain. Billy Loomis' daughter. Sidney and Gale are shocked, their heads snapping to Sam, but Sam can't look away from the two Ghostface's. What the hell are they talking about?
"Oh, you didn't know? Tara knew. "She's known for years," Amber gleefully tells her. Amber reveals how Tara had confessed to her last year while drunk, crying about how she ruined her sister, destroyed her life, finally chased her away. It was so pathetic, Amber laughs. Sam's mind is reeling while Amber monologues the whole story. It doesn't seem real... but it makes sense, doesn't it? Tara was scared of her, wasn't she? That's why she pulled away once she knew the truth. She thought she might be just like her real father.
Sam sits in the back of the ambulance, Tara's hand in hers, and she asks her why? She knows why, but she has to ask, she has to hear it from her. There's no need to elaborate, Tara knows what she's asking. She regrets it as tears immediately fill her sister's eyes.
"I was so scared," Tara whimpers. And oh, Sam thought she was prepared to hear this, but it hurts so much more than she thought it would.
"I didn't want to lose you." Wait, what?
"Mom she- she said I couldn't tell you, that it would hurt you, that you would hate me, and then the older I got I wanted to tell you so badly, I felt so guilty... but I was a coward, I'd kept it a secret for so long... I thought you would hate me if I told you the truth."
Sam lets out a shaky breath, closing her eyes and holding Tara's hand to her mouth. Her mother. It all comes back to her mother.
"I love you," she whispers to her sister. "We'll talk more later. Let's just... let's just forget everything else and focus on getting better first, yeah?" Sam needs time to process everything, for her new reality to sink in.
"Are we ok?" Tara whispers back, nervous, terrified of the answer.
Sam reaches over to cup her cheek. "Always."
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