#the og toto fucker girl
brawn-gp · 4 years
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Jenson Button: analog aest. ✰
⇢ gift for @efe-uno​ 🤍 (wow, shocker)
ask for your gift here
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brawn-gp · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications! ❤️❤️❤️
today has been a v good day so im going to list 5 things that made me happy today 🥰
- mick/seb/toto... as much as i was heartbroken about the whole fp1 thing, that particular moment of interaction gave me serotonin for the rest of the week 🥺
i made my best yet homemade pasta + salsa alfredo and i felt hella proud
i saw my best friends for the first time in almost 7 months and we had a great dayyyy
we made a picnic and took some amazing photos in a medow while listening to music and eating snacks
i got this ask and the other one from you 🤍
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brawn-gp · 4 years
Hello friend! Just checking if you're still alive after seeing those pics of Seb, Toto and Mick together ❤️
i am most definitely still dead and not over it and probably will never be over it, like my THREE PEOPLE?? just add jenson and i would have literally flat-lined
also to make sure you understand how i cope i made you this compilation
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brawn-gp · 4 years
✒️ ❤️
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brawn-gp · 4 years
I've been listening to your "Alone with the city lights" playlist before I go to bed and on my way to work everyday. It really is amazing! 💞 Here's some questions for you: which songs would be in the soundtrack about your life? And who would you choose to direct the film? ✨
mar omg not to be a that girl™ in here but this is my favorite ask i have ever received i love you so so much ♡ ♡ and please excuse my long ass answer bc music + filmography is my favorite thing in the world and i have many thoughts about it (here is the playlist if anyone is curious, i loved making it <3)
alright so i’ll answer the second question first: it would have to be either: wes anderson, greta gerwig or luca guadagnino. first of all i think i love how methodic wes is about photography and cinematic, i love his attention to details and his color palette (here are some examples: x, x), but i also love how real the characters of greta feel, and i really like how she portrays being a woman (some examples from lady bird bc i love that movie with my soul: x, x). and i always felt like nature is very part of my life so luca’s aesthetic of living outside and feeling as one with it has always struck a chord in me (some examples as well: x, x)
now, i know i’m reading way too much into this question, but i feel like music has to be closer to what would be the director’s lens, so i think i would have to say after hours - the velvet underground, bc i feel like it would go good with the aesthetic of it and also the lyrics are painfully accurate, and if i had to choose a composer for the film i would love it if it were ludovico einaudi or close to what keegan dewitt made for this film, they are gems
so that’s it im sorry for the huge rant i just loved it so much and you are amazinggggg
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brawn-gp · 4 years
Hola Barbi! 7, 18 & 20 💞
hola marr x2!! 🤍 gracias loveee
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like
im going to say something but please!! don’t revoke my latina status!! i usually don’t like reaggeton nor rap in spanish but ‘wos’ has a special place in my heart and i love!! his songs, but this one is by far the one that is out of listening gernes canguro - wos (ane i listen to it a lot)
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry
exit music (for a film) - radiohead i. can’t. believe. this. song. exists. its too perfect but in a very sad way... i just love it so much
20. A song from the soundtrack of a film that you like so much after the film finished you immediately looked for it
two more!!! i love soundtrack music with my soul so im very happy about this question <33 for instrumental blade runner blues - vangelis bc is that movie wouldn’t be what it is without that amazing soundtrack! and for sountrack i’ll choose drive it like you stole it - sing street bc that movie is v underrated and the soundtrack is amazinggg
again long post but thank you sooo muchhhh 🤍🤍
((song asks))
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brawn-gp · 4 years
Mauve, emerald, tangerine, acid green, paradise pink, teal, lemon and baby blue (oops, i added too many bc they all apply to you!) ❤️❤️❤️
what color am i to you?
✰ mauve: they’re just friend shaped
✰ emerald: kind of a soothing presence on the tl
✰ tangerine: artistic mutual, very talented
✰ acid green: mutual that likes so many interesting/unique things. keep talking pls
✰ paradise pink: best dressed mutual, great style
✰ teal: very clever mutual who always puts their thoughts into the right words
✰ lemon: so cool, they are almost intimidating
✰ baby blue: so sweet, so caring
MAR ILY, you almost made me cry 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are literally the best person on this site and i can’t believe how amazing you are 🤍🤍🤍
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brawn-gp · 4 years
💚🌼🌷send this to 10 other bloggers you think are awesome! keep the game going 💚🌼🌷 to my favorite Jenson simp 💞
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mar!!!!!!!! i love u my toto/jenson simp 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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