#the markdown editor doesn't seem to like my attempt at a readmore
consultingjedi ยท 8 months
For the fic ask game: ๐ŸŒค๏ธ ๐ŸŒˆโ˜”
๐ŸŒค๏ธ: favorite piece of dialogue
this is from the trigun [redacted] fic, trimax post canon, a scene waaaaaaaaay late in the fic
"What, do you want me to pinkie-swear?"
Wolfwood hooks a finger into Vash's, flesh to glove. "Sure, if it'll make you keep it."
"You've been hanging around the kids too long."
"Be glad I'm not makin' you spit and shake on it." Wolfwood doesn't move.
๐ŸŒˆ: something soft/fluffy
... ahaha. haha. soft and fluffy. right. this is from the werewolf/vampire trigun au sequel
Milly jumps out of the passenger side and beelines right for Wolfwood, burying her face in his neck heedless of the bloodstains on what's left of his shirt. Or maybe she hasn't noticed them. Something quakes in Wolfwood at the impact, but his hands come up, only hovering for a moment before he pats her back and settles into the hug.
"Hey, big girl," he murmurs.
โ˜”: a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it?
you've seen the vast majority of fic concepts i can envision, lol. hm. the time loop fic comes to mind first, the one a bunch of folks in the trigun discord were talking about; a long form fic where in trimax things are going worse than they did in canon in the last volume and vash makes a desperate final play with the last of what he's got... and it lands him a couple decades in the past. or maybe his landing point is different each time. he can never stop the fall, it's a fixed point, but everything else seems changeable.
except it turns out to get the ending he wants, the ending he wished for when he started the loop, some other things have to stay the same as that first loop too. vash can't keep wolfwood or livio from the eye of michael, july always meets its end one way or another... and because the fall is fixed, because he never quite jumps back far enough, he can never save tesla. that one always, always hurts.
the time loop exit condition is life. vash has to live, and so does wolfwood. and so do meryl and milly. and so does knives. it takes him so long.
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