#the last time i watched enies lobby was in like middle school so i had no memory of that specific attack
dbphantom · 1 year
i gotta admit hearing zoro yell LEOPARD SPINNING BALLS while writing this was an experience im never ever gonna get again
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Ignis hops the railing. 
Gladio yells something before the water drags Ignis under. Brings him home. 
The cold and the dark and the dredging current permeates his very being. 
He looks up. 
Low gray clouds blot the sky, smeared by the waves. Above him, Prompto leans over the railing and Gladio pulls his jacket off.
As much as they need to find Noct, he can't have the others throwing themselves into danger, too.
He drags a hand up- bloody and shifting- to touch the surface. From his fingers blooms a sheet of ice. It cradles the royal vessel and it swallows the waves and it divides them. 
It's not hard- it's bitterly cold already. All it takes is the worry.
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gojos-eyedrops · 5 years
Tips on starting One Piece
As someone who grew up watching anime, by the time I was in middle school, One piece had been airing for 11 or 12 years (I’m literally, two years older than the anime, for fucks sake, let that sink in). and I loved Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden and made a very failed attempt of watching Bleach. I remember saying: “There’s no way in hell I’ll watch One Piece, that’s just too much, I’ll never catch up with it” 
Fast forward 9 years, I finally yield into the curiosity, asking myself how the fuck does an anime keep people hooked for so long? and what’s about One Piece that it’s not only an anime/manga but a cultural phenomenon? 
But, being the college student that I am, I told myself I wouldn’t have time to actually watch One Piece, so I opted for reading it. Three months forward, I’m in chapter 620 out of 930-ish. And let me tell you some things about reading One Piece.
One Piece has quite a story. Sometimes it can be tedious and a little bit boring, but it will get better, I promise. Eventually you won’t be able to stop reading. 
The manga doesn’t have fillers, so you don’t have to worry about keeping count and knowing which chapters to skip. 
Reading manga is much more comfortable since I can read it while on the bus stop, or in the bus, during my free periods at school or when the teachers are running late for class.
Also the story goes faster. Fights are shorter (although, sometimes confusing) and that saves a lot of time, whereas in the anime, the fights get longer. 
In the manga, you’ll get flashbacks when needed. In the anime, you have like 2 or 3 minutes summarising what happened in the last episode, leaving you with a less of 20 minutes of actual episode (I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but the episodes really are short), plus a lot of flashbacks from episodes that happened way back.
The manga has more explicit content. I was told the fights in the manga are more violent, but I don’t know if that’s true. However, the explicit content adds to the comedy. This is an example of how in the anime they avoid a few details. 
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(In the anime, they obviously didn’t add the middle finger. But holy shit, the fact that one of the very first things we see about this guy is his middle finger made me love that character right away) 
Also, there are a few differences in both anime and maga (small details, nothing too relevant to the story imo) in my opinion are better in the manga. Like the fact that in the manga, Luffy as a kid doesn’t know how to swim, whereas in the anime he does. Or the story about Zeff’s leg.
A bit of the downside is that there’s slightly less humour than in the anime. During Enies Lobby, in the anime, Sogeking got a sort of a theme song. And of course, in the manga that didn’t happen. When I found out Sogeking having a theme of his own, I watched it and had tears in my eyes from laughing.
Another bit of a downside of reading the manga is Bink’s Sake. It’s a song, and even when you get to read the lyrics of the song, it’s a lot better when you actually hear Brook play the piano and everyone else singing to it. 
Now, two thirds into the manga, I understand why people obsess so much about this. It’s not because of the long ongoing story. But the characters. Each and every one of the characters is so well written and developed, you literally keep reading because of them. I keep reading One Piece, not because of the story, but because I want to see all the main characters  become stronger, kinder and to see them achieve their dreams. 
If you want to start watching or reading One Piece, I definitely suggest you to read it instead of watching it. 
I give One Piece a 8.5/10. Sometimes it gets a little bit boring, or I get a bit lost in explanations or during fights sequences. But in the end, I always get hooked.
If you want to start reading/watching One Piece, but feel intimidated by the almost 1000 chapters and +800 episodes, I suggest you, read the manga. 
It’s faster and more practical if you don’t have the time to sit and watch anime. 
Honestly, I’d recommend you read One Piece. Despite having a long ass story, what really captures the essence of the story are the characters. The characters are the real reason why people still watch/read One Piece
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